Kea 2.7.4
isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn Class Reference

Represents DHCPv4 Client FQDN Option (code 81). More...

#include <option4_client_fqdn.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn:


class  Rcode
 Represents the value of one of the RCODE1 or RCODE2 fields. More...

A set of constants used to identify and set bits in the flags field

enum  DomainNameType { PARTIAL , FULL }
 Type of the domain-name: partial or full. More...
static const uint8_t FLAG_S = 0x01
 Bit S.
static const uint8_t FLAG_O = 0x02
 Bit O.
static const uint8_t FLAG_E = 0x04
 Bit E.
static const uint8_t FLAG_N = 0x08
 Bit N.
static const uint8_t FLAG_MASK = 0xF
 Mask which zeroes MBZ flag bits.
static const uint16_t FIXED_FIELDS_LEN = 3
 The size in bytes of the fixed fields within DHCPv4 Client Fqdn Option.
 Option4ClientFqdn (const uint8_t flags, const Rcode &rcode, const std::string &domain_name, const DomainNameType domain_name_type=FULL)
 Constructor, creates option instance using flags and domain name.
 Option4ClientFqdn (const uint8_t flags, const Rcode &rcode)
 Constructor, creates option instance with empty domain name.
 Option4ClientFqdn (OptionBufferConstIter first, OptionBufferConstIter last)
 Constructor, creates an option instance from part of the buffer.
 Option4ClientFqdn (const Option4ClientFqdn &source)
 Copy constructor.
virtual OptionPtr clone () const
 Copies this option and returns a pointer to the copy.
virtual ~Option4ClientFqdn ()
Option4ClientFqdnoperator= (const Option4ClientFqdn &source)
 Assignment operator.
bool getFlag (const uint8_t flag) const
 Checks if the specified flag of the DHCPv4 Client FQDN Option is set.
void setFlag (const uint8_t flag, const bool set)
 Modifies the value of the specified DHCPv4 Client Fqdn Option flag.
void resetFlags ()
 Sets the flag field value to 0.
std::pair< Rcode, RcodegetRcode () const
 Returns Rcode objects representing value of RCODE1 and RCODE2.
void setRcode (const Rcode &rcode)
 Set Rcode value.
std::string getDomainName () const
 Returns the domain-name in the text format.
void packDomainName (isc::util::OutputBuffer &buf) const
 Writes domain-name in the wire format into a buffer.
void setDomainName (const std::string &domain_name, const DomainNameType domain_name_type)
 Set new domain-name.
void resetDomainName ()
 Set empty domain-name.
DomainNameType getDomainNameType () const
 Returns enumerator value which indicates whether domain-name is partial or full.
virtual void pack (isc::util::OutputBuffer &buf, bool check=true) const
 Writes option in the wire format into a buffer.
virtual void unpack (OptionBufferConstIter first, OptionBufferConstIter last)
 Parses option from the received buffer.
virtual std::string toText (int indent=0) const
 Returns string representation of the option.
virtual uint16_t len () const
 Returns length of the complete option (data length + DHCPv4 option header).

