16#include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
17#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>
18#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
37class HttpConnectionPool;
44class HttpConnection :
public boost::enable_shared_from_this<HttpConnection> {
49 typedef std::function<void(boost::system::error_code ec,
size_t length)>
50 SocketCallbackFunction;
55 class SocketCallback {
62 SocketCallback(SocketCallbackFunction socket_callback)
63 : callback_(socket_callback) {
75 void operator()(boost::system::error_code ec,
size_t length = 0);
79 SocketCallbackFunction callback_;
173 return (input_buf_.data());
178 return (input_buf_.size());
187 return (!output_buf_.empty());
192 return (output_buf_.data());
197 return (output_buf_.size());
204 output_buf_ = response;
211 output_buf_.erase(0, length);
223 std::array<char, 32768> input_buf_;
226 std::string output_buf_;
248 std::shared_ptr<HttpConnectionPool> connection_pool,
251 const long request_timeout,
252 const long idle_timeout);
354 boost::system::error_code ec,
364 boost::system::error_code ec,
438 std::unique_ptr<asiolink::TCPSocket<SocketCallback> >
441 std::unique_ptr<asiolink::TLSSocket<SocketCallback> >
This is a base class for exceptions thrown from the DNS library module.
virtual const char * what() const
Returns a C-style character string of the cause of the exception.
The IntervalTimer class is a wrapper for the ASIO boost::asio::deadline_timer class.
Generic error reported within HttpConnection class.
HttpConnectionError(const char *file, size_t line, const char *what)
Represents a single exchange of the HTTP messages.
void setOutputBuf(const std::string &response)
Replaces output buffer contents with new contents.
static TransactionPtr create(const HttpResponseCreatorPtr &response_creator)
Creates new transaction instance.
HttpRequestPtr getRequest() const
Returns request instance associated with the transaction.
Transaction(const HttpResponseCreatorPtr &response_creator, const HttpRequestPtr &request=HttpRequestPtr())
bool outputDataAvail() const
Checks if the output buffer contains some data to be sent.
static TransactionPtr spawn(const HttpResponseCreatorPtr &response_creator, const TransactionPtr &transaction)
Creates new transaction from the current transaction.
size_t getInputBufSize() const
Returns input buffer size.
char * getInputBufData()
Returns pointer to the first byte of the input buffer.
const char * getOutputBufData() const
Returns pointer to the first byte of the output buffer.
void consumeOutputBuf(const size_t length)
Erases n bytes from the beginning of the output buffer.
size_t getOutputBufSize() const
Returns size of the output buffer.
HttpRequestParserPtr getParser() const
Returns parser instance associated with the transaction.
Accepts and handles a single HTTP connection.
void closeWatchSocket()
Close the watch socket.
void socketReadCallback(TransactionPtr transaction, boost::system::error_code ec, size_t length)
Callback invoked when new data is received over the socket.
std::weak_ptr< HttpConnectionPool > connection_pool_
Connection pool holding this connection.
asiolink::TlsContextPtr tls_context_
TLS context.
asiolink::IOServicePtr io_service_
The IO service used to handle events.
void markWatchSocketReady()
Mark the watch socket as ready.
void recordParameters(const HttpRequestPtr &request) const
Records connection parameters into the HTTP request.
void acceptorCallback(const boost::system::error_code &ec)
Local callback invoked when new connection is accepted.
void setupIdleTimer()
Reset timer for detecting idle timeout in persistent connections.
void clearWatchSocket()
Clear the watch socket's ready marker.
virtual void socketWriteCallback(TransactionPtr transaction, boost::system::error_code ec, size_t length)
Callback invoked when data is sent over the socket.
void doHandshake()
Asynchronously performs TLS handshake.
void asyncSendResponse(const ConstHttpResponsePtr &response, TransactionPtr transaction)
Sends HTTP response asynchronously.
void doRead(TransactionPtr transaction=TransactionPtr())
Starts asynchronous read from the socket.
HttpAcceptorPtr acceptor_
Pointer to the TCP acceptor used to accept new connections.
std::unique_ptr< asiolink::TLSSocket< SocketCallback > > tls_socket_
TLS socket used by this connection.
boost::shared_ptr< Transaction > TransactionPtr
Shared pointer to the Transaction.
void doWrite(TransactionPtr transaction)
Starts asynchronous write to the socket.
bool defer_shutdown_
Flag which indicates if the connection shutdown should be deferred until the connection is no longer ...
void setupRequestTimer(TransactionPtr transaction=TransactionPtr())
Reset timer for detecting request timeouts.
void shutdown()
Shutdown the socket.
void shutdownCallback(const boost::system::error_code &ec)
Callback invoked when TLS shutdown is performed.
void close()
Closes the socket.
void stopThisConnection()
Stops current connection.
HttpConnection(const asiolink::IOServicePtr &io_service, const HttpAcceptorPtr &acceptor, const asiolink::TlsContextPtr &tls_context, std::shared_ptr< HttpConnectionPool > connection_pool, const HttpResponseCreatorPtr &response_creator, const HttpAcceptorCallback &callback, const long request_timeout, const long idle_timeout)
std::string getRemoteEndpointAddressAsText() const
Returns remote address in textual form.
bool use_external_
Use external sockets flag.
void handshakeCallback(const boost::system::error_code &ec)
Local callback invoked when TLS handshake is performed.
HttpResponseCreatorPtr response_creator_
Pointer to the HttpResponseCreator object used to create HTTP responses.
void idleTimeoutCallback()
long idle_timeout_
Timeout after which the persistent HTTP connection is shut down by the server.
void asyncAccept()
Asynchronously accepts new connection.
std::unique_ptr< asiolink::TCPSocket< SocketCallback > > tcp_socket_
TCP socket used by this connection.
void requestTimeoutCallback(TransactionPtr transaction)
Callback invoked when the HTTP Request Timeout occurs.
void addExternalSockets(bool use_external=false)
Use external sockets flag.
asiolink::IntervalTimer request_timer_
Timer used to detect Request Timeout.
HttpAcceptorCallback acceptor_callback_
External TCP acceptor callback.
util::WatchSocketPtr watch_socket_
Pointer to watch socket instance used to signal that the socket is ready for read or write when use e...
long request_timeout_
Configured Request Timeout in milliseconds.
void shutdownConnection()
Shuts down current connection.
virtual ~HttpConnection()
boost::shared_ptr< TlsContext > TlsContextPtr
The type of shared pointers to TlsContext objects.
boost::shared_ptr< IOService > IOServicePtr
Defines a smart pointer to an IOService instance.
boost::shared_ptr< const HttpResponse > ConstHttpResponsePtr
Pointer to the const HttpResponse object.
boost::shared_ptr< HttpRequestParser > HttpRequestParserPtr
Pointer to the HttpRequestParser.
boost::shared_ptr< HttpResponseCreator > HttpResponseCreatorPtr
Pointer to the HttpResponseCreator object.
std::function< void(const boost::system::error_code &)> HttpAcceptorCallback
Type of the callback for the TCP acceptor used in this library.
boost::shared_ptr< HttpConnection > HttpConnectionPtr
Pointer to the HttpConnection.
boost::shared_ptr< HttpRequest > HttpRequestPtr
Pointer to the HttpRequest object.
boost::shared_ptr< HttpAcceptor > HttpAcceptorPtr
Type of shared pointer to TCP acceptors.
boost::shared_ptr< WatchSocket > WatchSocketPtr
Defines a smart pointer to an instance of a WatchSocket.
Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-lfc.
Defines the class, WatchSocket.