// Copyright (C) 2022 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include <config.h>
#include <dhcpsrv/lease_mgr_factory.h>
#include <dhcpsrv/srv_config.h>
#include <hooks/callout_handle.h>
#include <limits/limit_manager.h>
#include <util/dhcp_space.h>
using namespace isc::dhcp;
using namespace isc::hooks;
using isc::hooks::CalloutHandle;
using isc::util::DHCPv6;
namespace isc {
namespace limits {
// Functions accessed by the hooks framework use C linkage to avoid the name
// mangling that accompanies use of the C++ compiler as well as to avoid
// issues related to namespaces
extern "C" {
/// @brief Callout at the cb6_updated hook point
/// @param handle CalloutHandle which provides access to context
/// @return 0 upon success
cb6_updated(CalloutHandle& handle) {
return (LimitManager::instance().cb_updated<DHCPv6>(handle));
/// @brief dhcp6_srv_configured callout implementation
/// @param handle CalloutHandle
/// @return 0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
dhcp6_srv_configured(CalloutHandle& handle) {
return (LimitManager::instance().dhcp_srv_configured<DHCPv6>(handle));
/// @brief Callout at the pkt6_receive hook point
/// @param handle CalloutHandle which provides access to context
/// @return 0 upon success, non-zero otherwise.
pkt6_receive(CalloutHandle& handle) {
return (LimitManager::instance().pkt_receive<DHCPv6>(handle));
/// @brief Callout at the subnet6_select hook point
/// @param handle CalloutHandle which provides access to context
/// @return 0 upon success, non-zero otherwise.
subnet6_select(CalloutHandle& handle) {
return (LimitManager::instance().subnet_select<DHCPv6>(handle));
/// @brief Callout at the lease6_select hook point
/// @param handle CalloutHandle which provides access to context
/// @return 0 upon success, non-zero otherwise.
lease6_select(CalloutHandle& handle) {
return (LimitManager::instance().lease_callout<DHCPv6>(handle));
/// @brief Callout at the lease6_renew hook point
/// @param handle CalloutHandle which provides access to context
/// @return 0 upon success, non-zero otherwise.
lease6_renew(CalloutHandle& handle) {
return (LimitManager::instance().lease_callout<DHCPv6>(handle, /* lease_update = */ true));
/// @brief Callout at the lease6_rebind hook point
/// @param handle CalloutHandle which provides access to context
/// @return 0 upon success, non-zero otherwise.
lease6_rebind(CalloutHandle& handle) {
return (LimitManager::instance().lease_callout<DHCPv6>(handle, /* lease_update = */ true));
} // extern "C"
} // namespace limits
} // namespace isc