Kea 2.7.4
isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv Class Reference

DHCPv4 server service. More...

#include <dhcp4_srv.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv:

Public Types

enum  RequirementLevel { FORBIDDEN , MANDATORY , OPTIONAL }
 defines if certain option may, must or must not appear More...

Public Member Functions

 Dhcpv4Srv (uint16_t server_port=DHCP4_SERVER_PORT, uint16_t client_port=0, const bool use_bcast=true, const bool direct_response_desired=true)
 Default constructor.
virtual ~Dhcpv4Srv ()
 Destructor. Used during DHCPv4 service shutdown.
CBControlDHCPv4Ptr getCBControl () const
 Returns an object which controls access to the configuration backends.
asiolink::IOServicePtrgetIOService ()
 Returns pointer to the IO service used by the server.
NetworkStatePtrgetNetworkState ()
 Returns pointer to the network state used by the server.
bool inTestMode () const
 Checks if the server is running in unit test mode.
Pkt4Ptr processDhcp4Query (Pkt4Ptr query, bool allow_answer_park)
 Process a single incoming DHCPv4 query.
void processDhcp4QueryAndSendResponse (Pkt4Ptr query, bool allow_answer_park)
 Process a single incoming DHCPv4 query.
Pkt4Ptr processLocalizedQuery4 (AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &ctx, bool allow_answer_park)
 Process a localized incoming DHCPv4 query.
void processLocalizedQuery4AndSendResponse (Pkt4Ptr query, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &ctx, bool allow_answer_park)
 Process a localized incoming DHCPv4 query.
void processLocalizedQuery4AndSendResponse (Pkt4Ptr query, bool allow_answer_park)
 Process a localized incoming DHCPv4 query.
Pkt4Ptr processPacket (Pkt4Ptr query, bool allow_answer_park=true)
 Process a single incoming DHCPv4 packet.
void processPacketAndSendResponse (Pkt4Ptr query)
 Process a single incoming DHCPv4 packet and sends the response.
void processPacketAndSendResponseNoThrow (Pkt4Ptr query)
 Process a single incoming DHCPv4 packet and sends the response.
int run ()
 Main server processing loop.
void runOne ()
 Main server processing step.
void sendResponseNoThrow (hooks::CalloutHandlePtr &callout_handle, Pkt4Ptr &query, Pkt4Ptr &rsp, Subnet4Ptr &subnet)
 Process an unparked DHCPv4 packet and sends the response.
void shutdown () override
 Instructs the server to shut down.
Public accessors returning values required to (re)open sockets.
uint16_t getServerPort () const
 Get UDP port on which server should listen.
bool useBroadcast () const
 Return bool value indicating that broadcast flags should be set on sockets.
void startD2 ()
 Starts DHCP_DDNS client IO if DDNS updates are enabled.
void stopD2 ()
 Stops DHCP_DDNS client IO if DDNS updates are enabled.
virtual void d2ClientErrorHandler (const dhcp_ddns::NameChangeSender::Result result, dhcp_ddns::NameChangeRequestPtr &ncr)
 Implements the error handler for DHCP_DDNS IO errors.
void discardPackets ()
 Discards parked packets Clears the packet parking lots of all packets.
bool getSendResponsesToSource () const
 Returns value of the test_send_responses_to_source_ flag.
void initContext0 (const Pkt4Ptr &query, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr ctx)
 Initialize client context (first part).
bool earlyGHRLookup (const Pkt4Ptr &query, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr ctx)
 Initialize client context and perform early global reservations lookup.
- Public Member Functions inherited from isc::process::Daemon
 Daemon ()
 Default constructor.
virtual ~Daemon ()
void checkConfigFile () const
 Checks the configuration file name.
virtual void cleanup ()
 Performs final deconfiguration.
void createPIDFile (int pid=0)
 Creates the PID file.
std::string getConfigFile () const
 Returns config file name.
int getExitValue ()
 Fetches the exit value.
std::string getPIDFileDir () const
 Returns the directory used when forming default PID file name.
std::string getPIDFileName () const
 Returns the current PID file name.
isc::data::ConstElementPtr redactConfig (isc::data::ConstElementPtr const &config)
 Redact a configuration.
void setConfigFile (const std::string &config_file)
 Sets the configuration file name.
void setExitValue (int value)
 Sets the exit value.
void setPIDFileDir (const std::string &pid_file_dir)
 Sets the PID file directory.
void setPIDFileName (const std::string &pid_file_name)
 Sets PID file name.
virtual size_t writeConfigFile (const std::string &config_file, isc::data::ConstElementPtr cfg=isc::data::ConstElementPtr()) const
 Writes current configuration to specified file.

Static Public Member Functions

static std::string getVersion (bool extended)
 returns Kea version on stdout and exit.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from isc::process::Daemon
static void configureLogger (const isc::data::ConstElementPtr &log_config, const isc::process::ConfigPtr &storage)
 Configures logger.
static std::string getDefaultLoggerName ()
 Returns default logger name.
static std::string getProcName ()
 returns the process name This value is used as when forming the default PID file name
static bool getVerbose ()
 Returns if running in verbose mode.
static std::string getVersion (bool extended)
 returns Kea version on stdout and exits.
static void loggerInit (const char *log_name, bool verbose)
 Initializes logger.
static void setDefaultLoggerName (const std::string &logger)
 Sets the default logger name.
static void setProcName (const std::string &proc_name)
 Sets the process name.
static void setVerbose (const bool verbose)
 Sets or clears verbose mode.

Functions filtering and sanity-checking received messages.

These functions are supposed to be moved to a new class which will manage different rules for accepting and rejecting messages. Perhaps ticket #3116 is a good opportunity to do it.
static const std::string VENDOR_CLASS_PREFIX
 this is a prefix added to the content of vendor-class option
uint16_t server_port_
 UDP port number on which server listens.
uint16_t client_port_
 UDP port number to which server sends all responses.
volatile bool shutdown_
 Indicates if shutdown is in progress.
boost::shared_ptr< AllocEnginealloc_engine_
 Allocation Engine.
bool use_bcast_
 Should broadcast be enabled on sockets (if true).
NetworkStatePtr network_state_
 Holds information about disabled DHCP service and/or disabled subnet/network scopes.
CBControlDHCPv4Ptr cb_control_
 Controls access to the configuration backends.
void declineLease (const Lease4Ptr &lease, const Pkt4Ptr &decline, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &context)
 Marks lease as declined.
std::list< std::list< std::string > > jsonPathsToRedact () const final override
 Return a list of all paths that contain passwords or secrets for kea-dhcp4.
static void processStatsReceived (const Pkt4Ptr &query)
 Class methods for DHCPv4-over-DHCPv6 handler.
static void processStatsSent (const Pkt4Ptr &response)
 Updates statistics for transmitted packets.
static int getHookIndexBuffer4Receive ()
 Returns the index for "buffer4_receive" hook point.
static int getHookIndexPkt4Receive ()
 Returns the index for "pkt4_receive" hook point.
static int getHookIndexSubnet4Select ()
 Returns the index for "subnet4_select" hook point.
static int getHookIndexLease4Release ()
 Returns the index for "lease4_release" hook point.
static int getHookIndexPkt4Send ()
 Returns the index for "pkt4_send" hook point.
static int getHookIndexBuffer4Send ()
 Returns the index for "buffer4_send" hook point.
static int getHookIndexLease4Decline ()
 Returns the index for "lease4_decline" hook point.
bool accept (const Pkt4Ptr &query)
 Checks whether received message should be processed or discarded.
bool acceptDirectRequest (const Pkt4Ptr &query)
 Check if a message sent by directly connected client should be accepted or discarded.
bool acceptMessageType (const Pkt4Ptr &query) const
 Check if received message type is valid for the server to process.
bool acceptServerId (const Pkt4Ptr &pkt) const
 Verifies if the server id belongs to our server.
Pkt4Ptr processDiscover (Pkt4Ptr &discover, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &context)
 Processes incoming DISCOVER and returns response.
Pkt4Ptr processRequest (Pkt4Ptr &request, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &context)
 Processes incoming REQUEST and returns REPLY response.
void processRelease (Pkt4Ptr &release, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &context)
 Processes incoming DHCPRELEASE messages.
void processDecline (Pkt4Ptr &decline, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &context)
 Process incoming DHCPDECLINE messages.
Pkt4Ptr processInform (Pkt4Ptr &inform, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &context)
 Processes incoming DHCPINFORM messages.
void buildCfgOptionList (Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
 Build the configured option list.
void appendRequestedOptions (Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
 Appends options requested by client.
void appendRequestedVendorOptions (Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
 Appends requested vendor options as requested by client.
bool assignZero (Subnet4Ptr &subnet, const ClientClasses &client_classes)
 Assign the address to an IPv6-Only client.
void assignLease (Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
 Assigns a lease and appends corresponding options.
void postAllocateNameUpdate (const AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &ctx, const Lease4Ptr &lease, const Pkt4Ptr &query, const Pkt4Ptr &resp, bool client_name_changed)
 Update client name and DNS flags in the lease and response.
void setTeeTimes (const Lease4Ptr &lease, const Subnet4Ptr &subnet, Pkt4Ptr resp)
 Adds the T1 and T2 timers to the outbound response as appropriate.
void appendBasicOptions (Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
 Append basic options if they are not present.
void setFixedFields (Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
 Sets fixed fields of the outgoing packet.
void processClientName (Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
 Processes Client FQDN and Hostname Options sent by a client.
void setPacketStatisticsDefaults ()
 This function sets statistics related to DHCPv4 packets processing to their initial values.
void setSendResponsesToSource (bool value)
 Sets value of the test_send_responses_to_source_ flag.
void serverDecline (hooks::CalloutHandlePtr &callout_handle, Pkt4Ptr &query, Lease4Ptr lease, bool lease_exists)
 Renders a lease declined after the server has detected, via ping-check or other means, that its address is already in-use.
void serverDeclineNoThrow (hooks::CalloutHandlePtr &callout_handle, Pkt4Ptr &query, Lease4Ptr lease, bool lease_exists)
 Exception safe wrapper around serverDecline()
void createNameChangeRequests (const Lease4Ptr &lease, const Lease4Ptr &old_lease, const DdnsParams &ddns_params)
 Creates NameChangeRequests which correspond to the lease which has been acquired.
void renewLease (const Pkt4Ptr &renew, Pkt4Ptr &reply)
 Attempts to renew received addresses.
void adjustIfaceData (Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
 Set IP/UDP and interface parameters for the DHCPv4 response.
void adjustRemoteAddr (Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
 Sets remote addresses for outgoing packet.
isc::dhcp::Subnet4Ptr selectSubnet (const Pkt4Ptr &query, bool &drop, bool sanity_only=false, bool allow_answer_park=true)
 Selects a subnet for a given client's packet.
isc::dhcp::Subnet4Ptr selectSubnet4o6 (const Pkt4Ptr &query, bool &drop, bool sanity_only=false, bool allow_answer_park=true)
 Selects a subnet for a given client's DHCP4o6 packet.
virtual Pkt4Ptr receivePacket (int timeout)
 dummy wrapper around IfaceMgr::receive4
virtual void sendPacket (const Pkt4Ptr &pkt)
 dummy wrapper around IfaceMgr::send()
void classifyPacket (const Pkt4Ptr &pkt)
 Assigns incoming packet to zero or more classes.
void recoverStashedAgentOption (const Pkt4Ptr &query)
 Recover stashed agent options from client address lease.
void requiredClassify (Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
 Assigns incoming packet to zero or more classes (required pass).
void deferredUnpack (Pkt4Ptr &query)
 Perform deferred option unpacking.
void processPacketPktSend (hooks::CalloutHandlePtr &callout_handle, Pkt4Ptr &query, Pkt4Ptr &rsp, Subnet4Ptr &subnet)
 Executes pkt4_send callout.
void processPacketBufferSend (hooks::CalloutHandlePtr &callout_handle, Pkt4Ptr &rsp)
 Executes buffer4_send callout and sends the response.
static void sanityCheck (const Pkt4Ptr &query)
 Verifies if specified packet meets RFC requirements.
static void sanityCheck (const Pkt4Ptr &query, RequirementLevel serverid)
 Verifies if specified packet meets RFC requirements.
static void appendServerID (Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
 Adds server identifier option to the server's response.
static uint16_t checkRelayPort (const Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
 Check if the relay port RAI sub-option was set in the query.
static std::string srvidToString (const OptionPtr &opt)
 converts server-id to text Converts content of server-id option to a text representation, e.g.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from isc::process::Daemon
std::string makePIDFileName () const
 Manufacture the pid file name.
- Protected Attributes inherited from isc::process::Daemon
isc::asiolink::IOSignalSetPtr signal_set_
 A pointer to the object installing custom signal handlers.
boost::posix_time::ptime start_
 Timestamp of the start of the daemon.

Detailed Description

DHCPv4 server service.

This singleton class represents DHCPv4 server. It contains all top-level methods and routines necessary for server operation. In particular, it instantiates IfaceMgr, loads or generates DUID that is going to be used as server-identifier, receives incoming packets, processes them, manages leases assignment and generates appropriate responses.

This class does not support any controlling mechanisms directly. See the derived ControlledDhcpv4Srv class for support for command and configuration updates over msgq.

Definition at line 268 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ RequirementLevel

defines if certain option may, must or must not appear


Definition at line 277 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Dhcpv4Srv()

isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::Dhcpv4Srv ( uint16_t server_port = DHCP4_SERVER_PORT,
uint16_t client_port = 0,
const bool use_bcast = true,
const bool direct_response_desired = true )

Default constructor.

Instantiates necessary services, required to run DHCPv4 server. In particular, creates IfaceMgr that will be responsible for network interaction. Will instantiate lease manager, and load old or create new DUID. It is possible to specify alternate port on which DHCPv4 server will listen on and alternate port where DHCPv4 server sends all responses to. Those are mostly useful for testing purposes. The Last two arguments of the constructor should be left at default values for normal server operation. They should be set to 'false' when creating an instance of this class for unit testing because features they enable require root privileges.

server_portspecifies port number to listen on
client_portspecifies port number to send to
use_bcastconfigure sockets to support broadcast messages.
direct_response_desiredspecifies if it is desired to use direct V4 traffic.
call loadLibraries() when handling configuration changes

Definition at line 616 of file

References alloc_engine_, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_START, isc::dhcp::dhcp4_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_OPEN_SOCKET, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_SRV_CONSTRUCT_ERROR, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_TESTING_MODE_SEND_TO_SOURCE_ENABLED, isc::dhcp::IfaceMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERROR, LOG_WARN, setPacketStatisticsDefaults(), and shutdown_.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~Dhcpv4Srv()

Member Function Documentation

◆ accept()

bool isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::accept ( const Pkt4Ptr & query)

Checks whether received message should be processed or discarded.

This function checks whether received message should be processed or discarded. It should be called on the beginning of message processing (just after the message has been decoded). This message calls a number of other functions which check whether message should be processed, using different criteria.

This function should be extended when new criteria for accepting received message have to be implemented. This function is meant to aggregate all early filtering checks on the received message. By having a single function like this, we are avoiding bloat of the server's main loop.

This function should remain exception safe.
queryReceived message.
true if the message should be further processed, or false if the message should be discarded.

Definition at line 4501 of file

References acceptDirectRequest(), acceptMessageType(), acceptServerId(), isc::dhcp::bad_packet4_logger, isc::log::DBGLVL_PKT_HANDLING, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_DROP_0002, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_DROP_0003, and LOG_DEBUG.

Referenced by processPacket().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ acceptDirectRequest()

bool isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::acceptDirectRequest ( const Pkt4Ptr & query)

Check if a message sent by directly connected client should be accepted or discarded.

This function checks if the received message is from directly connected client. If it is, it checks that it should be processed or discarded.

Note that this function doesn't validate all addresses being carried in the message. The primary purpose of this function is to filter out direct messages in the local network for which there is no suitable subnet configured. For example, this function accepts unicast messages because unicasts may be used by clients located in remote networks to to renew existing leases. If their notion of address is wrong, the server will have to sent a NAK, instead of dropping the message. Detailed validation of such messages is performed at later stage of processing.

This function accepts the following messages:

  • all valid relayed messages,
  • all unicast messages,
  • all broadcast messages except DHCPINFORM received on the interface for which the suitable subnet exists (is configured).
  • all DHCPINFORM messages with source address or ciaddr set.
queryMessage sent by a client.
true if message is accepted for further processing, false otherwise.

Definition at line 4529 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPINFORM, and selectSubnet().

Referenced by accept().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ acceptMessageType()

bool isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::acceptMessageType ( const Pkt4Ptr & query) const

Check if received message type is valid for the server to process.

This function checks that the received message type belongs to the range of types recognized by the server and that the message of this type should be processed by the server.

The messages types accepted for processing are:

  • Discover
  • Request
  • Release
  • Decline
  • Inform
queryMessage sent by a client.
true if message is accepted for further processing, false otherwise.

Definition at line 4567 of file

References isc::dhcp::bad_packet4_logger, isc::log::DBGLVL_PKT_HANDLING, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_DROP_0004, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_DROP_0005, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_DROP_0006, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_DROP_0009, isc::dhcp::DHCP_NOTYPE, isc::dhcp::DHCP_TYPES_EOF, isc::dhcp::DHCPDECLINE, isc::dhcp::DHCPDISCOVER, isc::dhcp::DHCPINFORM, isc::dhcp::DHCPRELEASE, isc::dhcp::DHCPREQUEST, and LOG_DEBUG.

Referenced by accept().

◆ acceptServerId()

bool isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::acceptServerId ( const Pkt4Ptr & pkt) const

Verifies if the server id belongs to our server.

This function checks if the server identifier carried in the specified DHCPv4 message belongs to this server. If the server identifier option is absent or the value carried by this option is equal to one of the server identifiers used by the server, the true is returned. If the server identifier option is present, but it doesn't match any server identifier used by this server, the false value is returned.

pktDHCPv4 message which server identifier is to be checked.
true, if the server identifier is absent or matches one of the server identifiers that the server is using; false otherwise.
Currently we only check server identifiers configured at the subnet, shared network, client class and global levels. This should be sufficient for most of cases. At this point, trying to support server identifiers on the host reservations level seems to be an overkill and is probably not needed. In fact, at this point we don't know the reservations for the client communicating with the server. We may revise some of these choices in the future.

Definition at line 4623 of file

References DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE, isc::dhcp::DHO_DHCP_AGENT_OPTIONS, isc::dhcp::DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER, isc::dhcp::IfaceMgr::instance(), isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), and isc::dhcp::RAI_OPTION_SERVER_ID_OVERRIDE.

Referenced by accept().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ adjustIfaceData()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::adjustIfaceData ( Dhcpv4Exchange & ex)

Set IP/UDP and interface parameters for the DHCPv4 response.

This method sets the following parameters for the DHCPv4 message being sent to a client:

  • client unicast or a broadcast address,
  • client or relay port,
  • server address,
  • server port,
  • name and index of the interface which is to be used to send the message.

Internally it calls the Dhcpv4Srv::adjustRemoteAddr to figure out the destination address (client unicast address or broadcast address).

The destination port is always DHCPv4 client (68) or relay (67) port, depending if the response will be sent directly to a client, unless a client port was enforced from the command line.

The source port is always set to DHCPv4 server port (67).

The interface selected for the response is always the same as the one through which the query has been received.

The source address for the response is the IPv4 address assigned to the interface being used to send the response. This function uses IfaceMgr to get the socket bound to the IPv4 address on the particular interface.

This method is static because it is not dependent on the class state.
exThe exchange holding both the client's message and the server's response.
Consider an optimization that we use local address from the query if this address is not broadcast.

Definition at line 3419 of file

References adjustRemoteAddr(), checkRelayPort(), client_port_, isc::dhcp::DHCPINFORM, isc::dhcp::IfaceMgr::instance(), isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), isc::asiolink::IOAddress::IPV4_ZERO_ADDRESS(), server_port_, isc::dhcp::CfgIface::SOCKET_UDP, and isc::dhcp::CfgIface::USE_ROUTING.

Referenced by processDiscover(), processInform(), and processRequest().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ adjustRemoteAddr()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::adjustRemoteAddr ( Dhcpv4Exchange & ex)

Sets remote addresses for outgoing packet.

This method sets the local and remote addresses on outgoing packet. The addresses being set depend on the following conditions:

  • has incoming packet been relayed,
  • is direct response to a client without address supported,
  • type of the outgoing packet,
  • broadcast flag set in the incoming packet.
This method does not check whether provided packet pointers are valid. Make sure that pointers are correct before calling this function.
exThe exchange holding both the client's message and the server's response.

Definition at line 3507 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPINFORM, isc::dhcp::DHCPNAK, isc::dhcp::Pkt4::FLAG_BROADCAST_MASK, getSendResponsesToSource(), isc::dhcp::IfaceMgr::instance(), and isc::asiolink::IOAddress::IPV4_BCAST_ADDRESS().

Referenced by adjustIfaceData().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ appendBasicOptions()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::appendBasicOptions ( Dhcpv4Exchange & ex)

Append basic options if they are not present.

This function adds the following basic options if they are not yet added to the response message:

  • Subnet Mask,
  • Router,
  • Name Server,
  • Domain Name,
  • Server Identifier.
exDHCPv4 exchange holding the client's message to be checked.
TKM - not sure if otion class-tagging should be allowed here?

Definition at line 2433 of file


Referenced by processDiscover(), processInform(), and processRequest().

◆ appendRequestedOptions()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::appendRequestedOptions ( Dhcpv4Exchange & ex)

Appends options requested by client.

This method assigns options that were requested by client (sent in PRL) or are enforced by server.

exThe exchange holding both the client's message and the server's response.

Definition at line 2089 of file

References DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE, isc::dhcp::DHO_DHCP_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST, isc::dhcp::DHO_VIVCO_SUBOPTIONS, isc::dhcp::DHO_VIVSO_SUBOPTIONS, and isc::dhcp::Option::V4.

Referenced by processDiscover(), processInform(), and processRequest().

◆ appendRequestedVendorOptions()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::appendRequestedVendorOptions ( Dhcpv4Exchange & ex)

Appends requested vendor options as requested by client.

This method is similar to appendRequestedOptions(), but uses vendor options. The major difference is that vendor-options use its own option spaces (there may be more than one distinct set of vendor options, each with unique vendor-id). Vendor options are requested using separate options within their respective vendor-option spaces.

exThe exchange holding both the client's message and the server's response.

Definition at line 2261 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHO_VIVCO_SUBOPTIONS, isc::dhcp::DHO_VIVSO_SUBOPTIONS, DOCSIS3_V4_ORO, isc::dhcp::Option::V4, and VENDOR_ID_CABLE_LABS.

Referenced by processDiscover(), processInform(), and processRequest().

◆ appendServerID()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::appendServerID ( Dhcpv4Exchange & ex)

Adds server identifier option to the server's response.

This method adds a server identifier to the DHCPv4 message if it doesn't exist yet. This is set to the local address on which the client's query has been received with the exception of broadcast traffic and DHCPv4o6 query for which a socket on the particular interface is found and its address is used as server id.

This method doesn't throw exceptions by itself but the underlying classes being used my throw. The reason for this method to not sanity check the specified message is that it is meant to be called internally by the Dhcpv4Srv class.
This method is static because it is not dependent on the class state.
exThe exchange holding both the client's message and the server's response.

Definition at line 1990 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER, isc::dhcp::LibDHCP::DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER_DEF(), isc::dhcp::IfaceMgr::instance(), and isc::dhcp::Option::V4.

Referenced by processDiscover(), processInform(), and processRequest().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ assignLease()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::assignLease ( Dhcpv4Exchange & ex)

Assigns a lease and appends corresponding options.

This method chooses the most appropriate lease for requesting client and assigning it. Options corresponding to the lease are added to specific message.

This method may reset the pointer to the response in the ex object to indicate that the response should not be sent to the client. The caller must check if the response is is null after calling this method.

The response type in the ex object may be set to DHCPACK or DHCPNAK.

exDHCPv4 exchange holding the client's message to be checked.
The server should check what ciaddr the client has supplied in ciaddr. Currently the ciaddr is ignored except for the subnet selection. If the client supplied an invalid address, the server will also return an invalid address here.

Definition at line 2880 of file

References alloc_engine_, assignZero(), isc::dhcp::CfgGlobals::AUTHORITATIVE, isc::dhcp::bad_packet4_logger, isc::data::Element::boolean, createNameChangeRequests(), isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_BASIC_DATA, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::ddns4_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_CLIENTID_IGNORED_FOR_LEASES, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_DISCOVER, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_INIT_REBOOT, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_LEASE_ALLOC, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_LEASE_OFFER, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_LEASE_REUSE, isc::dhcp::dhcp4_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_NCR_CREATION_FAILED, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_NO_LEASE_INIT_REBOOT, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_NAK_0001, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_NAK_0002, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_NAK_0003, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_NAK_0004, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_REQUEST, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_SUBNET_DYNAMICALLY_CHANGED, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS_REQUESTED, isc::dhcp::DHCPDISCOVER, isc::dhcp::DHCPNAK, isc::dhcp::DHO_DHCP_LEASE_TIME, isc::dhcp::DHO_DHCP_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST, isc::dhcp::DHO_DHCP_REQUESTED_ADDRESS, isc::dhcp::DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER, isc::dhcp::DHO_FQDN, isc::dhcp::DHO_HOST_NAME, isc::dhcp::DHO_V6_ONLY_PREFERRED, isc::stats::StatsMgr::generateName(), isc::dhcp::getCalloutHandle(), isc::dhcp::AllocEngine::getValidLft(), isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), isc::dhcp::LeaseMgrFactory::instance(), isc::stats::StatsMgr::instance(), isc::asiolink::IOAddress::IPV4_ZERO_ADDRESS(), isc::dhcp::lease4_logger, isc::dhcp::Lease::lifetimeToText(), LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERROR, LOG_INFO, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, postAllocateNameUpdate(), processClientName(), setTeeTimes(), isc::dhcp::Lease::TYPE_V4, and isc::dhcp::Option::V4.

Referenced by processDiscover(), and processRequest().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ assignZero()

bool isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::assignZero ( Subnet4Ptr & subnet,
const ClientClasses & client_classes )

Assign the address to an IPv6-Only client.

In fact there is no difference between assigning no address or assigning the zero address as the assigned address is the Yiaddr field of the DHCPv4 message header...

Check if there is a subnet or shared network defining an IPv6-Only Preferred option which will be included by the response.

subnetReference to the selected subnet, can be modified if the option is found in another subnet of the shared network.
client_classesClient classes.
true if an IPv6-Only Preferred option was found, false otherwise.

Definition at line 2848 of file

References DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE, and isc::dhcp::DHO_V6_ONLY_PREFERRED.

Referenced by assignLease().

◆ buildCfgOptionList()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::buildCfgOptionList ( Dhcpv4Exchange & ex)

Build the configured option list.

The configured option list is an ordered list of CfgOption objects used to append options to the response.
exThe exchange where the configured option list is cached

Definition at line 2015 of file

References isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_BASIC, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_CLASS_UNCONFIGURED, isc::dhcp::dhcp4_logger, isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), isc::asiolink::IOAddress::IPV4_ZERO_ADDRESS(), isc::dhcp::isClientClassBuiltIn(), isc::asiolink::IOAddress::isV4Zero(), LOG_DEBUG, and isc::dhcp::Lease::TYPE_V4.

Referenced by processDiscover(), processInform(), and processRequest().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ checkRelayPort()

uint16_t isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::checkRelayPort ( const Dhcpv4Exchange & ex)

Check if the relay port RAI sub-option was set in the query.

exThe exchange holding the client's message
the port to use to join the relay or 0 for the default

Definition at line 3406 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHO_DHCP_AGENT_OPTIONS, and isc::dhcp::RAI_OPTION_RELAY_PORT.

Referenced by adjustIfaceData().

◆ classifyPacket()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::classifyPacket ( const Pkt4Ptr & pkt)

Assigns incoming packet to zero or more classes.

This is done in two phases: first the content of the vendor-class-identifier option is used as a class, by calling (private) classifyByVendor(). Second classification match expressions are evaluated. The resulting classes will be stored in the packet (see isc::dhcp::Pkt4::classes_ and isc::dhcp::Pkt4::inClass).
pktpacket to be classified

Definition at line 4826 of file

References isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Exchange::classifyPacket().

Referenced by processPacket().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createNameChangeRequests()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::createNameChangeRequests ( const Lease4Ptr & lease,
const Lease4Ptr & old_lease,
const DdnsParams & ddns_params )

Creates NameChangeRequests which correspond to the lease which has been acquired.

If this function is called when an existing lease is renewed, it may generate NameChangeRequest to remove existing DNS entries which correspond to the old lease instance. This function may cease to generate NameChangeRequests if the notion of the client's FQDN hasn't changed between an old and new lease.

leaseA pointer to the new lease which has been acquired.
old_leaseA pointer to the instance of the old lease which has
ddns_paramsDDNS configuration parameters been replaced by the new lease passed in the first argument. The null value indicates that the new lease has been allocated, rather than lease being renewed.

Definition at line 2821 of file

References isc::dhcp_ddns::CHG_ADD, isc::dhcp_ddns::CHG_REMOVE, isc_throw, and isc::dhcp::queueNCR().

Referenced by assignLease().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ d2ClientErrorHandler()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::d2ClientErrorHandler ( const dhcp_ddns::NameChangeSender::Result result,
dhcp_ddns::NameChangeRequestPtr & ncr )

Implements the error handler for DHCP_DDNS IO errors.

Invoked when a NameChangeRequest send to kea-dhcp-ddns completes with a failed status. These are communications errors, not data related failures.

This method logs the failure and then suspends all further updates. Updating can only be restored by reconfiguration or restarting the server. There is currently no retry logic so the first IO error that occurs will suspend updates.

We may wish to make this more robust or sophisticated.
resultResult code of the send operation.
ncrNameChangeRequest which failed to send.
We may wish to revisit this, but for now we will simply turn them off.

Definition at line 5012 of file

References isc::dhcp::ddns4_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_DDNS_REQUEST_SEND_FAILED, isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), and LOG_ERROR.

Referenced by startD2().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ declineLease()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::declineLease ( const Lease4Ptr & lease,
const Pkt4Ptr & decline,
AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr & context )

Marks lease as declined.

This method moves a lease to declined state with all the steps involved:

  • trigger DNS removal (if necessary)
  • disassociate the client information
  • update lease in the database (switch to DECLINED state)
  • increase necessary statistics
  • call lease4_decline hook
leaselease to be declined
declineclient's message
contextreference to a client context

Definition at line 4138 of file

References isc::hooks::HooksManager::callCallouts(), isc::hooks::HooksManager::calloutsPresent(), isc::dhcp_ddns::CHG_REMOVE, isc::log::DBGLVL_PKT_HANDLING, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_DECLINE_FAIL, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_DECLINE_LEASE, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_DECLINE_SKIP, isc::stats::StatsMgr::generateName(), isc::dhcp::getCalloutHandle(), Hooks, isc::hooks::hooks_logger, isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), isc::dhcp::LeaseMgrFactory::instance(), isc::stats::StatsMgr::instance(), isc::dhcp::lease4_logger, LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERROR, LOG_INFO, isc::hooks::CalloutHandle::NEXT_STEP_DROP, isc::hooks::CalloutHandle::NEXT_STEP_SKIP, isc::dhcp::queueNCR(), and isc::dhcp::Lease::TYPE_V4.

Referenced by processDecline().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ deferredUnpack()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::deferredUnpack ( Pkt4Ptr & query)

Perform deferred option unpacking.

Options 43 and 224-254 are processed after classification. If a class configures a definition it is applied, if none the global (user) definition is applied. For option 43 a last resort definition (same definition as used in previous Kea versions) is applied when none is found.
queryPointer to the client message.

Definition at line 4916 of file

References isc::dhcp::bad_packet4_logger, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_DEFERRED_OPTION_MISSING, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_DEFERRED_OPTION_UNPACK_FAIL, DHCP4_OPTION_SPACE, isc::dhcp::LibDHCP::getLastResortOptionDef(), isc::dhcp::LibDHCP::getOptionDef(), isc::dhcp::LibDHCP::getRuntimeOptionDef(), isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, and isc::dhcp::Option::V4.

Referenced by processPacket().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ discardPackets()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::discardPackets ( )

Discards parked packets Clears the packet parking lots of all packets.

Called during reconfigure and shutdown.

Definition at line 5157 of file

References isc::hooks::HooksManager::clearParkingLots().

Referenced by ~Dhcpv4Srv().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ earlyGHRLookup()

bool isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::earlyGHRLookup ( const Pkt4Ptr & query,
AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr ctx )

Initialize client context and perform early global reservations lookup.

queryThe query message.
ctxPointer to client context.
true if processing can continue, false if the query must be dropped.

Definition at line 1053 of file

References alloc_engine_, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_BASIC, isc::log::DBGLVL_PKT_HANDLING, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_CLASS_ASSIGNED, isc::dhcp::dhcp4_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_DROP_0014, isc::dhcp::CfgGlobals::EARLY_GLOBAL_RESERVATIONS_LOOKUP, isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Exchange::evaluateClasses(), initContext0(), isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), isc::stats::StatsMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Exchange::removeDependentEvaluatedClasses(), and isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Exchange::setHostIdentifiers().

Referenced by processDhcp4Query().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getCBControl()

CBControlDHCPv4Ptr isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::getCBControl ( ) const

Returns an object which controls access to the configuration backends.

Pointer to the instance of the object which controls access to the configuration backends.

Definition at line 333 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

References cb_control_.

◆ getHookIndexBuffer4Receive()

int isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::getHookIndexBuffer4Receive ( )

Returns the index for "buffer4_receive" hook point.

the index for "buffer4_receive" hook point

Definition at line 5129 of file

References Hooks.

◆ getHookIndexBuffer4Send()

int isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::getHookIndexBuffer4Send ( )

Returns the index for "buffer4_send" hook point.

the index for "buffer4_send" hook point

Definition at line 5149 of file

References Hooks.

Referenced by isc::dhcp::Dhcp4to6Ipc::handler().

◆ getHookIndexLease4Decline()

int isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::getHookIndexLease4Decline ( )

Returns the index for "lease4_decline" hook point.

the index for "lease4_decline" hook point

Definition at line 5153 of file

References Hooks.

◆ getHookIndexLease4Release()

int isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::getHookIndexLease4Release ( )

Returns the index for "lease4_release" hook point.

the index for "lease4_release" hook point

Definition at line 5141 of file

References Hooks.

◆ getHookIndexPkt4Receive()

int isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::getHookIndexPkt4Receive ( )

Returns the index for "pkt4_receive" hook point.

the index for "pkt4_receive" hook point

Definition at line 5133 of file

References Hooks.

◆ getHookIndexPkt4Send()

int isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::getHookIndexPkt4Send ( )

Returns the index for "pkt4_send" hook point.

the index for "pkt4_send" hook point

Definition at line 5145 of file

References Hooks.

◆ getHookIndexSubnet4Select()

int isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::getHookIndexSubnet4Select ( )

Returns the index for "subnet4_select" hook point.

the index for "subnet4_select" hook point

Definition at line 5137 of file

References Hooks.

◆ getIOService()

asiolink::IOServicePtr & isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::getIOService ( )

◆ getNetworkState()

NetworkStatePtr & isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::getNetworkState ( )

Returns pointer to the network state used by the server.

Definition at line 324 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

References network_state_.

◆ getSendResponsesToSource()

bool isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::getSendResponsesToSource ( ) const

Returns value of the test_send_responses_to_source_ flag.

value of the test_send_responses_to_source_ flag.

Definition at line 510 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

Referenced by adjustRemoteAddr().

◆ getServerPort()

uint16_t isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::getServerPort ( ) const

Get UDP port on which server should listen.

Typically, server listens on UDP port number 67. Other ports are used for testing purposes only.

UDP port on which server should listen.

Definition at line 457 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

References server_port_.

◆ getVersion()

std::string isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::getVersion ( bool extended)

returns Kea version on stdout and exit.

redeclaration/redefinition. isc::process::Daemon::getVersion()

Definition at line 5024 of file

References isc::dhcp::HostDataSourceFactory::getDBVersions(), isc::dhcp::LeaseMgrFactory::getDBVersions(), isc::cryptolink::CryptoLink::getVersion(), isc::log::Logger::getVersion(), isc::db::info, and version().

Referenced by main().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ initContext0()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::initContext0 ( const Pkt4Ptr & query,
AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr ctx )

Initialize client context (first part).

queryThe query message.
ctxPointer to client context.

Definition at line 1043 of file

Referenced by earlyGHRLookup(), and processLocalizedQuery4AndSendResponse().

◆ inTestMode()

bool isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::inTestMode ( ) const

Checks if the server is running in unit test mode.

true if the server is running in unit test mode, false otherwise.

Definition at line 314 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

References server_port_.

◆ jsonPathsToRedact()

std::list< std::list< std::string > > isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::jsonPathsToRedact ( ) const

Return a list of all paths that contain passwords or secrets for kea-dhcp4.

the list of lists of sequential JSON map keys needed to reach the passwords and secrets.

Reimplemented from isc::process::Daemon.

Definition at line 5162 of file

◆ postAllocateNameUpdate()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::postAllocateNameUpdate ( const AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr & ctx,
const Lease4Ptr & lease,
const Pkt4Ptr & query,
const Pkt4Ptr & resp,
bool client_name_changed )

Update client name and DNS flags in the lease and response.

There are two cases when the client name (FQDN or hostname) and DNS flags need to updated after the lease has been allocated:

  1. If the name is being generated from the lease address
  2. If the allocation changed the chosen subnet

In the first case this function will generate the name from the lease address. In either case, the name and DNS flags are updated in the lease and in the response packet.

ctxreference to the client context
leasereference to the client lease
queryreference to the client query
respreference to the client response
client_name_changed- true if the new values are already in the lease

TKM - do this on committed-discover

Definition at line 3299 of file

References isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::ddns4_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_POST_ALLOCATION_NAME_UPDATE_FAIL, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_RESPONSE_HOSTNAME_GENERATE, isc::dhcp::DHO_FQDN, isc::dhcp::DHO_HOST_NAME, isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::FULL, isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), isc::dhcp::LeaseMgrFactory::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, and LOG_ERROR.

Referenced by assignLease().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processClientName()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processClientName ( Dhcpv4Exchange & ex)

Processes Client FQDN and Hostname Options sent by a client.

Client may send Client FQDN or Hostname option to communicate its name to the server. Server may use this name to perform DNS update for the lease being assigned to a client. If server takes responsibility for updating DNS for a client it may communicate it by sending the Client FQDN or Hostname Option back to the client. Server select a different name than requested by a client to update DNS. In such case, the server stores this different name in its response.

Client should not send both Client FQDN and Hostname options. However, if client sends both options, server should prefer Client FQDN option and ignore the Hostname option. If Client FQDN option is not present, the Hostname option is processed.

The Client FQDN Option is processed by this function as described in RFC4702.

In response to a Hostname Option sent by a client, the server may send Hostname option with the same or different hostname. If different hostname is sent, it is an indication to the client that server has overridden the client's preferred name and will rather use this different name to update DNS. However, since Hostname option doesn't carry an information whether DNS update will be carried by the server or not, the client is responsible for checking whether DNS update has been performed.

After successful processing options stored in the first parameter, this function may add Client FQDN or Hostname option to the response message. In some cases, server may cease to add any options to the response, i.e. when server doesn't support DNS updates.

This function does not throw. It simply logs the debug message if the processing of the FQDN or Hostname failed.

exThe exchange holding both the client's message and the server's response.
It could be configurable what sort of updates the server is doing when Hostname option was sent.

Definition at line 2476 of file

References isc::hooks::HooksManager::callCallouts(), isc::hooks::HooksManager::calloutsPresent(), isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL_DATA, isc::log::DBGLVL_PKT_HANDLING, isc::dhcp::ddns4_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_CLIENT_FQDN_PROCESS, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_CLIENT_HOSTNAME_PROCESS, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_CLIENT_NAME_PROC_FAIL, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_DDNS_UPDATE, isc::dhcp::DHO_FQDN, isc::dhcp::DHO_HOST_NAME, isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_N, isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::FLAG_S, isc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::FULL, isc::dhcp::getCalloutHandle(), Hooks, isc::hooks::hooks_logger, isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), and LOG_DEBUG.

Referenced by assignLease().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processDecline()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processDecline ( Pkt4Ptr & decline,
AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr & context )

Process incoming DHCPDECLINE messages.

This method processes incoming DHCPDECLINE. In particular, it extracts Requested IP Address option, checks that the address really belongs to the client and if it does, calls declineLease.

declinemessage received from client
contextpointer to the client context where declined lease is stored.

Definition at line 4064 of file

References declineLease(), isc::dhcp::DHCP4_DECLINE_LEASE_MISMATCH, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_DECLINE_LEASE_NOT_FOUND, isc::dhcp::dhcp4_logger, isc::dhcp::DHO_DHCP_REQUESTED_ADDRESS, isc::dhcp::LeaseMgrFactory::instance(), isc_throw, LOG_WARN, isc::dhcp::Lease::STATE_DEFAULT, and isc::asiolink::IOAddress::toText().

Referenced by processLocalizedQuery4().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processDhcp4Query()

Pkt4Ptr isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processDhcp4Query ( Pkt4Ptr query,
bool allow_answer_park )

Process a single incoming DHCPv4 query.

It localizes the query, calls per-type processXXX methods, generates appropriate answer.

queryA pointer to the packet to be processed.
allow_answer_parkIndicates if parking a packet is allowed.
A pointer to the response.

Definition at line 1478 of file

References isc::dhcp::bad_packet4_logger, isc::log::DBGLVL_PKT_HANDLING, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_DROP_0007, isc::dhcp::DHCPDECLINE, isc::dhcp::DHCPDISCOVER, isc::dhcp::DHCPINFORM, isc::dhcp::DHCPRELEASE, isc::dhcp::DHCPREQUEST, earlyGHRLookup(), isc::stats::StatsMgr::instance(), isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, isc::dhcp::makeContinuation(), processDhcp4QueryAndSendResponse(), processLocalizedQuery4(), sanityCheck(), and selectSubnet().

Referenced by processDhcp4QueryAndSendResponse(), and processPacket().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processDhcp4QueryAndSendResponse()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processDhcp4QueryAndSendResponse ( Pkt4Ptr query,
bool allow_answer_park )

Process a single incoming DHCPv4 query.

It localizes the query, calls per-type processXXX methods, generates appropriate answer, sends the answer to the client.

queryA pointer to the packet to be processed.
allow_answer_parkIndicates if parking a packet is allowed.

Definition at line 1458 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_PROCESS_EXCEPTION, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_PROCESS_STD_EXCEPTION, isc::dhcp::getCalloutHandle(), LOG_ERROR, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, processDhcp4Query(), and processPacketBufferSend().

Referenced by processDhcp4Query().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processDiscover()

Pkt4Ptr isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processDiscover ( Pkt4Ptr & discover,
AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr & context )

Processes incoming DISCOVER and returns response.

Processes received DISCOVER message and verifies that its sender should be served. In particular, a lease is selected and sent as an offer to a client if it should be served.

discoverDISCOVER message received from client
contextpointer to the client context
OFFER message or null

Definition at line 3750 of file

References adjustIfaceData(), alloc_engine_, appendBasicOptions(), appendRequestedOptions(), appendRequestedVendorOptions(), appendServerID(), assignLease(), buildCfgOptionList(), isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_BASIC, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_CLASSES_ASSIGNED, isc::dhcp::dhcp4_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_V6_ONLY_PREFERRED_MISSING_IN_OFFER, isc::dhcp::DHO_V6_ONLY_PREFERRED, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERROR, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, requiredClassify(), and setFixedFields().

Referenced by processLocalizedQuery4().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processInform()

Pkt4Ptr isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processInform ( Pkt4Ptr & inform,
AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr & context )

Processes incoming DHCPINFORM messages.

informmessage received from client
contextpointer to the client context
DHCPACK to be sent to the client.

Definition at line 4364 of file

References adjustIfaceData(), alloc_engine_, appendBasicOptions(), appendRequestedOptions(), appendRequestedVendorOptions(), appendServerID(), buildCfgOptionList(), isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_BASIC, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_CLASSES_ASSIGNED, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_INFORM_DIRECT_REPLY, isc::dhcp::dhcp4_logger, isc::dhcp::DHO_DHCP_AGENT_OPTIONS, isc::asiolink::IOAddress::IPV4_ZERO_ADDRESS(), LOG_DEBUG, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, requiredClassify(), and setFixedFields().

Referenced by processLocalizedQuery4().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processLocalizedQuery4()

Pkt4Ptr isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processLocalizedQuery4 ( AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr & ctx,
bool allow_answer_park )

Process a localized incoming DHCPv4 query.

It calls per-type processXXX methods, generates appropriate answer.

ctxPointer to The client context.
allow_answer_parkIndicates if parking a packet is allowed.
A pointer to the response.

