Kea 2.7.7
isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr Class Reference

Concrete implementation of a lease database backend using flat file. More...

#include <memfile_lease_mgr.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr:

Public Types

enum  Universe { V4 , V6 }
 Specifies universe (V4, V6) More...
- Public Types inherited from isc::dhcp::TrackingLeaseMgr
typedef std::function< void(LeasePtr)> CallbackFn
 Type of a callback function invoked upon a lease insertion, update or deletion.
 An enumeration differentiating between lease write operations. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual void commit () override
 Commit Transactions.
virtual std::string getDescription () const override
 Returns description of the backend.
virtual std::string getName () const override
 Returns backend name.
virtual std::string getType () const override
 Return backend type.
virtual std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > getVersion (const std::string &timer_name=std::string()) const override
 Returns backend version.
virtual void rollback () override
 Rollback Transactions.
Public methods to retrieve information about the LFC process state.

These methods are meant to be used by unit tests to retrieve the state of the spawned LFC process before validating the result of the lease file cleanup.

bool isLFCRunning () const
 Checks if the process performing lease file cleanup is running.
int getLFCExitStatus () const
 Returns the status code returned by the last executed LFC process.
virtual LeaseStatsQueryPtr startLeaseStatsQuery4 () override
 Creates and runs the IPv4 lease stats query.
virtual LeaseStatsQueryPtr startPoolLeaseStatsQuery4 () override
 Creates and runs the IPv4 lease stats query for all subnets and pools.
virtual LeaseStatsQueryPtr startSubnetLeaseStatsQuery4 (const SubnetID &subnet_id) override
 Creates and runs the IPv4 lease stats query for a single subnet.
virtual LeaseStatsQueryPtr startSubnetRangeLeaseStatsQuery4 (const SubnetID &first_subnet_id, const SubnetID &last_subnet_id) override
 Creates and runs the IPv4 lease stats query for a single subnet.
virtual LeaseStatsQueryPtr startLeaseStatsQuery6 () override
 Creates and runs the IPv6 lease stats query.
virtual LeaseStatsQueryPtr startPoolLeaseStatsQuery6 () override
 Creates and runs the IPv6 lease stats query for all subnets and pools.
virtual LeaseStatsQueryPtr startSubnetLeaseStatsQuery6 (const SubnetID &subnet_id) override
 Creates and runs the IPv6 lease stats query for a single subnet.
virtual LeaseStatsQueryPtr startSubnetRangeLeaseStatsQuery6 (const SubnetID &first_subnet_id, const SubnetID &last_subnet_id) override
 Creates and runs the IPv6 lease stats query for a single subnet.
- Public Member Functions inherited from isc::dhcp::TrackingLeaseMgr
bool hasCallbacks () const
 Checks if any callbacks have been registered.
bool isLocked (const LeasePtr &lease)
 Checks if the lease is locked.
void registerCallback (CallbackType type, std::string owner, Lease::Type lease_type, CallbackFn callback_fn)
 Registers a callback function for all subnets.
void registerCallback (CallbackType type, std::string owner, SubnetID subnet_id, Lease::Type lease_type, CallbackFn callback_fn)
 Registers a callback function for a subnet.
void unregisterAllCallbacks ()
 Unregisters all callbacks.
void unregisterCallbacks (SubnetID subnet_id, Lease::Type lease_type)
 Unregisters all callbacks for a given subnet identifier.
- Public Member Functions inherited from isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr
 LeaseMgr ()
virtual ~LeaseMgr ()
bool getExtendedInfoTablesEnabled () const
 Returns the setting indicating if lease6 extended info tables are enabled.
Lease6Ptr getLease6 (Lease::Type type, const DUID &duid, uint32_t iaid, SubnetID subnet_id) const
 returns zero or one IPv6 lease for a given duid+iaid+subnet_id
void recountLeaseStats4 ()
 Recalculates per-subnet and global stats for IPv4 leases.
void recountLeaseStats6 ()
 Recalculates per-subnet and global stats for IPv6 leases.
void setExtendedInfoTablesEnabled (const bool enabled)
 Modifies the setting whether the lease6 extended info tables are enabled.

Static Public Attributes

static const int MAJOR_VERSION_V4 = 3
static const int MAJOR_VERSION_V6 = 5
static const int MINOR_VERSION_V4 = 0
 the minor version of the v4 memfile backend
static const int MINOR_VERSION_V6 = 0
 the minor version of the v6 memfile backend

Protected Member Functions

Protected methods used for Lease File Cleanup.

The following methods are protected so as they can be accessed and tested by unit tests.

virtual void lfcCallback ()
 A callback function triggering Lease File Cleanup (LFC).
- Protected Member Functions inherited from isc::dhcp::TrackingLeaseMgr
 TrackingLeaseMgr ()
void runCallbacks (CallbackType type, const LeasePtr &lease)
 Runs registered callbacks of the particular type.
void runCallbacksForSubnetID (CallbackType type, SubnetID subnet_id, const LeasePtr &lease)
 Runs registered callbacks of the particular type for a subnet id.
void trackAddLease (const LeasePtr &lease)
 Invokes the callbacks when a new lease is added.
void trackDeleteLease (const LeasePtr &lease)
 Invokes the callbacks when a lease is deleted.
void trackUpdateLease (const LeasePtr &lease)
 Invokes the callbacks when a lease is updated.
bool tryLock (const LeasePtr &lease)
 Attempts to lock a lease.
void unlock (const LeasePtr &lease)
 Attempts to unlock a lease.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr
virtual bool addExtendedInfo6 (const Lease6Ptr &lease)
 Extract extended info from a lease6 and add it into tables.
void setExtendedInfoTablesEnabled (const db::DatabaseConnection::ParameterMap &parameters)
 Extended information / Bulk Lease Query shared interface.

Public type and method used to determine file names for LFC.

enum  LFCFileType {
 Types of the lease files used by the Lease File Cleanup. More...
static std::string appendSuffix (const std::string &file_name, const LFCFileType &file_type)
 Appends appropriate suffix to the file name.

Miscellaneous public convenience methods.

The following methods allow for retrieving useful information about the state of the backend.

Lease6ExtendedInfoRelayIdTable relay_id6_
 stores IPv6 by-relay-id cross-reference table
Lease6ExtendedInfoRemoteIdTable remote_id6_
 stores IPv6 by-remote-id cross-reference table
boost::shared_ptr< CSVLeaseFile4lease_file4_
 Holds the pointer to the DHCPv4 lease file IO.
boost::shared_ptr< CSVLeaseFile6lease_file6_
 Holds the pointer to the DHCPv6 lease file IO.
std::string getDefaultLeaseFilePath (Universe u) const
 Returns default path to the lease file.
std::string getLeaseFilePath (Universe u) const
 Returns an absolute path to the lease file.
bool persistLeases (Universe u) const
 Specifies whether or not leases are written to disk.