Well known Rcode declarations for DHCPv4 Client FQDN Option

static const RcodeRCODE_SERVER ()
 Rcode being set by the server.
static const RcodeRCODE_CLIENT ()
 Rcode being set by the client.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from isc::dhcp::Option
typedef OptionPtr Factory(Option::Universe u, uint16_t type, const OptionBuffer &buf)
 a factory function prototype
enum  Universe { V4 , V6 }
 defines option universe DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from isc::dhcp::Option
 Option (const Option &source)
 Copy constructor.
 Option (Universe u, uint16_t type)
 ctor, used for options constructed, usually during transmission
 Option (Universe u, uint16_t type, const OptionBuffer &data)
 Constructor, used for received options.
 Option (Universe u, uint16_t type, OptionBufferConstIter first, OptionBufferConstIter last)
 Constructor, used for received options.
virtual ~Option ()
 just to force that every option has virtual dtor
void addOption (OptionPtr opt)
 Adds a sub-option.
bool delOption (uint16_t type)
 Attempts to delete first suboption of requested type.
virtual bool equals (const Option &other) const
 Checks if two options are equal.
bool equals (const OptionPtr &other) const
 Checks if options are equal.
virtual const OptionBuffergetData () const
 Returns pointer to actual data.
std::string getEncapsulatedSpace () const
 Returns the name of the option space encapsulated by this option.
virtual uint16_t getHeaderLen () const
 Returns length of header (2 for v4, 4 for v6)
OptionCollectiongetMutableOptions ()
 Returns all encapsulated options.
OptionPtr getOption (uint16_t type) const
 Returns shared_ptr to suboption of specific type.
const OptionCollectiongetOptions () const
 Returns all encapsulated options.
void getOptionsCopy (OptionCollection &options_copy) const
 Performs deep copy of suboptions.
uint16_t getType () const
 Returns option type (0-255 for DHCPv4, 0-65535 for DHCPv6)
uint16_t getUint16 () const
 Returns content of first word.
uint32_t getUint32 () const
 Returns content of first double word.
uint8_t getUint8 () const
 Returns content of first byte.
Universe getUniverse () const
 returns option universe (V4 or V6)
Optionoperator= (const Option &rhs)
 Assignment operator.
template<typename InputIterator >
void setData (InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
 Sets content of this option from buffer.
void setEncapsulatedSpace (const std::string &encapsulated_space)
 Sets the name of the option space encapsulated by this option.
void setUint16 (uint16_t value)
 Sets content of this option to a single uint16 value.
void setUint32 (uint32_t value)
 Sets content of this option to a single uint32 value.
void setUint8 (uint8_t value)
 Sets content of this option to a single uint8 value.
virtual std::vector< uint8_t > toBinary (const bool include_header=false) const
 Returns binary representation of the option.
virtual std::string toHexString (const bool include_header=false) const
 Returns string containing hexadecimal representation of option.
virtual std::string toString () const
 Returns string representation of the value.
virtual bool valid () const
 returns if option is valid (e.g.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from isc::dhcp::Option
static OptionPtr create (Universe u, uint16_t type)
 Factory function creating an instance of the Option.
static OptionPtr create (Universe u, uint16_t type, const OptionBuffer &data)
 Factory function creating an instance of the Option.
static OptionPtr factory (Option::Universe u, uint16_t type)
 Factory function to create instance of option.
static OptionPtr factory (Option::Universe u, uint16_t type, const OptionBuffer &buf)
 Factory function to create instance of option.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from isc::dhcp::Option
static bool lenient_parsing_
 Governs whether options should be parsed less strictly.
static const size_t OPTION4_HDR_LEN = 2
 length of the usual DHCPv4 option header (there are exceptions)
static const size_t OPTION6_HDR_LEN = 4
 length of any DHCPv6 option header
- Protected Member Functions inherited from isc::dhcp::Option
void check () const
 A protected method used for option correctness.
template<typename OptionType >
OptionPtr cloneInternal () const
 Copies this option and returns a pointer to the copy.
std::string headerToText (const int indent=0, const std::string &type_name="") const
 Returns option header in the textual format.
void packHeader (isc::util::OutputBuffer &buf, bool check=true) const
 Store option's header in a buffer.
void packOptions (isc::util::OutputBuffer &buf, bool check=true) const
 Store sub options in a buffer.
std::string suboptionsToText (const int indent=0) const
 Returns collection of suboptions in the textual format.
void unpackOptions (const OptionBuffer &buf)
 Builds a collection of sub options from the buffer.
- Protected Attributes inherited from isc::dhcp::Option
OptionBuffer data_
 contains content of this data
std::string encapsulated_space_
 Name of the option space being encapsulated by this option.
OptionCollection options_
 collection for storing suboptions
uint16_t type_
 option type (0-255 for DHCPv4, 0-65535 for DHCPv6)
Universe universe_
 option universe (V4 or V6)

Detailed Description

Represents DHCPv4 Client FQDN Option (code 81).

This option has been defined in the RFC 4702 and it has a following structure:

  • Code (1 octet) - option code (always equal to 81).
  • Len (1 octet) - a length of the option.
  • Flags (1 octet) - a field carrying "NEOS" flags described below.
  • RCODE1 (1 octet) - deprecated field which should be set to 0 by the client and set to 255 by the server.
  • RCODE2 (1 octet) - deprecated, should be used in the same way as RCODE1.
  • Domain Name - variable length field comprising partial or fully qualified domain name.

The flags field has the following structure:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
| MBZ |N|E|O|S|


  • N flag specifies whether server should (0) or should not (1) perform DNS Update,
  • E flag specifies encoding of the Domain Name field. If this flag is set to 1 it indicates canonical wire format without compression. 0 indicates the deprecated ASCII format.
  • O flag is set by the server to indicate that it has overridden client's preference set with the S bit.
  • S flag specifies whether server should (1) or should not (0) perform forward (FQDN-to-address) updates.

This class exposes a set of functions to modify flags and check their correctness.

Domain names being carried by DHCPv4 Client Fqdn Option can be fully qualified or partial. Partial domain names are encoded similar to the fully qualified domain names, except that they lack terminating zero at the end of their wire representation (or lack of dot at the end, in case of ASCII encoding). It is also accepted to create an instance of this option which has empty domain-name. Clients use empty domain-names to indicate that server should generate complete fully qualified domain-name.

Since domain names are case insensitive (see RFC 4343), this class converts them to lower case format regardless if they are received over the wire or created from strings.

: The RFC4702 section 2.3.1 states that the clients and servers should use character sets specified in RFC952, section 2.1 for ASCII-encoded domain-names. This class doesn't detect the character set violation for ASCII-encoded domain-name. It could be implemented in the future but it is not important now for two reasons:
  • ASCII encoding is deprecated
  • clients SHOULD obey restrictions but if they don't, server may still process the option

RFC 4702 mandates that the DHCP client sets RCODE1 and RCODE2 to 0 and that server sets them to 255. This class allows to set the value for these fields and both fields are always set to the same value. There is no way to set them separately (e.g. set different value for RCODE1 and RCODE2). However, there are no use cases which would require it.

Design choice: This class uses pimpl idiom to separate the interface from implementation specifics. Implementations may use different approaches to handle domain names (mostly validation of the domain-names). The existing isc::dns::Name class is a natural (and the simplest) choice to handle domain-names. Use of this class however, implies that libdhcp must be linked with libdns. At some point these libraries may need to be separated, i.e. to support compilation and use of standalone DHCP server. This will require that the part of implementation which deals with domain-names is modified to not use classes from libdns. These changes will be transparent for this interface.

Definition at line 110 of file option4_client_fqdn.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ DomainNameType

Type of the domain-name: partial or full.


Definition at line 148 of file option4_client_fqdn.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Option4ClientFqdn() [1/4]

isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::Option4ClientFqdn ( const uint8_t flags,
const Rcode & rcode,
const std::string & domain_name,
const DomainNameType domain_name_type = FULL )

Constructor, creates option instance using flags and domain name.

This constructor is used to create an instance of the option which will be included in outgoing messages.

Note that the RCODE values are encapsulated by the Rcode object (not a simple uint8_t value). This helps to prevent a caller from confusing the flags value with rcode value (both are uint8_t values). For example: if caller swaps the two, it will be detected in the compilation time. Also, this API encourages the caller to use two predefined functions: RCODE_SERVER and RCODE_CLIENT to set the value of RCODE. These functions generate objects which represent the only valid values to be be passed to the constructor (255 and 0 respectively). Other values should not be used. However, it is still possible that the other entity (client or server) sends the option with invalid value. Although, the RCODE values are ignored, there should be a way to represent such invalid RCODE value. The Rcode class is capable of representing it.

flagsa combination of flags to be stored in flags field.
rcodeRcode object representing a value for RCODE1 and RCODE2 fields of the option. Both fields are assigned the same value encapsulated by the parameter.
domain_namea name to be stored in the domain-name field.
domain_name_typeindicates if the domain name is partial or full.
InvalidOption4FqdnFlagsif value of the flags field is wrong.
InvalidOption4FqdnDomainNameif the domain-name is invalid.

Definition at line 339 of file

◆ Option4ClientFqdn() [2/4]

isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::Option4ClientFqdn ( const uint8_t flags,
const Rcode & rcode )

Constructor, creates option instance with empty domain name.

This constructor creates an instance of the option with empty domain-name. This domain-name is marked partial.

flagsa combination of flags to be stored in flags field.
rcodeRcode object representing a value for RCODE1 and RCODE2 fields. Both fields are assigned the same value encapsulated by this parameter.
InvalidOption4FqdnFlagsif value of the flags field is invalid.

Definition at line 334 of file

◆ Option4ClientFqdn() [3/4]

isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::Option4ClientFqdn ( OptionBufferConstIter first,
OptionBufferConstIter last )

Constructor, creates an option instance from part of the buffer.

This constructor is mainly used to parse options in the received messages. Function parameters specify buffer bounds from which the option should be created. The size of the buffer chunk, specified by the constructor's parameters should be equal or larger than the size of the option. Otherwise, constructor will throw an exception.

firstthe lower bound of the buffer to create option from.
lastthe upper bound of the buffer to create option from.
InvalidOption4FqdnFlagsif value of the flags field is invalid.
InvalidOption4FqdnDomainNameif the domain-name carried by the option is invalid.
OutOfRangeif the option is truncated.

Definition at line 348 of file

◆ Option4ClientFqdn() [4/4]

isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::Option4ClientFqdn ( const Option4ClientFqdn & source)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 358 of file

◆ ~Option4ClientFqdn()

isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::~Option4ClientFqdn ( )


Definition at line 354 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ clone()

OptionPtr isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::clone ( ) const

Copies this option and returns a pointer to the copy.

Reimplemented from isc::dhcp::Option.

Definition at line 364 of file

◆ getDomainName()

std::string isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::getDomainName ( ) const

Returns the domain-name in the text format.

If domain-name is partial, it lacks the dot at the end (e.g. myhost). If domain-name is fully qualified, it has the dot at the end (e.g.

domain-name in the text format.

Definition at line 436 of file

References isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::domain_name_, isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::domain_name_type_, and PARTIAL.

Referenced by len(), packDomainName(), and toText().

◆ getDomainNameType()

Option4ClientFqdn::DomainNameType isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::getDomainNameType ( ) const

Returns enumerator value which indicates whether domain-name is partial or full.

An enumerator value indicating whether domain-name is partial or full.

Definition at line 486 of file

References isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::domain_name_type_.

Referenced by toText().

◆ getFlag()

bool isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::getFlag ( const uint8_t flag) const

Checks if the specified flag of the DHCPv4 Client FQDN Option is set.

flagA value specifying a bit within flags field to be checked. It must be one of the following FLAG_S, FLAG_E, FLAG_O, FLAG_N.
true if the bit of the specified flags bit is set, false otherwise.
InvalidOption4ClientFlagsif specified flag which value is to be returned is invalid (is not one of the FLAG_S, FLAG_N, FLAG_O).

is invalid and results in the exception.

Definition at line 381 of file

References FLAG_E, FLAG_N, FLAG_O, FLAG_S, isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::flags_, and isc_throw.

Referenced by len(), packDomainName(), and toText().

◆ getRcode()

std::pair< Option4ClientFqdn::Rcode, Option4ClientFqdn::Rcode > isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::getRcode ( ) const

Returns Rcode objects representing value of RCODE1 and RCODE2.

Pair of Rcode objects of which first is the RCODE1 and the second is RCODE2.

Definition at line 420 of file

References isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::rcode1_, and isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::rcode2_.

◆ len()

uint16_t isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::len ( ) const

Returns length of the complete option (data length + DHCPv4 option header).

length of the option.

Reimplemented from isc::dhcp::Option.

Definition at line 532 of file

References isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::domain_name_, isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::domain_name_type_, FIXED_FIELDS_LEN, FLAG_E, FULL, getDomainName(), getFlag(), and isc::dhcp::Option::getHeaderLen().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator=()

Option4ClientFqdn & isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::operator= ( const Option4ClientFqdn & source)

Assignment operator.

Definition at line 372 of file

References isc::dhcp::Option::operator=().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pack()

void isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::pack ( isc::util::OutputBuffer & buf,
bool check = true ) const

Writes option in the wire format into a buffer.

[out]bufoutput buffer where option data will be stored.
checkif set to false, allows options larger than 255 for v4

Reimplemented from isc::dhcp::Option.

Definition at line 491 of file

References isc::dhcp::Option::check(), isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::flags_, isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::Rcode::getCode(), packDomainName(), isc::dhcp::Option::packHeader(), isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::rcode1_, and isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::rcode2_.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ packDomainName()

void isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::packDomainName ( isc::util::OutputBuffer & buf) const

Writes domain-name in the wire format into a buffer.

The data being written are appended at the end of the buffer.

[out]bufbuffer where domain-name will be written.

Definition at line 447 of file

References isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::domain_name_, isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::domain_name_type_, FLAG_E, getDomainName(), getFlag(), and PARTIAL.

Referenced by pack().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:


static const Rcode & isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::RCODE_CLIENT ( )

Rcode being set by the client.

Definition at line 359 of file option4_client_fqdn.h.


static const Rcode & isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::RCODE_SERVER ( )

Rcode being set by the server.

Definition at line 353 of file option4_client_fqdn.h.

◆ resetDomainName()

void isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::resetDomainName ( )

Set empty domain-name.

This function is equivalent to Option6ClientFqdn::setDomainName with empty partial domain-name. It is exception safe.

Definition at line 481 of file

References PARTIAL, and setDomainName().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ resetFlags()

void isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::resetFlags ( )

Sets the flag field value to 0.

Definition at line 431 of file

References isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::flags_.

◆ setDomainName()

void isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::setDomainName ( const std::string & domain_name,
const DomainNameType domain_name_type )

Set new domain-name.

domain_namedomain name field value in the text format.
domain_name_typetype of the domain name: partial or fully qualified.
InvalidOption4FqdnDomainNameif the specified domain-name is invalid.

Definition at line 475 of file

References isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::setDomainName().

Referenced by resetDomainName().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setFlag()

void isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::setFlag ( const uint8_t flag,
const bool set )

Modifies the value of the specified DHCPv4 Client Fqdn Option flag.

flagA value specifying a bit within flags field to be set. It must be one of the following FLAG_S, FLAG_E, FLAG_O, FLAG_N.
seta boolean value which indicates whether flag should be set (true), or cleared (false).
InvalidOption4ClientFlagsif specified flag which value is to be set is invalid (is not one of the FLAG_S, FLAG_N, FLAG_O).

Definition at line 393 of file

References isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::checkFlags(), FLAG_MASK, isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::flags_, and isc_throw.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setRcode()

void isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::setRcode ( const Rcode & rcode)

Set Rcode value.

rcodeAn Rcode object representing value of RCODE1 and RCODE2. Both fields are assigned the same value.

Definition at line 425 of file

References isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::rcode1_, and isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::rcode2_.

◆ toText()

std::string isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::toText ( int indent = 0) const

Returns string representation of the option.

The string returned by the method comprises the bit value of each option flag and the domain-name.

indentnumber of spaces before printed text.
string with text representation.

Reimplemented from isc::dhcp::Option.

Definition at line 515 of file

References FLAG_E, FLAG_N, FLAG_O, FLAG_S, getDomainName(), getDomainNameType(), getFlag(), PARTIAL, and isc::dhcp::Option::type_.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ unpack()

void isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::unpack ( OptionBufferConstIter first,
OptionBufferConstIter last )

Parses option from the received buffer.

Method creates an instance of the DHCPv4 Client FQDN Option from the wire format. Parameters specify the bounds of the buffer to read option data from. The size of the buffer limited by the specified parameters should be equal or larger than size of the option (including its header). Otherwise exception will be thrown.

firstlower bound of the buffer to parse option from.
lastupper bound of the buffer to parse option from.

Reimplemented from isc::dhcp::Option.

Definition at line 504 of file

References isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::checkFlags(), isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::flags_, isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::parseWireData(), and isc::dhcp::Option::setData().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation


const uint16_t isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::FIXED_FIELDS_LEN = 3

The size in bytes of the fixed fields within DHCPv4 Client Fqdn Option.

The fixed fields are:

  • Flags
  • RCODE1
  • RCODE2

Definition at line 160 of file option4_client_fqdn.h.

Referenced by len(), and isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::parseWireData().


const uint8_t isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_E = 0x04


const uint8_t isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_MASK = 0xF

Mask which zeroes MBZ flag bits.

Definition at line 123 of file option4_client_fqdn.h.

Referenced by isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl::checkFlags(), and setFlag().


const uint8_t isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_N = 0x08


const uint8_t isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_O = 0x02

Bit O.

Definition at line 117 of file option4_client_fqdn.h.

Referenced by getFlag(), and toText().


const uint8_t isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_S = 0x01

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: