119 return (cfg_option_list_);
124 return (cfg_option_list_);
129 return (ipv6_only_preferred_);
136 ipv6_only_preferred_ = ipv6_only_preferred;
218 void copyDefaultFields();
229 void copyDefaultOptions();
249 bool ipv6_only_preferred_;
302 Dhcpv4Srv(uint16_t server_port = DHCP4_SERVER_PORT,
303 uint16_t client_port = 0,
304 const bool use_bcast =
305 const bool direct_response_desired =
320 return (io_service_);
410 bool allow_answer_park);
420 bool allow_answer_park);
432 bool allow_answer_park);
442 bool allow_answer_park);
498 NameChangeSender::Result result,
510 return (test_send_responses_to_source_);
784 const Pkt4Ptr& resp,
bool client_name_changed);
892 test_send_responses_to_source_ = value;
1129 bool sanity_only =
1130 bool allow_answer_park =
1146 bool sanity_only =
1147 bool allow_answer_park =
1247 void classifyByVendor(
const Pkt4Ptr& pkt);
1261 static std::tuple<bool, uint32_t> parkingLimitExceeded(std::string
const& hook_label);
1295 bool test_send_responses_to_source_;
boost::shared_ptr< ClientContext4 > ClientContext4Ptr
Pointer to the ClientContext4.
Container for storing client class names.
Convenience container for conveying DDNS behavioral parameters It is intended to be created per Packe...
AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr getContext() const
Returns the copy of the context for the Allocation engine.
void deleteResponse()
Removes the response message by resetting the pointer to null.
const CfgOptionList & getCfgOptionList() const
Returns the configured option list (const version)
Pkt4Ptr getQuery() const
Returns the pointer to the query from the client.
static void setHostIdentifiers(AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr context)
Set host identifiers within a context.
static void classifyByVendor(const Pkt4Ptr &pkt)
Assign class using vendor-class-identifier option.
void initResponse()
Initializes the instance of the response message.
void setReservedMessageFields()
Sets reserved values of siaddr, sname and file in the server's response.
CfgOptionList & getCfgOptionList()
Returns the configured option list (non-const version)
Pkt4Ptr getResponse() const
Returns the pointer to the server's response.
static void setReservedClientClasses(AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr context)
Assigns classes retrieved from host reservation database.
void initResponse4o6()
Initializes the DHCPv6 part of the response message.
static void evaluateClasses(const Pkt4Ptr &pkt, bool depend_on_known)
Evaluate classes.
void setIPv6OnlyPreferred(bool ipv6_only_preferred)
Set the IPv6-Only Preferred flag.
Dhcpv4Exchange(const AllocEnginePtr &alloc_engine, const Pkt4Ptr &query, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &context, const ConstSubnet4Ptr &subnet, bool &drop)
static void classifyPacket(const Pkt4Ptr &pkt)
Assigns incoming packet to zero or more classes.
static void removeDependentEvaluatedClasses(const Pkt4Ptr &query)
Removed evaluated client classes.
bool getIPv6OnlyPreferred() const
Returns the IPv6-Only Preferred flag.
void conditionallySetReservedClientClasses()
Assigns classes retrieved from host reservation database if they haven't been yet set.
void initContext0(const Pkt4Ptr &query, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr ctx)
Initialize client context (first part).
void setSendResponsesToSource(bool value)
Sets value of the test_send_responses_to_source_ flag.
int run()
Main server processing loop.
void declineLease(const Lease4Ptr &lease, const Pkt4Ptr &decline, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &context)
Marks lease as declined.
void processPacketAndSendResponse(Pkt4Ptr query)
Process a single incoming DHCPv4 packet and sends the response.
void classifyPacket(const Pkt4Ptr &pkt)
Assigns incoming packet to zero or more classes.
void appendRequestedVendorOptions(Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
Appends requested vendor options as requested by client.
void adjustIfaceData(Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
Set IP/UDP and interface parameters for the DHCPv4 response.
static uint16_t checkRelayPort(const Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
Check if the relay port RAI sub-option was set in the query.
virtual ~Dhcpv4Srv()
Destructor. Used during DHCPv4 service shutdown.
virtual Pkt4Ptr receivePacket(int timeout)
dummy wrapper around IfaceMgr::receive4
isc::dhcp::ConstSubnet4Ptr selectSubnet4o6(const Pkt4Ptr &query, bool &drop, bool sanity_only=false, bool allow_answer_park=true)
Selects a subnet for a given client's DHCP4o6 packet.
bool accept(const Pkt4Ptr &query)
Checks whether received message should be processed or discarded.
void setTeeTimes(const Lease4Ptr &lease, const ConstSubnet4Ptr &subnet, Pkt4Ptr resp)
Adds the T1 and T2 timers to the outbound response as appropriate.
static void appendServerID(Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
Adds server identifier option to the server's response.
void postAllocateNameUpdate(const AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &ctx, const Lease4Ptr &lease, const Pkt4Ptr &query, const Pkt4Ptr &resp, bool client_name_changed)
Update client name and DNS flags in the lease and response.
bool use_bcast_
Should broadcast be enabled on sockets (if true).
void runOne()
Main server processing step.
void startD2()
Starts DHCP_DDNS client IO if DDNS updates are enabled.
static int getHookIndexBuffer4Receive()
Returns the index for "buffer4_receive" hook point.
Pkt4Ptr processRequest(Pkt4Ptr &request, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &context)
Processes incoming REQUEST and returns REPLY response.
static void processStatsReceived(const Pkt4Ptr &query)
Class methods for DHCPv4-over-DHCPv6 handler.
static int getHookIndexPkt4Send()
Returns the index for "pkt4_send" hook point.
void processDecline(Pkt4Ptr &decline, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &context)
Process incoming DHCPDECLINE messages.
Dhcpv4Srv(uint16_t server_port=DHCP4_SERVER_PORT, uint16_t client_port=0, const bool use_bcast=true, const bool direct_response_desired=true)
Default constructor.
isc::dhcp::ConstSubnet4Ptr selectSubnet(const Pkt4Ptr &query, bool &drop, bool sanity_only=false, bool allow_answer_park=true)
Selects a subnet for a given client's packet.
static int getHookIndexSubnet4Select()
Returns the index for "subnet4_select" hook point.
static void processStatsSent(const Pkt4Ptr &response)
Updates statistics for transmitted packets.
void shutdown() override
Instructs the server to shut down.
static int getHookIndexLease4Release()
Returns the index for "lease4_release" hook point.
void adjustRemoteAddr(Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
Sets remote addresses for outgoing packet.
static int getHookIndexPkt4Receive()
Returns the index for "pkt4_receive" hook point.
void assignLease(Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
Assigns a lease and appends corresponding options.
void evaluateAdditionalClasses(Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
Evaluates classes in the additional classes lists.
Pkt4Ptr processDhcp4Query(Pkt4Ptr query, bool allow_answer_park)
Process a single incoming DHCPv4 query.
asiolink::IOServicePtr & getIOService()
Returns pointer to the IO service used by the server.
void setFixedFields(Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
Sets fixed fields of the outgoing packet.
void appendBasicOptions(Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
Append basic options if they are not present.
void recoverStashedAgentOption(const Pkt4Ptr &query)
Recover stashed agent options from client address lease.
void processClientName(Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
Processes Client FQDN and Hostname Options sent by a client.
boost::shared_ptr< AllocEngine > alloc_engine_
Allocation Engine.
void serverDecline(hooks::CalloutHandlePtr &callout_handle, Pkt4Ptr &query, Lease4Ptr lease, bool lease_exists)
Renders a lease declined after the server has detected, via ping-check or other means,...
Pkt4Ptr processInform(Pkt4Ptr &inform, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &context)
Processes incoming DHCPINFORM messages.
uint16_t client_port_
UDP port number to which server sends all responses.
void serverDeclineNoThrow(hooks::CalloutHandlePtr &callout_handle, Pkt4Ptr &query, Lease4Ptr lease, bool lease_exists)
Exception safe wrapper around serverDecline()
void processPacketPktSend(hooks::CalloutHandlePtr &callout_handle, Pkt4Ptr &query, Pkt4Ptr &rsp, ConstSubnet4Ptr &subnet)
Executes pkt4_send callout.
void processPacketAndSendResponseNoThrow(Pkt4Ptr query)
Process a single incoming DHCPv4 packet and sends the response.
std::list< std::list< std::string > > jsonPathsToRedact() const final override
Return a list of all paths that contain passwords or secrets for kea-dhcp4.
static std::string srvidToString(const OptionPtr &opt)
converts server-id to text Converts content of server-id option to a text representation,...
bool acceptServerId(const Pkt4Ptr &pkt) const
Verifies if the server id belongs to our server.
static const std::string VENDOR_CLASS_PREFIX
this is a prefix added to the content of vendor-class option
bool inTestMode() const
Checks if the server is running in unit test mode.
void createNameChangeRequests(const Lease4Ptr &lease, const Lease4Ptr &old_lease, const DdnsParams &ddns_params)
Creates NameChangeRequests which correspond to the lease which has been acquired.
void appendRequestedOptions(Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
Appends options requested by client.
void setPacketStatisticsDefaults()
This function sets statistics related to DHCPv4 packets processing to their initial values.
void processLocalizedQuery4AndSendResponse(Pkt4Ptr query, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &ctx, bool allow_answer_park)
Process a localized incoming DHCPv4 query.
NetworkStatePtr & getNetworkState()
Returns pointer to the network state used by the server.
static std::string getVersion(bool extended)
returns Kea version on stdout and exit.
void buildCfgOptionList(Dhcpv4Exchange &ex)
Build the configured option list.
volatile bool shutdown_
Indicates if shutdown is in progress.
bool useBroadcast() const
Return bool value indicating that broadcast flags should be set on sockets.
uint16_t server_port_
UDP port number on which server listens.
void sendResponseNoThrow(hooks::CalloutHandlePtr &callout_handle, Pkt4Ptr &query, Pkt4Ptr &rsp, ConstSubnet4Ptr &subnet)
Process an unparked DHCPv4 packet and sends the response.
bool earlyGHRLookup(const Pkt4Ptr &query, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr ctx)
Initialize client context and perform early global reservations lookup.
NetworkStatePtr network_state_
Holds information about disabled DHCP service and/or disabled subnet/network scopes.
void renewLease(const Pkt4Ptr &renew, Pkt4Ptr &reply)
Attempts to renew received addresses.
void processDhcp4QueryAndSendResponse(Pkt4Ptr query, bool allow_answer_park)
Process a single incoming DHCPv4 query.
bool getSendResponsesToSource() const
Returns value of the test_send_responses_to_source_ flag.
Pkt4Ptr processDiscover(Pkt4Ptr &discover, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &context)
Processes incoming DISCOVER and returns response.
virtual void d2ClientErrorHandler(const dhcp_ddns::NameChangeSender::Result result, dhcp_ddns::NameChangeRequestPtr &ncr)
Implements the error handler for DHCP_DDNS IO errors.
uint16_t getServerPort() const
Get UDP port on which server should listen.
virtual void sendPacket(const Pkt4Ptr &pkt)
dummy wrapper around IfaceMgr::send()
static int getHookIndexBuffer4Send()
Returns the index for "buffer4_send" hook point.
void stopD2()
Stops DHCP_DDNS client IO if DDNS updates are enabled.
CBControlDHCPv4Ptr getCBControl() const
Returns an object which controls access to the configuration backends.
static void sanityCheck(const Pkt4Ptr &query)
Verifies if specified packet meets RFC requirements.
bool acceptMessageType(const Pkt4Ptr &query) const
Check if received message type is valid for the server to process.
void discardPackets()
Discards parked packets Clears the packet parking lots of all packets.
static int getHookIndexLease4Decline()
Returns the index for "lease4_decline" hook point.
void processRelease(Pkt4Ptr &release, AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &context)
Processes incoming DHCPRELEASE messages.
bool acceptDirectRequest(const Pkt4Ptr &query)
Check if a message sent by directly connected client should be accepted or discarded.
CBControlDHCPv4Ptr cb_control_
Controls access to the configuration backends.
defines if certain option may, must or must not appear
Pkt4Ptr processPacket(Pkt4Ptr query, bool allow_answer_park=true)
Process a single incoming DHCPv4 packet.
void processPacketBufferSend(hooks::CalloutHandlePtr &callout_handle, Pkt4Ptr &rsp)
Executes buffer4_send callout and sends the response.
bool assignZero(ConstSubnet4Ptr &subnet, const ClientClasses &client_classes)
Assign the address to an IPv6-Only client.
void deferredUnpack(Pkt4Ptr &query)
Perform deferred option unpacking.
Pkt4Ptr processLocalizedQuery4(AllocEngine::ClientContext4Ptr &ctx, bool allow_answer_park)
Process a localized incoming DHCPv4 query.
Base class for all services.
Defines the D2ClientMgr class.
boost::shared_ptr< IOService > IOServicePtr
Defines a smart pointer to an IOService instance.
boost::shared_ptr< NameChangeRequest > NameChangeRequestPtr
Defines a pointer to a NameChangeRequest.
boost::shared_ptr< Dhcpv4Exchange > Dhcpv4ExchangePtr
Type representing the pointer to the Dhcpv4Exchange.
boost::shared_ptr< const Subnet4 > ConstSubnet4Ptr
A const pointer to a Subnet4 object.
boost::shared_ptr< Pkt4 > Pkt4Ptr
A pointer to Pkt4 object.
boost::shared_ptr< AllocEngine > AllocEnginePtr
A pointer to the AllocEngine object.
boost::shared_ptr< NetworkState > NetworkStatePtr
Pointer to the NetworkState object.
boost::shared_ptr< CBControlDHCPv4 > CBControlDHCPv4Ptr
boost::shared_ptr< Lease4 > Lease4Ptr
Pointer to a Lease4 structure.
boost::shared_ptr< Option > OptionPtr
std::list< ConstCfgOptionPtr > CfgOptionList
Const pointer list.
boost::shared_ptr< CalloutHandle > CalloutHandlePtr
A shared pointer to a CalloutHandle object.
Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-lfc.
This file provides the classes needed to embody, compose, and decompose DNS update requests that are ...