Private methods and members used for Lease File Cleanup.

virtual size_t getClassLeaseCount (const ClientClass &client_class, const Lease::Type &ltype=Lease::TYPE_V4) const override
 Returns the class lease count for a given class and lease type.
virtual void recountClassLeases4 () override
 Recount the leases per class for V4 leases.
virtual void recountClassLeases6 () override
 Recount the leases per class for V6 leases.
virtual void clearClassLeaseCounts () override
 Clears the class-lease count map.
virtual Lease4Collection getLeases4ByRelayId (const OptionBuffer &relay_id, const asiolink::IOAddress &lower_bound_address, const LeasePageSize &page_size, const time_t &qry_start_time=0, const time_t &qry_end_time=0) override
 The following queries are used to fulfill Bulk Lease Query queries.
virtual Lease4Collection getLeases4ByRemoteId (const OptionBuffer &remote_id, const asiolink::IOAddress &lower_bound_address, const LeasePageSize &page_size, const time_t &qry_start_time=0, const time_t &qry_end_time=0) override
 Returns existing IPv4 leases with a given remote-id.
virtual Lease6Collection getLeases6ByRelayId (const DUID &relay_id, const asiolink::IOAddress &lower_bound_address, const LeasePageSize &page_size) override
 Returns existing IPv6 leases with a given relay-id.
virtual Lease6Collection getLeases6ByRemoteId (const OptionBuffer &remote_id, const asiolink::IOAddress &lower_bound_address, const LeasePageSize &page_size) override
 Returns existing IPv6 leases with a given remote-id.
size_t extractExtendedInfo4 (bool update, bool current)
 Extract extended info for v4 leases.
virtual size_t upgradeExtendedInfo6 (const LeasePageSize &page_size) override
 Upgrade extended info (v6).
virtual void wipeExtendedInfoTables6 () override
 Wipe extended info table (v6).
virtual size_t byRelayId6size () const override
 Return the by-relay-id table size.
virtual size_t byRemoteId6size () const override
 Return the by-remote-id table size.
virtual void writeLeases4 (const std::string &filename) override
 Write V4 leases to a file.
virtual void writeLeases6 (const std::string &filename) override
 Write V6 leases to a file.
virtual size_t upgradeExtendedInfo4 (const LeasePageSize &page_size) override
 Upgrade extended info (v4).
static TrackingLeaseMgrPtr factory (const isc::db::DatabaseConnection::ParameterMap &parameters)
 Factory class method.
void buildExtendedInfoTables6 ()
 Extended information / Bulk Lease Query shared interface.
virtual void deleteExtendedInfo6 (const isc::asiolink::IOAddress &addr) override
 Delete lease6 extended info from tables.
virtual void addRelayId6 (const isc::asiolink::IOAddress &lease_addr, const std::vector< uint8_t > &relay_id) override
 Add lease6 extended info into by-relay-id table.
virtual void addRemoteId6 (const isc::asiolink::IOAddress &lease_addr, const std::vector< uint8_t > &remote_id) override
 Add lease6 extended info into by-remote-id table.

Methods implementing the API of the lease database backend.

The following methods are implementing the API of the LeaseMgr to manage leases.

 Memfile_LeaseMgr (const db::DatabaseConnection::ParameterMap &parameters)
 The sole lease manager constructor.
virtual ~Memfile_LeaseMgr ()
 Destructor (closes file)
virtual bool addLease (const Lease4Ptr &lease) override
 Adds an IPv4 lease.
virtual bool addLease (const Lease6Ptr &lease) override
 Adds an IPv6 lease.
virtual Lease4Ptr getLease4 (const isc::asiolink::IOAddress &addr) const override
 Returns existing IPv4 lease for specified IPv4 address.
virtual Lease4Collection getLease4 (const isc::dhcp::HWAddr &hwaddr) const override
 Returns existing IPv4 leases for specified hardware address.
virtual Lease4Ptr getLease4 (const HWAddr &hwaddr, SubnetID subnet_id) const override
 Returns existing IPv4 lease for specified hardware address and a subnet.
virtual Lease4Collection getLease4 (const ClientId &client_id) const override
 Returns existing IPv4 lease for specified client-id.
virtual Lease4Ptr getLease4 (const ClientId &clientid, SubnetID subnet_id) const override
 Returns existing IPv4 lease for specified client-id.
virtual Lease4Collection getLeases4 (SubnetID subnet_id) const override
 Returns all IPv4 leases for the particular subnet identifier.
virtual Lease4Collection getLeases4 (const std::string &hostname) const override
 Returns all IPv4 leases for the particular hostname.
virtual Lease4Collection getLeases4 () const override
 Returns all IPv4 leases.
virtual Lease4Collection getLeases4 (const asiolink::IOAddress &lower_bound_address, const LeasePageSize &page_size) const override
 Returns range of IPv4 leases using paging.
virtual Lease6Ptr getLease6 (Lease::Type type, const isc::asiolink::IOAddress &addr) const override
 Returns existing IPv6 lease for a given IPv6 address.
virtual Lease6Collection getLeases6 (Lease::Type type, const DUID &duid, uint32_t iaid) const override
 Returns existing IPv6 lease for a given DUID + IA + lease type combination.
virtual Lease6Collection getLeases6 (Lease::Type type, const DUID &duid, uint32_t iaid, SubnetID subnet_id) const override
 Returns existing IPv6 lease for a given DUID + IA + subnet-id + lease type combination.
virtual Lease6Collection getLeases6 (SubnetID subnet_id) const override
 Returns all IPv6 leases for the particular subnet identifier.
virtual Lease6Collection getLeases6 (const std::string &hostname) const override
 Returns all IPv6 leases for the particular hostname.
virtual Lease6Collection getLeases6 () const override
 Returns all IPv6 leases.
virtual Lease6Collection getLeases6 (const DUID &duid) const override
 Returns IPv6 leases for the DUID.
virtual Lease6Collection getLeases6 (const asiolink::IOAddress &lower_bound_address, const LeasePageSize &page_size) const override
 Returns range of IPv6 leases using paging.
virtual Lease6Collection getLeases6 (SubnetID subnet_id, const asiolink::IOAddress &lower_bound_address, const LeasePageSize &page_size) const override
 Returns a page of IPv6 leases for a subnet identifier.
virtual void getExpiredLeases4 (Lease4Collection &expired_leases, const size_t max_leases) const override
 Returns a collection of expired DHCPv4 leases.
virtual void getExpiredLeases6 (Lease6Collection &expired_leases, const size_t max_leases) const override
 Returns a collection of expired DHCPv6 leases.
virtual void updateLease4 (const Lease4Ptr &lease4) override
 Updates IPv4 lease.
virtual void updateLease6 (const Lease6Ptr &lease6) override
 Updates IPv6 lease.
virtual bool deleteLease (const Lease4Ptr &lease) override
 Deletes an IPv4 lease.
virtual bool deleteLease (const Lease6Ptr &lease) override
 Deletes an IPv6 lease.
virtual uint64_t deleteExpiredReclaimedLeases4 (const uint32_t secs) override
 Deletes all expired-reclaimed DHCPv4 leases.
virtual uint64_t deleteExpiredReclaimedLeases6 (const uint32_t secs) override
 Deletes all expired-reclaimed DHCPv6 leases.
virtual size_t wipeLeases4 (const SubnetID &subnet_id) override
 Removes specified IPv4 leases.
virtual size_t wipeLeases6 (const SubnetID &subnet_id) override
 Removed specified IPv6 leases.
virtual std::string checkLimits4 (isc::data::ConstElementPtr const &user_context) const override
 Checks if the IPv4 lease limits set in the given user context are exceeded.
virtual std::string checkLimits6 (isc::data::ConstElementPtr const &user_context) const override
 Checks if the IPv6 lease limits set in the given user context are exceeded.
virtual bool isJsonSupported () const override
 Checks if JSON support is enabled in the database.
static std::string getDBVersion ()
 Return extended version info.
static std::string getDBVersionInternal (Universe const &u)
 Local version of getDBVersion() class method.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr
static void extractLease4ExtendedInfo (const Lease4Ptr &lease, bool ignore_errors=true)
 Extract relay and remote identifiers from the extended info.
static std::string getDBVersion ()
 Class method to return extended version info This class method must be redeclared and redefined in derived classes.
static bool upgradeLease4ExtendedInfo (const Lease4Ptr &lease, CfgConsistency::ExtendedInfoSanity check=CfgConsistency::EXTENDED_INFO_CHECK_FIX)
 The following queries are used to fulfill Bulk Lease Query queries.
static bool upgradeLease6ExtendedInfo (const Lease6Ptr &lease, CfgConsistency::ExtendedInfoSanity check=CfgConsistency::EXTENDED_INFO_CHECK_FIX)
 Upgrade a V6 lease user context to the new extended info entry.
- Protected Types inherited from isc::dhcp::TrackingLeaseMgr
typedef boost::multi_index_container< Callback, boost::multi_index::indexed_by< boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique< boost::multi_index::composite_key< Callback, boost::multi_index::member< Callback, CallbackType, &Callback::type >, boost::multi_index::member< Callback, SubnetID, &Callback::subnet_id >, boost::multi_index::member< Callback, Lease::Type, &Callback::lease_type > > >, boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique< boost::multi_index::composite_key< Callback, boost::multi_index::member< Callback, SubnetID, &Callback::subnet_id >, boost::multi_index::member< Callback, Lease::Type, &Callback::lease_type > > > > > CallbackContainer
 A multi-index container holding registered callbacks.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< CallbackContainerCallbackContainerPtr
 Pointer to the callback container.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from isc::dhcp::TrackingLeaseMgr
static std::string callbackTypeToString (CallbackType type)
 Converts callback type to string for logging purposes.
- Protected Attributes inherited from isc::dhcp::TrackingLeaseMgr
CallbackContainerPtr callbacks_
 The multi-index container holding registered callbacks.
std::unordered_set< asiolink::IOAddress, asiolink::IOAddress::Hashlocked_leases_
 A set of locked leases.

Detailed Description

Concrete implementation of a lease database backend using flat file.

This class implements a lease database backend using CSV files to store DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 leases on disk. The format of the files is determined by the CSVLeaseFile4 and CSVLeaseFile6 classes.

In order to obtain good performance, the backend stores leases incrementally, i.e. updates to leases are appended at the end of the lease file. To record the deletion of a lease, the lease record is appended to the lease file with the valid lifetime set to 0. However, this may result in a significant growth of the lease file size over time, because the lease file will contain many entries for each lease. In order to mitigate this problem, the backend implements the Lease File Cleanup mechanism which is described on the Kea wiki:

The backend installs an asiolink::IntervalTimer to periodically execute the Memfile_LeaseMgr::lfcCallback. This callback function controls the startup of the background process which removes redundant information from the lease file(s).

When the backend is starting up, it reads leases from the lease file (one by one) and adds them to the in-memory container as follows:

  • if the lease record being parsed identifies a lease which is not present in the container, and the lease has valid lifetime greater than 0, the lease is added to the container,
  • if the lease record being parsed identifies a lease which is present in the container, and the valid lifetime of the lease record being parsed is greater than 0, the lease in the container is updated
  • if the lease record being parsed has valid lifetime equal to 0, and the corresponding lease exists in the container, the lease is removed from the container.

After the container holding leases is initialized, each subsequent update, removal or addition of the lease is appended to the lease file synchronously.

Originally, the Memfile backend didn't write leases to disk. This was particularly useful for testing server performance in non-disk bound conditions. In order to preserve this capability, the new parameter "persist=true|false" has been introduced in the database access string. For example, database access string: "type=memfile persist=true" enables writes of leases to a disk.

The lease file locations can be specified with the "name=[path]" parameter in the database access string. The [path] is the absolute path to the file (including file name). If this parameter is not specified, the default location in the installation directory is used: <install-dir>/var/lib/kea/kea-leases4.csv and <install-dir>/var/lib/kea/kea-leases6.csv.

Definition at line 81 of file memfile_lease_mgr.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ LFCFileType

Types of the lease files used by the Lease File Cleanup.

This enumeration is used by a method which appends the appropriate suffix to the lease file name.


Lease File


Lease File Copy


Previous Lease File.


LFC Output File.


LFC Finish File.


PID File.

Definition at line 956 of file memfile_lease_mgr.h.

◆ Universe

Specifies universe (V4, V6)

This enumeration is used by various functions in Memfile Lease Manager, to identify the lease type referred to. In particular, it is used by functions operating on the lease files to distinguish between lease files for DHCPv4 and DHCPv6.


Definition at line 124 of file memfile_lease_mgr.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Memfile_LeaseMgr()

isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::Memfile_LeaseMgr ( const db::DatabaseConnection::ParameterMap & parameters)

The sole lease manager constructor.

This method:

  • Initializes the new instance based on the parameters given
  • Loads (or creates) the appropriate lease file(s)
  • Initiates the periodic scheduling of the LFC (if enabled)

If any of the files loaded require conversion to the current schema (upgrade or downgrade), lfcSetup() will be invoked with its run_once_now parameter set to true. This causes lfcSetup() to invoke the LFC process immediately regardless of whether LFC is enabled. This ensures that any files which need conversion are converted automatically.

dbconfig is a generic way of passing parameters. Parameters are passed in the "name=value" format, separated by spaces. Values may be enclosed in double quotes, if needed.

parametersA data structure relating keywords and values concerned with the database.

Definition at line 976 of file

References buildExtendedInfoTables6(), isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_CONVERTING_LEASE_FILES, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_NO_STORAGE, extractExtendedInfo4(), isc::db::DatabaseConnection::getParameter(), getVersion(), lease_file4_, lease_file6_, LOG_WARN, persistLeases(), isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr::setExtendedInfoTablesEnabled(), V4, V6, and version().

Referenced by factory().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~Memfile_LeaseMgr()

isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::~Memfile_LeaseMgr ( )

Destructor (closes file)

Definition at line 1021 of file

References lease_file4_, and lease_file6_.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addLease() [1/2]

bool isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::addLease ( const Lease4Ptr & lease)

Adds an IPv4 lease.

leaselease to be added
true if the lease was added, false if not

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1086 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_ADD_ADDR4, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), and LOG_DEBUG.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addLease() [2/2]

bool isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::addLease ( const Lease6Ptr & lease)

Adds an IPv6 lease.

leaselease to be added
true if the lease was added, false if not

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1135 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_ADD_ADDR6, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), and LOG_DEBUG.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addRelayId6()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::addRelayId6 ( const isc::asiolink::IOAddress & lease_addr,
const std::vector< uint8_t > & relay_id )

Add lease6 extended info into by-relay-id table.

lease_addrThe address of the lease.
relay_idThe relay id from the relay header options.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 3373 of file

References relay_id6_.

◆ addRemoteId6()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::addRemoteId6 ( const isc::asiolink::IOAddress & lease_addr,
const std::vector< uint8_t > & remote_id )

Add lease6 extended info into by-remote-id table.

lease_addrThe address of the lease.
remote_idThe remote id from the relay header options.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 3381 of file

References remote_id6_.

◆ appendSuffix()

std::string isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::appendSuffix ( const std::string & file_name,
const LFCFileType & file_type )

Appends appropriate suffix to the file name.

The suffix is selected using the LFC file type specified as a parameter. Each file type uses a unique suffix or no suffix:

  • Current File: no suffix
  • Lease File Copy or Input File: ".1"
  • Previous File: ".2"
  • LFC Output File: ".output"
  • LFC Finish File: ".completed"
  • LFC PID File: ".pid"

See for details.

file_nameA base file name to which suffix is appended.
file_typeAn LFC file type.
A lease file name with a suffix appended.

Definition at line 2206 of file


Referenced by isc::dhcp::LFCSetup::setup().

◆ buildExtendedInfoTables6()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::buildExtendedInfoTables6 ( )

◆ byRelayId6size()

size_t isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::byRelayId6size ( ) const

Return the by-relay-id table size.

The size of the by-relay-id table.

Reimplemented from isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 3111 of file

References relay_id6_.

◆ byRemoteId6size()

size_t isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::byRemoteId6size ( ) const

Return the by-remote-id table size.

The size of the by-remote-id table.

Reimplemented from isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 3116 of file

References remote_id6_.

◆ checkLimits4()

std::string isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::checkLimits4 ( isc::data::ConstElementPtr const & user_context) const

Checks if the IPv4 lease limits set in the given user context are exceeded.

Memfile implementation.

user_contextall or part of the lease's user context which, for the intents and purposes of lease limiting should have the following format (not all nodes are mandatory and values are given only as examples): { "ISC": { "limits": { "client-classes": [ { "name": "foo", "address-limit": 2 } ], "subnet": { "id": 1, "address-limit": 2 } } } }
a string describing a limit that is being exceeded, or an empty string if no limits are exceeded

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2685 of file

References getClassLeaseCount(), isc_throw, isc::data::prettyPrint(), and isc::dhcp::Lease::TYPE_V4.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ checkLimits6()

std::string isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::checkLimits6 ( isc::data::ConstElementPtr const & user_context) const

Checks if the IPv6 lease limits set in the given user context are exceeded.

Memfile implementation.

user_contextall or part of the lease's user context which, for the intents and purposes of lease limiting should have the following format (not all nodes are mandatory and values are given only as examples): { "ISC": { "limits": { "client-classes": [ { "name": "foo", "address-limit": 2, "prefix-limit": 1 } ], "subnet": { "id": 1, "address-limit": 2, "prefix-limit": 1 } } } }
a string describing a limit that is being exceeded, or an empty string if no limits are exceeded

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2771 of file

References getClassLeaseCount(), isc_throw, isc::data::prettyPrint(), isc::dhcp::Lease::TYPE_NA, and isc::dhcp::Lease::TYPE_PD.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ clearClassLeaseCounts()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::clearClassLeaseCounts ( )

Clears the class-lease count map.

Must be called from a thread-safe context.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2680 of file

References isc::dhcp::ClassLeaseCounter::clear().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ commit()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::commit ( )

Commit Transactions.

Commits all pending database operations. On databases that don't support transactions, this is a no-op.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2195 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_COMMIT, and LOG_DEBUG.

◆ deleteExpiredReclaimedLeases4()

uint64_t isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::deleteExpiredReclaimedLeases4 ( const uint32_t secs)

Deletes all expired-reclaimed DHCPv4 leases.

secsNumber of seconds since expiration of leases before they can be removed. Leases which have expired later than this time will not be deleted.
Number of leases deleted.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2080 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_DELETE_EXPIRED_RECLAIMED4, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), lease_file4_, LOG_DEBUG, and V4.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deleteExpiredReclaimedLeases6()

uint64_t isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::deleteExpiredReclaimedLeases6 ( const uint32_t secs)

Deletes all expired-reclaimed DHCPv6 leases.

secsNumber of seconds since expiration of leases before they can be removed. Leases which have expired later than this time will not be deleted.
Number of leases deleted.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2098 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_DELETE_EXPIRED_RECLAIMED6, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), lease_file6_, LOG_DEBUG, and V6.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deleteExtendedInfo6()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::deleteExtendedInfo6 ( const isc::asiolink::IOAddress & addr)

Delete lease6 extended info from tables.

addrThe address of the lease.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 3363 of file

References relay_id6_, and remote_id6_.

◆ deleteLease() [1/2]

bool isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::deleteLease ( const Lease4Ptr & lease)

Deletes an IPv4 lease.

leaseIPv4 lease being deleted.
true if deletion was successful, false if no such lease exists.
The current_cltt_ and current_valid_lft_ are used to maximize the chance that only one thread or process performs an update or delete operation on the lease by matching these values with the expiration time data in the database.
For test purposes only, when persistence is disabled, the deletion of the lease is performed only if the value matches the one received on the SELECT query, effectively enforcing no update on the lease between SELECT and DELETE with different expiration time.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2008 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_DELETE_ADDR4, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), and LOG_DEBUG.

Referenced by wipeLeases4(), and wipeLeases6().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deleteLease() [2/2]

bool isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::deleteLease ( const Lease6Ptr & lease)

Deletes an IPv6 lease.

leaseIPv6 lease being deleted.
true if deletion was successful, false if no such lease exists.
The current_cltt_ and current_valid_lft_ are used to maximize the chance that only one thread or process performs an update or delete operation on the lease by matching these values with the expiration time data in the database.
For test purposes only, when persistence is disabled, the deletion of the lease is performed only if the value matches the one received on the SELECT query, effectively enforcing no update on the lease between SELECT and DELETE with different expiration time.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2067 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_DELETE_ADDR6, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), and LOG_DEBUG.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ extractExtendedInfo4()

size_t isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::extractExtendedInfo4 ( bool update,
bool current )

Extract extended info for v4 leases.

For v4 relay and remote identifiers are stored inside leases vs. tables for v6.

updateUpdate extended info in database.
currentspecify whether to use current (true) or staging (false) config.
The number of updates in the database or 0.

Definition at line 3242 of file

References isc::data::copy(), isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_BEGIN_EXTRACT_EXTENDED_INFO4, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_EXTRACT_EXTENDED_INFO4, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_EXTRACT_EXTENDED_INFO4_ERROR, isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr::extractLease4ExtendedInfo(), isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::getCurrentCfg(), isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::getStagingCfg(), isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), isc_throw, lease_file4_, LOG_DEBUG, LOG_INFO, persistLeases(), isc::dhcp::CfgConsistency::sanityCheckToText(), isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr::upgradeLease4ExtendedInfo(), and V4.

Referenced by Memfile_LeaseMgr().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ factory()

TrackingLeaseMgrPtr isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::factory ( const isc::db::DatabaseConnection::ParameterMap & parameters)

Factory class method.

parametersA data structure relating keywords and values concerned with the database.
The Memfile Lease Manager.

Definition at line 3463 of file

References Memfile_LeaseMgr(), isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_DB, LOG_INFO, and isc::db::DatabaseConnection::redactedAccessString().

Referenced by isc::dhcp::MemfileLeaseMgrInit::MemfileLeaseMgrInit().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getClassLeaseCount()

size_t isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getClassLeaseCount ( const ClientClass & client_class,
const Lease::Type & ltype = Lease::TYPE_V4 ) const

Returns the class lease count for a given class and lease type.

client_classclient class for which the count is desired
ltypetype of lease for which the count is desired. Defaults to Lease::TYPE_V4.
number of leases

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2669 of file

References isc::dhcp::ClassLeaseCounter::getClassCount(), and isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance().

Referenced by checkLimits4(), and checkLimits6().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getDBVersion()

std::string isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getDBVersion ( )

Return extended version info.

Definition at line 1045 of file

References getDBVersionInternal(), isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::getFamily(), isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), V4, and V6.

Referenced by isc::dhcp::MemfileLeaseMgrInit::MemfileLeaseMgrInit().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getDBVersionInternal()

std::string isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getDBVersionInternal ( Universe const & u)

Local version of getDBVersion() class method.

Definition at line 1033 of file


Referenced by getDBVersion().

◆ getDefaultLeaseFilePath()

std::string isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getDefaultLeaseFilePath ( Universe u) const

Returns default path to the lease file.

uUniverse (V4 or V6).

Definition at line 2234 of file

References isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::getDataDir(), isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), and V4.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getDescription()

std::string isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getDescription ( ) const

Returns description of the backend.

This description may be multiline text that describes the backend.

Description of the backend.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2179 of file

◆ getExpiredLeases4()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getExpiredLeases4 ( Lease4Collection & expired_leases,
const size_t max_leases ) const

Returns a collection of expired DHCPv4 leases.

This method returns at most max_leases expired leases. The leases returned haven't been reclaimed, i.e. the database query must exclude reclaimed leases from the results returned.

[out]expired_leasesA container to which expired leases returned by the database backend are added.
max_leasesA maximum number of leases to be returned. If this value is set to 0, all expired (but not reclaimed) leases are returned.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1780 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_EXPIRED4, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), and LOG_DEBUG.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getExpiredLeases6()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getExpiredLeases6 ( Lease6Collection & expired_leases,
const size_t max_leases ) const

Returns a collection of expired DHCPv6 leases.

This method returns at most max_leases expired leases. The leases returned haven't been reclaimed, i.e. the database query must exclude reclaimed leases from the results returned.

[out]expired_leasesA container to which expired leases returned by the database backend are added.
max_leasesA maximum number of leases to be returned. If this value is set to 0, all expired (but not reclaimed) leases are returned.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1816 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_EXPIRED6, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), and LOG_DEBUG.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLease4() [1/5]

Lease4Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLease4 ( const ClientId & client_id) const

Returns existing IPv4 lease for specified client-id.

client_idclient identifier
lease collection

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1253 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_CLIENTID, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, and isc::dhcp::IdentifierType< min_size, max_size >::toText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLease4() [2/5]

Lease4Ptr isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLease4 ( const ClientId & clientid,
SubnetID subnet_id ) const

Returns existing IPv4 lease for specified client-id.

This function returns a copy of the lease. The modification in the return lease does not affect the instance held in the lease storage.

There can be at most one lease for a given HW address in a single pool, so this method with either return a single lease or NULL.

clientidclient identifier
subnet_ididentifier of the subnet that lease must belong to
a pointer to the lease (or NULL if a lease is not found)

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1286 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_SUBID_CLIENTID, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, and isc::dhcp::IdentifierType< min_size, max_size >::toText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLease4() [3/5]

Lease4Ptr isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLease4 ( const HWAddr & hwaddr,
SubnetID subnet_id ) const

Returns existing IPv4 lease for specified hardware address and a subnet.

This function returns a copy of the lease. The modification in the return lease does not affect the instance held in the lease storage.

There can be at most one lease for a given HW address in a single pool, so this method with either return a single lease or NULL.

hwaddrhardware address of the client
subnet_ididentifier of the subnet that lease must belong to
a pointer to the lease (or NULL if a lease is not found)

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1222 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_SUBID_HWADDR, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, and isc::dhcp::HWAddr::toText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLease4() [4/5]

Lease4Ptr isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLease4 ( const isc::asiolink::IOAddress & addr) const

Returns existing IPv4 lease for specified IPv4 address.

This function returns a copy of the lease. The modification in the return lease does not affect the instance held in the lease storage.

addrAn address of the searched lease.
a pointer to the lease (or NULL if a lease is not found)

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1159 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_ADDR4, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, and isc::asiolink::IOAddress::toText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLease4() [5/5]

Lease4Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLease4 ( const isc::dhcp::HWAddr & hwaddr) const

Returns existing IPv4 leases for specified hardware address.

Although in the usual case there will be only one lease, for mobile clients or clients with multiple static/fixed/reserved leases there can be more than one. Thus return type is a container, not a single pointer.

hwaddrhardware address of the client
lease collection

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1188 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_HWADDR, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, and isc::dhcp::HWAddr::toText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLease6()

Lease6Ptr isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLease6 ( Lease::Type type,
const isc::asiolink::IOAddress & addr ) const

Returns existing IPv6 lease for a given IPv6 address.

This function returns a copy of the lease. The modification in the return lease does not affect the instance held in the lease storage.

typespecifies lease type: (NA, TA or PD)
addrAn address of the searched lease.
a pointer to the lease (or NULL if a lease is not found)

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1447 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_ADDR6, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, isc::asiolink::IOAddress::toText(), and isc::dhcp::Lease::typeToText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeaseFilePath()

std::string isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeaseFilePath ( Universe u) const

Returns an absolute path to the lease file.

uUniverse (V4 or V6).
Absolute path to the lease file or empty string if no lease file is used.

Definition at line 2243 of file

References lease_file4_, lease_file6_, and V4.

◆ getLeases4() [1/4]

Lease4Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases4 ( ) const

Returns all IPv4 leases.

Lease collection (may be empty if no IPv4 lease found).

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1366 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET4, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), and LOG_DEBUG.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeases4() [2/4]

Lease4Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases4 ( const asiolink::IOAddress & lower_bound_address,
const LeasePageSize & page_size ) const

Returns range of IPv4 leases using paging.

This method implements paged browsing of the lease database. The first parameter specifies a page size. The second parameter is optional and specifies the starting address of the range. This address is excluded from the returned range. The IPv4 zero address (default) denotes that the first page should be returned. There is no guarantee about the order of returned leases.

The typical usage of this method is as follows:

  • Get the first page of leases by specifying IPv4 zero address as the beginning of the range.
  • Last address of the returned range should be used as a starting address for the next page in the subsequent call.
  • If the number of leases returned is lower than the page size, it indicates that the last page has been retrieved.
  • If there are no leases returned it indicates that the previous page was the last page.
lower_bound_addressIPv4 address used as lower bound for the returned range.
page_sizemaximum size of the page returned.
Lease collection (may be empty if no IPv4 lease found).

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1401 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_PAGE4, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), isc_throw, isc::asiolink::IOAddress::isV4(), LOG_DEBUG, isc::dhcp::LeasePageSize::page_size_, and isc::asiolink::IOAddress::toText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeases4() [3/4]

Lease4Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases4 ( const std::string & hostname) const

Returns all IPv4 leases for the particular hostname.

hostnamehostname in lower case.
Lease collection (may be empty if no IPv4 lease found).

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1343 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_HOSTNAME4, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), and LOG_DEBUG.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeases4() [4/4]

Lease4Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases4 ( SubnetID subnet_id) const

Returns all IPv4 leases for the particular subnet identifier.

subnet_idsubnet identifier.
Lease collection (may be empty if no IPv4 lease found).

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1314 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_SUBID4, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), and LOG_DEBUG.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeases4ByRelayId()

Lease4Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases4ByRelayId ( const OptionBuffer & relay_id,
const asiolink::IOAddress & lower_bound_address,
const LeasePageSize & page_size,
const time_t & qry_start_time = 0,
const time_t & qry_end_time = 0 )

The following queries are used to fulfill Bulk Lease Query queries.

They rely on relay data contained in lease's user-context when the extended-store-info flag is enabled.

Returns existing IPv4 leases with a given relay-id.

relay_idRAI Relay-ID sub-option value for relay_id of interest
lower_bound_addressIPv4 address used as lower bound for the returned range.
page_sizemaximum size of the page returned.
qry_start_timewhen not zero, only leases whose CLTT is greater than or equal to this value will be included
qry_end_timewhen not zero, only leases whose CLTT is less than or equal to this value will be included
collection of IPv4 leases

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2927 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_RELAYID4, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), isc_throw, isc::asiolink::IOAddress::isV4(), LOG_DEBUG, isc::dhcp::LeasePageSize::page_size_, and isc::asiolink::IOAddress::toText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeases4ByRemoteId()

Lease4Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases4ByRemoteId ( const OptionBuffer & remote_id,
const asiolink::IOAddress & lower_bound_address,
const LeasePageSize & page_size,
const time_t & qry_start_time = 0,
const time_t & qry_end_time = 0 )

Returns existing IPv4 leases with a given remote-id.

remote_idRAI Remote-ID sub-option value for remote-id of interest
lower_bound_addressIPv4 address used as lower bound for the returned range.
page_sizemaximum size of the page returned.
qry_start_timewhen not zero, only leases whose CLTT is greater than or equal to this value will be included. Defaults to zero.
qry_end_timewhen not zero, only leases whose CLTT is less than or equal to this value will be included. Defaults to zero.
collection of IPv4 leases

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 3013 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_REMOTEID4, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), isc_throw, isc::asiolink::IOAddress::isV4(), LOG_DEBUG, isc::dhcp::LeasePageSize::page_size_, and isc::asiolink::IOAddress::toText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeases6() [1/8]

Lease6Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases6 ( ) const

Returns all IPv6 leases.

Lease collection (may be empty if no IPv6 lease found).

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1612 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET6, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), and LOG_DEBUG.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeases6() [2/8]

Lease6Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases6 ( const asiolink::IOAddress & lower_bound_address,
const LeasePageSize & page_size ) const

Returns range of IPv6 leases using paging.

This method implements paged browsing of the lease database. The first parameter specifies a page size. The second parameter is optional and specifies the starting address of the range. This address is excluded from the returned range. The IPv6 zero address (default) denotes that the first page should be returned. There is no guarantee about the order of returned leases.

The typical usage of this method is as follows:

  • Get the first page of leases by specifying IPv6 zero address as the beginning of the range.
  • Last address of the returned range should be used as a starting address for the next page in the subsequent call.
  • If the number of leases returned is lower than the page size, it indicates that the last page has been retrieved.
  • If there are no leases returned it indicates that the previous page was the last page.
lower_bound_addressIPv6 address used as lower bound for the returned range.
page_sizemaximum size of the page returned.
Lease collection (may be empty if no IPv6 lease found).

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1676 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_PAGE6, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), isc_throw, isc::asiolink::IOAddress::isV6(), LOG_DEBUG, isc::dhcp::LeasePageSize::page_size_, and isc::asiolink::IOAddress::toText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeases6() [3/8]

Lease6Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases6 ( const DUID & duid) const

Returns IPv6 leases for the DUID.

duidclient DUID

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1640 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET6_DUID, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, and isc::dhcp::IdentifierType< min_size, max_size >::toText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeases6() [4/8]

Lease6Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases6 ( const std::string & hostname) const

Returns all IPv6 leases for the particular hostname.

hostnamehostname in lower case.
Lease collection (may be empty if no IPv6 lease found).

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1589 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_HOSTNAME6, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), and LOG_DEBUG.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeases6() [5/8]

Lease6Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases6 ( Lease::Type type,
const DUID & duid,
uint32_t iaid ) const

Returns existing IPv6 lease for a given DUID + IA + lease type combination.

typespecifies lease type: (NA, TA or PD)
duidclient DUID
iaidIA identifier
collection of IPv6 leases

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1481 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_IAID_DUID, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, isc::dhcp::IdentifierType< min_size, max_size >::toText(), and isc::dhcp::Lease::typeToText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeases6() [6/8]

Lease6Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases6 ( Lease::Type type,
const DUID & duid,
uint32_t iaid,
SubnetID subnet_id ) const

Returns existing IPv6 lease for a given DUID + IA + subnet-id + lease type combination.

This function returns a copy of the lease. The modification in the return lease does not affect the instance held in the lease storage.

typespecifies lease type: (NA, TA or PD)
duidclient DUID
iaidIA identifier
subnet_ididentifier of the subnet the lease must belong to
lease collection (may be empty if no lease is found)

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1524 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_IAID_SUBID_DUID, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, isc::dhcp::IdentifierType< min_size, max_size >::toText(), and isc::dhcp::Lease::typeToText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeases6() [7/8]

Lease6Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases6 ( SubnetID subnet_id) const

Returns all IPv6 leases for the particular subnet identifier.

subnet_idsubnet identifier.
Lease collection (may be empty if no IPv6 lease found).

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1560 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_SUBID6, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), and LOG_DEBUG.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeases6() [8/8]

Lease6Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases6 ( SubnetID subnet_id,
const asiolink::IOAddress & lower_bound_address,
const LeasePageSize & page_size ) const

Returns a page of IPv6 leases for a subnet identifier.

subnet_idsubnet identifier.
lower_bound_addressIPv6 address used as lower bound for the returned range.
page_sizemaximum size of the page returned.
collection of IPv6 leases

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1729 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_SUBID_PAGE6, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), isc_throw, isc::asiolink::IOAddress::isV6(), LOG_DEBUG, isc::dhcp::LeasePageSize::page_size_, and isc::asiolink::IOAddress::toText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeases6ByRelayId()

Lease6Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases6ByRelayId ( const DUID & relay_id,
const asiolink::IOAddress & lower_bound_address,
const LeasePageSize & page_size )

Returns existing IPv6 leases with a given relay-id.

relay_idDUID for relay_id of interest.
lower_bound_addressIPv4 address used as lower bound for the returned range.
page_sizemaximum size of the page returned.
collection of IPv6 leases

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 3121 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_RELAYID6, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), isc_throw, isc::asiolink::IOAddress::isV6(), LOG_DEBUG, isc::dhcp::LeasePageSize::page_size_, isc::asiolink::IOAddress::toText(), and isc::dhcp::IdentifierType< min_size, max_size >::toText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLeases6ByRemoteId()

Lease6Collection isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLeases6ByRemoteId ( const OptionBuffer & remote_id,
const asiolink::IOAddress & lower_bound_address,
const LeasePageSize & page_size )

Returns existing IPv6 leases with a given remote-id.

remote_idremote-id option data of interest
lower_bound_addressIPv4 address used as lower bound for the returned range.
page_sizemaximum size of the page returned.
collection of IPv6 leases

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 3183 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_GET_REMOTEID6, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), isc_throw, isc::asiolink::IOAddress::isV6(), LOG_DEBUG, isc::dhcp::LeasePageSize::page_size_, and isc::asiolink::IOAddress::toText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getLFCExitStatus()

int isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getLFCExitStatus ( ) const

Returns the status code returned by the last executed LFC process.

Definition at line 2378 of file

◆ getName()

virtual std::string isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getName ( ) const

Returns backend name.

For now, memfile can only store data in memory.

Name of the backend.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 917 of file memfile_lease_mgr.h.

◆ getType()

virtual std::string isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getType ( ) const

Return backend type.

Returns the type of the backend.

Type of the backend.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 908 of file memfile_lease_mgr.h.

◆ getVersion()

std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::getVersion ( const std::string & timer_name = std::string()) const

Returns backend version.

timer_nameThe DB reconnect timer name.
Version number as a pair of unsigned integers. "first" is the major version number, "second" the minor number.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2184 of file

References isc::db::DatabaseConnection::getParameter(), isc_throw, MAJOR_VERSION_V4, MAJOR_VERSION_V6, MINOR_VERSION_V4, and MINOR_VERSION_V6.

Referenced by Memfile_LeaseMgr().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isJsonSupported()

bool isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::isJsonSupported ( ) const

Checks if JSON support is enabled in the database.

Memfile implementation assumes JSON support is always enabled.

true if there is JSON support, false otherwise

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2872 of file

◆ isLFCRunning()

bool isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::isLFCRunning ( ) const

Checks if the process performing lease file cleanup is running.

true if the process performing lease file cleanup is running.

Definition at line 2373 of file

◆ lfcCallback()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::lfcCallback ( )

A callback function triggering Lease File Cleanup (LFC).

This method is executed periodically to start the lease file cleanup. It checks whether the file is a DHCPv4 lease file or DHCPv6 lease file and executes the Memfile_LeaseMgr::lfcExecute private method with the appropriate parameters.

This method is virtual so as it can be overridden and customized in the unit tests. In particular, the unit test which checks that the callback function has been executed would override this function to increase the execution counter each time it is executed.

Definition at line 2383 of file

References isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_LFC_START, lease_file4_, lease_file6_, and LOG_INFO.

◆ persistLeases()

bool isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::persistLeases ( Universe u) const

Specifies whether or not leases are written to disk.

It is possible that leases for DHCPv4 are written to disk whereas leases for DHCPv6 are not; or vice versa. The argument of the method specifies the type of lease in that respect.

uUniverse (V4 or V6).
true if leases are written to lease file; if false is returned, leases will be held in memory and will be lost upon server shut down.

Definition at line 2252 of file

References lease_file4_, lease_file6_, V4, and V6.

Referenced by Memfile_LeaseMgr(), and extractExtendedInfo4().

◆ recountClassLeases4()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::recountClassLeases4 ( )

Recount the leases per class for V4 leases.

Clears the current class-lease count map and then iterates over all, retabulating counts based on class lists in each lease user-context.

Must be called from a thread-safe context.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2647 of file

References isc::dhcp::ClassLeaseCounter::addLease(), isc::dhcp::ClassLeaseCounter::clear(), and isc::dhcp::Lease::STATE_DEFAULT.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ recountClassLeases6()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::recountClassLeases6 ( )

Recount the leases per class for V6 leases.

Clears the current class-lease count map and then iterates over all, retabulating counts based on class lists in each lease user-context.

Must be called from a thread-safe context.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2658 of file

References isc::dhcp::ClassLeaseCounter::addLease(), isc::dhcp::ClassLeaseCounter::clear(), and isc::dhcp::Lease::STATE_DEFAULT.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rollback()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::rollback ( )

Rollback Transactions.

Rolls back all pending database operations. On databases that don't support transactions, this is a no-op.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2200 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_ROLLBACK, and LOG_DEBUG.

◆ startLeaseStatsQuery4()

LeaseStatsQueryPtr isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::startLeaseStatsQuery4 ( )

Creates and runs the IPv4 lease stats query.

It creates an instance of a MemfileLeaseStatsQuery4 for an all subnets query and then invokes its start method in which the query constructs its statistical data result set. The query object is then returned.

The populated query as a pointer to an LeaseStatsQuery

Reimplemented from isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2481 of file

References isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ startLeaseStatsQuery6()

LeaseStatsQueryPtr isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::startLeaseStatsQuery6 ( )

Creates and runs the IPv6 lease stats query.

It creates an instance of a MemfileLeaseStatsQuery6 and then invokes its start method in which the query constructs its statistical data result set. The query object is then returned.

The populated query as a pointer to an LeaseStatsQuery.

Reimplemented from isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2535 of file

References isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ startPoolLeaseStatsQuery4()

LeaseStatsQueryPtr isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::startPoolLeaseStatsQuery4 ( )

Creates and runs the IPv4 lease stats query for all subnets and pools.

LeaseMgr derivations implement this method such that it creates and returns an instance of an LeaseStatsQuery whose result set has been populated with up to date IPv4 lease statistical data for all subnets and pools. Each row of the result set is an LeaseStatRow which ordered ascending by subnet ID and pool ID.

A populated LeaseStatsQuery

Reimplemented from isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2494 of file

References isc::dhcp::LeaseStatsQuery::ALL_SUBNET_POOLS, and isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ startPoolLeaseStatsQuery6()

LeaseStatsQueryPtr isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::startPoolLeaseStatsQuery6 ( )

Creates and runs the IPv6 lease stats query for all subnets and pools.

LeaseMgr derivations implement this method such that it creates and returns an instance of an LeaseStatsQuery whose result set has been populated with up to date IPv6 lease statistical data for all subnets and pools. Each row of the result set is an LeaseStatRow which ordered ascending by subnet ID and pool ID.

A populated LeaseStatsQuery

Reimplemented from isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2548 of file

References isc::dhcp::LeaseStatsQuery::ALL_SUBNET_POOLS, and isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ startSubnetLeaseStatsQuery4()

LeaseStatsQueryPtr isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::startSubnetLeaseStatsQuery4 ( const SubnetID & subnet_id)

Creates and runs the IPv4 lease stats query for a single subnet.

It creates an instance of a MemfileLeaseStatsQuery4 for a single subnet query and then invokes its start method in which the query constructs its statistical data result set. The query object is then returned.

subnet_idid of the subnet for which stats are desired
A populated LeaseStatsQuery

Reimplemented from isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2507 of file

References isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ startSubnetLeaseStatsQuery6()

LeaseStatsQueryPtr isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::startSubnetLeaseStatsQuery6 ( const SubnetID & subnet_id)

Creates and runs the IPv6 lease stats query for a single subnet.

It creates an instance of a MemfileLeaseStatsQuery6 for a single subnet query and then invokes its start method in which the query constructs its statistical data result set. The query object is then returned.

subnet_idid of the subnet for which stats are desired
A populated LeaseStatsQuery

Reimplemented from isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2561 of file

References isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ startSubnetRangeLeaseStatsQuery4()

LeaseStatsQueryPtr isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::startSubnetRangeLeaseStatsQuery4 ( const SubnetID & first_subnet_id,
const SubnetID & last_subnet_id )

Creates and runs the IPv4 lease stats query for a single subnet.

It creates an instance of a MemfileLeaseStatsQuery4 for a subnet range query and then invokes its start method in which the query constructs its statistical data result set. The query object is then returned.

first_subnet_idfirst subnet in the range of subnets
last_subnet_idlast subnet in the range of subnets
A populated LeaseStatsQuery

Reimplemented from isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2520 of file

References isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ startSubnetRangeLeaseStatsQuery6()

LeaseStatsQueryPtr isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::startSubnetRangeLeaseStatsQuery6 ( const SubnetID & first_subnet_id,
const SubnetID & last_subnet_id )

Creates and runs the IPv6 lease stats query for a single subnet.

It creates an instance of a MemfileLeaseStatsQuery6 for a subnet range query and then invokes its start method in which the query constructs its statistical data result set. The query object is then returned.

first_subnet_idfirst subnet in the range of subnets
last_subnet_idlast subnet in the range of subnets
A populated LeaseStatsQuery

Reimplemented from isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2574 of file

References isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ updateLease4()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::updateLease4 ( const Lease4Ptr & lease4)

Updates IPv4 lease.

This function does not validate the pointer to the lease. It is caller's responsibility to pass the valid pointer.
lease4The lease to be updated.
NoSuchLeaseif there is no such lease to be updated.
The current_cltt_ and current_valid_lft_ are used to maximize the chance that only one thread or process performs an update or delete operation on the lease by matching these values with the expiration time data in the database.
For test purposes only, when persistence is disabled, the update of the lease is performed only if the value matches the one received on the SELECT query, effectively enforcing no update on the lease between SELECT and UPDATE with different expiration time.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1876 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_UPDATE_ADDR4, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), and LOG_DEBUG.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ updateLease6()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::updateLease6 ( const Lease6Ptr & lease6)

Updates IPv6 lease.

This function does not validate the pointer to the lease. It is caller's responsibility to pass the valid pointer.
lease6The lease to be updated.
NoSuchLeaseif there is no such lease to be updated.
The current_cltt_ and current_valid_lft_ are used to maximize the chance that only one thread or process performs an update or delete operation on the lease by matching these values with the expiration time data in the database.
For test purposes only, when persistence is disabled, the update of the lease is performed only if the value matches the one received on the SELECT query, effectively enforcing no update on the lease between SELECT and UPDATE with different expiration time.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 1956 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_DBG_TRACE_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_UPDATE_ADDR6, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), and LOG_DEBUG.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ upgradeExtendedInfo4()

size_t isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::upgradeExtendedInfo4 ( const LeasePageSize & page_size)

Upgrade extended info (v4).

page_sizeThe page size used for retrieval.
Always return 0 as this function is a noop for not SQL backends.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 3306 of file

◆ upgradeExtendedInfo6()

size_t isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::upgradeExtendedInfo6 ( const LeasePageSize & page_size)

Upgrade extended info (v6).

page_sizeThe page size used for retrieval.
Always return 0 as this function is a noop for not SQL backends.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 3358 of file

◆ wipeExtendedInfoTables6()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::wipeExtendedInfoTables6 ( )

Wipe extended info table (v6).

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 3099 of file

References isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), relay_id6_, and remote_id6_.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ wipeLeases4()

size_t isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::wipeLeases4 ( const SubnetID & subnet_id)

Removes specified IPv4 leases.

This rather dangerous method is able to remove all leases from specified subnet.

subnet_ididentifier of the subnet
number of leases removed.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2589 of file

References deleteLease(), isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_WIPE_LEASES4, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_WIPE_LEASES4_FINISHED, and LOG_INFO.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ wipeLeases6()

size_t isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::wipeLeases6 ( const SubnetID & subnet_id)

Removed specified IPv6 leases.

This rather dangerous method is able to remove all leases from specified subnet.

subnet_ididentifier of the subnet
number of leases removed.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 2618 of file

References deleteLease(), isc::dhcp::dhcpsrv_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_WIPE_LEASES6, isc::dhcp::DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_WIPE_LEASES6_FINISHED, and LOG_INFO.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ writeLeases4()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::writeLeases4 ( const std::string & filename)

Write V4 leases to a file.

filenameFile name to write leases.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 3389 of file

References isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ writeLeases6()

void isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::writeLeases6 ( const std::string & filename)

Write V6 leases to a file.

filenameFile name to write leases.

Implements isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr.

Definition at line 3426 of file

References isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ lease_file4_

boost::shared_ptr<CSVLeaseFile4> isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::lease_file4_

Holds the pointer to the DHCPv4 lease file IO.

Definition at line 1115 of file memfile_lease_mgr.h.

Referenced by Memfile_LeaseMgr(), ~Memfile_LeaseMgr(), deleteExpiredReclaimedLeases4(), extractExtendedInfo4(), getLeaseFilePath(), lfcCallback(), and persistLeases().

◆ lease_file6_

boost::shared_ptr<CSVLeaseFile6> isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::lease_file6_

Holds the pointer to the DHCPv6 lease file IO.

Definition at line 1118 of file memfile_lease_mgr.h.

Referenced by Memfile_LeaseMgr(), ~Memfile_LeaseMgr(), deleteExpiredReclaimedLeases6(), getLeaseFilePath(), lfcCallback(), and persistLeases().

◆ relay_id6_

Lease6ExtendedInfoRelayIdTable isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::relay_id6_

stores IPv6 by-relay-id cross-reference table

Definition at line 1109 of file memfile_lease_mgr.h.

Referenced by addRelayId6(), buildExtendedInfoTables6(), byRelayId6size(), deleteExtendedInfo6(), and wipeExtendedInfoTables6().

◆ remote_id6_

Lease6ExtendedInfoRemoteIdTable isc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr::remote_id6_

stores IPv6 by-remote-id cross-reference table

Definition at line 1112 of file memfile_lease_mgr.h.

Referenced by addRemoteId6(), buildExtendedInfoTables6(), byRemoteId6size(), deleteExtendedInfo6(), and wipeExtendedInfoTables6().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: