16#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
17#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
31class HAImpl :
public boost::noncopyable {
78 return (
31class HAImpl :
public boost::noncopyable {
High Availability hooks library implementation.
void setIOService(isc::asiolink::IOServicePtr io_service)
Set the hook I/O service.
void scopesHandler(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implements handler for the ha-scopes command.
void continueHandler(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implements handler for the ha-continue command.
HAConfigPtr getConfig(const std::string &partner_name) const
Returns parsed configuration by partner name.
void lease4Expire(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implementation of the "lease4_expire" callout.
HAConfigMapperPtr config_
Holds parsed configuration.
void syncCompleteNotifyHandler(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implements handler for the ha-sync-complete-notify command.
HAServicePtr getHAServiceByServerName(const std::string &command_name, data::ConstElementPtr args) const
Attempts to get an HAService by server name.
HAServiceMapperPtr services_
Pointer to the high availability services (state machines).
void startServices(const dhcp::NetworkStatePtr &network_state, const HAServerType &server_type)
Creates high availability services using current configuration.
void subnet4Select(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implementation of the "subnet4_select" callout.
void configure(const data::ConstElementPtr &input_config)
Parses configuration.
virtual ~HAImpl()
void maintenanceCancelHandler(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implements handler for the ha-maintenance-cancel command.
void haResetHandler(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implements handler for the ha-reset command.
void maintenanceNotifyHandler(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implements handler for the ha-maintenance-notify command.
void synchronizeHandler(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implements handler for the ha-sync command.
void maintenanceStartHandler(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implements handler for the ha-maintenance-start command.
isc::asiolink::IOServicePtr getIOService()
Get the hook I/O service.
void lease6Expire(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implementation of the "lease6_expire" callout.
isc::asiolink::IOServicePtr io_service_
The hook I/O service.
void leases4Committed(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implementation of the "leases4_committed" callout.
virtual bool shouldReclaim(const HAServicePtr &service, const dhcp::Lease4Ptr &lease4) const
Checks if the lease should be reclaimed by this server.
HAConfigPtr getConfig() const
Returns a configuration for the first relationship.
void buffer4Receive(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implementation of the "buffer4_receive" callout.
void buffer6Receive(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implementation of the "buffer6_receive" callout.
void commandProcessed(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implementation of the "command_processed" callout.
void leases6Committed(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implementation of the "leases6_committed" callout.
void subnet6Select(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implementation of the "subnet6_select" callout.
void lease4ServerDecline(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implementation of the "lease4_server_decline" callout.
void heartbeatHandler(hooks::CalloutHandle &callout_handle)
Implements handle for the heartbeat command.
Per-packet callout handle.
boost::shared_ptr< IOService > IOServicePtr
Defines a smart pointer to an IOService instance.
boost::shared_ptr< const Element > ConstElementPtr
boost::shared_ptr< Lease6 > Lease6Ptr
Pointer to a Lease6 structure.
boost::shared_ptr< NetworkState > NetworkStatePtr
Pointer to the NetworkState object.
boost::shared_ptr< Lease4 > Lease4Ptr
Pointer to a Lease4 structure.
boost::shared_ptr< HAImpl > HAImplPtr
Pointer to the High Availability hooks library implementation.
boost::shared_ptr< HAConfigMapper > HAConfigMapperPtr
Pointer to an object mapping HAConfig to relationships.
boost::shared_ptr< HAServiceMapper > HAServiceMapperPtr
Pointer to an object mapping HAService to relationships.
boost::shared_ptr< HAConfig > HAConfigPtr
Pointer to the High Availability configuration structure.
Lists possible server types for which HA service is created.
boost::shared_ptr< HAService > HAServicePtr
Pointer to the HAService class.
Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-lfc.