29#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
30#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
143 unsigned int getLocalOrigin()
const {
151 unsigned int getRemoteOrigin()
const {
162 std::string getCSCallbacksSetName()
165 virtual void defineEvents();
168 virtual void verifyEvents();
171 virtual void defineStates();
185 void backupStateHandler();
214 void communicationRecoveryHandler();
244 void normalStateHandler();
255 void inMaintenanceStateHandler();
281 void partnerDownStateHandler();
303 void partnerInMaintenanceStateHandler();
312 void passiveBackupStateHandler();
329 void readyStateHandler();
347 void syncingStateHandler();
366 void terminatedStateHandler();
391 void waitingStateHandler();
395 int getPartnerState()
const {
492 template<
typename QueryPtrType>
493 bool inScopeInternal(QueryPtrType& query);
531 template<
typename LeaseTypePtr>
532 bool shouldReclaimInternal(
const LeaseTypePtr& lease)
699 template<
typename QueryPtrType>
818 const unsigned int max_period,
909 const unsigned int max_period,
912 const bool dhcp_disabled =
942 const unsigned int max_period,
945 const bool dhcp_disabled);
969 const unsigned int max_period);
995 const unsigned int max_period);
1095 const std::string& state);
1317 template<
typename QueryPtrType>
1326 template<
typename QueryPtrType>
1344 template<
typename QueryPtrType>
1366 template<
typename QueryPtrType>
1367 bool leaseUpdateCompleteInternal(QueryPtrType& query,
1377 template<
typename QueryPtrType>
1378 void updatePendingRequestInternal(QueryPtrType& query);
1390 template<
typename QueryPtrType>
1391 int getPendingRequestInternal(
const QueryPtrType& query);
1404 std::map<boost::shared_ptr<dhcp::Pkt>,
int> pending_requests_;
static const unsigned int HA_LOCAL_COMMAND
The network state is being altered by an HA internal command.
static const unsigned int HA_REMOTE_COMMAND
The network state is being altered by a "dhcp-disable" or "dhcp-enable" command sent by a HA partner.
boost::shared_ptr< PeerConfig > PeerConfigPtr
Pointer to the server's configuration.
Holds associations between objects and HA relationships.
High availability service.
ha-maintenance-start command received.
bool inScope(dhcp::Pkt4Ptr &query4)
Checks if the DHCPv4 query should be processed by this server.
void adjustNetworkState()
Enables or disables network state depending on the served scopes.
void stopClientAndListener()
Stop the client and(or) listener instances.
int getNormalState() const
Returns normal operation state for the current configuration.
bool shouldQueueLeaseUpdates(const HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr &peer_config) const
Checks if the lease updates should be queued.
Finished heartbeat command.
void asyncSendHAReset(http::HttpClient &http_client, const HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr &remote_config, PostRequestCallback post_request_action)
Sends ha-reset command to partner asynchronously.
bool clientConnectHandler(const boost::system::error_code &ec, int tcp_native_fd)
HttpClient connect callback handler.
void asyncSyncLeases()
Asynchronously reads leases from a peer and updates local lease database.
bool isMaintenanceCanceled() const
Convenience method checking if the current state is a result of canceling the maintenance.
data::ConstElementPtr processMaintenanceCancel()
Processes ha-maintenance-cancel command and returns a response.
void checkPermissionsClientAndListener()
Check client and(or) listener current thread permissions to perform thread pool state transition.
bool shouldReclaim(const dhcp::Lease4Ptr &lease4) const
Checks if the lease should be reclaimed by this server.
void asyncSendLeaseUpdate(const QueryPtrType &query, const HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr &config, const data::ConstElementPtr &command, const hooks::ParkingLotHandlePtr &parking_lot)
Asynchronously sends lease update to the peer.
void verboseTransition(const unsigned state)
Transitions to a desired state and logs it.
bool sendLeaseUpdatesFromBacklog()
Attempts to send all lease updates from the backlog synchronously.
config::CmdHttpListenerPtr listener_
HTTP listener instance used to receive and respond to HA commands and lease updates.
void clientCloseHandler(int tcp_native_fd)
HttpClient close callback handler.
bool leaseUpdateComplete(QueryPtrType &query, const hooks::ParkingLotHandlePtr &parking_lot)
Handle last pending request for this query.
HAConfigPtr config_
Pointer to the HA hooks library configuration.
data::ConstElementPtr processMaintenanceStart()
Processes ha-maintenance-start command and returns a response.
unsigned int id_
Unique service id.
HAServerType server_type_
DHCP server type.
bool sync_complete_notified_
An indicator that a partner sent ha-sync-complete-notify command.
bool shouldTerminate() const
Indicates if the server should transition to the terminated state.
data::ConstElementPtr processScopes(const std::vector< std::string > &scopes)
Processes ha-scopes command and returns a response.
dhcp::NetworkStatePtr network_state_
Pointer to the state of the DHCP service (enabled/disabled).
data::ConstElementPtr processSynchronize(const std::string &server_name, const unsigned int max_period)
Processes ha-sync command and returns a response.
void scheduleHeartbeat()
Schedules asynchronous heartbeat to a peer if it is not scheduled.
void asyncSyncCompleteNotify(http::HttpClient &http_client, const HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr &remote_config, PostRequestCallback post_request_action)
Schedules asynchronous "ha-sync-complete-notify" command to the specified server.
std::function< void(const bool, const std::string &, const bool)> PostSyncCallback
Callback invoked when lease database synchronization is complete.
QueryFilter query_filter_
Selects queries to be processed/dropped.
std::function< void(const bool, const std::string &, const int)> PostRequestCallback
Callback invoked when request was sent and a response received or an error occurred.
ha-maintenance-notify command received.
The heartbeat command failed after receiving ha-sync-complete-notify command from the partner.
data::ConstElementPtr processMaintenanceNotify(const bool cancel, const std::string &state)
Processes ha-maintenance-notify command and returns a response.
void conditionalLogPausedState() const
Logs if the server is paused in the current state.
bool unpause()
Unpauses the HA state machine with logging.
Control result returned in response to ha-maintenance-notify.
void serveDefaultScopes()
Instructs the HA service to serve default scopes.
size_t asyncSendLeaseUpdates(const dhcp::Pkt4Ptr &query, const dhcp::Lease4CollectionPtr &leases, const dhcp::Lease4CollectionPtr &deleted_leases, const hooks::ParkingLotHandlePtr &parking_lot)
Schedules asynchronous IPv4 leases updates.
size_t pendingRequestSize()
Get the number of entries in the pending request map.
Lease database synchronization succeeded.
bool sendHAReset()
Sends ha-reset command to partner synchronously.
asiolink::IOServicePtr io_service_
Pointer to the IO service object shared between this hooks library and the DHCP server.
void localDisableDHCPService()
Disables local DHCP service.
CommunicationStatePtr communication_state_
Holds communication state with a peer.
void logFailedLeaseUpdates(const dhcp::PktPtr &query, const data::ConstElementPtr &args) const
Log failed lease updates.
bool clientHandshakeHandler(const boost::system::error_code &)
HttpClient handshake callback handler.
LeaseUpdateBacklog lease_update_backlog_
Backlog of DHCP lease updates.
virtual ~HAService()
static const int HA_SYNCING_FAILED_EVT
Lease database synchronization failed.
ha-maintenance-cancel command received.
void asyncSendLeaseUpdatesFromBacklog(http::HttpClient &http_client, const HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr &remote_config, PostRequestCallback post_request_action)
Sends lease updates from backlog to partner asynchronously.
data::ConstElementPtr processHeartbeat()
Processes ha-heartbeat command and returns a response.
void asyncSyncLeasesInternal(http::HttpClient &http_client, const HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr &remote_config, const unsigned int max_period, const dhcp::LeasePtr &last_lease, PostSyncCallback post_sync_action, const bool dhcp_disabled)
Implements fetching one page of leases during synchronization.
data::ConstElementPtr processHAReset()
Processes ha-reset command and returns a response.
size_t asyncSendSingleLeaseUpdate(const dhcp::Pkt4Ptr &query, const dhcp::Lease4Ptr &lease, const hooks::ParkingLotHandlePtr &parking_lot)
Schedules an asynchronous IPv4 lease update.
void asyncSendHeartbeat()
Starts asynchronous heartbeat to a peer.
bool isPartnerStateInvalid() const
Indicates if the partner's state is invalid.
void startClientAndListener()
Start the client and(or) listener instances.
data::ConstElementPtr verifyAsyncResponse(const http::HttpResponsePtr &response, int &rcode)
Checks if the response is valid or contains an error.
void resumeClientAndListener()
Resumes client and(or) listener thread pool operations.
data::ConstElementPtr processStatusGet() const
Processes status-get command and returns a response.
int getPendingRequest(const QueryPtrType &query)
Get the number of scheduled requests for a given query.
LeaseSyncFilter lease_sync_filter_
Lease synchronization filter used in hub-and-spoke model.
int synchronize(std::string &status_message, const HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr &remote_config, const unsigned int max_period)
Synchronizes lease database with a partner.
bool shouldSendLeaseUpdates(const HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr &peer_config) const
Checks if the lease updates should be sent as result of leases allocation or release.
void serveFailoverScopes()
Instructs the HA service to serve failover scopes.
void localEnableDHCPService()
Enables local DHCP service.
Finished lease updates commands.
HAService(const unsigned int id, const asiolink::IOServicePtr &io_service, const dhcp::NetworkStatePtr &network_state, const HAConfigPtr &config, const HAServerType &server_type=HAServerType::DHCPv4)
HAServerType getServerType() const
Returns HA server type used in object construction.
void socketReadyHandler(int tcp_native_fd)
IfaceMgr external socket ready callback handler.
http::HttpClientPtr client_
HTTP client instance used to send HA commands and lease updates.
void updatePendingRequest(QueryPtrType &query)
Update pending request counter for this query.
bool shouldPartnerDown() const
Indicates if the server should transition to the partner down state.
void startHeartbeat()
Unconditionally starts one heartbeat to a peer.
data::ConstElementPtr processSyncCompleteNotify(const unsigned int origin_id)
Process ha-sync-complete-notify command and returns a response.
data::ConstElementPtr processContinue()
Processes ha-continue command and returns a response.
void asyncDisableDHCPService(http::HttpClient &http_client, const HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr &remote_config, const unsigned int max_period, PostRequestCallback post_request_action)
Schedules asynchronous "dhcp-disable" command to the specified server.
void pauseClientAndListener()
Pauses client and(or) listener thread pool operations.
A delay in minutes to transition from the waiting to terminated state when the partner remains in ter...
void asyncEnableDHCPService(http::HttpClient &http_client, const HAConfig::PeerConfigPtr &remote_config, PostRequestCallback post_request_action)
Schedules asynchronous "dhcp-enable" command to the specified server.
Checks if a lease fetched from the other server should be synchronized into the local lease database.
Queue holding a backlog of unsent lease updates.
DHCP query filtering class.
Implements a finite state machine.
static const int SM_DERIVED_EVENT_MIN
Value at which custom events in a derived class should begin.
boost::shared_ptr< IOService > IOServicePtr
Defines a smart pointer to an IOService instance.
boost::shared_ptr< CmdHttpListener > CmdHttpListenerPtr
Defines a shared pointer to CmdHttpListener.
boost::shared_ptr< const Element > ConstElementPtr
boost::shared_ptr< isc::dhcp::Pkt > PktPtr
A pointer to either Pkt4 or Pkt6 packet.
boost::shared_ptr< Lease4Collection > Lease4CollectionPtr
A shared pointer to the collection of IPv4 leases.
boost::shared_ptr< Pkt4 > Pkt4Ptr
A pointer to Pkt4 object.
boost::shared_ptr< Lease6 > Lease6Ptr
Pointer to a Lease6 structure.
boost::shared_ptr< Lease > LeasePtr
Pointer to the lease object.
boost::shared_ptr< NetworkState > NetworkStatePtr
Pointer to the NetworkState object.
boost::shared_ptr< Lease6Collection > Lease6CollectionPtr
A shared pointer to the collection of IPv6 leases.
boost::shared_ptr< Pkt6 > Pkt6Ptr
A pointer to Pkt6 packet.
boost::shared_ptr< Lease4 > Lease4Ptr
Pointer to a Lease4 structure.
boost::shared_ptr< CommunicationState > CommunicationStatePtr
Type of the pointer to the CommunicationState object.
HARelationshipMapper< HAService > HAServiceMapper
Type of an object mapping HAService to relationships.
boost::shared_ptr< HAServiceMapper > HAServiceMapperPtr
Pointer to an object mapping HAService to relationships.
boost::shared_ptr< HAConfig > HAConfigPtr
Pointer to the High Availability configuration structure.
Lists possible server types for which HA service is created.
boost::shared_ptr< HAService > HAServicePtr
Pointer to the HAService class.
boost::shared_ptr< ParkingLotHandle > ParkingLotHandlePtr
Pointer to the parking lot handle.
boost::shared_ptr< HttpClient > HttpClientPtr
Defines a pointer to an HttpClient instance.
boost::shared_ptr< HttpResponse > HttpResponsePtr
Pointer to the HttpResponse object.
Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-lfc.
This file defines the class StateModel.