Kea 2.7.4
isc::data::Element Class Referenceabstract

The Element class represents a piece of data, used by the command channel and configuration parts. More...

#include <data.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for isc::data::Element:


struct  Position
 Represents the position of the data element within a configuration string. More...

Public Types

enum  types : int {
  integer = 0 , real = 1 , boolean = 2 , null = 3 ,
  string = 4 , bigint = 5 , list = 6 , map = 7 ,
  any = 8
 The types that an Element can hold. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual ~Element ()
const PositiongetPosition () const
 Returns position where the data element's value starts in a configuration string.
types getType () const
std::string str () const
 Returns a string representing the Element and all its child elements; note that this is different from stringValue(), which only returns the single value of a StringElement.
std::string toWire () const
 Returns the wireformat for the Element and all its child elements.
void toWire (std::ostream &out) const
pure virtuals, every derived class must implement these
virtual bool equals (const Element &other) const =0
virtual void toJSON (std::ostream &ss) const =0
 Converts the Element to JSON format and appends it to the given stringstream.
Type-specific getters

These functions only work on their corresponding Element type.

For all other types, a TypeError is thrown. If you want an exception-safe getter method, use getValue() below

virtual int64_t intValue () const
virtual isc::util::int128_t bigIntValue () const
virtual double doubleValue () const
virtual bool boolValue () const
virtual std::string stringValue () const
virtual const std::vector< ElementPtr > & listValue () const
virtual const std::map< std::string, ConstElementPtr > & mapValue () const
Exception-safe getters

The getValue() functions return false if the given reference is of another type than the element contains By default it always returns false; the derived classes override the function for their type, copying their data to the given reference and returning true

virtual bool getValue (int64_t &t) const
virtual bool getValue (double &t) const
virtual bool getValue (bool &t) const
virtual bool getValue (std::string &t) const
virtual bool getValue (std::vector< ElementPtr > &t) const
virtual bool getValue (std::map< std::string, ConstElementPtr > &t) const
Exception-safe setters.

Return false if the Element is not the right type.

Set the value and return true if the Elements is of the correct type

Notes: Read notes of IntElement definition about the use of long long int, long int and int.

virtual bool setValue (const long long int v)
virtual bool setValue (const isc::util::int128_t &v)
bool setValue (const long int i)
bool setValue (const int i)
virtual bool setValue (const double v)
virtual bool setValue (const bool t)
virtual bool setValue (const std::string &v)
virtual bool setValue (const std::vector< ElementPtr > &v)
virtual bool setValue (const std::map< std::string, ConstElementPtr > &v)
ListElement functions

If the Element on which these functions are called are not an instance of ListElement, a TypeError exception is thrown.

virtual ConstElementPtr get (const int i) const
 Returns the ElementPtr at the given index.
virtual ElementPtr getNonConst (const int i) const
 returns element as non-const pointer
virtual void set (const size_t i, ElementPtr element)
 Sets the ElementPtr at the given index.
virtual void add (ElementPtr element)
 Adds an ElementPtr to the list.
virtual void remove (const int i)
 Removes the element at the given position.
virtual size_t size () const
 Returns the number of elements in the list.
virtual bool empty () const
 Return true if there are no elements in the list.
MapElement functions

If the Element on which these functions are called are not an instance of MapElement, a TypeError exception is thrown.

virtual ConstElementPtr get (const std::string &name) const
 Returns the ElementPtr at the given key.
virtual void set (const std::string &name, ConstElementPtr element)
 Sets the ElementPtr at the given key.
virtual void remove (const std::string &name)
 Remove the ElementPtr at the given key.
virtual bool contains (const std::string &name) const
 Checks if there is data at the given key.
virtual ConstElementPtr find (const std::string &identifier) const
 Recursively finds any data at the given identifier.
virtual bool find (const std::string &identifier, ConstElementPtr &t) const
 See Element::find()

Static Public Member Functions

static const PositionZERO_POSITION ()
 Returns Position object with line_ and pos_ set to 0, and with an empty file name.
Direct factory functions

These functions simply wrap the given data directly in an Element object, and return a reference to it, in the form of an ElementPtr.

These factory functions are exception-free (unless there is no memory available, in which case bad_alloc is raised by the underlying system). (Note that that is different from an NullElement, which represents an empty value, and is created with Element::create())

Notes: Read notes of IntElement definition about the use of long long int, long int and int.

static ElementPtr create (const Position &pos=ZERO_POSITION())
static ElementPtr create (const long long int i, const Position &pos=ZERO_POSITION())
static ElementPtr create (const isc::util::int128_t &i, const Position &pos=ZERO_POSITION())
static ElementPtr create (const int i, const Position &pos=ZERO_POSITION())
static ElementPtr create (const long int i, const Position &pos=ZERO_POSITION())
static ElementPtr create (const uint32_t i, const Position &pos=ZERO_POSITION())
static ElementPtr create (const double d, const Position &pos=ZERO_POSITION())
static ElementPtr create (const bool b, const Position &pos=ZERO_POSITION())
static ElementPtr create (const std::string &s, const Position &pos=ZERO_POSITION())
static ElementPtr create (const char *s, const Position &pos=ZERO_POSITION())
static ElementPtr createList (const Position &pos=ZERO_POSITION())
 Creates an empty ListElement type ElementPtr.
static ElementPtr createMap (const Position &pos=ZERO_POSITION())
 Creates an empty MapElement type ElementPtr.
Compound factory functions
static ElementPtr fromJSON (const std::string &in, bool preproc=false)
 These functions will parse the given string (JSON) representation of a compound element.
static ElementPtr fromJSON (std::istream &in, bool preproc=false)
 Creates an Element from the given input stream containing JSON formatted data.
static ElementPtr fromJSON (std::istream &in, const std::string &file_name, bool preproc=false)
 Creates an Element from the given input stream containing JSON formatted data.
static ElementPtr fromJSON (std::istream &in, const std::string &file, int &line, int &pos)
 Creates an Element from the given input stream, where we keep track of the location in the stream for error reporting.
static ElementPtr fromJSONFile (const std::string &file_name, bool preproc=false)
 Reads contents of specified file and interprets it as JSON.
Type name conversion functions
static std::string typeToName (Element::types type)
 Returns the name of the given type as a string.
static Element::types nameToType (const std::string &type_name)
 Converts the string to the corresponding type Throws a TypeError if the name is unknown.
static void preprocess (std::istream &in, std::stringstream &out)
 input text preprocessor

Protected Member Functions

 Element (types t, const Position &pos=ZERO_POSITION())

Wire format factory functions

static ElementPtr fromWire (std::stringstream &in, int length)
 These function pparse the wireformat at the given stringstream (of the given length).
static ElementPtr fromWire (const std::string &s)
 Creates an Element from the wire format in the given string Since the wire format is JSON, this is the same as fromJSON, and could be removed.
void removeEmptyContainersRecursively ()
 Remove all empty maps and lists from this Element and its descendants.

Detailed Description

The Element class represents a piece of data, used by the command channel and configuration parts.

An Element can contain simple types (int, real, string, bool and None), and composite types (list and string->element maps)

Elements should in calling functions usually be referenced through an ElementPtr, which can be created using the factory functions Element::create() and Element::fromJSON()

Notes to developers: Element is a base class, implemented by a specific subclass for each type (IntElement, BoolElement, etc). Element does define all functions for all types, and defaults to raising a TypeError for functions that are not supported for the type in question.

Definition at line 72 of file data.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ types

The types that an Element can hold.

Some of these types need to match their associated integer from the parameter_data_type database table, so let the enums be explicitly mapped to integers, to reduce the chance of messing up.

any is a special type used in list specifications, specifying that the elements can be of any type.


Definition at line 139 of file data.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Element()

isc::data::Element::Element ( types t,
const Position & pos = ZERO_POSITION() )


tElement type.
posStructure holding position of the value of the data element. It comprises the line number and the position within this line. The values held in this structure are used for error logging purposes.

Definition at line 168 of file data.h.

◆ ~Element()

virtual isc::data::Element::~Element ( )

Definition at line 175 of file data.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add()

void isc::data::Element::add ( ElementPtr element)

Adds an ElementPtr to the list.

elementThe ElementPtr to add

Reimplemented in isc::data::ListElement.

Definition at line 153 of file

References throwTypeError.

◆ bigIntValue()

virtual isc::util::int128_t isc::data::Element::bigIntValue ( ) const

Reimplemented in isc::data::BigIntElement.

Definition at line 236 of file data.h.

References throwTypeError.

Referenced by isc::data::BigIntElement::toJSON().

◆ boolValue()

virtual bool isc::data::Element::boolValue ( ) const

Reimplemented in isc::data::BoolElement.

Definition at line 241 of file data.h.

References throwTypeError.

Referenced by isc::data::operator<(), and isc::data::BoolElement::toJSON().

◆ contains()

bool isc::data::Element::contains ( const std::string & name) const

Checks if there is data at the given key.

nameThe key of the Element checked for existence
true if there is data at the key, false if not.

Reimplemented in isc::data::MapElement.

Definition at line 188 of file

References throwTypeError.

◆ create() [1/10]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::create ( const bool b,
const Position & pos = ZERO_POSITION() )

Definition at line 284 of file

◆ create() [2/10]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::create ( const char * s,
const Position & pos = ZERO_POSITION() )

Definition at line 294 of file

References create().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ create() [3/10]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::create ( const double d,
const Position & pos = ZERO_POSITION() )

Definition at line 279 of file

◆ create() [4/10]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::create ( const int i,
const Position & pos = ZERO_POSITION() )

Definition at line 264 of file

◆ create() [5/10]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::create ( const isc::util::int128_t & i,
const Position & pos = ZERO_POSITION() )

Definition at line 259 of file

◆ create() [6/10]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::create ( const long int i,
const Position & pos = ZERO_POSITION() )

Definition at line 269 of file

References create().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ create() [7/10]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::create ( const long long int i,
const Position & pos = ZERO_POSITION() )

Definition at line 254 of file

◆ create() [8/10]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::create ( const Position & pos = ZERO_POSITION())

Definition at line 249 of file

Referenced by isc::config::HttpCommandConfig::HttpCommandConfig(), isc::stat_cmds::LeaseStatCmdsImpl::addValueRow4(), isc::stat_cmds::LeaseStatCmdsImpl::addValueRow6(), isc::yang::AdaptorSubnet::assignID(), isc::yang::AdaptorPool::canonizePool(), isc::yang::Translator::checkAndSetUserContext(), isc::yang::Translator::checkAndStringifyAndSetLeaf(), isc::ha::HAImpl::commandProcessed(), isc::process::DControllerBase::configGetHandler(), isc::process::DControllerBase::configHashGetHandler(), isc::dhcp::configureDhcp4Server(), isc::dhcp::configureDhcp6Server(), isc::process::DControllerBase::configWriteHandler(), create(), create(), isc::data::StampedValue::create(), create(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createDHCPDisable(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createDHCPEnable(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::createFailedLeaseMap(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createHAReset(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createHeartbeat(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createLease4Delete(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createLease4GetPage(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createLease4Update(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createLease6BulkApply(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createLease6BulkApply(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createLease6Delete(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createLease6GetPage(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createLease6Update(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createMaintenanceNotify(), isc::stat_cmds::LeaseStatCmdsImpl::createResultSet(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createSyncCompleteNotify(), isc::dhcp::CBControlDHCPv4::databaseConfigApply(), isc::dhcp::CBControlDHCPv6::databaseConfigApply(), isc::dhcp::CfgHostsList::externalize(), isc::config::CmdResponseCreator::filterCommand(), isc::data::MapElement::get(), isc::dhcp::PacketQueue< PacketTypePtr >::getInfo(), isc::dhcp::PacketQueueRing< PacketTypePtr >::getInfo(), isc::stats::Observation::getJSON(), isc::data::StampedElement::getMetadata(), isc::yang::TranslatorPdPool::getPdPoolIetf6(), isc::yang::TranslatorPdPool::getPdPoolKea(), isc::yang::TranslatorPool::getPoolKea(), isc::ha::CommunicationState::getReport(), isc::agent::CtrlAgentCommandMgr::handleCommand(), isc::config::HookedCommandMgr::handleCommand(), isc::yang::Translator::initializeDeserializer(), isc::dhcp::ClientClassDictionary::initMatchExpr(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::leaseGetPageHandler(), isc::dhcp::DHCPQueueControlParser::parse(), isc::d2::D2CfgMgr::parse(), isc::http::PostHttpRequestJson::parseBodyAsJson(), isc::perfmon::PerfMonMgr::perfmonControlHandler(), isc::perfmon::PerfMonMgr::perfmonGetAllDurationsHandler(), isc::ha::HAService::processHeartbeat(), isc::ha::HAService::processStatusGet(), isc::yang::AdaptorHost::quoteIdentifier(), isc::process::DControllerBase::serverTagGetHandler(), isc::yang::AdaptorOption::setCode(), isc::yang::TranslatorPdPool::setPdPoolIetf6(), isc::yang::TranslatorPdPool::setPdPoolKea(), isc::yang::TranslatorPool::setPoolIetf6(), isc::yang::AdaptorOption::setSpace(), isc::process::DControllerBase::statusGetHandler(), isc::agent::CtrlAgentCfgContext::toElement(), isc::perfmon::DurationKey::toElement(), isc::perfmon::MonitoredDuration::toElement(), isc::config::HttpCommandConfig::toElement(), isc::d2::D2CfgContext::toElement(), isc::d2::TSIGKeyInfo::toElement(), isc::d2::DnsServerInfo::toElement(), isc::d2::DdnsDomain::toElement(), isc::db::BackendSelector::toElement(), isc::db::Server::toElement(), isc::dhcp::ClientClasses::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Cfg4o6::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgDUID::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgExpiration::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgHostOperations::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgIface::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgMACSource::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgRSOO::toElement(), isc::dhcp::ClientClassDef::toElement(), isc::dhcp::D2ClientConfig::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Lease4::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Lease6::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Network::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Network4::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Network6::toElement(), isc::dhcp::NetworkStateImpl::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Pool::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Pool4::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Pool6::toElement(), isc::dhcp::SharedNetwork4::toElement(), isc::dhcp::SharedNetwork6::toElement(), isc::dhcp::SrvConfig::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Subnet::toElement(), isc::hooks::HooksConfig::toElement(), isc::http::BasicHttpAuthClient::toElement(), isc::http::BasicHttpAuthConfig::toElement(), isc::process::ConfigBase::toElement(), isc::process::ConfigControlInfo::toElement(), isc::process::LoggingDestination::toElement(), isc::process::LoggingInfo::toElement(), isc::dhcp::TemplateClientClassDef::toElement(), isc::netconf::CfgControlSocket::toElement(), isc::netconf::CfgServer::toElement(), isc::db::DatabaseConnection::toElement(), isc::perfmon::DurationKeyParser::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Host::toElement4(), isc::dhcp::Host::toElement6(), isc::dhcp::CfgOption::toElementWithMetadata(), isc::dhcp::CfgOptionDef::toElementWithMetadata(), isc::perfmon::MonitoredDuration::toValueRow(), isc::dhcp::AllocEngine::updateLease4ExtendedInfo(), isc::dhcp::AllocEngine::updateLease6ExtendedInfo(), isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr::upgradeLease4ExtendedInfo(), isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr::upgradeLease6ExtendedInfo(), isc::perfmon::MonitoredDuration::valueRowColumns(), isc::ha::HAService::verifyAsyncResponse(), and isc::process::DControllerBase::versionGetHandler().

◆ create() [9/10]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::create ( const std::string & s,
const Position & pos = ZERO_POSITION() )

Definition at line 289 of file

◆ create() [10/10]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::create ( const uint32_t i,
const Position & pos = ZERO_POSITION() )

Definition at line 274 of file

References create().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createList()

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::createList ( const Position & pos = ZERO_POSITION())

Creates an empty ListElement type ElementPtr.

posA structure holding position of the data element value in the configuration string. It is used for error logging purposes.

Definition at line 299 of file

Referenced by isc::dhcp::CfgHostsList::add(), isc::stat_cmds::LeaseStatCmdsImpl::addValueRow4(), isc::stat_cmds::LeaseStatCmdsImpl::addValueRow6(), isc::ha::HAImpl::commandProcessed(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createLease6BulkApply(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createLease6BulkApply(), isc::stat_cmds::LeaseStatCmdsImpl::createResultSet(), isc::dhcp::CfgHostsList::externalize(), isc::perfmon::PerfMonMgr::formatDurationDataAsElements(), isc::perfmon::PerfMonMgr::formatDurationDataAsResultSet(), isc::dhcp::CfgHostsList::get(), isc::yang::Translator::getItem(), isc::stats::Observation::getJSON(), isc::data::StampedElement::getMetadata(), isc::ha::CommunicationState::getReport(), isc::agent::CtrlAgentCommandMgr::handleCommand(), isc::config::HookedCommandMgr::handleCommand(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::lease6BulkApplyHandler(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::leaseGetAllHandler(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::leaseGetByClientIdHandler(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::leaseGetByDuidHandler(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::leaseGetByHostnameHandler(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::leaseGetByHwAddressHandler(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::leaseGetPageHandler(), isc::data::mergeDiffAdd(), isc::d2::D2SimpleParser::parse(), isc::agent::CtrlAgentCommandMgr::processCommand(), isc::dhcp::processDhcp4Config(), isc::dhcp::processDhcp6Config(), isc::ha::HAService::processHeartbeat(), isc::ha::HAService::processStatusGet(), isc::yang::AdaptorConfig::sanitizeDatabase(), isc::d2::D2CfgContext::toElement(), isc::d2::DdnsDomain::toElement(), isc::d2::DdnsDomainListMgr::toElement(), isc::dhcp::ClientClasses::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgHostDbAccess::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgHostOperations::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgIface::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgMACSource::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgRSOO::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgSharedNetworks< SharedNetworkPtrType, SharedNetworkCollection >::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgSubnets4::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgSubnets6::toElement(), isc::dhcp::ClientClassDictionary::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Network::toElement(), isc::dhcp::NetworkStateImpl::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Pool::toElement(), isc::dhcp::SharedNetwork4::toElement(), isc::dhcp::SharedNetwork6::toElement(), isc::dhcp::SrvConfig::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Subnet4::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Subnet6::toElement(), isc::hooks::HooksConfig::toElement(), isc::http::BasicHttpAuthConfig::toElement(), isc::process::ConfigBase::toElement(), isc::process::ConfigControlInfo::toElement(), isc::process::LoggingInfo::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Host::toElement4(), isc::dhcp::Host::toElement6(), isc::dhcp::CfgOption::toElementWithMetadata(), isc::dhcp::CfgOptionDef::toElementWithMetadata(), isc::perfmon::MonitoredDuration::toValueRow(), isc::dhcp::AllocEngine::updateLease6ExtendedInfo(), isc::perfmon::MonitoredDuration::valueRowColumns(), and isc::ha::HAService::verifyAsyncResponse().

◆ createMap()

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::createMap ( const Position & pos = ZERO_POSITION())

Creates an empty MapElement type ElementPtr.

posA structure holding position of the data element value in the configuration string. It is used for error logging purposes.

Definition at line 304 of file

Referenced by isc::ha::HAImpl::commandProcessed(), isc::process::DControllerBase::configHashGetHandler(), isc::dhcp::configureDhcp4Server(), isc::dhcp::configureDhcp6Server(), isc::process::DControllerBase::configWriteHandler(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createDHCPDisable(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createDHCPEnable(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::createFailedLeaseMap(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createHAReset(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createHeartbeat(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createLease4GetPage(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createLease6BulkApply(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createLease6BulkApply(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createLease6GetPage(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createMaintenanceNotify(), isc::stat_cmds::LeaseStatCmdsImpl::createResultSet(), isc::ha::CommandCreator::createSyncCompleteNotify(), isc::dhcp::CfgHostsList::externalize(), isc::config::CmdResponseCreator::filterCommand(), isc::perfmon::PerfMonMgr::formatDurationDataAsResultSet(), isc::stats::StatContext::getAll(), isc::yang::TranslatorClass::getClassKea(), isc::yang::TranslatorConfig::getConfigControlKea(), isc::yang::TranslatorConfig::getConfigIetf6(), isc::yang::TranslatorConfig::getConfigKea4(), isc::yang::TranslatorConfig::getConfigKea6(), isc::yang::Adaptor::getContext(), isc::yang::TranslatorControlSocket::getControlSocketKea(), isc::yang::TranslatorDatabase::getDatabaseKea(), isc::yang::TranslatorConfig::getDdnsKea(), isc::yang::TranslatorConfig::getExpiredKea(), isc::yang::TranslatorConfig::getHook(), isc::yang::TranslatorHost::getHostKea(), isc::dhcp::PacketQueue< PacketTypePtr >::getInfo(), isc::yang::TranslatorConfig::getInterfacesKea(), isc::yang::TranslatorLogger::getLoggerKea(), isc::data::StampedElement::getMetadata(), isc::yang::TranslatorOptionData::getOptionDataKea(), isc::yang::TranslatorOptionDef::getOptionDefKea(), isc::yang::TranslatorLogger::getOutputOption(), isc::yang::TranslatorPdPool::getPdPoolIetf6(), isc::yang::TranslatorPdPool::getPdPoolKea(), isc::yang::TranslatorPool::getPoolIetf6(), isc::yang::TranslatorPool::getPoolKea(), isc::ha::CommunicationState::getReport(), isc::yang::TranslatorConfig::getServerKeaDhcp4(), isc::yang::TranslatorConfig::getServerKeaDhcp6(), isc::yang::TranslatorConfig::getServerKeaDhcpCommon(), isc::yang::TranslatorSharedNetwork::getSharedNetworkKea(), isc::yang::TranslatorSubnet::getSubnetIetf6(), isc::yang::TranslatorSubnet::getSubnetKea(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::lease6BulkApplyHandler(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::leaseGetAllHandler(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::leaseGetByClientIdHandler(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::leaseGetByDuidHandler(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::leaseGetByHostnameHandler(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::leaseGetByHwAddressHandler(), isc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::leaseGetPageHandler(), isc::data::mergeDiffDel(), isc::d2::D2CfgMgr::parse(), isc::lease_cmds::Lease4Parser::parse(), isc::lease_cmds::Lease6Parser::parse(), isc::perfmon::PerfMonMgr::perfmonControlHandler(), isc::perfmon::PerfMonMgr::perfmonGetAllDurationsHandler(), isc::ha::HAService::processHeartbeat(), isc::ha::HAService::processStatusGet(), isc::data::removeIdentical(), isc::process::DControllerBase::serverTagGetHandler(), isc::dhcp::SimpleParser4::setAllDefaults(), isc::dhcp::SimpleParser6::setAllDefaults(), isc::stat_cmds::LeaseStatCmdsImpl::statLease4GetHandler(), isc::stat_cmds::LeaseStatCmdsImpl::statLease6GetHandler(), isc::process::DControllerBase::statusGetHandler(), isc::agent::CtrlAgentCfgContext::toElement(), isc::perfmon::DurationKey::toElement(), isc::perfmon::MonitoredDuration::toElement(), isc::config::HttpCommandConfig::toElement(), isc::d2::D2CfgContext::toElement(), isc::d2::TSIGKeyInfo::toElement(), isc::d2::DnsServerInfo::toElement(), isc::d2::DdnsDomain::toElement(), isc::db::BackendSelector::toElement(), isc::db::Server::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Cfg4o6::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgDUID::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgExpiration::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgGlobals::toElement(), isc::dhcp::CfgIface::toElement(), isc::dhcp::ClientClassDef::toElement(), isc::dhcp::D2ClientConfig::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Lease4::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Lease6::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Network::toElement(), isc::dhcp::NetworkStateImpl::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Pool::toElement(), isc::dhcp::SrvConfig::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Subnet::toElement(), isc::hooks::HooksConfig::toElement(), isc::http::BasicHttpAuthClient::toElement(), isc::http::BasicHttpAuthConfig::toElement(), isc::process::ConfigBase::toElement(), isc::process::ConfigControlInfo::toElement(), isc::process::LoggingDestination::toElement(), isc::process::LoggingInfo::toElement(), isc::netconf::NetconfConfig::toElement(), isc::netconf::CfgControlSocket::toElement(), isc::netconf::CfgServer::toElement(), isc::db::DatabaseConnection::toElement(), isc::perfmon::DurationKeyParser::toElement(), isc::dhcp::Host::toElement4(), isc::dhcp::Host::toElement6(), isc::dhcp::CfgOption::toElementWithMetadata(), isc::dhcp::CfgOptionDef::toElementWithMetadata(), isc::dhcp::CBControlDHCP< ConfigBackendMgrType >::translateAndAddGlobalsToConfig(), isc::dhcp::AllocEngine::updateLease4ExtendedInfo(), isc::dhcp::AllocEngine::updateLease6ExtendedInfo(), isc::dhcp::LeaseMgr::upgradeLease4ExtendedInfo(), isc::ha::HAService::verifyAsyncResponse(), and isc::process::DControllerBase::versionGetHandler().

◆ doubleValue()

virtual double isc::data::Element::doubleValue ( ) const

Reimplemented in isc::data::DoubleElement.

Definition at line 239 of file data.h.

References throwTypeError.

Referenced by isc::data::operator<(), and isc::data::DoubleElement::toJSON().

◆ empty()

bool isc::data::Element::empty ( ) const

Return true if there are no elements in the list.

Reimplemented in isc::data::ListElement, and isc::data::MapElement.

Definition at line 168 of file

References throwTypeError.

◆ equals()

virtual bool isc::data::Element::equals ( const Element & other) const
pure virtual
true if the other ElementPtr has the same value and the same type (or a different and compatible type), false otherwise.

Implemented in isc::data::IntElement, isc::data::DoubleElement, isc::data::BoolElement, isc::data::NullElement, isc::data::StringElement, isc::data::ListElement, isc::data::BigIntElement, and isc::data::MapElement.

Referenced by isc::data::ListElement::equals().

◆ find() [1/2]

ConstElementPtr isc::data::Element::find ( const std::string & identifier) const

Recursively finds any data at the given identifier.

The identifier is a /-separated list of names of nested maps, with the last name being the leaf that is returned.

For instance, if you have a MapElement that contains another MapElement at the key "foo", and that second MapElement contains Another Element at key "bar", the identifier for that last element from the first is "foo/bar".

identifierThe identifier of the element to find
The ElementPtr at the given identifier. Returns a null ElementPtr if it is not found, which can be checked with Element::is_null(ElementPtr e).

Reimplemented in isc::data::MapElement.

Definition at line 193 of file

References throwTypeError.

Referenced by isc::data::MapElement::find().

◆ find() [2/2]

bool isc::data::Element::find ( const std::string & identifier,
ConstElementPtr & t ) const

See Element::find()

identifierThe identifier of the element to find
tReference to store the resulting ElementPtr, if found.
true if the element was found, false if not.

Reimplemented in isc::data::MapElement.

Definition at line 198 of file

◆ fromJSON() [1/4]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::fromJSON ( const std::string & in,
bool preproc = false )

These functions will parse the given string (JSON) representation of a compound element.

If there is a parse error, an exception of the type isc::data::JSONError is thrown. Creates an Element from the given JSON string

inThe string to parse the element from
preprocspecified whether preprocessing (e.g. comment removal) should be performed
An ElementPtr that contains the element(s) specified in the given string.

Definition at line 798 of file

References fromJSON(), and preprocess().

Referenced by isc::yang::Translator::checkAndGetAndJsonifyLeaf(), fromJSON(), isc::dhcp_ddns::NameChangeRequest::fromJSON(), fromJSON(), fromJSON(), fromJSONFile(), fromWire(), fromWire(), isc::db::PgSqlExchange::getColumnValue(), isc::db::MySqlBinding::getJSON(), isc::yang::Translator::initializeDeserializer(), user_chk::UserFile::makeUser(), isc::http::PostHttpRequestJson::parseBodyAsJson(), and isc::http::HttpResponseJson::parseBodyAsJson().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromJSON() [2/4]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::fromJSON ( std::istream & in,
bool preproc = false )

Creates an Element from the given input stream containing JSON formatted data.

inThe string to parse the element from
preprocspecified whether preprocessing (e.g. comment removal) should be performed
An ElementPtr that contains the element(s) specified in the given input stream.

Definition at line 704 of file

References fromJSON(), and preprocess().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromJSON() [3/4]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::fromJSON ( std::istream & in,
const std::string & file,
int & line,
int & pos )

Creates an Element from the given input stream, where we keep track of the location in the stream for error reporting.

inThe string to parse the element from.
fileThe input file name.
lineA reference to the int where the function keeps track of the current line.
posA reference to the int where the function keeps track of the current position within the current line.
An ElementPtr that contains the element(s) specified in the given input stream.

Definition at line 728 of file

References isc_throw.

◆ fromJSON() [4/4]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::fromJSON ( std::istream & in,
const std::string & file_name,
bool preproc = false )

Creates an Element from the given input stream containing JSON formatted data.

inThe string to parse the element from
file_namespecified input file name (used in error reporting)
preprocspecified whether preprocessing (e.g. comment removal) should be performed
An ElementPtr that contains the element(s) specified in the given input stream.

Definition at line 718 of file

References fromJSON(), and preprocess().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromJSONFile()

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::fromJSONFile ( const std::string & file_name,
bool preproc = false )

Reads contents of specified file and interprets it as JSON.

file_namename of the file to read
preprocspecified whether preprocessing (e.g. comment removal) should be performed
An ElementPtr that contains the element(s) specified if the given file.

Definition at line 817 of file

References fromJSON(), and isc_throw.

Referenced by isc::process::DControllerBase::configFromFile().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromWire() [1/2]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::fromWire ( const std::string & s)

Creates an Element from the wire format in the given string Since the wire format is JSON, this is the same as fromJSON, and could be removed.

sThe input string
ElementPtr with the data that is parsed.

Definition at line 984 of file

References fromJSON().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ fromWire() [2/2]

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::fromWire ( std::stringstream & in,
int length )

These function pparse the wireformat at the given stringstream (of the given length).

If there is a parse error an exception of the type isc::cc::DecodeError is raised. Creates an Element from the wire format in the given stringstream of the given length. Since the wire format is JSON, this is the same as fromJSON, and could be removed.

inThe input stringstream.
lengthThe length of the wireformat data in the stream
ElementPtr with the data that is parsed.

Definition at line 992 of file

References fromJSON().

Referenced by isc::config::JSONFeed::toElement().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get() [1/2]

ConstElementPtr isc::data::Element::get ( const int i) const

Returns the ElementPtr at the given index.

If the index is out of bounds, this function throws an std::out_of_range exception.

iThe position of the ElementPtr to return

Reimplemented in isc::data::ListElement, isc::data::MapElement, isc::data::MapElement, and isc::data::ListElement.

Definition at line 138 of file

References throwTypeError.

Referenced by isc::data::ListElement::equals(), isc::data::MapElement::equals(), isc::data::MapElement::find(), and removeEmptyContainersRecursively().

◆ get() [2/2]

ConstElementPtr isc::data::Element::get ( const std::string & name) const

Returns the ElementPtr at the given key.

nameThe key of the Element to return
The ElementPtr at the given key, or null if not present

Reimplemented in isc::data::ListElement, isc::data::MapElement, and isc::data::MapElement.

Definition at line 173 of file

References throwTypeError.

◆ getNonConst()

ElementPtr isc::data::Element::getNonConst ( const int i) const

returns element as non-const pointer

iThe position of the ElementPtr to retrieve
specified element pointer

Reimplemented in isc::data::ListElement.

Definition at line 143 of file

References throwTypeError.

Referenced by removeEmptyContainersRecursively().

◆ getPosition()

const Position & isc::data::Element::getPosition ( ) const

Returns position where the data element's value starts in a configuration string.

The returned reference is valid as long as the object which created it lives.

Definition at line 185 of file data.h.

◆ getType()

types isc::data::Element::getType ( ) const
the type of this element

Definition at line 178 of file data.h.

Referenced by isc::data::operator<().

◆ getValue() [1/6]

bool isc::data::Element::getValue ( bool & t) const

◆ getValue() [2/6]

bool isc::data::Element::getValue ( double & t) const

◆ getValue() [3/6]

bool isc::data::Element::getValue ( int64_t & t) const

◆ getValue() [4/6]

bool isc::data::Element::getValue ( std::map< std::string, ConstElementPtr > & t) const

◆ getValue() [5/6]

bool isc::data::Element::getValue ( std::string & t) const

◆ getValue() [6/6]

bool isc::data::Element::getValue ( std::vector< ElementPtr > & t) const

◆ intValue()

virtual int64_t isc::data::Element::intValue ( ) const

Reimplemented in isc::data::IntElement.

Definition at line 234 of file data.h.

References throwTypeError.

Referenced by isc::data::operator<(), and isc::data::IntElement::toJSON().

◆ listValue()

virtual const std::vector< ElementPtr > & isc::data::Element::listValue ( ) const

Reimplemented in isc::data::ListElement.

Definition at line 245 of file data.h.

References throwTypeError.

Referenced by isc::data::ListElement::toJSON().

◆ mapValue()

virtual const std::map< std::string, ConstElementPtr > & isc::data::Element::mapValue ( ) const

Reimplemented in isc::data::MapElement.

Definition at line 249 of file data.h.

References throwTypeError.

Referenced by isc::data::MapElement::equals().

◆ nameToType()

Element::types isc::data::Element::nameToType ( const std::string & type_name)

Converts the string to the corresponding type Throws a TypeError if the name is unknown.

type_nameThe name to get the type of
the corresponding type value

Definition at line 677 of file

References any, bigint, boolean, integer, isc_throw, list, map, null, real, and string.

◆ preprocess()

void isc::data::Element::preprocess ( std::istream & in,
std::stringstream & out )

input text preprocessor

This method performs preprocessing of the input stream (which is expected to contain a text version of to be parsed JSON). For now the sole supported operation is bash-style (line starting with #) comment removal, but it will be extended later to cover more cases (C, C++ style comments, file inclusions, maybe macro replacements?).

This method processes the whole input stream. It reads all contents of the input stream, filters the content and returns the result in a different stream.

ininput stream to be preprocessed
outoutput stream (filtered content will be written here)

Definition at line 1641 of file

Referenced by fromJSON(), fromJSON(), and fromJSON().

◆ remove() [1/2]

void isc::data::Element::remove ( const int i)

Removes the element at the given position.

If the index is out of nothing happens.

iThe index of the element to remove.

Reimplemented in isc::data::ListElement, isc::data::MapElement, isc::data::MapElement, and isc::data::ListElement.

Definition at line 158 of file

References throwTypeError.

Referenced by removeEmptyContainersRecursively().

◆ remove() [2/2]

void isc::data::Element::remove ( const std::string & name)

Remove the ElementPtr at the given key.

nameThe key of the Element to remove

Reimplemented in isc::data::ListElement, isc::data::MapElement, and isc::data::MapElement.

Definition at line 183 of file

References throwTypeError.

◆ removeEmptyContainersRecursively()

void isc::data::Element::removeEmptyContainersRecursively ( )

Remove all empty maps and lists from this Element and its descendants.

Definition at line 562 of file data.h.

References get(), getNonConst(), list, map, remove(), size(), and stringValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ set() [1/2]

void isc::data::Element::set ( const size_t i,
ElementPtr element )

Sets the ElementPtr at the given index.

If the index is out of bounds, this function throws an std::out_of_range exception.

iThe position of the ElementPtr to set
elementThe ElementPtr to set at the position

Reimplemented in isc::data::ListElement, isc::data::MapElement, and isc::data::ListElement.

Definition at line 148 of file

References throwTypeError.

◆ set() [2/2]

void isc::data::Element::set ( const std::string & name,
ConstElementPtr element )

Sets the ElementPtr at the given key.

nameThe key of the Element to set
elementThe ElementPtr to set at the given key.

Reimplemented in isc::data::MapElement, isc::data::ListElement, and isc::data::MapElement.

Definition at line 178 of file

References throwTypeError.

◆ setValue() [1/9]

bool isc::data::Element::setValue ( const bool t)

◆ setValue() [2/9]

bool isc::data::Element::setValue ( const double v)

◆ setValue() [3/9]

bool isc::data::Element::setValue ( const int i)

Definition at line 285 of file data.h.

References setValue().

Referenced by setValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setValue() [4/9]

◆ setValue() [5/9]

bool isc::data::Element::setValue ( const long int i)

Definition at line 284 of file data.h.

References setValue().

Referenced by setValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setValue() [6/9]

bool isc::data::Element::setValue ( const long long int v)

◆ setValue() [7/9]

bool isc::data::Element::setValue ( const std::map< std::string, ConstElementPtr > & v)

◆ setValue() [8/9]

bool isc::data::Element::setValue ( const std::string & v)

◆ setValue() [9/9]

bool isc::data::Element::setValue ( const std::vector< ElementPtr > & v)

◆ size()

size_t isc::data::Element::size ( ) const

◆ str()

std::string isc::data::Element::str ( ) const

Returns a string representing the Element and all its child elements; note that this is different from stringValue(), which only returns the single value of a StringElement.

The resulting string will contain the Element in JSON format.

std::string containing the string representation

Definition at line 54 of file

References toJSON().

Referenced by isc::data::StringElement::toJSON().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ stringValue()

virtual std::string isc::data::Element::stringValue ( ) const

◆ toJSON()

virtual void isc::data::Element::toJSON ( std::ostream & ss) const
pure virtual

◆ toWire() [1/2]

std::string isc::data::Element::toWire ( ) const

Returns the wireformat for the Element and all its child elements.

std::string containing the element in wire format

Definition at line 61 of file

References toJSON().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toWire() [2/2]

void isc::data::Element::toWire ( std::ostream & out) const

Definition at line 68 of file

References toJSON().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ typeToName()

std::string isc::data::Element::typeToName ( Element::types type)

Returns the name of the given type as a string.

typeThe type to return the name of
The name of the type, or "unknown" if the type is not known.

Definition at line 651 of file

References any, bigint, boolean, integer, list, map, null, real, and string.

Referenced by isc::data::SimpleParser::checkKeywords(), and isc::data::StampedValue::create().


static const Position & isc::data::Element::ZERO_POSITION ( )

Returns Position object with line_ and pos_ set to 0, and with an empty file name.

The object containing two zeros is a default for most of the methods creating Element objects. The returned value is static so as it is not created everytime the function with the default position argument is called.

Definition at line 126 of file data.h.

Referenced by isc::data::SimpleParser::getPosition(), and isc::dhcp::ValueStorage< ValueType >::getPosition().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: