Kea 2.7.6
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NiscDefines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-lfc
 CBadValueA generic exception that is thrown if a parameter given to a method is considered invalid in that context
 CConfigErrorAn exception that is thrown if an error occurs while configuring any server
 CExceptionThis is a base class for exceptions thrown from the DNS library module
 CInvalidOperationA generic exception that is thrown if a function is called in a prohibited way
 CInvalidParameterA generic exception that is thrown if a parameter given to a method or function is considered invalid and no other specific exceptions are suitable to describe the error
 CMultiThreadingInvalidOperationException thrown when a worker thread is trying to stop or pause the respective thread pool (which would result in a dead-lock)
 CNotFoundA generic exception that is thrown when an object can not be found
 CNotImplementedA generic exception that is thrown when a function is not implemented
 COutOfRangeA generic exception that is thrown if a parameter given to a method would refer to or modify out-of-range data
 CParseErrorEvaluation error exception raised when trying to parse
 CToElementErrorCannot unparse error
 CUnexpectedA generic exception that is thrown when an unexpected error condition occurs
 Nuser_chkDefines the logger used by the user check hooks library
 CUserRepresents a unique DHCP user This class is used to represent a specific DHCP user who is identified by a unique id and who possesses a set of properties
 CUserDataSourceDefines an interface for reading user data into a registry
 CUserDataSourceErrorThrown if UserDataSource encounters an error
 CUserFileProvides a UserDataSource implementation for JSON text files
 CUserFileErrorThrown a UserFile encounters an error
 CUserIdEncapsulates a unique identifier for a DHCP client
 CUserRegistryEmbodies an update-able, searchable list of unique users This class provides the means to create and maintain a searchable list of unique users
 CUserRegistryErrorThrown UserRegistry encounters an error
 CLeaseCmdsConflictException thrown when a command failed due to a conflict