►Cisc::dns::AbstractMessageRenderer | The AbstractMessageRenderer class is an abstract base class that provides common interfaces for rendering a DNS message into a buffer in wire format |
Cisc::dns::MessageRenderer | The MessageRenderer is a concrete derived class of AbstractMessageRenderer as a general purpose implementation of the renderer interfaces |
►Cisc::dns::rdata::AbstractRdataFactory | The AbstractRdataFactory class is an abstract base class to encapsulate a set of Rdata factory methods in a polymorphic way |
Cisc::dns::RdataFactory< T > | |
►Cisc::dns::AbstractRRset | The AbstractRRset class is an abstract base class that models a DNS RRset |
►Cisc::dns::BasicRRset | The BasicRRset class is a concrete derived class of AbstractRRset that defines a straightforward RRset implementation |
Cisc::dns::RRset | The RRset class is a concrete derived class of BasicRRset which contains a pointer to an additional RRset containing associated RRSIG records |
Cisc::yang::Adaptor | JSON adaptor between canonical Kea and YANG models |
►Cisc::yang::AdaptorHost | JSON adaptor for host reservations quoting identifiers |
Cisc::yang::AdaptorConfig | JSON adaptor for Kea server configurations |
►Cisc::yang::AdaptorOption | JSON adaptor for option data or definition setting defaults |
Cisc::yang::AdaptorConfig | JSON adaptor for Kea server configurations |
Cisc::yang::AdaptorPool | JSON adaptor for pools between canonical Kea and YANG models |
►Cisc::yang::AdaptorSubnet | JSON adaptor for subnets adding IDs and canonizes relays |
Cisc::yang::AdaptorConfig | JSON adaptor for Kea server configurations |
Cisc::dhcp::AddressIndexTag | Tag for indexes by address |
Cisc::dhcp::AddressRange | Structure representing IP address range |
Cisc::agent::AgentParser | A Bison parser |
Cisc::perfmon::AlarmParser | Parses configuration parameters for a single Alarm |
Cisc::perfmon::AlarmPrimaryKeyTag | Tag for index by primary key (DurationKey) |
Cisc::perfmon::AlarmStore | Maintains an in-memory store of alarms |
►Cisc::dhcp::AllocationState | Base class for representing allocation state in pools and subnets |
Cisc::dhcp::PoolFreeLeaseQueueAllocationState | Pool allocation state used by the FLQ allocator |
Cisc::dhcp::PoolIterativeAllocationState | Pool allocation state used by the iterative allocator |
Cisc::dhcp::PoolRandomAllocationState | Pool allocation state used by the random allocator |
►Cisc::dhcp::SubnetAllocationState | Common base class for subnet-specific allocation states |
Cisc::dhcp::SubnetIterativeAllocationState | Subnet allocation state used by the iterative allocator |
►Cisc::dhcp::Allocator | Base class for all address/prefix allocation algorithms |
Cisc::dhcp::FreeLeaseQueueAllocator | An allocator maintaining a queue of free leases |
Cisc::dhcp::IterativeAllocator | Address/prefix allocator that iterates over all addresses |
Cisc::dhcp::RandomAllocator | An allocator offering addresses in a random order |
►Clog4cplus::Appender | |
Cisc::log::internal::BufferAppender | Buffering Logger Appender |
Cisc::db::AuditEntry | Represents a single entry in the audit table |
Cisc::db::AuditEntryModificationTimeIdTag | Tag used to access index by modification time |
Cisc::db::AuditEntryObjectIdTag | Tag used to access index by object id |
Cisc::db::AuditEntryObjectTypeTag | Tag used to access index by object type |
Cisc::dhcp::AuthKey | Authentication keys |
►CBase | |
Cisc::agent::AgentParser::basic_symbol< Base > | A complete symbol |
Cisc::d2::D2Parser::basic_symbol< Base > | A complete symbol |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::basic_symbol< Base > | A complete symbol |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::basic_symbol< Base > | A complete symbol |
Cisc::eval::EvalParser::basic_symbol< Base > | A complete symbol |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::basic_symbol< Base > | A complete symbol |
►Cisc::config::BaseCommandMgr | Commands Manager, responsible for processing external commands |
►Cisc::config::HookedCommandMgr | Command Manager which can delegate commands to a hook library |
Cisc::agent::CtrlAgentCommandMgr | Command Manager for Control Agent |
Cisc::config::CommandMgr | Commands Manager implementation for the Kea servers |
►Cisc::cb::BaseConfigBackend | Interface for Kea server specific configuration backend implementations |
Cisc::dhcp::ConfigBackendDHCPv4 | Interface implemented by DHCPv4 configuration backends |
Cisc::dhcp::ConfigBackendDHCPv6 | Interface implemented by DHCPv6 configuration backends |
Cisc::cb::BaseConfigBackendMgr< ConfigBackendPoolType > | Base class for Configuration Backend Managers (CBM) |
►Cisc::cb::BaseConfigBackendMgr< ConfigBackendPoolDHCPv4 > | |
Cisc::dhcp::ConfigBackendDHCPv4Mgr | Configuration Backend Manager for DHCPv4 servers |
►Cisc::cb::BaseConfigBackendMgr< ConfigBackendPoolDHCPv6 > | |
Cisc::dhcp::ConfigBackendDHCPv6Mgr | Configuration Backend Manager for DHCPv6 servers |
Cisc::cb::BaseConfigBackendPool< ConfigBackendType > | Base class for configuration backend pools |
►Cisc::cb::BaseConfigBackendPool< ConfigBackendDHCPv4 > | |
Cisc::dhcp::ConfigBackendPoolDHCPv4 | Implementation of the Configuration Backend Pool for DHCPv4 |
►Cisc::cb::BaseConfigBackendPool< ConfigBackendDHCPv6 > | |
Cisc::dhcp::ConfigBackendPoolDHCPv6 | Implementation of the Configuration Backend Pool for DHCPv6 |
►Cisc::dhcp::BaseHostDataSource | Base interface for the classes implementing simple data source for host reservations |
Cisc::dhcp::CacheHostDataSource | Abstract interface extending base simple data source for host reservations to host cache |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgHosts | Represents the host reservations specified in the configuration file |
Cisc::dhcp::HostMgr | Host Manager |
►Cisc::util::encode::BaseNEncoder | Class for encoding and decoding binary data using an algorithm described in RFC 4648 |
Cisc::util::encode::Base16Encoder | Class for encoding and decoding binary data using Base16 (aka Hex) as described in RFC 4648 |
Cisc::util::encode::Base32HexEncoder | Class for encoding and decoding binary data using Base32Hex as described in RFC 4648 |
Cisc::util::encode::Base64Encoder | Class for encoding and decoding binary data using Base64 as described in RFC 4648 |
►Cisc::data::BaseStampedElement | This class represents configuration element which is associated with database identifier and the modification timestamp |
►Cisc::data::StampedElement | This class represents configuration element which is associated with database identifier, modification timestamp and servers |
Cisc::data::StampedValue | This class represents a named configuration parameter, e.g |
►Cisc::dhcp::ClientClassDef | Embodies a single client class definition |
Cisc::dhcp::TemplateClientClassDef | |
►Cisc::dhcp::Network | Common interface representing a network to which the DHCP clients are connected |
►Cisc::dhcp::Network4 | Specialization of the Network object for DHCPv4 case |
Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetwork4 | Shared network holding IPv4 subnets |
Cisc::dhcp::Subnet4 | A configuration holder for IPv4 subnet |
►Cisc::dhcp::Network6 | Specialization of the Network object for DHCPv6 case |
Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetwork6 | Shared network holding IPv6 subnets |
Cisc::dhcp::Subnet6 | A configuration holder for IPv6 subnet |
►Cisc::dhcp::Subnet | |
Cisc::dhcp::Subnet4 | A configuration holder for IPv4 subnet |
Cisc::dhcp::Subnet6 | A configuration holder for IPv6 subnet |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDefinition | Base class representing a DHCP option definition |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDescriptor | Option descriptor |
Cisc::db::Server | Represents information about a Kea server in the database |
Cisc::agent::AgentParser::basic_symbol< by_state > | |
Cisc::d2::D2Parser::basic_symbol< by_state > | |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::basic_symbol< by_state > | |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::basic_symbol< by_state > | |
Cisc::eval::EvalParser::basic_symbol< by_state > | |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::basic_symbol< by_state > | |
Cisc::http::BasicHttpAuth | Represents a basic HTTP authentication |
Cisc::dns::BasicRRsetImpl | This encapsulates the actual implementation of the BasicRRset class |
►Cisc::agent::AgentParser::by_kind | Type access provider for token (enum) based symbols |
►Cisc::agent::AgentParser::basic_symbol< by_kind > | |
Cisc::agent::AgentParser::symbol_type | "External" symbols: returned by the scanner |
►Cisc::d2::D2Parser::by_kind | Type access provider for token (enum) based symbols |
►Cisc::d2::D2Parser::basic_symbol< by_kind > | |
Cisc::d2::D2Parser::symbol_type | "External" symbols: returned by the scanner |
►Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::by_kind | Type access provider for token (enum) based symbols |
►Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::basic_symbol< by_kind > | |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_type | "External" symbols: returned by the scanner |
►Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::by_kind | Type access provider for token (enum) based symbols |
►Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::basic_symbol< by_kind > | |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::symbol_type | "External" symbols: returned by the scanner |
►Cisc::eval::EvalParser::by_kind | Type access provider for token (enum) based symbols |
►Cisc::eval::EvalParser::basic_symbol< by_kind > | |
Cisc::eval::EvalParser::symbol_type | "External" symbols: returned by the scanner |
►Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::by_kind | Type access provider for token (enum) based symbols |
►Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::basic_symbol< by_kind > | |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::symbol_type | "External" symbols: returned by the scanner |
►Cisc::asiodns::IOFetch::Callback | I/O Fetch Callback |
Cisc::d2::DNSClientImpl | |
►Cisc::d2::DNSClient::Callback | Callback for the DNSClient class |
►Cisc::d2::NameChangeTransaction | Embodies the "life-cycle" required to carry out a DDNS update |
Cisc::d2::CheckExistsAddTransaction | Embodies the "life-cycle" required to carry out a DDNS Add update |
Cisc::d2::CheckExistsRemoveTransaction | Embodies the "life-cycle" required to carry out a DDNS Remove update |
Cisc::d2::NameAddTransaction | Embodies the "life-cycle" required to carry out a DDNS Add update |
Cisc::d2::NameRemoveTransaction | Embodies the "life-cycle" required to carry out a DDNS Remove update |
Cisc::d2::SimpleAddTransaction | Embodies the "life-cycle" required to carry out a DDNS Add update |
Cisc::d2::SimpleAddWithoutDHCIDTransaction | Embodies the "life-cycle" required to carry out a DDNS Add update without checking for conflicts |
Cisc::d2::SimpleRemoveTransaction | Embodies the "life-cycle" required to carry out a DDNS Remove update |
Cisc::d2::SimpleRemoveWithoutDHCIDTransaction | Embodies the "life-cycle" required to carry out a DDNS Remove update without removing any matching DHCID RRs |
Cisc::dhcp::TrackingLeaseMgr::Callback | A structure representing a registered callback |
Cisc::hooks::CalloutHandle | Per-packet callout handle |
►Cisc::hooks::CalloutHandleAssociate | Base class for classes which need to be associated with a CalloutHandle object |
►Cisc::dhcp::Pkt | Base class for classes representing DHCP messages |
►Cisc::dhcp::Pkt4 | Represents DHCPv4 packet |
Cisc::dhcp::Pkt4o6 | Represents DHCPv4-over-DHCPv6 packet |
Cisc::perfdhcp::PerfPkt4 | PerfPkt4 (DHCPv4 packet) |
►Cisc::dhcp::Pkt6 | Represents a DHCPv6 packet |
Cisc::perfdhcp::PerfPkt6 | PerfPkt6 (DHCPv6 packet) |
►Cisc::http::HttpRequest | Represents HTTP request message |
►Cisc::http::PostHttpRequest | Represents HTTP POST request |
Cisc::http::PostHttpRequestJson | Represents HTTP POST request with JSON body |
Cisc::hooks::CalloutManager | Callout Manager |
Cisc::http::CallSetGenericBody | Encapsulates the boolean value indicating if the HttpResponse constructor should call its setGenericBody method during construction |
►Cisc::process::CBControlBase< ConfigBackendMgrType > | Base class for implementing server specific mechanisms to control the use of the Configuration Backends |
Cisc::dhcp::CBControlDHCP< ConfigBackendMgrType > | Base class for implementing mechanisms to control the use of the Configuration Backends by DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 servers |
►Cisc::process::CBControlBase< ConfigBackendDHCPv4Mgr > | |
►Cisc::dhcp::CBControlDHCP< ConfigBackendDHCPv4Mgr > | |
Cisc::dhcp::CBControlDHCPv4 | Implementation of the mechanisms to control the use of the Configuration Backends by the DHCPv4 server |
►Cisc::process::CBControlBase< ConfigBackendDHCPv6Mgr > | |
►Cisc::dhcp::CBControlDHCP< ConfigBackendDHCPv6Mgr > | |
Cisc::dhcp::CBControlDHCPv6 | Implementation of the mechanisms to control the use of the Configuration Backends by the DHCPv6 server |
►Cisc::dhcp::CfgDbAccess | Holds access parameters and the configuration of the lease and hosts database connection |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgHostDbAccess | |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgLeaseDbAccess | Utility class for unparsing |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgHostsList | Utility class to represent host reservation configurations internally as a map keyed by subnet IDs, externally as a list Element |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgMultiThreading | Utility class to apply multi threading configurations |
►Cisc::data::CfgToElement | Abstract class for configuration Cfg_* classes |
►Cisc::dhcp::CfgSharedNetworks< SharedNetwork4Ptr, SharedNetwork4Collection > | |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgSharedNetworks4 | Represents configuration of IPv4 shared networks |
►Cisc::dhcp::CfgSharedNetworks< SharedNetwork6Ptr, SharedNetwork6Collection > | |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgSharedNetworks6 | Represents configuration of IPv6 shared networks |
Cisc::config::HttpCommandConfig | HTTP command config aka HTTP control socket info class |
Cisc::d2::DdnsDomain | Represents a DNS domain that is may be updated dynamically |
Cisc::d2::DdnsDomainListMgr | Provides storage for and management of a list of DNS domains |
Cisc::d2::DnsServerInfo | Represents a specific DNS Server |
Cisc::d2::TSIGKeyInfo | Represents a TSIG Key |
Cisc::db::BackendSelector | Config Backend selector |
Cisc::db::Server | Represents information about a Kea server in the database |
Cisc::dhcp::Cfg4o6 | This structure contains information about DHCP4o6 (RFC7341) |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgConsistency | Parameters for various consistency checks |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgDUID | Holds manual configuration of the server identifier (DUID) |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgExpiration | Holds configuration parameters pertaining to lease expiration and lease affinity |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgGlobals | Class to store configured global parameters |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgHostDbAccess | |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgHostOperations | Represents global configuration for host reservations |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgHosts | Represents the host reservations specified in the configuration file |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgIface | Represents selection of interfaces for DHCP server |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgLeaseDbAccess | Utility class for unparsing |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgMACSource | Wrapper class that holds MAC/hardware address sources |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgOption | Represents option data configuration for the DHCP server |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgOptionDef | Represents option definitions used by the DHCP server |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgRSOO | Represents configuration of the RSOO options for the DHCP server |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgSharedNetworks< SharedNetworkPtrType, SharedNetworkCollection > | This class holds configuration of shared networks |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgSubnets4 | Holds subnets configured for the DHCPv4 server |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgSubnets6 | Holds subnets configured for the DHCPv6 server |
Cisc::dhcp::ClientClassDef | Embodies a single client class definition |
Cisc::dhcp::ClientClassDictionary | Maintains a list of ClientClassDef's |
Cisc::dhcp::ClientClasses | Container for storing client class names |
Cisc::dhcp::D2ClientConfig | Acts as a storage vault for D2 client configuration |
►Cisc::dhcp::Lease | Common structure for IPv4 and IPv6 leases |
Cisc::dhcp::Lease4 | Structure that holds a lease for IPv4 address |
Cisc::dhcp::Lease6 | Structure that holds a lease for IPv6 address and/or prefix |
Cisc::dhcp::Network | Common interface representing a network to which the DHCP clients are connected |
Cisc::dhcp::NetworkState | Controls the DHCP service enabling status |
Cisc::dhcp::NetworkStateImpl | Implementation of the NetworkState class |
►Cisc::dhcp::Pool | Base class for Pool4 and Pool6 |
Cisc::dhcp::Pool4 | Pool information for IPv4 addresses |
Cisc::dhcp::Pool6 | Pool information for IPv6 addresses and prefixes |
Cisc::hooks::HooksConfig | Wrapper class that holds hooks libraries configuration |
Cisc::http::BasicHttpAuthClient | Basic HTTP authentication client configuration |
Cisc::http::CfgHttpHeader | Config HTTP header |
►Cisc::http::HttpAuthConfig | Base type of HTTP authentication configuration |
Cisc::http::BasicHttpAuthConfig | Basic HTTP authentication configuration |
Cisc::netconf::CfgControlSocket | Represents a Control Socket |
Cisc::netconf::CfgServer | Represents a Managed CfgServer |
►Cisc::perfmon::DurationKey | Houses the composite key that uniquely identifies a duration: |
Cisc::perfmon::Alarm | Defines an alarm for a duration |
Cisc::perfmon::MonitoredDuration | |
►Cisc::process::ConfigBase | Base class for all configurations |
Cisc::agent::CtrlAgentCfgContext | Control Agent Configuration Context |
Cisc::d2::D2CfgContext | DHCP-DDNS Configuration Context |
Cisc::d2::DScalarContext | Storage container for scalar configuration parameters |
Cisc::dhcp::SrvConfig | Specifies current DHCP configuration |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfConfig | Netconf Configuration Context |
Cisc::process::ConfigControlInfo | Embodies configuration information used during a server's configuration process |
Cisc::process::ConfigDbInfo | Provides configuration information used during a server's configuration process |
Cisc::process::LoggingDestination | Defines single logging destination |
Cisc::process::LoggingInfo | Structure that describes one logging entry |
Cisc::dhcp::ClassLeaseCounter | Container that maintains counts of leases per class and lease type |
Cisc::dhcp::ClassNameTag | Tag for the name index |
Cisc::dhcp::ClassSequenceTag | Tag for the sequence index |
Cisc::config::ClientConnection | Represents client side connection over the unix domain socket |
Cisc::dhcp::ClientIdSubnetIdIndexTag | Tag for indexes by client-id, subnet-id tuple |
Cisc::config::CmdHttpListener | A multi-threaded HTTP listener that can process API commands requests |
►Cisc::config::CmdsImpl | Base class that command handler implementers may use for common tasks |
Cisc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl | Wrapper class around reservation command handlers |
Cisc::perfmon::PerfMonMgr | Singleton which provides overall configuration, control, and state of the PerfMon hook library |
Cisc::stat_cmds::LeaseStatCmdsImpl | Implements command handling for stat-leaseX-get commands |
Cisc::ha::CommandCreator | Holds a collection of functions which generate commands used for High Availability |
►Cisc::ha::CommunicationState | Holds communication state between the two HA peers |
Cisc::ha::CommunicationState4 | Holds communication state between DHCPv4 servers |
Cisc::ha::CommunicationState6 | Holds communication state between DHCPv6 servers |
Cisc::ha::CommunicationState4::ConnectingClient4 | Structure holding information about the client which has sent the packet being analyzed |
Cisc::ha::CommunicationState6::ConnectingClient6 | Structure holding information about a client which sent a packet being analyzed |
Cisc::agent::AgentParser::context | |
Cisc::d2::D2Parser::context | |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::context | |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::context | |
Cisc::eval::EvalParser::context | |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::context | |
Cisc::config::ClientConnection::ControlCommand | Encapsulates control command |
►Cisc::netconf::ControlSocketBase | Base class for control socket communication |
Cisc::netconf::HttpControlSocket | Class for control socket communication over HTTP socket |
Cisc::netconf::StdoutControlSocket | Class for control socket communication over stdout |
Cisc::netconf::UnixControlSocket | Class for control socket communication over UNIX socket |
►Cboost::asio::coroutine | |
Cisc::asiodns::IOFetch | Upstream Fetch Processing |
Cisc::cryptolink::CryptoLinkImpl | |
Cisc::util::CSCallbackSet | Embodies a named set of CriticalSection callbacks |
Cisc::util::CSCallbackSetList | Maintains list of unique CSCallbackSets |
►Cisc::util::CSVFile | Provides input/output access to CSV files |
►Cisc::util::VersionedCSVFile | Implements a CSV file that supports multiple versions of the file's "schema" |
Cisc::dhcp::CSVLeaseFile4 | Provides methods to access CSV file with DHCPv4 leases |
Cisc::dhcp::CSVLeaseFile6 | Provides methods to access CSV file with DHCPv6 leases |
Cisc::util::CSVRow | Represents a single row of the CSV file |
Cisc::perfdhcp::CustomCounter | Custom Counter |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::D2Dhcid | Container class for handling the DHCID value within a NameChangeRequest |
Cisc::d2::D2Params | Acts as a storage vault for D2 global scalar parameters |
Cisc::d2::D2Parser | A Bison parser |
Cisc::d2::D2ParserContext | Evaluation context, an interface to the expression evaluation |
Cisc::d2::D2Stats | Statistics Names |
Cisc::d2::D2UpdateMessage | The D2UpdateMessage encapsulates a DNS Update message |
Cisc::d2::D2Zone | The D2Zone encapsulates the Zone section in DNS Update message |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::UDPCallback::Data | Container class which stores service invocation related data |
Cisc::db::DB_LOG< log_type > | DB_LOG_* logic |
►Cisc::db::DB_LOG< debug > | |
Cisc::db::DB_LOG_DEBUG | |
►Cisc::db::DB_LOG< error > | |
Cisc::db::DB_LOG_ERROR | |
►Cisc::db::DB_LOG< fatal > | |
Cisc::db::DB_LOG_FATAL | All DB_LOG specializations |
►Cisc::db::DB_LOG< info > | |
Cisc::db::DB_LOG_INFO | |
►Cisc::db::DB_LOG< warn > | |
Cisc::db::DB_LOG_WARN | |
Cisc::db::DbConnectionInitWithRetry | RAII class to enable DB reconnect retries on server startup |
Cisc::db::DbLogger | Database logger class |
►Cisc::process::DCfgMgrBase | Configuration Manager |
Cisc::agent::CtrlAgentCfgMgr | Ctrl Agent Configuration Manager |
Cisc::d2::D2CfgMgr | DHCP-DDNS Configuration Manager |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfCfgMgr | Ctrl Netconf Configuration Manager |
Cisc::dhcp::DdnsParams | Convenience container for conveying DDNS behavioral parameters It is intended to be created per Packet exchange using the selected subnet passed into functions that require them |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser | A Bison parser |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser | A Bison parser |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Exchange | DHCPv4 message exchange |
►Cisc::dhcp::DnrInstance | Represents DNR Instance which is used both in DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 Encrypted DNS Option |
Cisc::dhcp::Option6Dnr | Represents DHCPv6 Encrypted DNS Option (code 144) |
Cisc::d2::DNSClient | The DNSClient class handles communication with the DNS server |
►Cisc::process::DProcessBase | Application Process Interface |
Cisc::agent::CtrlAgentProcess | Kea Control Agent Application Process |
Cisc::d2::D2Process | DHCP-DDNS Application Process |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfProcess | Kea Netconf Application Process |
Cisc::dhcp::DuidIaidTypeIndexTag | Tag for indexes by DUID, IAID, lease type tuple |
Cisc::dhcp::DuidIndexTag | Tag for index using DUID |
Cisc::asiolink::DummyIOCallback | Asynchronous I/O Completion Callback |
Cisc::perfmon::DurationDataInterval | Embodies a span of time (i.e |
Cisc::perfmon::DurationKeyParser | Parses configuration parameters for a single DurationKey |
Cisc::perfmon::DurationKeyTag | Tag for index by primary key (DurationKey) |
Cisc::dns::EDNS | The EDNS class represents the EDNS OPT RR defined in RFC2671 |
►Cisc::data::Element | The Element class represents a piece of data, used by the command channel and configuration parts |
Cisc::data::BigIntElement | Wrapper over int128_t |
Cisc::data::BoolElement | |
Cisc::data::DoubleElement | |
Cisc::data::IntElement | Notes: IntElement type is changed to int64_t |
Cisc::data::ListElement | |
Cisc::data::MapElement | |
Cisc::data::NullElement | |
Cisc::data::StringElement | |
Cisc::data::ElementValue< T > | Template class for converting a value encapsulated in the Element object into a simple type |
Cisc::data::ElementValue< asiolink::IOAddress > | The ElementValue specialization for IOAddress |
Cisc::data::ElementValue< bool > | The ElementValue specialization for boolean |
Cisc::data::ElementValue< double > | The ElementValue specialization for double |
Cisc::data::ElementValue< std::string > | The ElementValue specialization for string |
►Cboost::enable_shared_from_this | |
Cisc::asiolink::IOSignalSetImpl | Implementation class of IOSignalSet |
Cisc::asiolink::IntervalTimerImpl | This class holds a call back function of asynchronous operations |
Cisc::asiolink::UnixDomainSocketImpl | Implementation of the unix domain socket |
Cisc::config::ClientConnectionImpl | Implementation of the ClientConnection |
Cisc::dhcp::NetworkStateImpl | Implementation of the NetworkState class |
Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetwork4 | Shared network holding IPv4 subnets |
Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetwork6 | Shared network holding IPv6 subnets |
Cisc::dhcp::Subnet4 | A configuration holder for IPv4 subnet |
Cisc::dhcp::Subnet6 | A configuration holder for IPv6 subnet |
►Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NameChangeListener::RequestReceiveHandler | Abstract class for defining application layer receive callbacks |
Cisc::d2::D2QueueMgr | D2QueueMgr creates and manages a queue of DNS update requests |
►Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NameChangeSender::RequestSendHandler | Abstract class for defining application layer send callbacks |
Cisc::dhcp::D2ClientMgr | D2ClientMgr isolates Kea from the details of being a D2 client |
Cisc::http::HttpConnection | Accepts and handles a single HTTP connection |
Cisc::http::HttpListenerImpl | Implementation of the HttpListener |
Cisc::tcp::TcpConnection | Accepts and handles a single TCP connection |
Cisc::db::DatabaseConnection::EnterTest | RAII device to set the test mode |
Cisc::perfdhcp::EnumClassHash | |
Cisc::eval::EvalContext | Evaluation context, an interface to the expression evaluation |
Cisc::eval::EvalParser | A Bison parser |
►Cstd::exception | STL class |
►Cisc::Exception | This is a base class for exceptions thrown from the DNS library module |
CLeaseCmdsConflict | Exception thrown when a command failed due to a conflict |
CUnknownLoggingDestination | |
►Cisc::BadValue | A generic exception that is thrown if a parameter given to a method is considered invalid in that context |
Cisc::dhcp::BadHostAddress | Exception thrown when invalid IP address has been specified for Host |
Cisc::ConfigError | An exception that is thrown if an error occurs while configuring any server |
Cisc::InvalidOperation | A generic exception that is thrown if a function is called in a prohibited way |
Cisc::InvalidParameter | A generic exception that is thrown if a parameter given to a method or function is considered invalid and no other specific exceptions are suitable to describe the error |
Cisc::MultiThreadingInvalidOperation | Exception thrown when a worker thread is trying to stop or pause the respective thread pool (which would result in a dead-lock) |
Cisc::NotFound | A generic exception that is thrown when an object can not be found |
Cisc::NotImplemented | A generic exception that is thrown when a function is not implemented |
►Cisc::OutOfRange | A generic exception that is thrown if a parameter given to a method would refer to or modify out-of-range data |
Cisc::dns::master_lexer_internal::InputSource::UngetBeforeBeginning | Exception thrown when ungetChar() is made to go before the start of buffer |
Cisc::ParseError | Evaluation error exception raised when trying to parse |
Cisc::ToElementError | Cannot unparse error |
►Cisc::Unexpected | A generic exception that is thrown when an unexpected error condition occurs |
Cisc::dns::MasterLexer::ReadError | Exception thrown when we fail to read from the input stream or file |
Cisc::dns::master_lexer_internal::InputSource::OpenError | Exception thrown when we fail to open the input file |
Cisc::agent::CommandForwardingError | Exception thrown when an error occurred during control command forwarding |
►Cisc::asiolink::IOError | An exception that is thrown if an error occurs within the IO module |
Cisc::asiolink::BufferOverflow | Buffer overflow |
Cisc::asiolink::BufferTooLarge | Buffer Too Large |
Cisc::asiolink::SocketNotOpen | Socket not open |
Cisc::asiolink::SocketSetError | Error setting socket options |
Cisc::asiolink::ProcessSpawnError | Exception thrown when error occurs during spawning a process |
Cisc::asiolink::UnixDomainSocketError | Exception thrown upon socket error |
Cisc::config::BadSocketInfo | An exception indicating that specified socket parameters are invalid |
Cisc::config::CtrlChannelError | A standard control channel exception that is thrown if a function is there is a problem with one of the messages |
Cisc::config::InvalidCommandHandler | Exception indicating that the handler specified is not valid |
Cisc::config::InvalidCommandName | Exception indicating that the command name is not valid |
Cisc::config::JSONFeedError | A generic exception thrown upon an error in the JSONFeed |
Cisc::config::SocketError | An exception indicating a problem with socket operation |
►Cisc::cryptolink::CryptoLinkError | General exception class that is the base for all crypto-related exceptions |
Cisc::cryptolink::BadKey | This exception is thrown when the underlying library could not handle the key data |
Cisc::cryptolink::InitializationError | This exception is thrown if there was a problem initializing the crypto library |
Cisc::cryptolink::LibraryError | This exception is raised when a general error that was not specifically caught is thrown by the underlying library |
Cisc::cryptolink::UnsupportedAlgorithm | This exception is thrown when a cryptographic action is requested for an algorithm that is not supported by the underlying library |
Cisc::d2::CheckExistsAddTransactionError | Thrown if the CheckExistsAddTransaction encounters a general error |
Cisc::d2::CheckExistsRemoveTransactionError | Thrown if the CheckExistsRemoveTransaction encounters a general error |
Cisc::d2::D2CfgError | Exception thrown when the error during configuration handling occurs |
Cisc::d2::D2ParseError | Evaluation error exception raised when trying to parse |
Cisc::d2::D2QueueMgrError | Thrown if the queue manager encounters a general error |
Cisc::d2::D2QueueMgrInvalidIndex | Thrown if a queue index is beyond the end of the queue |
Cisc::d2::D2QueueMgrQueueEmpty | Thrown if the request queue empty and a read is attempted |
Cisc::d2::D2QueueMgrQueueFull | Thrown if the request queue is full when an enqueue is attempted |
Cisc::d2::D2QueueMgrReceiveError | Thrown if the queue manager's receive handler is passed a failure result |
Cisc::d2::D2UpdateMgrError | Thrown if the update manager encounters a general error |
Cisc::d2::NameAddTransactionError | Thrown if the NameAddTransaction encounters a general error |
Cisc::d2::NameChangeTransactionError | Thrown if the transaction encounters a general error |
Cisc::d2::NameRemoveTransactionError | Thrown if the NameRemoveTransaction encounters a general error |
Cisc::d2::SimpleAddTransactionError | Thrown if the SimpleAddTransaction encounters a general error |
Cisc::d2::SimpleAddWithoutDHCIDTransactionError | Thrown if the SimpleAddWithoutDHCIDTransaction encounters a general error |
Cisc::d2::SimpleRemoveTransactionError | Thrown if the SimpleRemoveTransaction encounters a general error |
Cisc::d2::SimpleRemoveWithoutDHCIDTransactionError | Thrown if the SimpleRemoveWithoutDHCIDTransaction encounters a general error |
Cisc::data::JSONError | A standard Data module exception that is thrown if a parse error is encountered when constructing an Element from a string |
Cisc::data::TypeError | A standard Data module exception that is thrown if a function is called for an Element that has a wrong type (e.g |
Cisc::db::AmbiguousDatabase | Specification of the database backend to be used yields multiple results |
Cisc::db::DataTruncated | Data is truncated |
Cisc::db::DbConfigError | Error detected in the database configuration |
Cisc::db::DbConnectionUnusable | Exception thrown when a specific connection has been rendered unusable either through loss of connectivity or API lib error |
Cisc::db::DbInvalidPort | Invalid port number |
Cisc::db::DbInvalidReadOnly | Invalid 'readonly' value specification |
Cisc::db::DbInvalidTimeout | Invalid Timeout |
Cisc::db::DbOpenError | Exception thrown on failure to open database |
Cisc::db::DbOpenErrorWithRetry | Exception thrown on failure to open database but permit retries |
Cisc::db::DbOperationError | Exception thrown on failure to execute a database function |
Cisc::db::DuplicateEntry | Database duplicate entry error |
Cisc::db::InvalidAddressFamily | Invalid address family used as input to Lease Manager |
Cisc::db::InvalidRange | Upper bound address is lower than lower bound address while retrieving a range of leases |
Cisc::db::InvalidType | Invalid type exception |
Cisc::db::MultipleRecords | Multiple lease records found where one expected |
Cisc::db::NoDatabaseName | Exception thrown if name of database is not specified |
Cisc::db::NoRowsAffected | Thrown when it is expected that some rows are affected, usually during a DELETE or an UPDATE, but none are |
Cisc::db::NoSuchDatabase | Error when specified database could not be found in the server configuration |
Cisc::db::NullKeyError | Key is NULL but was specified NOT NULL |
Cisc::db::ReadOnlyDb | Attempt to modify data in read-only database |
Cisc::db::SchemaInitializationFailed | Thrown when an initialization of the schema failed |
Cisc::dhcp::AllocFailed | An exception that is thrown when allocation module fails (e.g |
Cisc::dhcp::BadDataTypeCast | Exception to be thrown when cast to the data type was unsuccessful |
Cisc::dhcp::D2ClientError | An exception that is thrown if an error occurs while configuring the D2 DHCP DDNS client |
Cisc::dhcp::DHCPv6DiscardMessageError | This exception is thrown when DHCP server hits the error which should result in discarding the message being processed |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4ParseError | Evaluation error exception raised when trying to parse |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4o6IpcError | Exception thrown when error occurs as a result of use of IPC |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6ParseError | Evaluation error exception raised when trying to parse |
Cisc::dhcp::DhcpConfigError | To be removed. Please use ConfigError instead |
Cisc::dhcp::DuplicateAddress | Exception thrown when duplicated address specified |
Cisc::dhcp::DuplicateClientClassDef | Error that occurs when an attempt is made to add a duplicate class to a class dictionary |
Cisc::dhcp::DuplicateHost | Exception thrown when the duplicate Host object is detected |
Cisc::dhcp::DuplicateIfaceName | Exception thrown when duplicated interface names specified |
Cisc::dhcp::DuplicateListeningIface | Exception thrown when the same interface has been specified twice |
Cisc::dhcp::DuplicateOptionDefinition | Exception to be thrown when the particular option definition duplicates existing option definition |
Cisc::dhcp::DuplicateSubnetID | Exception thrown upon attempt to add subnet with an ID that belongs to the subnet that already exists |
Cisc::dhcp::EvalBadLabel | EvalBadLabel is thrown when a label can't be found |
Cisc::dhcp::EvalBadStack | EvalBadStack is thrown when more or less parameters are on the stack than expected |
Cisc::dhcp::EvalTypeError | EvalTypeError is thrown when a value on the stack has a content with an unexpected type |
Cisc::dhcp::HostNotFound | Exception thrown when a Host object is expected, but none are found |
Cisc::dhcp::IfaceDetectError | IfaceMgr exception thrown thrown when interface detection fails |
Cisc::dhcp::IfaceNotFound | IfaceMgr exception thrown when there is no suitable interface |
Cisc::dhcp::InvalidDataType | Exception to be thrown when invalid type specified as template parameter |
Cisc::dhcp::InvalidIfaceName | Exception thrown when specified interface name is invalid |
Cisc::dhcp::InvalidOption4FqdnDomainName | Exception thrown when invalid domain name is specified |
Cisc::dhcp::InvalidOption4FqdnFlags | Exception thrown when invalid flags have been specified for DHCPv4 Client FQDN Option |
Cisc::dhcp::InvalidOption6FqdnDomainName | Exception thrown when invalid domain name is specified |
Cisc::dhcp::InvalidOption6FqdnFlags | Exception thrown when invalid flags have been specified for DHCPv6 Client Fqdn Option |
Cisc::dhcp::InvalidOptionDnrDomainName | Exception thrown when invalid domain name is specified |
Cisc::dhcp::InvalidOptionDnrSvcParams | Exception thrown when Service parameters have wrong format |
Cisc::dhcp::InvalidOptionSpace | Exception to be thrown when invalid option space is specified |
Cisc::dhcp::InvalidOptionValue | Exception to be thrown when invalid option value has been specified for a particular option definition |
Cisc::dhcp::InvalidPacketFilter | Exception thrown when invalid packet filter object specified |
Cisc::dhcp::InvalidPacketHeader | Exception thrown when error occurred during parsing packet's headers |
Cisc::dhcp::InvalidQueueParameter | Invalid queue parameter exception |
Cisc::dhcp::InvalidQueueType | Invalid Queue type exception |
Cisc::dhcp::InvalidSocketType | Exception thrown when invalid socket type has been specified for the given family |
Cisc::dhcp::MalformedOptionDefinition | Exception to be thrown when option definition is invalid |
Cisc::dhcp::NoHostDataSourceManager | No host data source instance exception |
Cisc::dhcp::NoLeaseManager | No lease manager exception |
Cisc::dhcp::NoSuchAddress | Exception thrown when specified unicast address is not assigned to the interface specified |
Cisc::dhcp::NoSuchIface | Exception thrown when specified interface doesn't exist in a system |
Cisc::dhcp::NoSuchLease | Attempt to update lease that was not there |
Cisc::dhcp::OpaqueDataTupleError | Exception to be thrown when the operation on OpaqueDataTuple object results in an error |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionParseError | Wrapper exception thrown by unpackOptionsX functions to add option type and len to the underlying error |
Cisc::dhcp::PacketFilterChangeDenied | Exception thrown when it is not allowed to set new Packet Filter |
Cisc::dhcp::RFCViolation | An exception that is thrown if a DHCPv6 protocol violation occurs while processing a message (e.g |
Cisc::dhcp::ReservedAddress | Exception thrown when an address is already reserved by a Host object (DuplicateHost is same identity, ReservedAddress same address) |
Cisc::dhcp::ResourceBusy | Thrown by lock users when a resource lock cannot be obtained |
Cisc::dhcp::SignalInterruptOnSelect | Exception thrown when a call to select is interrupted by a signal |
Cisc::dhcp::SkipRemainingOptionsError | Exception thrown during option unpacking This exception is thrown when an error has occurred, unpacking an option from a packet and we wish to abandon any any further unpacking efforts and allow the server to attempt to process the packet as it stands |
Cisc::dhcp::SkipThisOptionError | Exception thrown during option unpacking This exception is thrown when an error has occurred unpacking an option from a packet and rather than drop the whole packet, we wish to simply skip over the option (i.e |
Cisc::dhcp::SocketConfigError | IfaceMgr exception thrown thrown when socket opening or configuration failed |
Cisc::dhcp::SocketNotFound | IfaceMgr exception thrown when there is no suitable socket found |
Cisc::dhcp::SocketReadError | IfaceMgr exception thrown thrown when error occurred during reading data from socket |
Cisc::dhcp::SocketWriteError | IfaceMgr exception thrown thrown when error occurred during sending data through socket |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::DhcidRdataComputeError | Exception thrown when there is an error occurred during computation of the DHCID |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NcrListenerError | Exception thrown if an NcrListenerError encounters a general error |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NcrListenerOpenError | Exception thrown if an error occurs during IO source open |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NcrListenerReceiveError | Exception thrown if an error occurs initiating an IO receive |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NcrMessageError | Exception thrown when NameChangeRequest marshalling error occurs |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NcrSenderError | Thrown when a NameChangeSender encounters an error |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NcrSenderOpenError | Exception thrown if an error occurs during IO source open |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NcrSenderQueueFull | Exception thrown if an error occurs initiating an IO send |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NcrSenderSendError | Exception thrown if an error occurs initiating an IO send |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NcrUDPError | Thrown when a UDP level exception occurs |
►Cisc::dns::Exception | |
Cisc::d2::InvalidQRFlag | Exception indicating that QR flag has invalid value |
Cisc::d2::InvalidZoneSection | Exception indicating that Zone section contains invalid content |
Cisc::d2::NotUpdateMessage | Exception indicating that the parsed message is not DNS Update |
Cisc::d2::TSIGVerifyError | Exception indicating that a signed, inbound message failed to verify |
►Cisc::dns::DNSProtocolError | |
Cisc::dns::DNSMessageBADVERS | |
Cisc::dns::DNSMessageFORMERR | |
►Cisc::dns::DNSTextError | Base class for all sorts of text parse errors |
Cisc::dns::InvalidRRClass | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if an RRClass object is being constructed from an unrecognized string |
Cisc::dns::InvalidRRTTL | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if an RRTTL object is being constructed from an unrecognized string |
Cisc::dns::InvalidRRType | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if an RRType object is being constructed from an unrecognized string |
►Cisc::dns::NameParserException | Base class for name parser exceptions |
Cisc::dns::BadEscape | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if the name parser fails to decode a back-slash escaped sequence |
Cisc::dns::BadLabelType | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if the name parser encounters an obsolete or incomplete label type |
Cisc::dns::EmptyLabel | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if the name parser encounters an empty label in the middle of a name |
Cisc::dns::IncompleteName | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if the name parser finds the input (string or wire-format data) is incomplete |
Cisc::dns::MissingNameOrigin | Thrown when origin is null and is needed |
Cisc::dns::TooLongLabel | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if the name parser encounters too long a label |
Cisc::dns::TooLongName | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if the name parser encounters too long a name |
Cisc::dns::rdata::CharStringTooLong | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if RDATA parser encounters a character-string (as defined in RFC1035) exceeding the maximum allowable length (MAX_CHARSTRING_LEN ) |
Cisc::dns::rdata::InvalidRdataLength | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if RDATA parser encounters an invalid or inconsistent data length |
Cisc::dns::rdata::InvalidRdataText | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if RDATA parser fails to recognize a given textual representation |
Cisc::dns::EmptyRRset | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if an RRset object does not contain any RDATA where required |
Cisc::dns::IncompleteRRClass | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if an RRClass object is being constructed from a incomplete (too short) wire-format data |
Cisc::dns::IncompleteRRTTL | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if an RRTTL object is being constructed from a incomplete (too short) wire-format data |
Cisc::dns::IncompleteRRType | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if an RRType object is being constructed from a incomplete (too short) wire-format data |
Cisc::dns::InvalidMessageOperation | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if a Message class method is called that is prohibited for the current mode of the message |
Cisc::dns::InvalidMessageSection | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if a section iterator is being constructed for an incompatible section |
Cisc::dns::InvalidMessageUDPSize | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if a UDP buffer size smaller than the standard default maximum (DEFAULT_MAX_UDPSIZE) is being specified for the message |
Cisc::dns::MasterLexer::LexerError | Exception thrown from a wrapper version of MasterLexer::getNextToken() for non fatal errors |
Cisc::dns::MessageTooShort | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if a wire format message parser encounters a short length of data that don't even contain the full header section |
Cisc::dns::RRClassExists | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if a new RR class is being registered with a different type string |
Cisc::dns::RRTypeExists | A standard DNS module exception that is thrown if a new RR type is being registered with a different type string |
Cisc::dns::MasterLoaderError | Error while loading by MasterLoader without specifying the MANY_ERRORS option |
Cisc::dns::TSIGContextError | An exception that is thrown for logic errors identified in TSIG sign/verify operations |
Cisc::eval::EvalParseError | Evaluation error exception raised when trying to parse an exceptions |
Cisc::ha::HAConfigValidationError | Exception thrown when configuration validation fails |
Cisc::hooks::DuplicateHook | Duplicate hook |
Cisc::hooks::InvalidHooksLibraries | Exception thrown when a library failed to validate |
Cisc::hooks::LibrariesStillOpened | Libraries still opened |
Cisc::hooks::LoadLibrariesNotCalled | LoadLibraries not called |
Cisc::hooks::NoCalloutManager | No Callout Manager |
Cisc::hooks::NoSuchArgument | No such argument |
Cisc::hooks::NoSuchCalloutContext | No such callout context item |
Cisc::hooks::NoSuchHook | Invalid hook |
Cisc::hooks::NoSuchLibrary | No such library |
Cisc::http::HttpClientError | A generic error raised by the HttpClient class |
Cisc::http::HttpConnectionError | Generic error reported within HttpConnection class |
Cisc::http::HttpListenerError | A generic error raised by the HttpListener class |
►Cisc::http::HttpMessageError | Generic exception thrown by HttpMessage class |
Cisc::http::HttpMessageNonExistingHeader | Exception thrown when attempt is made to retrieve a non-existing header |
►Cisc::http::HttpRequestError | Generic exception thrown by HttpRequest class |
Cisc::http::HttpRequestJsonError | Exception thrown when body of the HTTP message is not JSON |
►Cisc::http::HttpResponseError | Generic exception thrown by HttpResponse class |
Cisc::http::HttpResponseJsonError | Exception thrown when body of the HTTP message is not JSON |
Cisc::http::HttpParseError | Exception thrown when an error during parsing HTTP message has occurred |
Cisc::http::HttpTimeConversionError | Exception thrown when there is an error during time conversion |
Cisc::lfc::InvalidUsage | Exception thrown when the command line is invalid |
Cisc::lfc::RunTimeFail | Exceptions thrown when a method is unable to manipulate (remove or rename) a file |
Cisc::log::BadInterprocessSync | Bad Interprocess Sync |
Cisc::log::FormatFailure | Format Failure |
Cisc::log::LoggerNameError | Logger Name Error |
Cisc::log::LoggerNameNull | Logger Name is null |
Cisc::log::LoggingNotInitialized | Logging Not Initialized |
Cisc::log::MessageException | Message Exception |
Cisc::log::MismatchedPlaceholders | Mismatched Placeholders |
Cisc::log::internal::LogBufferAddAfterFlush | Buffer add after flush |
Cisc::log::interprocess::InterprocessSyncFileError | InterprocessSyncFileError |
Cisc::netconf::ControlSocketError | Exception thrown when the error during communication |
Cisc::perfmon::DuplicateAlarm | Exception thrown when an attempt was made to add a duplicate key to either the duration or alarm stores |
Cisc::perfmon::DuplicateDurationKey | Exception thrown when an attempt was made to add a duplicate duration to the store |
Cisc::process::DCfgMgrBaseError | Exception thrown if the configuration manager encounters an error |
Cisc::process::DControllerBaseError | Exception thrown when the controller encounters an operational error |
Cisc::process::DProcessBaseError | Exception thrown if the process encountered an operational error |
Cisc::process::DaemonPIDExists | Exception thrown when the PID file points to a live PID |
Cisc::process::InvalidUsage | Exception thrown when the command line is invalid |
Cisc::process::LaunchError | Exception thrown when the controller launch fails |
Cisc::process::ProcessInitError | Exception thrown when the application process fails |
Cisc::process::ProcessRunError | Exception thrown when the application process encounters an operation in its event loop (i.e |
Cisc::process::VersionMessage | Exception used to convey version info upwards |
Cisc::stat_cmds::NotFound | Exception thrown no subnets fall within the selection criteria This exception is thrown when a valid combination of query parameters excludes all known (i.e |
Cisc::stats::DuplicateStat | Exception indicating that a given statistic is duplicated |
Cisc::stats::InvalidStatType | Exception thrown if invalid statistic type is used |
Cisc::tcp::TcpConnectionError | Generic error reported within TcpConnection class |
Cisc::tcp::TcpListenerError | A generic error raised by the TcpListener class |
Cisc::util::CSVFileError | Exception thrown when an error occurs during CSV file processing |
Cisc::util::InvalidTime | A standard DNS (or ISC) module exception that is thrown if a time conversion function encounters bad input |
Cisc::util::LabeledValueError | Thrown if an error is encountered handling a LabeledValue |
Cisc::util::MemorySegmentError | General error that can be thrown by a MemorySegment implementation |
Cisc::util::MemorySegmentGrown | Exception that is thrown, when allocating space in a MemorySegment results in growing the underlying segment |
Cisc::util::MemorySegmentOpenError | Exception that can be thrown when constructing a MemorySegment object |
Cisc::util::PIDCantReadPID | Exception thrown when an error occurs trying to read a PID from an opened file |
Cisc::util::PIDFileError | Exception thrown when an error occurs during PID file processing |
Cisc::util::StateModelError | Thrown if the state machine encounters a general error |
Cisc::util::VersionedCSVFileError | Exception thrown when an error occurs during CSV file processing |
Cisc::util::WatchSocketError | Exception thrown if an error occurs during IO source open |
Cisc::util::str::StringTokenError | A Set of C++ Utilities for Manipulating Strings |
►Cisc::yang::MissingNode | Missing node error |
Cisc::yang::MissingKey | Missing key error |
Cisc::yang::NetconfError | Generic NETCONF error |
►Cuser_chk::UserDataSourceError | Thrown if UserDataSource encounters an error |
Cuser_chk::UserFileError | Thrown a UserFile encounters an error |
Cuser_chk::UserRegistryError | Thrown UserRegistry encounters an error |
►Cstd::runtime_error | STL class |
Cisc::agent::AgentParser::syntax_error | Syntax errors thrown from user actions |
Cisc::d2::D2Parser::syntax_error | Syntax errors thrown from user actions |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::syntax_error | Syntax errors thrown from user actions |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::syntax_error | Syntax errors thrown from user actions |
Cisc::eval::EvalParser::syntax_error | Syntax errors thrown from user actions |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::syntax_error | Syntax errors thrown from user actions |
Cisc::perfdhcp::ExchangeStats | Exchange Statistics |
Cisc::dhcp::ExpirationIndexTag | Tag for indexes by expiration time |
Cisc::dns::TSIGKeyRing::FindResult | A helper structure to represent the search result of TSIGKeyRing::find() |
Cisc::flex_option::FlexOptionImpl | Flex Option implementation |
Cisc::log::Formatter< Logger > | The log message formatter |
Cisc::dns::rdata::generic::GenericImpl | |
Cisc::ha::HAConfig | Storage for High Availability configuration |
Cisc::config::BaseCommandMgr::HandlersPair | |
Cisc::ha::HARelationshipMapper< MappedType > | Holds associations between objects and HA relationships |
Cisc::asiolink::IOAddress::Hash | An IOAddress hash enabling the use in the unordered STL containers |
Cisc::util::Hash64 | Hash implementation based on Fowler-Noll-Vo hash function |
Cisc::cryptolink::HashImpl | Botan implementation of Hash |
Cisc::data::HierarchyTraversalTest | Structure holding the test functions used to traverse the element hierarchy |
Cisc::cryptolink::HMACImpl | Botan implementation of HMAC |
Cisc::dhcp::HostDataSourceFactory | Host Data Source Factory |
Cisc::dhcp::HostnameIndexTag | Tag for index using hostname |
Cisc::dhcp::HostPageSize | Wraps value holding size of the page with host reservations |
Cisc::dhcp::HostResrv6Tuple | Defines one entry for the Host Container for v6 hosts |
Cisc::http::HttpClient | HTTP client class |
Cisc::http::HttpClientImpl | HttpClient implementation |
Cisc::config::HttpCommandMgrImpl | Implementation of the HttpCommandMgr |
Cisc::http::HttpConnectionPool | Pool of active HTTP connections |
Cisc::http::HttpDateTime | This class parses and generates time values used in HTTP |
►Cisc::http::HttpHeader | Represents HTTP header including a header name and value |
Cisc::http::HostHttpHeader | Represents HTTP Host header |
►Cisc::http::HttpHeaderContext | HTTP header context |
Cisc::http::BasicAuthHttpHeaderContext | Represents basic HTTP authentication header |
Cisc::http::HttpListener | HTTP listener |
►Cisc::http::HttpMessage | Base class for HttpRequest and HttpResponse |
Cisc::http::HttpRequest | Represents HTTP request message |
►Cisc::http::HttpResponse | Represents HTTP response message |
Cisc::http::HttpResponseJson | Represents HTTP response with JSON content |
Cisc::http::HttpRequestContext | HTTP request context |
Cisc::http::HttpResponseContext | HTTP response context |
►Cisc::http::HttpResponseCreator | Specifies an interface for classes creating HTTP responses from HTTP requests |
Cisc::agent::CtrlAgentResponseCreator | Concrete implementation of the HTTP response creator used by the Control Agent |
Cisc::config::CmdResponseCreator | Concrete implementation of the HTTP response creator used for processing API commands |
Cisc::config::HttpCommandResponseCreator | Concrete implementation of the HTTP response creator used for HTTP control socket |
►Cisc::http::HttpResponseCreatorFactory | Specifies the interface for implementing custom factory classes used to create instances of HttpResponseCreator |
Cisc::agent::CtrlAgentResponseCreatorFactory | HTTP response creator factory for Control Agent |
Cisc::config::CmdResponseCreatorFactory | HTTP response creator factory for an API listener |
Cisc::config::HttpCommandResponseCreatorFactory | HTTP response creator factory for HTTP control socket |
Cisc::http::HttpVersion | HTTP protocol version |
Cisc::dhcp::HWAddr | Hardware type that represents information from DHCPv4 packet |
Cisc::dhcp::HWAddressSubnetIdIndexTag | Tag for indexes by HW address, subnet-id tuple |
Cisc::dhcp::AllocEngine::ClientContext6::IAContext | Parameters pertaining to individual IAs |
►Cisc::dhcp::IdentifierBaseType | Base type used to define a common smart pointer for all derived types |
►Cisc::dhcp::IdentifierType< 2, 255 > | |
Cisc::dhcp::ClientId | Holds Client identifier or client IPv4 address |
►Cisc::dhcp::IdentifierType< 3, 130 > | |
Cisc::dhcp::DUID | Holds DUID (DHCPv6 Unique Identifier) |
Cisc::dhcp::IdentifierType< min_size, max_size > | |
Cisc::http::HttpListener::IdleTimeout | Idle connection timeout |
Cisc::tcp::TcpListener::IdleTimeout | Idle connection timeout |
Cisc::dhcp::IfaceCollection | Collection of pointers to network interfaces |
Cisc::util::InputBuffer | The InputBuffer class is a buffer abstraction for manipulating read-only data |
►Cisc::log::interprocess::InterprocessSync | Interprocess Sync Class |
Cisc::log::interprocess::InterprocessSyncFile | File-based Interprocess Sync Class |
Cisc::log::interprocess::InterprocessSyncNull | Null Interprocess Sync Class |
Cisc::log::interprocess::InterprocessSyncLocker | Interprocess Sync Locker Class |
Cisc::perfmon::IntervalStartTag | Tag for index by interval start time |
Cisc::asiolink::IntervalTimer | The IntervalTimer class is a wrapper for the ASIO boost::asio::deadline_timer class |
Cisc::asiolink::IOAddress | The IOAddress class represents an IP addresses (version agnostic) |
Cisc::dhcp::IOAddressListListTag | Tag for the list of IO addresses as a list |
Cisc::dhcp::IOAddressListSetTag | Tag for the list of IO addresses as a set |
►Cisc::asiolink::IOEndpoint | The IOEndpoint class is an abstract base class to represent a communication endpoint |
Cisc::asiolink::TCPEndpoint | The TCPEndpoint class is a concrete derived class of IOEndpoint that represents an endpoint of a TCP packet |
Cisc::asiolink::UDPEndpoint | The UDPEndpoint class is a concrete derived class of IOEndpoint that represents an endpoint of a UDP packet |
Cisc::asiolink::IOService | The IOService class is a wrapper for the ASIO io_service class |
Cisc::asiolink::IOServiceImpl | |
Cisc::asiolink::IoServiceThreadPool | Implements a pausable pool of IOService driven threads |
Cisc::asiolink::IOSignalSet | Implements an asynchronous "signal" for IOService driven processing |
►Cisc::asiolink::IOSocket | The IOSocket class is an abstract base class to represent various types of network sockets |
►Cisc::asiolink::IOAcceptor< boost::asio::ip::tcp, C > | |
►Cisc::asiolink::TCPAcceptor< C > | Provides a service for accepting new TCP connections |
Cisc::asiolink::TLSAcceptor< C > | Provides a service for accepting new TLS connections |
►Cisc::asiolink::IOAcceptor< boost::asio::local::stream_protocol, std::function< void(const boost::system::error_code &)> > | |
Cisc::asiolink::UnixDomainSocketAcceptor | Implements acceptor service for UnixDomainSocket |
►Cisc::asiolink::IOAsioSocket< SocketCallback > | |
Cisc::asiolink::TCPSocket< SocketCallback > | |
Cisc::asiolink::TLSSocket< SocketCallback > | |
Cisc::asiolink::DummySocket | The DummySocket class is a concrete derived class of IOSocket that is not associated with any real socket |
Cisc::asiolink::IOAcceptor< ProtocolType, CallbackType > | Base class for acceptor services in Kea |
►Cisc::asiolink::IOAsioSocket< C > | I/O Socket with asynchronous operations |
Cisc::asiolink::DummyAsioSocket< C > | The DummyAsioSocket class is a concrete derived class of IOAsioSocket that is not associated with any real socket |
Cisc::asiolink::TCPSocket< C > | The TCPSocket class is a concrete derived class of IOAsioSocket that represents a TCP socket |
Cisc::asiolink::TLSSocket< C > | The TLSSocket class is a concrete derived class of IOAsioSocket that represents a TLS socket |
Cisc::asiolink::UDPSocket< C > | The UDPSocket class is a concrete derived class of IOAsioSocket that represents a UDP socket |
Cisc::asiolink::UnixDomainSocket | Represents unix domain socket implemented in terms of boost asio |
Cisc::dhcp::IPRangePermutation | Random IP address/prefix permutation based on Fisher-Yates shuffle |
Cisc::dhcp::IPv6Resrv | IPv6 reservation for a host |
Cisc::dhcp::KeyFromKeyExtractor< KeyExtractor1, KeyExtractor2 > | Utility class which cascades two key extractors |
►Cisc::util::LabeledValue | Implements the concept of a constant value with a text label |
Cisc::util::State | Defines a State within the State Model |
►Cisc::util::LabeledValueSet | Implements a set of unique LabeledValues |
Cisc::util::StateSet | Implements a unique set or dictionary of states |
Cisc::dns::LabelSequence | Light-weight Accessor to Name data |
Cisc::dhcp::Lease6ExtendedInfo | Lease6 extended informations for Bulk Lease Query |
Cisc::dhcp::LeaseAddressIndexTag | Tag for indexes by lease address |
Cisc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmds | Implements the logic for processing commands pertaining to lease manipulation |
Cisc::dhcp::LeaseFileLoader | Utility class to manage bulk of leases in the lease files |
►Cisc::dhcp::LeaseFileStats | Provides statistics for leases |
Cisc::dhcp::CSVLeaseFile4 | Provides methods to access CSV file with DHCPv4 leases |
Cisc::dhcp::CSVLeaseFile6 | Provides methods to access CSV file with DHCPv6 leases |
►Cisc::dhcp::LeaseMgr | Abstract Lease Manager |
►Cisc::dhcp::TrackingLeaseMgr | Introduces callbacks into the LeaseMgr |
Cisc::dhcp::Memfile_LeaseMgr | Concrete implementation of a lease database backend using flat file |
Cisc::dhcp::LeaseMgrFactory | Lease Manager Factory |
Cisc::dhcp::LeasePageSize | Wraps value holding size of the page with leases |
►Cisc::dhcp::LeaseStatsQuery | Base class for fulfilling a statistical lease data query |
►Cisc::dhcp::MemfileLeaseStatsQuery | Base Memfile derivation of the statistical lease data query |
Cisc::dhcp::MemfileLeaseStatsQuery4 | Memfile derivation of the IPv4 statistical lease data query |
Cisc::dhcp::MemfileLeaseStatsQuery6 | Memfile derivation of the IPv6 statistical lease data query |
Cisc::dhcp::LeaseStatsRow | Contains a single row of lease statistical data |
Cisc::ha::LeaseSyncFilter | Checks if a lease fetched from the other server should be synchronized into the local lease database |
Cisc::perfdhcp::CommandOptions::LeaseType | A class encapsulating the type of lease being requested from the server |
Cisc::ha::LeaseUpdateBacklog | Queue holding a backlog of unsent lease updates |
Cisc::log::Level | Log level structure |
Cisc::lfc::LFCController | Process controller for LFC process |
Cisc::dhcp::LFCSetup | Represents a configuration for Lease File Cleanup |
Cisc::dhcp::LibDHCP | |
Cisc::hooks::LibraryHandle | Library handle |
Cisc::hooks::LibraryManager | Library manager |
Cisc::hooks::LibraryManagerCollection | Library manager collection |
Cisc::process::LogConfigParser | Configures log4cplus by translating Kea configuration structures |
Cisc::log::Logger | Logger Class |
Cisc::log::LoggerLevelImpl | Implementation aspects of logging levels |
Cisc::log::LoggerManagerImpl | Logger Manager Implementation |
Cisc::log::LoggerSpecification | |
Cisc::dhcp::ManagedScopedOptionsCopyContainer | |
Cisc::dns::MasterLoaderCallbacks | Set of issue callbacks for a loader |
Cisc::dns::MasterLoader::MasterLoaderImpl | Private implementation class for the MasterLoader |
Cisc::dns::MasterToken | Tokens for MasterLexer |
Cisc::dhcp::MemfileLeaseMgrInit | Initialization structure used to register and deregister Memfile Lease Mgr |
►Cisc::util::MemorySegment | Memory Segment Class |
Cisc::util::MemorySegmentLocal | Malloc/free based Memory Segment class |
Cisc::dns::Message | The Message class encapsulates a standard DNS message |
Cisc::log::MessageDictionary | Message Dictionary |
Cisc::dns::MessageImpl | |
Cisc::log::MessageReader | Read Message File |
Cisc::dns::MessageRenderer::MessageRendererImpl | The MessageRendererImpl class is the actual implementation of MessageRenderer |
Cisc::perfmon::MonitoredDurationStore | Maintains an in-memory store of durations |
Cisc::tcp::MtTcpListenerMgr | Manages a thread-pool that is used to drive a TcpListener |
Cisc::util::MultiThreadingLock | RAII lock object to protect the code in the same scope with a mutex |
Cisc::test::MultiThreadingTest | A RAII class which disables the multi threading on exit of scope |
Cisc::db::MySqlBinding | MySQL binding used in prepared statements |
Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< T > | Trait class for column types supported in MySQL |
Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< boost::posix_time::ptime > | Specialization for MySQL TIMESTAMP type |
Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< float > | |
Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< int16_t > | Speclialization for MySQL SMALLINT type |
Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< int32_t > | Specialization for MySQL INT type |
Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< int64_t > | Specialization for MySQL BIGINT type |
Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< int8_t > | Specialization for MySQL TINYINT type |
Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< std::string > | Specialization for MySQL TEXT type |
Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< uint16_t > | Specialization for MySQL SMALLINT UNSIGNED type |
Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< uint32_t > | Specialization for MySQL INT UNSIGNED type |
Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< uint64_t > | Specialization for MySQL BIGINT UNSIGNED type |
Cisc::db::MySqlBindingTraits< uint8_t > | Specialization for MySQL TINYINT UNSIGNED type |
Cisc::db::MySqlFreeResult | Fetch and Release MySQL Results |
Cisc::dns::Name | The Name class encapsulates DNS names |
►Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NameChangeListener | Abstract interface for receiving NameChangeRequests |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NameChangeUDPListener | Provides the ability to receive NameChangeRequests via UDP socket |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NameChangeRequest | Represents a DHCP-DDNS client request |
►Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NameChangeSender | Abstract interface for sending NameChangeRequests |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::NameChangeUDPSender | Provides the ability to send NameChangeRequests via UDP socket |
Cisc::dns::NameComparisonResult | This is a supplemental class used only as a return value of Name::compare() and LabelSequence::compare() |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfAgent | Netconf agent |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser | A Bison parser |
►Cboost::noncopyable | |
Cisc::asiolink::TLSSocket< SocketCallback > | |
Cisc::perfdhcp::PacketStorage< isc::dhcp::Pkt4 > | |
Cisc::perfdhcp::PacketStorage< isc::dhcp::Pkt6 > | |
Cisc::util::StagedValue< isc::dhcp::OptionDefSpaceContainer > | |
Cisc::agent::CtrlAgentCommandMgr | Command Manager for Control Agent |
Cisc::asiodns::IOFetchData | IOFetch Data |
Cisc::asiolink::IOServiceMgr | Class which handles events on IOService objects |
Cisc::asiolink::IOSignalSetImpl | Implementation class of IOSignalSet |
Cisc::asiolink::IntervalTimerImpl | This class holds a call back function of asynchronous operations |
Cisc::asiolink::ProcessSpawn | Utility class for spawning new processes |
Cisc::asiolink::ProcessSpawnImpl | Implementation of the ProcessSpawn class |
Cisc::asiolink::TLSSocket< C > | The TLSSocket class is a concrete derived class of IOAsioSocket that represents a TLS socket |
Cisc::asiolink::TlsContextBase | TLS context base class |
Cisc::config::CommandMgr | Commands Manager implementation for the Kea servers |
Cisc::config::HttpCommandMgr | HTTP Commands Manager implementation for the Kea servers |
Cisc::config::UnixCommandMgr | Unix Commands Manager implementation for the Kea servers |
Cisc::cryptolink::CryptoLink | Singleton entry point and factory class |
Cisc::cryptolink::HMAC | HMAC support |
Cisc::cryptolink::Hash | Hash support |
►Cisc::cryptolink::RNG | RNG support |
Cisc::cryptolink::RNGImpl | Botan implementation of RNG |
Cisc::cryptolink::RNGImpl | Botan implementation of RNG |
Cisc::d2::D2QueueMgr | D2QueueMgr creates and manages a queue of DNS update requests |
Cisc::d2::D2UpdateMgr | D2UpdateMgr creates and manages update transactions |
►Cisc::db::DatabaseConnection | Common database connection class |
Cisc::db::MySqlConnection | Common MySQL Connector Pool |
Cisc::db::PgSqlConnection | Common PgSql Connector Pool |
Cisc::db::MySqlHolder | MySQL Handle Holder |
Cisc::db::MySqlTransaction | RAII object representing MySQL transaction |
Cisc::db::PgSqlHolder | Postgresql connection handle Holder |
Cisc::db::PgSqlResult | RAII wrapper for PostgreSQL Result sets |
Cisc::db::PgSqlTransaction | RAII object representing a PostgreSQL transaction |
Cisc::dhcp::AllocEngine | DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 allocation engine |
Cisc::dhcp::AllocEngine::ClientContext4 | Context information for the DHCPv4 lease allocation |
Cisc::dhcp::AllocEngine::ClientContext6 | Context information for the DHCPv6 leases allocation |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgMgr | Configuration Manager |
Cisc::dhcp::ClientHandler | Client race avoidance RAII handler |
Cisc::dhcp::ClientHandler | Client race avoidance RAII handler |
Cisc::dhcp::ConfigBackendDHCPv4Mgr | Configuration Backend Manager for DHCPv4 servers |
Cisc::dhcp::ConfigBackendDHCPv6Mgr | Configuration Backend Manager for DHCPv6 servers |
Cisc::dhcp::D2ClientMgr | D2ClientMgr isolates Kea from the details of being a D2 client |
Cisc::dhcp::DUIDFactory | Factory for generating DUIDs (DHCP Unique Identifiers) |
►Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4o6IpcBase | This class implements the communication between the DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 servers to allow for transmission of the DHCPv4 query and DHCPv4 response messages |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4to6Ipc | Handles DHCPv4-over-DHCPv6 IPC on the DHCPv4 server side |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6to4Ipc | Handles DHCPv4-over-DHCPv6 IPC on the DHCPv6 server side |
Cisc::dhcp::HostMgr | Host Manager |
Cisc::dhcp::Iface | Represents a single network interface |
Cisc::dhcp::IfaceMgr | Handles network interfaces, transmission and reception |
Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueueMgr6 | Packet Queue Manager for DHCPv6 servers |
►Cisc::dhcp::ResourceHandler | Resource race avoidance RAII handler |
Cisc::dhcp::ResourceHandler4 | Resource race avoidance RAII handler for DHCPv4 |
Cisc::dhcp::TimerMgr | Manages a pool of asynchronous interval timers |
Cisc::dns::MasterLexer | Tokenizer for parsing DNS master files |
Cisc::dns::MasterLoader | A class able to load DNS master files |
Cisc::dns::MessageRenderer | The MessageRenderer is a concrete derived class of AbstractMessageRenderer as a general purpose implementation of the renderer interfaces |
Cisc::dns::TSIGContext | TSIG session context |
Cisc::dns::master_lexer_internal::InputSource | An input source that is used internally by MasterLexer |
Cisc::ha::HAImpl | High Availability hooks library implementation |
Cisc::ha::HAService | High availability service |
Cisc::hooks::HooksManager | Hooks Manager |
Cisc::hooks::ServerHooks | Server hook collection |
Cisc::log::LoggerImpl | Console Logger Implementation |
Cisc::log::LoggerManager | Logger Manager |
Cisc::log::MessageInitializer | Initialize Message Dictionary |
►Cisc::perfdhcp::AbstractScen | Abstract Scenario class |
Cisc::perfdhcp::AvalancheScen | Avalanche Scenario class |
Cisc::perfdhcp::BasicScen | Basic Scenario class |
Cisc::perfdhcp::CommandOptions | Command Options |
Cisc::perfdhcp::PacketStorage< T > | Represents a list of packets with a sequential and random access to list elements |
Cisc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | Statistics Manager |
Cisc::perfdhcp::TestControl | Test Control class |
►Cisc::process::Daemon | Base class for all services |
►Cisc::dhcp::Dhcpv4Srv | DHCPv4 server service |
Cisc::dhcp::ControlledDhcpv4Srv | Controlled version of the DHCPv4 server |
►Cisc::dhcp::Dhcpv6Srv | DHCPv6 server service |
Cisc::dhcp::ControlledDhcpv6Srv | Controlled version of the DHCPv6 server |
►Cisc::process::DControllerBase | Application Controller |
Cisc::agent::CtrlAgentController | Process Controller for Control Agent Process |
Cisc::d2::D2Controller | Process Controller for D2 Process This class is the DHCP-DDNS specific derivation of DControllerBase |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfController | Process Controller for Netconf Process |
Cisc::stats::StatsMgr | Statistics Manager class |
Cisc::util::MultiThreadingCriticalSection | RAII class creating a critical section |
Cisc::util::MultiThreadingMgr | Multi Threading Manager |
Cisc::util::ReadLockGuard | Read mutex RAII handler |
Cisc::util::ReadWriteMutex | Read-Write Mutex |
Cisc::util::StagedValue< ValueType > | This class implements set/commit mechanism for a single object |
Cisc::util::Stopwatch | Utility class to measure code execution times |
Cisc::util::UnlockGuard< Mutex > | Unlock Guard |
Cisc::util::WatchSocket | Provides an IO "ready" semaphore for use with select() or poll() WatchSocket exposes a single open file descriptor, the "select-fd" which can be marked as being ready to read (i.e |
Cisc::util::WriteLockGuard | Write mutex RAII handler |
►Cisc::perfdhcp::TestControl::NumberGenerator | Number generator class |
Cisc::perfdhcp::TestControl::RandomGenerator | Random numbers generator class |
Cisc::perfdhcp::TestControl::SequentialGenerator | Sequential numbers generator class |
Cisc::stats::Observation | Represents a single observable characteristic (a 'statistic') |
Cisc::dhcp::OpaqueDataTuple | Represents a single instance of the opaque data preceded by length |
Cisc::dns::Opcode | The Opcode class objects represent standard OPCODEs of the header section of DNS messages as defined in RFC1035 |
►Cisc::dhcp::Option | |
Cisc::dhcp::Option4AddrLst | DHCPv4 Option class for handling list of IPv4 addresses |
Cisc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn | Represents DHCPv4 Client FQDN Option (code 81) |
Cisc::dhcp::Option4Dnr | Represents DHCPv4 Encrypted DNS Option (code 162) |
Cisc::dhcp::Option4SlpServiceScope | This class represents SLP Service Scope option (79) from RFC2610 |
Cisc::dhcp::Option6AddrLst | DHCPv6 Option class for handling list of IPv6 addresses |
Cisc::dhcp::Option6Auth | This class represents Authentication (11) DHCPv6 option |
Cisc::dhcp::Option6ClientFqdn | Represents DHCPv6 Client FQDN Option (code 39) |
Cisc::dhcp::Option6Dnr | Represents DHCPv6 Encrypted DNS Option (code 144) |
Cisc::dhcp::Option6IA | |
►Cisc::dhcp::Option6IAAddr | |
Cisc::dhcp::Option6IAPrefix | Class that represents IAPREFIX option in DHCPv6 |
Cisc::dhcp::Option6PDExclude | DHCPv6 option class representing Prefix Exclude Option (RFC 6603) |
Cisc::dhcp::Option6StatusCode | This class represents Status Code option (13) from RFC 8415 |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionClasslessStaticRoute | Represents DHCPv4 Classless Static Route Option (code 121) |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionCustom | Option with defined data fields represented as buffers that can be accessed using data field index |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionInt< T > | Forward declaration to OptionInt |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionIntArray< T > | Forward declaration to OptionIntArray |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionOpaqueDataTuples | This class encapsulates a collection of data tuples and could be used by multiple options |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionString | Class which represents an option carrying a single string value |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionVendor | This class represents vendor-specific information option |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionVendorClass | This class encapsulates DHCPv6 Vendor Class and DHCPv4 V-I Vendor Class options |
Cisc::perfdhcp::LocalizedOption | DHCP option at specific offset |
Cisc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdnImpl | Implements the logic for the Option6ClientFqdn class |
Cisc::dhcp::Option6ClientFqdnImpl | Implements the logic for the Option6ClientFqdn class |
►Cisc::util::Optional< T > | A template representing an optional value |
Cisc::util::Triplet< T > | This template specifies a parameter value |
Cisc::util::Optional< bool > | |
Cisc::util::Optional< D2ClientConfig::ReplaceClientNameMode > | |
Cisc::util::Optional< double > | |
Cisc::util::Optional< isc::asiolink::IOAddress > | |
Cisc::util::Optional< std::pair< isc::asiolink::IOAddress, uint8_t > > | |
Cisc::util::Optional< std::string > | |
Cisc::util::Optional< uint16_t > | |
►Cisc::util::Optional< uint32_t > | |
Cisc::util::Triplet< uint32_t > | |
►Cisc::flex_option::FlexOptionImpl::OptionConfig | Base option configuration |
Cisc::flex_option::FlexOptionImpl::SubOptionConfig | Sub-option configuration |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< T > | Trait class for data types supported in DHCP option definitions |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< asiolink::IOAddress > | IPv4 and IPv6 address type is supported |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< bool > | Bool type is supported |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< int16_t > | Int16_t type is supported |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< int32_t > | Int32_t type is supported |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< int8_t > | Int8_t type is supported |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< OptionBuffer > | Binary type is supported |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< std::string > | String type is supported |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< uint16_t > | Uint16_t type is supported |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< uint32_t > | Uint32_t type is supported |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeTraits< uint8_t > | Uint8_t type is supported |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataTypeUtil | Utility class for option data types |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDefParams | Parameters being used to make up an option definition |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDefParamsEncapsulation | Encapsulation of option definition parameters and the structure size |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionIdIndexTag | A tag for accessing DHCP options and definitions by id |
►Cisc::dhcp::OptionSpace | DHCP option space |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionSpace6 | DHCPv6 option space with enterprise number assigned |
►Cisc::dhcp::OptionSpaceContainer< ContainerType, ItemType, Selector > | Simple container for option spaces holding various items |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDefSpaceContainer | Class of option definition space container |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionSpaceContainer< OptionContainer, OptionDescriptor, std::string > | |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionSpaceContainer< OptionContainer, OptionDescriptor, uint32_t > | |
Cisc::util::OutputBuffer | The OutputBuffer class is a buffer abstraction for manipulating mutable data |
Cisc::log::OutputOption | |
►Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueue< PacketTypePtr > | Interface for managing a queue of inbound DHCP packets |
Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueueRing< PacketTypePtr > | Provides a ring-buffer implementation of the PacketQueue interface |
►Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueue< Pkt4Ptr > | |
►Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueueRing< Pkt4Ptr > | |
Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueueRing4 | DHCPv4 packet queue buffer implementation |
►Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueue< Pkt6Ptr > | |
►Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueueRing< Pkt6Ptr > | |
Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueueRing6 | DHCPv6 packet queue buffer implementation |
Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueueMgr< PacketQueueTypePtr > | Packet Queue Managers (PQM) |
►Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueueMgr< PacketQueue4Ptr > | |
Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueueMgr4 | Packet Queue Manager for DHCPv4 servers |
►Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueueMgr< PacketQueue6Ptr > | |
Cisc::dhcp::PacketQueueMgr6 | Packet Queue Manager for DHCPv6 servers |
Cisc::lease_cmds::LeaseCmdsImpl::Parameters | Parameters specified for lease commands |
Cisc::stat_cmds::LeaseStatCmdsImpl::Parameters | Wrapper class for stat-leaseX-get command parameters |
Cisc::hooks::ParkingLot::ParkingInfo | Holds information about parked object |
Cisc::hooks::ParkingLot | Parking lot for objects, e.g |
Cisc::hooks::ParkingLotHandle | Provides a limited view to the ParkingLot |
Cisc::hooks::ParkingLots | Collection of parking lots for various hook points |
Cisc::dhcp::Parser4Context | Evaluation context, an interface to the expression evaluation |
Cisc::dhcp::Parser6Context | Evaluation context, an interface to the expression evaluation |
Cisc::agent::ParserContext | Parser context is a wrapper around flex/bison instances dedicated to Control-agent config file parser |
Cisc::netconf::ParserContext | Parser context is a wrapper around flex/bison instances dedicated to Netconf-agent config file parser |
Cisc::util::file::Path | Paths on a filesystem |
Cisc::ha::HAConfig::PeerConfig | HA peer configuration |
►Cisc::perfmon::PerfMonConfig | Houses the PerfMon configuration parameters for a single scope (e.g |
Cisc::perfmon::PerfMonMgr | Singleton which provides overall configuration, control, and state of the PerfMon hook library |
Cisc::db::PgSqlExchange | Base class for marshalling data to and from PostgreSQL |
Cisc::db::PgSqlResultRowWorker | Convenience class which facilitates fetching column values from a result set row |
Cisc::db::PgSqlTaggedStatement | Define a PostgreSQL statement |
Cisc::util::PIDFile | Class to help with processing PID files |
Cisc::dhcp::PktEvent | Describes an event during the life cycle of a packet |
►Cisc::dhcp::PktFilter | Abstract packet handling class |
Cisc::dhcp::PktFilterBPF | Packet handling class using Berkeley Packet Filtering (BPF) |
Cisc::dhcp::PktFilterInet | Packet handling class using AF_INET socket family |
Cisc::dhcp::PktFilterLPF | Packet handling class using Linux Packet Filtering |
►Cisc::dhcp::PktFilter6 | Abstract packet handling class for DHCPv6 |
Cisc::dhcp::PktFilterInet6 | A DHCPv6 packet handling class using datagram sockets |
Cisc::perfdhcp::PktTransform | Read and write raw data to DHCP packets |
Cisc::hooks::PointerConverter | Local class for conversion of void pointers to function pointers |
Cisc::data::Element::Position | Represents the position of the data element within a configuration string |
Cisc::dhcp::PrefixLen | Encapsulates prefix length |
Cisc::dhcp::PrefixRange | Structure representing delegated prefix range |
Cisc::asiolink::ProcessState | Type for process state |
Cisc::dns::rdata::generic::OPT::PseudoRR | A class representing a pseudo RR (or option) within an OPT RR (see RFC 6891) |
Cisc::dhcp::PSID | Encapsulates PSID value |
Cisc::dhcp::PSIDLen | Encapsulates PSID length |
Cisc::db::PsqlBindArray | |
Cisc::ha::QueryFilter | DHCP query filtering class |
Cisc::dns::Question | The Question class encapsulates the common search key of DNS lookup, consisting of owner name, RR type and RR class |
Cisc::perfdhcp::RateControl | A message sending rate control class for perfdhcp |
Cisc::dhcp::Option4ClientFqdn::Rcode | Represents the value of one of the RCODE1 or RCODE2 fields |
Cisc::dns::Rcode | DNS Response Codes (RCODEs) class |
►Cisc::dns::rdata::Rdata | The Rdata class is an abstract base class that provides a set of common interfaces to manipulate concrete RDATA objects |
Cisc::dns::rdata::any::TSIG | rdata::TSIG class represents the TSIG RDATA as defined in RFC2845 |
Cisc::dns::rdata::ch::A | |
Cisc::dns::rdata::generic::Generic | The generic::Generic class represents generic "unknown" RDATA |
Cisc::dns::rdata::generic::NS | |
Cisc::dns::rdata::generic::OPT | |
Cisc::dns::rdata::generic::PTR | |
Cisc::dns::rdata::generic::RRSIG | rdata::RRSIG class represents the RRSIG RDATA as defined in RFC4034 |
Cisc::dns::rdata::generic::SOA | |
Cisc::dns::rdata::generic::TKEY | rdata::TKEY class represents the TKEY RDATA as defined in RFC2930 |
Cisc::dns::rdata::generic::TXT | |
Cisc::dns::rdata::in::A | |
Cisc::dns::rdata::in::AAAA | |
Cisc::dns::rdata::in::DHCID | rdata::DHCID class represents the DHCID RDATA as defined in RFC4701 |
Cisc::dns::RdataIterator | The RdataIterator class is an abstract base class that provides an interface for accessing RDATA objects stored in an RRset |
Cisc::perfdhcp::Receiver | A receiving DHCP packets class |
Cisc::util::ReconnectCtl | Warehouses reconnect control values |
Cisc::ha::CommunicationState4::RejectedClient4 | Structure holding information about the client who has a rejected lease update |
Cisc::ha::CommunicationState6::RejectedClient6 | Structure holding information about the client who has a rejected lease update |
Cisc::dhcp::RelayIdIndexTag | Tag for index using relay-id |
Cisc::dhcp::Network::RelayInfo | Holds optional information about relay |
Cisc::dhcp::Pkt6::RelayInfo | Structure that describes a single relay information |
Cisc::dhcp::RemoteIdIndexTag | Tag for index using remote-id |
Cisc::http::HttpClient::RequestTimeout | HTTP request/response timeout value |
Cisc::http::HttpListener::RequestTimeout | HTTP request timeout value |
Cisc::dhcp::AllocEngine::Resource | Defines a single hint |
Cisc::dhcp::AllocEngine::ResourceCompare | Resource compare class |
Cisc::dns::RRClass | The RRClass class encapsulates DNS resource record classes |
Cisc::dns::RRParamRegistry | The RRParamRegistry class represents a registry of parameters to manipulate DNS resource records (RRs) |
Cisc::dns::RRParamRegistryImpl | The RRParamRegistryImpl class is the actual implementation of RRParamRegistry |
Cisc::dns::RRTTL | The RRTTL class encapsulates TTLs used in DNS resource records |
Cisc::dns::RRType | The RRType class encapsulates DNS resource record types |
Cisc::test::Sandbox | A Sandbox class that provides access to unit test unique temporary folder |
Cisc::dhcp::SanityChecker | Code used to conduct various sanity checks |
Cisc::hooks::ScopedCalloutHandleState | Wrapper class around callout handle which automatically resets handle's state |
Cisc::dhcp::ScopedEnableOptionsCopy< PktType > | RAII object enabling copying options retrieved from the packet |
Cisc::dhcp::ScopedPktOptionsCopy< PktType > | RAII object enabling duplication of the stored options and restoring the original options on destructor |
Cisc::dhcp::ScopedSubOptionsCopy | RAII object enabling duplication of the stored options and restoring the original options on destructor |
Cisc::cryptolink::ossl::SecBuf< T > | Secure Buffers which are wiped out when released |
Cisc::cryptolink::ossl::SecBuf< unsigned char > | |
Cisc::dns::SectionIterator< T > | SectionIterator is a templated class to provide standard-compatible iterators for Questions and RRsets for a given DNS message section |
Cisc::dns::SectionIteratorImpl< T > | Template version of Section Iterator |
Cisc::dns::Serial | This class defines DNS serial numbers and serial arithmetic |
Cisc::db::ServerFetcher | Utility class used to fetch Server objects from the ServerCollection |
Cisc::db::ServerSelector | Server selector for associating objects in a database with specific servers |
Cisc::data::ServerTag | Represents a server tag |
Cisc::db::ServerTagIndexTag | Tag identifying an index by server tag |
Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetworkFetcher< ReturnPtrType, CollectionType > | A class containing static convenience methods to fetch the shared networks from the containers |
Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetworkIdIndexTag | A tag for accessing index by id |
Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetworkModificationTimeIndexTag | Tag for the index for searching by shared network modification time |
Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetworkNameIndexTag | A tag for accessing index by shared network name |
Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetworkRandomAccessIndexTag | A tag for accessing random access index |
Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetworkServerIdIndexTag | A tag for accessing index by server identifier |
Cisc::data::SimpleDefault | This array defines a single entry of default values |
►Cisc::data::SimpleParser | A simple parser |
Cisc::agent::AgentSimpleParser | |
Cisc::d2::D2SimpleParser | |
Cisc::d2::DdnsDomainListMgrParser | Parser for DdnsDomainListMgr |
Cisc::d2::DdnsDomainListParser | Parser for a list of DdnsDomains |
Cisc::d2::DdnsDomainParser | Parser for DdnsDomain |
Cisc::d2::DnsServerInfoListParser | Parser for a list of DnsServerInfos |
Cisc::d2::DnsServerInfoParser | Parser for DnsServerInfo |
Cisc::d2::TSIGKeyInfoListParser | Parser for a list of TSIGKeyInfos |
Cisc::d2::TSIGKeyInfoParser | Parser for TSIGKeyInfo |
Cisc::db::DbAccessParser | Parse Database Parameters |
►Cisc::dhcp::BaseNetworkParser | Common configuration parser for shared networks and subnets |
Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetwork4Parser | Implements parser for IPv4 shared networks |
Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetwork6Parser | Implements parser for IPv6 shared networks |
►Cisc::dhcp::SubnetConfigParser | This class parses a single subnet |
Cisc::dhcp::Subnet4ConfigParser | |
Cisc::dhcp::Subnet6ConfigParser | |
Cisc::dhcp::ClientClassDefListParser | Parser for a list of client class definitions |
Cisc::dhcp::ClientClassDefParser | Parser for a single client class definition |
Cisc::dhcp::CompatibilityParser | |
Cisc::dhcp::ControlSocketsParser | Parser for the control-sockets structure |
Cisc::dhcp::D2ClientConfigParser | Parser for D2ClientConfig |
Cisc::dhcp::DHCPQueueControlParser | Parser for the configuration of DHCP packet queue controls |
Cisc::dhcp::DUIDConfigParser | Parser for server DUID configuration |
Cisc::dhcp::ExpirationConfigParser | Parser for the configuration parameters pertaining to the processing of expired leases |
Cisc::dhcp::ExpressionParser | Parser for a logical expression |
►Cisc::dhcp::HostReservationIdsParser | Parser for a list of host identifiers |
Cisc::dhcp::HostReservationIdsParser4 | Parser for a list of host identifiers for DHCPv4 |
Cisc::dhcp::HostReservationIdsParser6 | Parser for a list of host identifiers for DHCPv6 |
►Cisc::dhcp::HostReservationParser | Parser for a single host reservation entry |
Cisc::dhcp::HostReservationParser4 | Parser for a single host reservation for DHCPv4 |
Cisc::dhcp::HostReservationParser6 | Parser for a single host reservation for DHCPv6 |
Cisc::dhcp::HostReservationsListParser< HostReservationParserType > | Parser for a list of host reservations for a subnet |
Cisc::dhcp::IfacesConfigParser | Parser for the configuration of interfaces |
Cisc::dhcp::MACSourcesListConfigParser | Parser for MAC/hardware acquisition sources |
Cisc::dhcp::MultiThreadingConfigParser | Simple parser for multi-threading structure |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataListParser | Parser for option data values within a subnet |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDataParser | Parser for option data value |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDefListParser | Parser for a list of option definitions |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDefParser | Parser for a single option definition |
Cisc::dhcp::PdPoolParser | Parser for IPv6 prefix delegation definitions |
Cisc::dhcp::PdPoolsListParser | Parser for a list of prefix delegation pools |
►Cisc::dhcp::PoolParser | Parser for a single pool definition |
Cisc::dhcp::Pool4Parser | Parser for IPv4 pool definitions |
Cisc::dhcp::Pool6Parser | Parser for IPv6 pool definitions |
►Cisc::dhcp::PoolsListParser | Parser for a list of pools |
Cisc::dhcp::Pools4ListParser | Specialization of the pool list parser for DHCPv4 |
Cisc::dhcp::Pools6ListParser | Specialization of the pool list parser for DHCPv6 |
Cisc::dhcp::RelayInfoParser | Parser for additional relay information |
Cisc::dhcp::SanityChecksParser | Simple parser for sanity-checks structure |
Cisc::dhcp::SharedNetworksListParser< SharedNetworkParserType > | Parser for a list of shared networks |
Cisc::dhcp::SimpleParser4 | |
Cisc::dhcp::SimpleParser6 | |
Cisc::dhcp::Subnets4ListConfigParser | This class parses list of DHCP4 subnets |
Cisc::dhcp::Subnets6ListConfigParser | This class parses a list of DHCP6 subnets |
Cisc::ha::HAConfigParser | Configuration parser for High Availability |
Cisc::hooks::HooksLibrariesParser | Parser for hooks library list |
Cisc::lease_cmds::Lease4Parser | Parser for Lease4 structure |
Cisc::lease_cmds::Lease6Parser | Parser for Lease6 structure |
Cisc::netconf::ControlSocketConfigParser | Parser for CfgControlSocket |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfSimpleParser | |
Cisc::netconf::ServerConfigParser | Parser for CfgServer |
Cisc::process::ConfigControlParser | Implements parser for config control information, "config-control" |
Cisc::agent::AgentParser::stack< T, S >::slice | Present a slice of the top of a stack |
Cisc::d2::D2Parser::stack< T, S >::slice | Present a slice of the top of a stack |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::stack< T, S >::slice | Present a slice of the top of a stack |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::stack< T, S >::slice | Present a slice of the top of a stack |
Cisc::eval::EvalParser::stack< T, S >::slice | Present a slice of the top of a stack |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::stack< T, S >::slice | Present a slice of the top of a stack |
Cisc::dhcp::IfaceMgr::SocketCallbackInfo | Keeps callback information for external sockets |
►Cisc::dhcp::SocketInfo | Holds information about socket |
►Cisc::perfdhcp::BasePerfSocket | Socket wrapper structure |
Cisc::perfdhcp::PerfSocket | Socket wrapper structure |
Cisc::config::ClientConnection::SocketPath | Encapsulates socket path |
Cisc::data::StampedValueModificationTimeIndexTag | Tag for the index for access by modification time |
Cisc::data::StampedValueNameIndexTag | Tag for the index for access by value name |
Cisc::stat_cmds::StatCmds | Implements the logic for processing commands pertaining to stat manipulation |
Cisc::stats::StatContext | Statistics context |
Cisc::dns::master_lexer_internal::State | Tokenization state for MasterLexer |
Cisc::ha::HAConfig::StateConfig | Configuration specific to a single HA state |
Cisc::ha::HAConfig::StateMachineConfig | State machine configuration information |
►Cisc::util::StateModel | Implements a finite state machine |
Cisc::config::JSONFeed | State model for asynchronous read of data in JSON format |
Cisc::d2::NameChangeTransaction | Embodies the "life-cycle" required to carry out a DDNS update |
Cisc::ha::HAService | High availability service |
►Cisc::http::HttpMessageParserBase | Base class for the HTTP message parsers |
Cisc::http::HttpRequestParser | A generic parser for HTTP requests |
Cisc::http::HttpResponseParser | A generic parser for HTTP responses |
Cisc::util::StopwatchImpl | Stopwatch class implementation |
►Cisc::asiolink::StreamService | |
Cisc::asiolink::TlsStreamBase< Callback, TlsStreamImpl > | TLS stream base class |
Cisc::dns::MasterToken::StringRegion | A simple representation of a range of a string |
Cisc::util::str::StringSanitizer | Implements a regular expression based string scrubber |
Cisc::util::str::StringSanitizerImpl | |
Cisc::dhcp::SubClassRelation | Defines a subclass to template class relation |
Cisc::dhcp::SubnetFetcher< ReturnPtrType, CollectionType > | A class containing static convenience methods to fetch the subnets from the containers |
Cisc::dhcp::SubnetIdIndexTag | Tag for indexes by subnet-id (and address for v6) |
Cisc::dhcp::SubnetIdPoolIdIndexTag | Tag for indexes by subnet-id and pool-id |
Cisc::dhcp::SubnetModificationTimeIndexTag | Tag for the index for searching by subnet modification time |
Cisc::dhcp::SubnetPrefixIndexTag | Tag for the index for searching by subnet prefix |
Cisc::dhcp::SubnetSelector | Subnet selector used to specify parameters used to select a subnet |
Cisc::dhcp::SubnetServerIdIndexTag | Tag for the index for searching by server identifier |
Cisc::dhcp::SubnetSubnetIdIndexTag | Tag for the index for searching by subnet identifier |
Cisc::agent::AgentParser::symbol_kind | Symbol kinds |
Cisc::d2::D2Parser::symbol_kind | Symbol kinds |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::symbol_kind | Symbol kinds |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::symbol_kind | Symbol kinds |
Cisc::eval::EvalParser::symbol_kind | Symbol kinds |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::symbol_kind | Symbol kinds |
Cisc::db::TaggedStatement | MySQL Selection Statements |
Cisc::tcp::TcpConnectionPool | Pool of active TCP connections |
Cisc::tcp::TcpListener | Implements a class that listens for, accepts, and manages TCP connections |
►Cisc::tcp::TcpMessage | Base class for TCP messages |
►Cisc::tcp::TcpRequest | Abstract class used to receive an inbound message |
Cisc::tcp::TcpStreamRequest | Implement a simple length:data input stream message |
►Cisc::tcp::TcpResponse | Abstract class used to create and send an outbound response |
Cisc::tcp::TcpStreamResponse | Implements a simple length:data output stream message |
Cisc::dhcp::TemplateClassNameTag | Tag for the name index |
Cisc::dhcp::TemplateClassSequenceTag | Tag for the sequence index |
Cisc::util::file::TemporaryDirectory | |
►Ctesting::Test | |
Cisc::dhcp::test::LogContentTest | Test class for testing things that emit log entries |
Cisc::test::ThreadedTest | Base class for tests requiring threads |
Cisc::util::ThreadPool< WorkItem, Container > | Defines a thread pool which uses a thread pool queue for managing work items |
Cisc::util::ThreadPool< std::function< void()> > | |
Cisc::config::ClientConnection::Timeout | Encapsulates timeout value |
Cisc::dhcp::TimerMgrImpl | Implementation of the TimerMgr |
►CTlsStreamImpl | |
Cisc::asiolink::TlsStreamBase< Callback, TlsStreamImpl > | TLS stream base class |
►Cisc::dhcp::Token | Base class for all tokens |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenAnd | Token that represents logical and operator |
►Cisc::dhcp::TokenBranch | Token that represents unconditional branch |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenPopAndBranchFalse | Token that represents pop and branch if false |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenPopOrBranchFalse | Token that represents pop or branch if false |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenPopOrBranchTrue | Token that represents pop or branch if true |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenConcat | Token that represents concat operator (concatenates two other tokens) |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenEqual | Token that represents equality operator (compares two other tokens) |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenHexString | Token representing a constant string in hexadecimal format |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenIfElse | Token that represents an alternative |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenInt16ToText | Token representing a 16 bit integer as a string |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenInt32ToText | Token representing a 32 bit integer as a string |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenInt8ToText | Token representing an 8 bit integer as a string |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenIpAddress | Token representing an IP address as a constant string |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenIpAddressToText | Token representing an IP address as a string |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenLabel | Token label i.e |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenLowerCase | Token representing a constant lower case string |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenMatch | Token that represents regular expression (regex) matching |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenMember | Token that represents client class membership |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenNot | Token that represents logical negation operator |
►Cisc::dhcp::TokenOption | Token that represents a value of an option |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenRelay4Option | Represents a sub-option inserted by the DHCPv4 relay |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenRelay6Option | Token that represents a value of an option within a DHCPv6 relay encapsulation |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenSubOption | Token that represents sub-options in DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 |
►Cisc::dhcp::TokenVendor | Token that represents vendor options in DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenVendorClass | Token that represents vendor class options in DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenOr | Token that represents logical or operator |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenPkt | Token that represents meta data of a DHCP packet |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenPkt4 | Token that represents fields of a DHCPv4 packet |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenPkt6 | Token that represents fields of DHCPv6 packet |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenRelay6Field | Token that represents a value of a field within a DHCPv6 relay encapsulation |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenSplit | |
►Cisc::dhcp::TokenString | The order where Token subtypes are declared should be: |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenInteger | Token representing an unsigned 32 bit integer |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenSubstring | Token that represents the substring operator (returns a portion of the supplied string) |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenToHexString | Token that converts to hexadecimal string |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenUInt16ToText | Token representing a 16 bit unsigned integer as a string |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenUInt32ToText | Token representing a 32 bit unsigned integer as a string |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenUInt8ToText | Token representing an 8 bit unsigned integer as a string |
Cisc::dhcp::TokenUpperCase | Token representing a constant upper case string |
Cisc::agent::AgentParser::token | Token kinds |
Cisc::d2::D2Parser::token | Token kinds |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::token | Token kinds |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::token | Token kinds |
Cisc::eval::EvalParser::token | Token kinds |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::token | Token kinds |
Cisc::http::HttpConnection::Transaction | Represents a single exchange of the HTTP messages |
►Cisc::yang::Translator | Between YANG and JSON translator class for basic values |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorControlSocket | Control socket translation between YANG and JSON |
Cisc::yang::TranslatorConfig | DHCP configuration translation between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorDatabase | Database access translation between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorDatabases | A translator class for converting a database access list between YANG and JSON |
Cisc::yang::TranslatorConfig | DHCP configuration translation between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorLogger | Logger translation between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorLoggers | A translator class for converting a logger list between YANG and JSON |
Cisc::yang::TranslatorConfig | DHCP configuration translation between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorOptionData | Option data translation between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorOptionDataList | A translator class for converting an option data list between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorClass | Client class translation between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorClasses | A translator class for converting a client class list between YANG and JSON |
Cisc::yang::TranslatorConfig | DHCP configuration translation between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorHost | Translation between YANG and JSON for a single host reservation |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorHosts | A translator class for converting host reservations list between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorSubnet | Subnet (aka network range) translation between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorSubnets | A translator class for converting a subnet list between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorSharedNetwork | Shared network translation between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorSharedNetworks | A translator class for converting a shared network list between YANG and JSON |
Cisc::yang::TranslatorConfig | DHCP configuration translation between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorPdPool | Prefix delegation pool translation between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorPdPools | A translator class for converting a pd-pool list between YANG and JSON |
Cisc::yang::TranslatorSubnet | Subnet (aka network range) translation between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorPool | A translator class for converting a pool between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorPools | A translator class for converting pools between YANG and JSON |
Cisc::yang::TranslatorSubnet | Subnet (aka network range) translation between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorOptionDef | Option definition translation between YANG and JSON |
►Cisc::yang::TranslatorOptionDefList | Currently supports kea-dhcp[46]-server models |
Cisc::yang::TranslatorClass | Client class translation between YANG and JSON |
Cisc::dns::TSIGContext::TSIGContextImpl | |
Cisc::dns::TSIGError | TSIG errors |
►Cisc::dns::TSIGKey | TSIG key |
Cisc::d2::D2TsigKey | Statistics keeping extension of the DNS TSIGKey class |
Cisc::dns::TSIGKey::TSIGKeyImpl | |
Cisc::dns::TSIGKeyRing | A simple repository of a set of TSIGKey objects |
Cisc::dns::TSIGKeyRing::TSIGKeyRingImpl | |
Cisc::dns::TSIGRecord | TSIG resource record |
Cisc::dns::rdata::generic::detail::TXTLikeImpl< Type, typeCode > | rdata::TXTLikeImpl class represents the TXT-like RDATA for TXT and SPF types |
Cisc::dhcp_ddns::UDPCallback | Implements the callback class passed into UDPSocket calls |
Cisc::util::file::Umask | RAII device to limit access of created files |
Cisc::config::UnixCommandMgrImpl | Implementation of the UnixCommandMgr |
Cisc::dhcp::test::UnixControlClient | Class that acts as a UnixCommandSocket client |
Cisc::asiolink::UnixDomainSocketEndpoint | Endpoint for UnixDomainSocket |
Cisc::http::Url | Represents an URL |
Cuser_chk::User | Represents a unique DHCP user This class is used to represent a specific DHCP user who is identified by a unique id and who possesses a set of properties |
►Cisc::data::UserContext | Base class for user context |
Cisc::config::HttpCommandConfig | HTTP command config aka HTTP control socket info class |
Cisc::d2::DdnsDomain | Represents a DNS domain that is may be updated dynamically |
Cisc::d2::DnsServerInfo | Represents a specific DNS Server |
Cisc::d2::TSIGKeyInfo | Represents a TSIG Key |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgConsistency | Parameters for various consistency checks |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgDUID | Holds manual configuration of the server identifier (DUID) |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgIface | Represents selection of interfaces for DHCP server |
Cisc::dhcp::ClientClassDef | Embodies a single client class definition |
Cisc::dhcp::D2ClientConfig | Acts as a storage vault for D2 client configuration |
Cisc::dhcp::Host | Represents a device with IPv4 and/or IPv6 reservations |
Cisc::dhcp::Lease | Common structure for IPv4 and IPv6 leases |
Cisc::dhcp::Network | Common interface representing a network to which the DHCP clients are connected |
Cisc::dhcp::OptionDescriptor | Option descriptor |
Cisc::dhcp::Pool | Base class for Pool4 and Pool6 |
Cisc::http::BasicHttpAuthClient | Basic HTTP authentication client configuration |
Cisc::http::CfgHttpHeader | Config HTTP header |
Cisc::http::HttpAuthConfig | Base type of HTTP authentication configuration |
Cisc::netconf::CfgControlSocket | Represents a Control Socket |
Cisc::netconf::CfgServer | Represents a Managed CfgServer |
Cisc::process::ConfigBase | Base class for all configurations |
Cisc::process::LoggingInfo | Structure that describes one logging entry |
►Cuser_chk::UserDataSource | Defines an interface for reading user data into a registry |
Cuser_chk::UserFile | Provides a UserDataSource implementation for JSON text files |
Cuser_chk::UserId | Encapsulates a unique identifier for a DHCP client |
Cuser_chk::UserRegistry | Embodies an update-able, searchable list of unique users This class provides the means to create and maintain a searchable list of unique users |
Cisc::agent::AgentParser::value_type | A buffer to store and retrieve objects |
Cisc::d2::D2Parser::value_type | A buffer to store and retrieve objects |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp4Parser::value_type | A buffer to store and retrieve objects |
Cisc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::value_type | A buffer to store and retrieve objects |
Cisc::eval::EvalParser::value_type | A buffer to store and retrieve objects |
Cisc::netconf::NetconfParser::value_type | A buffer to store and retrieve objects |
Cisc::dhcp::ValueStorage< ValueType > | A template class that stores named elements of a given data type |
Cisc::util::VersionedColumn | Contains the metadata for a single column in a file |
Cisc::util::WatchedThread | Provides a thread and controls for monitoring its activities |
►Cisc::dhcp::WritableHostDataSource | Interface for retrieving writable host reservations |
Cisc::dhcp::CfgHosts | Represents the host reservations specified in the configuration file |
Cyy_buffer_state | |
Cyy_trans_info | |