Definition at line 1575 of file

References isc::dhcp::bad_packet4_logger, isc::hooks::HooksManager::callCallouts(), isc::hooks::HooksManager::calloutsPresent(), isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_HOOKS, isc::log::DBGLVL_PKT_HANDLING, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_LEASE4_OFFER_ARGUMENT_MISSING, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_LEASE4_OFFER_DROP, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_LEASE4_OFFER_PARK, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_LEASE4_OFFER_PARKING_LOT_FULL, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_LEASES4_COMMITTED_DROP, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_LEASES4_COMMITTED_PARK, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_LEASES4_COMMITTED_PARKING_LOT_FULL, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_DROP_0007, isc::dhcp::DHCPDECLINE, isc::dhcp::DHCPDISCOVER, isc::dhcp::DHCPINFORM, isc::dhcp::DHCPRELEASE, isc::dhcp::DHCPREQUEST, isc::hooks::HooksManager::drop(), isc::dhcp::getCalloutHandle(), Hooks, isc::hooks::hooks_logger, isc::stats::StatsMgr::instance(), isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), isc_throw, LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERROR, isc::hooks::CalloutHandle::NEXT_STEP_DROP, isc::hooks::CalloutHandle::NEXT_STEP_PARK, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, isc::hooks::HooksManager::park(), processDecline(), processDiscover(), processInform(), processPacketBufferSend(), processPacketPktSend(), processRelease(), processRequest(), sendResponseNoThrow(), serverDecline(), and serverDeclineNoThrow().

Referenced by processDhcp4Query(), and processLocalizedQuery4AndSendResponse().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processLocalizedQuery4AndSendResponse() [1/2]

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processLocalizedQuery4AndSendResponse ( Pkt4Ptr query,
AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr & ctx,
bool allow_answer_park )

Process a localized incoming DHCPv4 query.

It calls per-type processXXX methods, generates appropriate answer, sends the answer to the client.

queryA pointer to the unparked packet.
ctxPointer to The client context.
allow_answer_parkIndicates if parking a packet is allowed.

Definition at line 1535 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_PROCESS_EXCEPTION, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_PROCESS_STD_EXCEPTION, isc::dhcp::getCalloutHandle(), LOG_ERROR, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, processLocalizedQuery4(), and processPacketBufferSend().

Referenced by processLocalizedQuery4AndSendResponse(), selectSubnet(), and selectSubnet4o6().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processLocalizedQuery4AndSendResponse() [2/2]

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processLocalizedQuery4AndSendResponse ( Pkt4Ptr query,
bool allow_answer_park )

Process a localized incoming DHCPv4 query.

A variant of the precedent method used to resume processing for packets parked in the subnet4_select callout.

queryA pointer to the unparked packet.
allow_answer_parkIndicates if parking a packet is allowed.

Definition at line 1557 of file

References isc::dhcp::getCalloutHandle(), initContext0(), and processLocalizedQuery4AndSendResponse().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processPacket()

Pkt4Ptr isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processPacket ( Pkt4Ptr query,
bool allow_answer_park = true )

Process a single incoming DHCPv4 packet.

It verifies correctness of the passed packet, calls per-type processXXX methods, generates appropriate answer.

queryA pointer to the packet to be processed.
allow_answer_parkIndicates if parking a packet is allowed.
A pointer to the response.

Definition at line 1266 of file

References accept(), isc::dhcp::bad_packet4_logger, isc::hooks::HooksManager::callCallouts(), isc::hooks::HooksManager::calloutsPresent(), classifyPacket(), isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL_DATA, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_HOOKS, isc::log::DBGLVL_PKT_HANDLING, deferredUnpack(), isc::dhcp::DHCP4_BUFFER_UNPACK, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_BUFFER_RCVD_DROP, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_BUFFER_RCVD_SKIP, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_PACKET_RCVD_SKIP, isc::dhcp::dhcp4_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_DROP_0001, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_DROP_0010, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_OPTIONS_SKIPPED, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_RECEIVED, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_QUERY_DATA, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_QUERY_LABEL, isc::dhcp::getCalloutHandle(), Hooks, isc::hooks::hooks_logger, isc::stats::StatsMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, LOG_INFO, isc::hooks::CalloutHandle::NEXT_STEP_DROP, isc::hooks::CalloutHandle::NEXT_STEP_SKIP, isc::dhcp::options4_logger, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, processDhcp4Query(), processStatsReceived(), and recoverStashedAgentOption().

Referenced by processPacketAndSendResponse().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processPacketAndSendResponse()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processPacketAndSendResponse ( Pkt4Ptr query)

Process a single incoming DHCPv4 packet and sends the response.

It verifies correctness of the passed packet, calls per-type processXXX methods, generates appropriate answer, sends the answer to the client.

queryA pointer to the packet to be processed.

Definition at line 1254 of file

References isc::dhcp::getCalloutHandle(), processPacket(), and processPacketBufferSend().

Referenced by processPacketAndSendResponseNoThrow(), and runOne().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processPacketAndSendResponseNoThrow()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processPacketAndSendResponseNoThrow ( Pkt4Ptr query)

Process a single incoming DHCPv4 packet and sends the response.

It verifies correctness of the passed packet, calls per-type processXXX methods, generates appropriate answer, sends the answer to the client.

queryA pointer to the packet to be processed.

Definition at line 1241 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_PROCESS_EXCEPTION, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_PROCESS_STD_EXCEPTION, LOG_ERROR, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, and processPacketAndSendResponse().

Referenced by runOne().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processPacketBufferSend()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processPacketBufferSend ( hooks::CalloutHandlePtr & callout_handle,
Pkt4Ptr & rsp )

◆ processPacketPktSend()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processPacketPktSend ( hooks::CalloutHandlePtr & callout_handle,
Pkt4Ptr & query,
Pkt4Ptr & rsp,
Subnet4Ptr & subnet )

Executes pkt4_send callout.

callout_handlepointer to the callout handle.
queryPointer to a query.
rspPointer to a response.
subnetA pointer to selected subnet.

Callouts decided to drop the packet.

Definition at line 1827 of file

References isc::hooks::HooksManager::callCallouts(), isc::hooks::HooksManager::calloutsPresent(), isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_HOOKS, isc::log::DBGLVL_PKT_HANDLING, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_PACKET_SEND_DROP, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_PACKET_SEND_SKIP, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_PACK, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_PACK_FAIL, Hooks, isc::hooks::hooks_logger, LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERROR, isc::hooks::CalloutHandle::NEXT_STEP_DROP, isc::hooks::CalloutHandle::NEXT_STEP_SKIP, and isc::dhcp::options4_logger.

Referenced by processLocalizedQuery4(), and sendResponseNoThrow().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processRelease()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processRelease ( Pkt4Ptr & release,
AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr & context )

◆ processRequest()

Pkt4Ptr isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processRequest ( Pkt4Ptr & request,
AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr & context )

Processes incoming REQUEST and returns REPLY response.

Processes incoming REQUEST message and verifies that its sender should be served. In particular, verifies that requested lease is valid, not expired, not reserved, not used by other client and that requesting client is allowed to use it.

Returns ACK message, NAK message, or null

requesta message received from client
contextpointer to the client context where allocated and deleted leases are stored.
ACK or NAK message

Definition at line 3829 of file

References adjustIfaceData(), alloc_engine_, appendBasicOptions(), appendRequestedOptions(), appendRequestedVendorOptions(), appendServerID(), assignLease(), buildCfgOptionList(), isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_BASIC, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_CLASSES_ASSIGNED, isc::dhcp::dhcp4_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_V6_ONLY_PREFERRED_MISSING_IN_ACK, isc::dhcp::DHO_V6_ONLY_PREFERRED, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERROR, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, requiredClassify(), and setFixedFields().

Referenced by processLocalizedQuery4().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processStatsReceived()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processStatsReceived ( const Pkt4Ptr & query)

Class methods for DHCPv4-over-DHCPv6 handler.

Updates statistics for received packets

querypacket received

Definition at line 5054 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPACK, isc::dhcp::DHCPDECLINE, isc::dhcp::DHCPDISCOVER, isc::dhcp::DHCPINFORM, isc::dhcp::DHCPNAK, isc::dhcp::DHCPOFFER, isc::dhcp::DHCPRELEASE, isc::dhcp::DHCPREQUEST, and isc::stats::StatsMgr::instance().

Referenced by processPacket().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ processStatsSent()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::processStatsSent ( const Pkt4Ptr & response)

Updates statistics for transmitted packets.

responsepacket transmitted

Definition at line 5103 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPACK, isc::dhcp::DHCPNAK, isc::dhcp::DHCPOFFER, and isc::stats::StatsMgr::instance().

Referenced by isc::dhcp::Dhcp4to6Ipc::handler(), and processPacketBufferSend().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ receivePacket()

Pkt4Ptr isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::receivePacket ( int timeout)

dummy wrapper around IfaceMgr::receive4

This method is useful for testing purposes, where its replacement simulates reception of a packet. For that purpose it is protected.

Definition at line 1033 of file

References isc::dhcp::IfaceMgr::instance().

Referenced by runOne().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ recoverStashedAgentOption()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::recoverStashedAgentOption ( const Pkt4Ptr & query)

Recover stashed agent options from client address lease.

This method checks:

  • client address is not
  • relay address is
  • stash-agent-options is true (vs false, the default).
  • the query is a DHCPREQUEST.
  • there is no RAI or an empty RAI in the query.
  • the query is not member of the STASH_AGENT_OPTIONS client class.
  • there is a lease for the client address.
  • the lease is not expired.
  • the lease has a RAI in its extended info in its user context.
  • the lease belongs to the client.
  • a not empty RAI can be recovered from the lease. when all checks pass:
  • add the recovered RAI to the query.
  • put the query in the STASH_AGENT_OPTIONS client class.

Definition at line 4418 of file

References isc::data::Element::boolean, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL_DATA, isc::util::str::decodeFormattedHexString(), isc::dhcp::DHCP4_RECOVERED_STASHED_RELAY_AGENT_INFO, isc::dhcp::DHCPREQUEST, isc::dhcp::DHO_DHCP_AGENT_OPTIONS, isc::dhcp::LibDHCP::DHO_DHCP_AGENT_OPTIONS_DEF(), isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), isc::dhcp::LeaseMgrFactory::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, isc::data::Element::map, isc::dhcp::Option::OPTION4_HDR_LEN, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, isc::dhcp::CfgGlobals::STASH_AGENT_OPTIONS, isc::data::Element::string, and isc::dhcp::Option::V4.

Referenced by processPacket().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ renewLease()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::renewLease ( const Pkt4Ptr & renew,
Pkt4Ptr & reply )

Attempts to renew received addresses.

Attempts to renew existing lease. This typically includes finding a lease that corresponds to the received address. If no such lease is found, a status code response is generated.

renewclient's message asking for renew
replyserver's response (ACK or NAK)

◆ requiredClassify()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::requiredClassify ( Dhcpv4Exchange & ex)

Assigns incoming packet to zero or more classes (required pass).

This required classification evaluates all classes which were marked for required evaluation. Classes are collected so evaluated in the reversed order than output option processing.
The only-if-required flag is related because it avoids double evaluation (which is not forbidden).
exThe exchange holding needed information.

Definition at line 4830 of file

References isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_BASIC, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::dhcp4_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_REQUIRED_CLASS_EVAL_ERROR, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_REQUIRED_CLASS_EVAL_RESULT, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_REQUIRED_CLASS_NO_TEST, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_REQUIRED_CLASS_UNDEFINED, isc::dhcp::evaluateBool(), isc::dhcp::ClientClasses::insert(), isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), isc::asiolink::IOAddress::IPV4_ZERO_ADDRESS(), isc::asiolink::IOAddress::isV4Zero(), LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERROR, and isc::dhcp::Lease::TYPE_V4.

Referenced by processDiscover(), processInform(), and processRequest().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ run()

int isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::run ( )

Main server processing loop.

Main server processing loop. Call the processing step routine until shut down.

The value returned by Daemon::getExitValue().

Definition at line 1124 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_PROCESS_EXCEPTION_MAIN, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_PROCESS_STD_EXCEPTION_MAIN, isc::process::Daemon::getExitValue(), getIOService(), isc::asiolink::IOServiceMgr::instance(), isc::config::HttpCommandMgr::instance(), isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), LOG_ERROR, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, runOne(), server_port_, and shutdown_.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ runOne()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::runOne ( )

Main server processing step.

Main server processing step. Receives one incoming packet, calls the processing packet routing and (if necessary) transmits a response.

Definition at line 1167 of file

References isc::dhcp::bad_packet4_logger, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_BASIC, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL, isc::log::DBGLVL_PKT_HANDLING, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_BUFFER_RECEIVE_FAIL, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_BUFFER_RECEIVED, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_BUFFER_WAIT_SIGNAL, isc::dhcp::dhcp4_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_DROP_0008, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_QUEUE_FULL, isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERROR, network_state_, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, processPacketAndSendResponse(), processPacketAndSendResponseNoThrow(), and receivePacket().

Referenced by run().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sanityCheck() [1/2]

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::sanityCheck ( const Pkt4Ptr & query)

Verifies if specified packet meets RFC requirements.

Checks if mandatory option is really there, that forbidden option is not there, and that client-id or server-id appears only once. Calls the second method with the requirement level based on message type.

queryPointer to the client's message.
RFCViolationif any issues are detected

Definition at line 4755 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCPDECLINE, isc::dhcp::DHCPDISCOVER, isc::dhcp::DHCPINFORM, isc::dhcp::DHCPRELEASE, isc::dhcp::DHCPREQUEST, FORBIDDEN, OPTIONAL, and sanityCheck().

Referenced by processDhcp4Query(), and sanityCheck().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sanityCheck() [2/2]

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::sanityCheck ( const Pkt4Ptr & query,
RequirementLevel serverid )

Verifies if specified packet meets RFC requirements.

Checks if mandatory option is really there, that forbidden option is not there, and that client-id or server-id appears only once.

queryPointer to the client's message.
serveridexpectation regarding server-id option
RFCViolationif any issues are detected

Definition at line 4785 of file


◆ selectSubnet()

isc::dhcp::Subnet4Ptr isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::selectSubnet ( const Pkt4Ptr & query,
bool & drop,
bool sanity_only = false,
bool allow_answer_park = true )

Selects a subnet for a given client's packet.

If selectSubnet is called to simply do sanity checks (check if a subnet would be selected), then there is no need to call hooks, as this will happen later (when selectSubnet is called again). In such case the sanity_only should be set to true.

queryclient's message
dropif it is true the packet will be dropped
sanity_onlyif it is true the callout won't be called
allow_answer_parkIndicates if parking a packet is allowed
selected subnet (or null if no suitable subnet was found)

Definition at line 729 of file

References isc::hooks::HooksManager::callCallouts(), isc::hooks::HooksManager::calloutsPresent(), isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_BASIC_DATA, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL_DATA, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_HOOKS, isc::log::DBGLVL_PKT_HANDLING, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_SUBNET4_SELECT_DROP, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_SUBNET4_SELECT_PARK, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_SUBNET4_SELECT_PARKING_LOT_FULL, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_SUBNET4_SELECT_SKIP, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_SUBNET_DATA, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_SUBNET_SELECTED, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_SUBNET_SELECTION_FAILED, isc::hooks::HooksManager::drop(), isc::dhcp::getCalloutHandle(), Hooks, isc::hooks::hooks_logger, isc::dhcp::CfgSubnets4::initSelector(), isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), LOG_DEBUG, isc::hooks::CalloutHandle::NEXT_STEP_DROP, isc::hooks::CalloutHandle::NEXT_STEP_PARK, isc::hooks::CalloutHandle::NEXT_STEP_SKIP, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, isc::hooks::HooksManager::park(), processLocalizedQuery4AndSendResponse(), and selectSubnet4o6().

Referenced by acceptDirectRequest(), and processDhcp4Query().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ selectSubnet4o6()

isc::dhcp::Subnet4Ptr isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::selectSubnet4o6 ( const Pkt4Ptr & query,
bool & drop,
bool sanity_only = false,
bool allow_answer_park = true )

Selects a subnet for a given client's DHCP4o6 packet.

If selectSubnet is called to simply do sanity checks (check if a subnet would be selected), then there is no need to call hooks, as this will happen later (when selectSubnet is called again). In such case the sanity_only should be set to true.

queryclient's message
dropif it is true the packet will be dropped
sanity_onlyif it is true the callout won't be called
allow_answer_parkIndicates if parking a packet is allowed
selected subnet (or null if no suitable subnet was found)

Definition at line 863 of file

References isc::hooks::HooksManager::callCallouts(), isc::hooks::HooksManager::calloutsPresent(), isc::dhcp::SubnetSelector::ciaddr_, D6O_INTERFACE_ID, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_BASIC_DATA, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_DETAIL_DATA, isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_HOOKS, isc::log::DBGLVL_PKT_HANDLING, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_DHCP4O6_HOOK_SUBNET4_SELECT_DROP, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_DHCP4O6_HOOK_SUBNET4_SELECT_SKIP, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_DHCP4O6_SUBNET_DATA, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_DHCP4O6_SUBNET_SELECTED, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_DHCP4O6_SUBNET_SELECTION_FAILED, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_SUBNET4_SELECT_4O6_PARKING_LOT_FULL, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_HOOK_SUBNET4_SELECT_PARK, isc::dhcp::DHO_SUBNET_SELECTION, isc::hooks::HooksManager::drop(), isc::dhcp::getCalloutHandle(), Hooks, isc::hooks::hooks_logger, isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), isc_throw, LOG_DEBUG, isc::hooks::CalloutHandle::NEXT_STEP_DROP, isc::hooks::CalloutHandle::NEXT_STEP_PARK, isc::hooks::CalloutHandle::NEXT_STEP_SKIP, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, isc::hooks::HooksManager::park(), processLocalizedQuery4AndSendResponse(), and isc::dhcp::Pkt6::RELAY_GET_FIRST.

Referenced by selectSubnet().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sendPacket()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::sendPacket ( const Pkt4Ptr & pkt)

dummy wrapper around IfaceMgr::send()

This method is useful for testing purposes, where its replacement simulates transmission of a packet. For that purpose it is protected.

Definition at line 1038 of file

References isc::dhcp::IfaceMgr::instance().

Referenced by processPacketBufferSend().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sendResponseNoThrow()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::sendResponseNoThrow ( hooks::CalloutHandlePtr & callout_handle,
Pkt4Ptr & query,
Pkt4Ptr & rsp,
Subnet4Ptr & subnet )

Process an unparked DHCPv4 packet and sends the response.

callout_handlepointer to the callout handle.
queryA pointer to the packet to be processed.
rspA pointer to the response.
subnetA pointer to selected subnet.

Definition at line 1812 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_PROCESS_EXCEPTION, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_PROCESS_STD_EXCEPTION, LOG_ERROR, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, processPacketBufferSend(), and processPacketPktSend().

Referenced by processLocalizedQuery4().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serverDecline()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::serverDecline ( hooks::CalloutHandlePtr & callout_handle,
Pkt4Ptr & query,
Lease4Ptr lease,
bool lease_exists )

Renders a lease declined after the server has detected, via ping-check or other means, that its address is already in-use.

This function is invoked during the unpark callback for the lease4_offer hook point, if a hook callout has set the handle status to NEXT_STEP_DROP. It will create/update the lease to DECLINED state in the lease store, update the appropriate stats, and

implement a new hook point, lease4_server_declined_lease (name subject to change).
callout_handle- current callout handle.
query- DHCPDISCOVER which instigated the declination.
lease- lease to decline (i.e lease that would have been offered).
lease_exists- true if the lease already exists in the lease store (as is the case when offer-lifetime is > 0).

Definition at line 4238 of file

References isc::hooks::HooksManager::callCallouts(), isc::hooks::HooksManager::calloutsPresent(), isc::dhcp::DHCP4_SERVER_INITIATED_DECLINE, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_SERVER_INITIATED_DECLINE_ADD_FAILED, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_SERVER_INITIATED_DECLINE_RESOURCE_BUSY, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_SERVER_INITIATED_DECLINE_UPDATE_FAILED, isc::stats::StatsMgr::generateName(), Hooks, isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), isc::dhcp::LeaseMgrFactory::instance(), isc::stats::StatsMgr::instance(), isc::util::MultiThreadingMgr::instance(), isc::dhcp::lease4_logger, LOG_ERROR, LOG_INFO, and isc::dhcp::Lease::TYPE_V4.

Referenced by processLocalizedQuery4(), and serverDeclineNoThrow().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ serverDeclineNoThrow()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::serverDeclineNoThrow ( hooks::CalloutHandlePtr & callout_handle,
Pkt4Ptr & query,
Lease4Ptr lease,
bool lease_exists )

Exception safe wrapper around serverDecline()

In MT mode this wrapper is used to safely invoke serverDecline() as a DHCP worker thread task.

callout_handle- current callout handle.
query- DHCPDISCOVER which instigated the declination.
lease- lease to decline (i.e lease that would have been offered).
lease_exists- true if the lease already exists in the lease store (as is the case when offer-lifetime is > 0).

Definition at line 4354 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHCP4_PACKET_PROCESS_EXCEPTION, LOG_ERROR, isc::dhcp::packet4_logger, and serverDecline().

Referenced by processLocalizedQuery4().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setFixedFields()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::setFixedFields ( Dhcpv4Exchange & ex)

Sets fixed fields of the outgoing packet.

If the incoming packets belongs to a class and that class defines next-server, server-hostname or boot-file-name, we need to set the siaddr, sname or filename fields in the outgoing packet. Also, those values can be defined for subnet or in reservations. The values defined in reservation takes precedence over class values, which in turn take precedence over subnet values.

exDHCPv4 exchange holding the client's message and the server's response to be adjusted.

Definition at line 3608 of file

References isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance(), and isc::asiolink::IOAddress::IPV4_ZERO_ADDRESS().

Referenced by processDiscover(), processInform(), and processRequest().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setPacketStatisticsDefaults()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::setPacketStatisticsDefaults ( )

This function sets statistics related to DHCPv4 packets processing to their initial values.

All of the statistics observed by the DHCPv4 server and with the names like "pkt4-" are reset to 0. This function must be invoked in the class constructor.

Definition at line 668 of file

References isc::stats::StatsMgr::instance().

Referenced by Dhcpv4Srv().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setSendResponsesToSource()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::setSendResponsesToSource ( bool value)

Sets value of the test_send_responses_to_source_ flag.

valuenew value of the test_send_responses_to_source_ flag.

Definition at line 889 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

◆ setTeeTimes()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::setTeeTimes ( const Lease4Ptr & lease,
const Subnet4Ptr & subnet,
Pkt4Ptr resp )

Adds the T1 and T2 timers to the outbound response as appropriate.

This method determines if either of the timers T1 (option 58) and T2 (option 59) should be sent to the client. It is influenced by the lease's subnet's values for renew-timer, rebind-timer, calculate-tee-times, t1-percent, and t2-percent as follows:

By default neither T1 nor T2 will be sent.


If rebind-timer is set use its value, otherwise if calculate-tee-times is true use the value given by valid lease time * t2-percent. Either way the value will only be sent if it is less than the valid lease time.


If renew-timer is set use its value, otherwise if calculate-tee-times is true use the value given by valid lease time * t1-percent. Either way the value will only be sent if it is less than T2 when T2 is being sent, or less than the valid lease time if T2 is not being sent.

leaselease being assigned to the client
subnetthe subnet to which the lease belongs
respoutbound response for the client to which timers are added.
This logic to be modified if we decide to support infinite lease times.

Definition at line 3367 of file

References isc::dhcp::DHO_DHCP_REBINDING_TIME, isc::dhcp::DHO_DHCP_RENEWAL_TIME, and isc::dhcp::Option::V4.

Referenced by assignLease().

◆ shutdown()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::shutdown ( )

Instructs the server to shut down.

Reimplemented from isc::process::Daemon.

Definition at line 723 of file

References isc::dhcp::DBG_DHCP4_BASIC, isc::dhcp::dhcp4_logger, isc::dhcp::DHCP4_SHUTDOWN_REQUEST, LOG_DEBUG, and shutdown_.

Referenced by isc::dhcp::ControlledDhcpv4Srv::shutdownServer().

◆ srvidToString()

string isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::srvidToString ( const OptionPtr & opt)

converts server-id to text Converts content of server-id option to a text representation, e.g.


optoption that contains server-id
string representation

Definition at line 1970 of file

References isc_throw.

◆ startD2()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::startD2 ( )

Starts DHCP_DDNS client IO if DDNS updates are enabled.

If updates are enabled, it instructs the D2ClientMgr singleton to enter send mode. If D2ClientMgr encounters errors it may throw D2ClientError. This method does not catch exceptions.

Definition at line 4990 of file

References d2ClientErrorHandler(), and isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stopD2()

void isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::stopD2 ( )

Stops DHCP_DDNS client IO if DDNS updates are enabled.

If updates are enabled, it instructs the D2ClientMgr singleton to leave send mode. If D2ClientMgr encounters errors it may throw D2ClientError. This method does not catch exceptions.

Definition at line 5002 of file

References isc::dhcp::CfgMgr::instance().

Referenced by ~Dhcpv4Srv().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ useBroadcast()

bool isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::useBroadcast ( ) const

Return bool value indicating that broadcast flags should be set on sockets.

A bool value indicating that broadcast should be used (if true).

Definition at line 465 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

References use_bcast_.

Referenced by isc::dhcp::ControlledDhcpv4Srv::processConfig().

Member Data Documentation

◆ alloc_engine_

boost::shared_ptr<AllocEngine> isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::alloc_engine_

Allocation Engine.

Pointer to the allocation engine that we are currently using It must be a pointer, because we will support changing engines during normal operation (e.g. to use different allocators)

Definition at line 1270 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

Referenced by Dhcpv4Srv(), assignLease(), earlyGHRLookup(), processDiscover(), processInform(), and processRequest().

◆ cb_control_

CBControlDHCPv4Ptr isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::cb_control_

Controls access to the configuration backends.

Definition at line 1280 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

Referenced by getCBControl().

◆ client_port_

uint16_t isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::client_port_

UDP port number to which server sends all responses.

Definition at line 1260 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

Referenced by adjustIfaceData().

◆ network_state_

NetworkStatePtr isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::network_state_

Holds information about disabled DHCP service and/or disabled subnet/network scopes.

Definition at line 1277 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

Referenced by getNetworkState(), and runOne().

◆ server_port_

uint16_t isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::server_port_

UDP port number on which server listens.

Definition at line 1257 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

Referenced by adjustIfaceData(), getServerPort(), inTestMode(), and run().

◆ shutdown_

volatile bool isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::shutdown_

Indicates if shutdown is in progress.

Setting it to true will initiate server shutdown procedure.

Definition at line 1264 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

Referenced by Dhcpv4Srv(), run(), and shutdown().

◆ use_bcast_

bool isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::use_bcast_

Should broadcast be enabled on sockets (if true).

Definition at line 1273 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

Referenced by useBroadcast().


const std::string isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv::VENDOR_CLASS_PREFIX

this is a prefix added to the content of vendor-class option

If incoming packet has a vendor class option, its content is prepended with this prefix and then interpreted as a class. For example, a packet that sends vendor class with value of "FOO" will cause the packet to be assigned to class VENDOR_CLASS_FOO.

Definition at line 931 of file dhcp4_srv.h.

Referenced by isc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Exchange::classifyByVendor().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: