Kea 2.7.7
isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser Class Reference

A Bison parser. More...

#include <dhcp4_parser.h>


struct  basic_symbol
 A complete symbol. More...
struct  by_kind
 Type access provider for token (enum) based symbols. More...
class  context
struct  symbol_kind
 Symbol kinds. More...
struct  symbol_type
 "External" symbols: returned by the scanner. More...
struct  syntax_error
 Syntax errors thrown from user actions. More...
struct  token
 Token kinds. More...
class  value_type
 A buffer to store and retrieve objects. More...

Public Types

typedef by_kind by_type
 Backward compatibility for a private implementation detail (Bison 3.6).
typedef location location_type
 Symbol locations.
typedef value_type semantic_type
 Backward compatibility (Bison 3.8).
typedef symbol_kind::symbol_kind_type symbol_kind_type
 (Internal) symbol kind.
typedef token::token_kind_type token_kind_type
 Token kind, as returned by yylex.
typedef token_kind_type token_type
 Backward compatibility alias (Bison 3.6).

Public Member Functions

 Dhcp4Parser (isc::dhcp::Parser4Context &ctx_yyarg)
 Build a parser object.
virtual ~Dhcp4Parser ()
virtual void error (const location_type &loc, const std::string &msg)
 Report a syntax error.
void error (const syntax_error &err)
 Report a syntax error.
int operator() ()
virtual int parse ()

Static Public Member Functions

static symbol_type make_ALLOCATOR (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_ALWAYS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_ALWAYS_SEND (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_ARRAY (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_AUTHENTICATION (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_AUTHORITATIVE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_BASIC (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_BOOLEAN (const bool &v, const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_BOOT_FILE_NAME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CACHE_MAX_AGE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CACHE_THRESHOLD (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CALCULATE_TEE_TIMES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CAPACITY (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CERT_FILE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CERT_REQUIRED (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CHECK_EXISTS_WITH_DHCID (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CHECK_WITH_DHCID (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CIPHER_LIST (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CIRCUIT_ID (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CLIENT_CLASS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CLIENT_CLASSES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CLIENT_ID (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CLIENTS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CODE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_COLON (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_COMMA (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_COMMENT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_COMPATIBILITY (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CONFIG_CONTROL (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CONFIG_DATABASES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CONFIG_FETCH_WAIT_TIME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CONTROL_SOCKET (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CONTROL_SOCKETS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_CSV_FORMAT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DATA (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DDNS_CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_MODE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DDNS_GENERATED_PREFIX (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DDNS_OVERRIDE_CLIENT_UPDATE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DDNS_OVERRIDE_NO_UPDATE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DDNS_QUALIFYING_SUFFIX (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DDNS_REPLACE_CLIENT_NAME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DDNS_SEND_UPDATES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DDNS_TTL (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DDNS_TTL_MAX (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DDNS_TTL_MIN (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DDNS_TTL_PERCENT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DDNS_UPDATE_ON_RENEW (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DDNS_USE_CONFLICT_RESOLUTION (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DEBUGLEVEL (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DECLINE_PROBATION_PERIOD (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DHCP4 (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DHCP4O6_PORT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DHCP_DDNS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DHCP_MULTI_THREADING (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DHCP_QUEUE_CONTROL (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DHCP_SOCKET_TYPE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DIRECTORY (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_DUID (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_EARLY_GLOBAL_RESERVATIONS_LOOKUP (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_ECHO_CLIENT_ID (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_ENABLE_MULTI_THREADING (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_ENABLE_QUEUE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_ENABLE_UPDATES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_ENCAPSULATE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_END (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_EVALUATE_ADDITIONAL_CLASSES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_EXCLUDE_FIRST_LAST_24 (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_EXPIRED_LEASES_PROCESSING (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_EXTENDED_INFO_CHECKS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_FLEX_ID (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_FLOAT (const double &v, const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_FLUSH (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_FLUSH_RECLAIMED_TIMER_WAIT_TIME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_HOLD_RECLAIMED_TIME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_HOOKS_LIBRARIES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_HOST (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_HOST_RESERVATION_IDENTIFIERS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_HOSTNAME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_HOSTNAME_CHAR_REPLACEMENT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_HOSTNAME_CHAR_SET (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_HOSTS_DATABASE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_HOSTS_DATABASES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_HTTP (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_HTTP_HEADERS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_HTTPS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_HW_ADDRESS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_ID (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_IGNORE_DHCP_SERVER_ID (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_IGNORE_RAI_LINK_SEL (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_INTEGER (const int64_t &v, const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_INTERFACE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_INTERFACES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_INTERFACES_CONFIG (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_IP_ADDRESS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_IP_ADDRESSES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_IP_RESERVATIONS_UNIQUE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_JSON (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_KEY_FILE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_LCURLY_BRACKET (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_LEASE_CHECKS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_LEASE_DATABASE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_LENIENT_OPTION_PARSING (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_LFC_INTERVAL (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_LIBRARY (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_LOGGERS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_LSQUARE_BRACKET (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_MATCH_CLIENT_ID (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_MAX_RECLAIM_LEASES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_MAX_RECLAIM_TIME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_MAX_RECONNECT_TRIES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_MAX_ROW_ERRORS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_MAX_VALID_LIFETIME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_MAXSIZE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_MAXVER (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_MIN_VALID_LIFETIME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_NAME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_NCR_FORMAT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_NCR_PROTOCOL (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_NEVER (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_NEVER_SEND (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_NEXT_SERVER (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_NO_CHECK_WITH_DHCID (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_NO_CHECK_WITHOUT_DHCID (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_NULL_TYPE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_OFFER_LFT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_ON_FAIL (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_ONLY_IF_REQUIRED (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_ONLY_IN_ADDITIONAL_LIST (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_OPTION_DATA (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_OPTION_DEF (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_OUTBOUND_INTERFACE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_OUTPUT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_OUTPUT_OPTIONS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_PACKET_QUEUE_SIZE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_PARAMETERS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_PARKED_PACKET_LIMIT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_PARSER4_error (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_PARSER4_UNDEF (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_PASSWORD (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_PASSWORD_FILE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_PATTERN (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_PERSIST (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_POOL (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_POOL_ID (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_POOLS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_PORT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_QUEUE_TYPE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_RAW (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_RCURLY_BRACKET (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_RE_DETECT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_READ_TIMEOUT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_READONLY (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_REALM (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_REBIND_TIMER (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_RECLAIM_TIMER_WAIT_TIME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_RECONNECT_WAIT_TIME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_RECORD_TYPES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_RELAY (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_RENEW_TIMER (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_REQUIRE_CLIENT_CLASSES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_RESERVATIONS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_RESERVATIONS_GLOBAL (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_RESERVATIONS_IN_SUBNET (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_RESERVATIONS_LOOKUP_FIRST (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_RESERVATIONS_OUT_OF_POOL (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_RETRY_ON_STARTUP (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_RSQUARE_BRACKET (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SAME_AS_INBOUND (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SANITY_CHECKS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SENDER_IP (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SENDER_PORT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SERVE_RETRY_CONTINUE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SERVE_RETRY_EXIT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SERVER_HOSTNAME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SERVER_IP (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SERVER_PORT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SERVER_TAG (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SERVICE_SOCKETS_MAX_RETRIES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SERVICE_SOCKETS_REQUIRE_ALL (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SERVICE_SOCKETS_RETRY_WAIT_TIME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SEVERITY (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SHARED_NETWORKS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SOCKET_ADDRESS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SOCKET_NAME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SOCKET_PORT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SOCKET_TYPE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SPACE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_STASH_AGENT_OPTIONS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_STATISTIC_DEFAULT_SAMPLE_AGE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_STATISTIC_DEFAULT_SAMPLE_COUNT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_STOP_RETRY_EXIT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_STORE_EXTENDED_INFO (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_STRING (const std::string &v, const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUB_CONFIG_CONTROL (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUB_DHCP4 (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUB_DHCP_DDNS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUB_HOOKS_LIBRARY (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUB_INTERFACES4 (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUB_OPTION_DATA (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUB_OPTION_DEF (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUB_OPTION_DEFS (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUB_POOL4 (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUB_RESERVATION (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUB_SUBNET4 (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUBNET (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUBNET4 (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUBNET_4O6_INTERFACE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUBNET_4O6_INTERFACE_ID (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_SUBNET_4O6_SUBNET (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_T1_PERCENT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_T2_PERCENT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_TCP (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_TCP_USER_TIMEOUT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_TEMPLATE_TEST (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_TEST (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_THREAD_POOL_SIZE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_TOPLEVEL_DHCP4 (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_TOPLEVEL_JSON (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_TRUST_ANCHOR (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_TYPE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_UDP (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_UNIX (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_UNWARNED_RECLAIM_CYCLES (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_USE_ROUTING (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_USER (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_USER_CONTEXT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_USER_FILE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_VALID_LIFETIME (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_VALUE (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_WHEN_NOT_PRESENT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_WHEN_PRESENT (const location_type &l)
static symbol_type make_WRITE_TIMEOUT (const location_type &l)
static std::string symbol_name (symbol_kind_type yysymbol)
 The user-facing name of the symbol whose (internal) number is YYSYMBOL.

Static Public Attributes

static const symbol_kind_type YYNTOKENS = symbol_kind::YYNTOKENS
 The number of tokens.

Detailed Description

A Bison parser.

Definition at line 215 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ by_type

Backward compatibility for a private implementation detail (Bison 3.6).

Definition at line 1754 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

◆ location_type

Symbol locations.

Definition at line 474 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

◆ semantic_type

Backward compatibility (Bison 3.8).

Definition at line 471 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

◆ symbol_kind_type

◆ token_kind_type

Token kind, as returned by yylex.

Definition at line 740 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

◆ token_type

Backward compatibility alias (Bison 3.6).

Definition at line 743 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Dhcp4Parser()

isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::Dhcp4Parser ( isc::dhcp::Parser4Context & ctx_yyarg)

Build a parser object.

Definition at line 152 of file

◆ ~Dhcp4Parser()

isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::~Dhcp4Parser ( )

Definition at line 162 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ error() [1/2]

void isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::error ( const location_type & loc,
const std::string & msg )

Report a syntax error.

locwhere the syntax error is found.
msga description of the syntax error.

Definition at line 6912 of file

◆ error() [2/2]

void isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::error ( const syntax_error & err)

Report a syntax error.

Definition at line 5280 of file

References isc::db::error, and isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::syntax_error::location.

◆ make_ALLOCATOR()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_ALLOCATOR ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3505 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_ALWAYS()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_ALWAYS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4825 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_ALWAYS_SEND()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_ALWAYS_SEND ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3415 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_ARRAY()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_ARRAY ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3475 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_AUTHENTICATION ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4420 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_AUTHORITATIVE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2350 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_BASIC()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_BASIC ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4435 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_BOOLEAN()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_BOOLEAN ( const bool & v,
const location_type & l )

Definition at line 5380 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_BOOT_FILE_NAME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2395 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_CACHE_MAX_AGE()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CACHE_MAX_AGE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2980 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CACHE_THRESHOLD ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2965 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CALCULATE_TEE_TIMES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2920 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_CAPACITY()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CAPACITY ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4615 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_CERT_FILE()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CERT_FILE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2800 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CERT_REQUIRED ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4525 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CHECK_EXISTS_WITH_DHCID ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3565 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CHECK_WITH_DHCID ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3535 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_CIPHER_LIST()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CIPHER_LIST ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2830 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_CIRCUIT_ID()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CIRCUIT_ID ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3970 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CLIENT_CLASS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3880 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CLIENT_CLASSES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3775 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_CLIENT_ID()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CLIENT_ID ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3985 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_CLIENTS()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CLIENTS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4480 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_CODE()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CODE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3370 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_COLON()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_COLON ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 1945 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_COMMA()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_COMMA ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 1930 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_COMMENT()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_COMMENT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3655 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_COMPATIBILITY ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5065 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CONFIG_CONTROL ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2050 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CONFIG_DATABASES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2065 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CONFIG_FETCH_WAIT_TIME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2080 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CONNECT_TIMEOUT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2605 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CONTROL_SOCKET ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4285 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CONTROL_SOCKETS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4300 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_CSV_FORMAT()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_CSV_FORMAT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3400 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_DATA()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DATA ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3355 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DDNS_CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_MODE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3520 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DDNS_GENERATED_PREFIX ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3115 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DDNS_OVERRIDE_CLIENT_UPDATE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3085 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DDNS_OVERRIDE_NO_UPDATE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3070 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DDNS_QUALIFYING_SUFFIX ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3130 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DDNS_REPLACE_CLIENT_NAME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3100 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DDNS_SEND_UPDATES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3055 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_DDNS_TTL()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DDNS_TTL ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3190 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_DDNS_TTL_MAX()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DDNS_TTL_MAX ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3220 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_DDNS_TTL_MIN()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DDNS_TTL_MIN ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3205 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DDNS_TTL_PERCENT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3175 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DDNS_UPDATE_ON_RENEW ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3145 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DDNS_USE_CONFLICT_RESOLUTION ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3160 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DEBUGLEVEL ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4975 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DECLINE_PROBATION_PERIOD ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2995 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_DHCP4()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DHCP4 ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2035 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_DHCP4O6_PORT()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DHCP4O6_PORT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4210 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_DHCP_DDNS()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DHCP_DDNS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4630 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DHCP_MULTI_THREADING ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4225 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DHCP_QUEUE_CONTROL ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4570 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DHCP_SOCKET_TYPE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2125 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_DIRECTORY()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DIRECTORY ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4465 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_DUID()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_DUID ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3940 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_EARLY_GLOBAL_RESERVATIONS_LOOKUP ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4885 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_ECHO_CLIENT_ID ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2320 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_ENABLE_MULTI_THREADING ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4240 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_ENABLE_QUEUE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4585 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_ENABLE_UPDATES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4645 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_ENCAPSULATE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3460 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_END()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_END ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 1885 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_EVALUATE_ADDITIONAL_CLASSES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3805 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_EXCLUDE_FIRST_LAST_24 ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5125 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_EXPIRED_LEASES_PROCESSING ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4105 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_EXTENDED_INFO_CHECKS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2305 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_FLEX_ID()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_FLEX_ID ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4015 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_FLOAT()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_FLOAT ( const double & v,
const location_type & l )

Definition at line 5365 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_FLUSH()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_FLUSH ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5005 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_FLUSH_RECLAIMED_TIMER_WAIT_TIME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4135 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_HOLD_RECLAIMED_TIME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4150 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_HOOKS_LIBRARIES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4060 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_HOST()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_HOST ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2530 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_HOST_RESERVATION_IDENTIFIERS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3760 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_HOSTNAME()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_HOSTNAME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4000 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_HOSTNAME_CHAR_REPLACEMENT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4870 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_HOSTNAME_CHAR_SET ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4855 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_HOSTS_DATABASE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2455 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_HOSTS_DATABASES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2470 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_HTTP()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_HTTP ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4345 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_HTTP_HEADERS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4540 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_HTTPS()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_HTTPS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4360 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_HW_ADDRESS()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_HW_ADDRESS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3955 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_ID()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_ID ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3700 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_IGNORE_DHCP_SERVER_ID ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5095 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_IGNORE_RAI_LINK_SEL ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5110 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_INTEGER()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_INTEGER ( const int64_t & v,
const location_type & l )

Definition at line 5350 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_INTERFACE()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_INTERFACE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3685 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_INTERFACES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2110 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_INTERFACES_CONFIG ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2095 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_IP_ADDRESS()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_IP_ADDRESS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3925 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_IP_ADDRESSES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4045 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_IP_RESERVATIONS_UNIQUE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4900 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_JSON()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_JSON ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4780 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_KEY_FILE()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_KEY_FILE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2815 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_LCURLY_BRACKET ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 1990 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_LEASE_CHECKS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2290 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_LEASE_DATABASE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2440 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_LENIENT_OPTION_PARSING ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5080 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_LFC_INTERVAL ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2575 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_LIBRARY()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_LIBRARY ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4075 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_LOGGERS()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_LOGGERS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4930 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_LSQUARE_BRACKET ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 1960 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_MATCH_CLIENT_ID ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2335 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4720 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_MAX_RECLAIM_LEASES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4165 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_MAX_RECLAIM_TIME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4180 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_MAX_RECONNECT_TRIES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2665 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_MAX_ROW_ERRORS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2770 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_MAX_VALID_LIFETIME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2875 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_MAXSIZE()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_MAXSIZE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5020 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_MAXVER()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_MAXVER ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5035 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_MIN_VALID_LIFETIME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2860 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_NAME()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_NAME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3340 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_NCR_FORMAT()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_NCR_FORMAT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4750 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_NCR_PROTOCOL ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4735 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_NEVER()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_NEVER ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4810 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_NEVER_SEND()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_NEVER_SEND ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3430 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_NEXT_SERVER()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_NEXT_SERVER ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2365 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_NO_CHECK_WITH_DHCID ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3550 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_NO_CHECK_WITHOUT_DHCID ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3580 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_NULL_TYPE()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_NULL_TYPE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2020 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_OFFER_LFT()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_OFFER_LFT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2410 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_ON_FAIL()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_ON_FAIL ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2695 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_ONLY_IF_REQUIRED ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3850 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_ONLY_IN_ADDITIONAL_LIST ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3865 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_OPTION_DATA()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_OPTION_DATA ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3325 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_OPTION_DEF()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_OPTION_DEF ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3310 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_OUTBOUND_INTERFACE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2170 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_OUTPUT()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_OUTPUT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4960 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_OUTPUT_OPTIONS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4945 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_PACKET_QUEUE_SIZE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4270 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_PARAMETERS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4090 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_PARKED_PACKET_LIMIT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3490 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_PARSER4_error()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_PARSER4_error ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 1900 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

◆ make_PARSER4_UNDEF()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_PARSER4_UNDEF ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 1915 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

◆ make_PASSWORD()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_PASSWORD ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2515 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_PASSWORD_FILE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4510 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_PATTERN()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_PATTERN ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5050 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_PERSIST()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_PERSIST ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2560 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_POOL()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_POOL ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3625 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_POOL_ID()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_POOL_ID ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3895 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_POOLS()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_POOLS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3610 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_PORT()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_PORT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2545 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_QUEUE_TYPE()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_QUEUE_TYPE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4600 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_RAW()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_RAW ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2140 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_RCURLY_BRACKET ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2005 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_RE_DETECT()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_RE_DETECT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2215 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_READ_TIMEOUT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2620 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_READONLY()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_READONLY ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2590 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_REALM()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_REALM ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4450 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_REBIND_TIMER ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2905 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_RECLAIM_TIMER_WAIT_TIME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4120 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_RECONNECT_WAIT_TIME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2680 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_RECORD_TYPES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3445 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_RELAY()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_RELAY ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4030 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_RENEW_TIMER()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_RENEW_TIMER ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2890 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_REQUIRE_CLIENT_CLASSES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3790 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_RESERVATIONS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3910 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_RESERVATIONS_GLOBAL ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3715 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_RESERVATIONS_IN_SUBNET ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3730 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_RESERVATIONS_LOOKUP_FIRST ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4915 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_RESERVATIONS_OUT_OF_POOL ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3745 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_RETRY_ON_STARTUP ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2755 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_RSQUARE_BRACKET ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 1975 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SAME_AS_INBOUND ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2185 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SANITY_CHECKS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2275 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_SENDER_IP()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SENDER_IP ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4690 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_SENDER_PORT()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SENDER_PORT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4705 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SERVE_RETRY_CONTINUE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2740 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SERVE_RETRY_EXIT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2725 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SERVER_HOSTNAME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2380 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_SERVER_IP()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SERVER_IP ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4660 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_SERVER_PORT()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SERVER_PORT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4675 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_SERVER_TAG()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SERVER_TAG ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3010 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SERVICE_SOCKETS_MAX_RETRIES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2260 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SERVICE_SOCKETS_REQUIRE_ALL ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2230 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SERVICE_SOCKETS_RETRY_WAIT_TIME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2245 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_SEVERITY()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SEVERITY ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4990 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SHARED_NETWORKS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3595 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SOCKET_ADDRESS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4390 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_SOCKET_NAME()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SOCKET_NAME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4375 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_SOCKET_PORT()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SOCKET_PORT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4405 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_SOCKET_TYPE()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SOCKET_TYPE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4315 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_SPACE()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SPACE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3385 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_STASH_AGENT_OPTIONS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2425 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_STATISTIC_DEFAULT_SAMPLE_AGE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3040 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_STATISTIC_DEFAULT_SAMPLE_COUNT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3025 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_STOP_RETRY_EXIT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2710 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_STORE_EXTENDED_INFO ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3235 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_STRING()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_STRING ( const std::string & v,
const location_type & l )

Definition at line 5335 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUB_CONFIG_CONTROL ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5320 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by if().

◆ make_SUB_DHCP4()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUB_DHCP4 ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5170 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by if().

◆ make_SUB_DHCP_DDNS()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUB_DHCP_DDNS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5305 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by if().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUB_HOOKS_LIBRARY ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5290 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by if().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUB_INTERFACES4 ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5185 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by if().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUB_OPTION_DATA ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5275 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by if().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUB_OPTION_DEF ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5260 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by if().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUB_OPTION_DEFS ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5245 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by if().

◆ make_SUB_POOL4()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUB_POOL4 ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5215 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by if().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUB_RESERVATION ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5230 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by if().

◆ make_SUB_SUBNET4()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUB_SUBNET4 ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5200 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by if().

◆ make_SUBNET()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUBNET ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3670 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_SUBNET4()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUBNET4 ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3250 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUBNET_4O6_INTERFACE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3265 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUBNET_4O6_INTERFACE_ID ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3280 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_SUBNET_4O6_SUBNET()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_SUBNET_4O6_SUBNET ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3295 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_T1_PERCENT()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_T1_PERCENT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2935 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_T2_PERCENT()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_T2_PERCENT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2950 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_TCP()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_TCP ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4765 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_TCP_USER_TIMEOUT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2650 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_TEMPLATE_TEST ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3835 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_TEST()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_TEST ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3820 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_THREAD_POOL_SIZE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4255 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_TOPLEVEL_DHCP4 ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5155 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by if().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_TOPLEVEL_JSON ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 5140 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by if().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_TRUST_ANCHOR ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2785 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_TYPE()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_TYPE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2485 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_UDP()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_UDP ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2155 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_UNIX()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_UNIX ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4330 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_UNWARNED_RECLAIM_CYCLES ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4195 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_USE_ROUTING()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_USE_ROUTING ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2200 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_USER()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_USER ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2500 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_USER_CONTEXT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 3640 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_USER_FILE()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_USER_FILE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4495 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_VALID_LIFETIME ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2845 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ make_VALUE()

static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_VALUE ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4555 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_WHEN_NOT_PRESENT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4840 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_WHEN_PRESENT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 4795 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().


static symbol_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::make_WRITE_TIMEOUT ( const location_type & l)

Definition at line 2635 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by while().

◆ operator()()

int isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::operator() ( )


An alias for parse ().

0 iff parsing succeeded.

Definition at line 580 of file

References parse().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ parse()

int isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::parse ( )


0 iff parsing succeeded.

Length of the RHS of the rule being reduced.

The lookahead symbol.

The locations where the error started and ended.

The return value of parse ().

: the code or name parameters are required.
: the code or name parameters are required.
: an identifier parameter is required.
: an identifier parameter is required.

Definition at line 586 of file

References isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::value_type::as(), isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::AUTH_TYPE, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::AUTHENTICATION, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::basic_symbol< Base >::clear(), isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::CLIENT_CLASSES, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::CLIENTS, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::COMPATIBILITY, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::CONFIG, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::CONFIG_CONTROL, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::CONFIG_DATABASE, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::contextName(), isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::CONTROL_SOCKET, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::CONTROL_SOCKET_TYPE, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::ctx_, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::DATABASE_ON_FAIL, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::DDNS_CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_MODE, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::DHCP4, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::DHCP_DDNS, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::DHCP_MULTI_THREADING, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::DHCP_QUEUE_CONTROL, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::DHCP_SOCKET_TYPE, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::value_type::emplace(), isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::basic_symbol< Base >::empty(), isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::enter(), isc::db::error, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::EXPIRED_LEASES_PROCESSING, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::HOOKS_LIBRARIES, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::HOST_RESERVATION_IDENTIFIERS, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::HOSTS_DATABASE, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::HTTP_HEADERS, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::INTERFACES_CONFIG, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::by_kind::kind(), isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::by_kind::kind_, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::LEASE_DATABASE, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::leave(), isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::loc2pos(), isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::basic_symbol< Base >::location, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::LOGGERS, isc::data::merge(), isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::basic_symbol< Base >::move(), isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::NCR_FORMAT, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::NCR_PROTOCOL, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::NO_KEYWORD, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::OPTION_DATA, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::OPTION_DEF, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::OUTBOUND_INTERFACE, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::OUTPUT_OPTIONS, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::POOLS, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::RELAY, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::REPLACE_CLIENT_NAME, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::require(), isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::RESERVATIONS, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_auth_type_value, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_BOOLEAN, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_control_socket_type_value, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_ddns_conflict_resolution_mode_value, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_ddns_replace_client_name_value, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_FLOAT, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_INTEGER, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_map_value, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_ncr_protocol_value, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_on_fail_mode, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_outbound_interface_value, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_socket_type, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_STRING, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_value, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_YYEOF, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_YYerror, isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind::S_YYUNDEF, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::SANITY_CHECKS, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::SHARED_NETWORK, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::stack_, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::SUBNET4, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::unique(), isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::basic_symbol< Base >::value, isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::warnAboutExtraCommas(), isc::dhcp::Parser4Context::warning(), YY_MOVE, YY_REDUCE_PRINT, YY_STACK_PRINT, YY_SYMBOL_PRINT, YYABORT, YYACCEPT, YYCDEBUG, YYERROR, yylex, and YYLLOC_DEFAULT.

Referenced by operator()().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ symbol_name()

std::string isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_name ( symbol_kind_type yysymbol)

The user-facing name of the symbol whose (internal) number is YYSYMBOL.

No bounds checking.

Definition at line 5326 of file

Referenced by isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::basic_symbol< Base >::name().

Member Data Documentation


const symbol_kind_type isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::YYNTOKENS = symbol_kind::YYNTOKENS

The number of tokens.

Definition at line 1474 of file dhcp4_parser.h.

Referenced by isc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::context::expected_tokens().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: