// Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
/// @file unix_control_socket.cc
/// Contains the UNIX socket derived class for control socket communication.
#include <config.h>
#include <asiolink/asio_wrapper.h>
#include <asiolink/io_service.h>
#include <cc/command_interpreter.h>
#include <cc/json_feed.h>
#include <config/client_connection.h>
#include <config/timeouts.h>
#include <netconf/unix_control_socket.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace isc::asiolink;
using namespace isc::config;
using namespace isc::data;
namespace isc {
namespace netconf {
template <> ControlSocketBasePtr
createControlSocket<CfgControlSocket::Type::UNIX>(CfgControlSocketPtr ctrl_sock) {
return (UnixControlSocketPtr(new UnixControlSocket(ctrl_sock)));
UnixControlSocket::UnixControlSocket(CfgControlSocketPtr ctrl_sock)
: ControlSocketBase(ctrl_sock) {
UnixControlSocket::configGet(const string& /*service*/) {
return (sendCommand(createCommand("config-get")));
UnixControlSocket::configTest(ElementPtr config,
const string& /*service*/) {
return (sendCommand(createCommand("config-test", config)));
UnixControlSocket::configSet(ElementPtr config,
const string& /*service*/) {
return (sendCommand(createCommand("config-set", config)));
UnixControlSocket::sendCommand(ConstElementPtr command) {
// We are using our own IO service because this method is synchronous.
IOServicePtr io_service(new IOService());
ClientConnection conn(io_service);
boost::system::error_code received_ec;
ConstJSONFeedPtr received_feed;
[&io_service, &received_ec, &received_feed]
(const boost::system::error_code& ec, ConstJSONFeedPtr feed) {
// Capture error code and parsed data.
received_ec = ec;
received_feed = feed;
// Got the IO service so stop IO service. This causes to
// stop IO service when all handlers have been invoked.
// Perform this synchronously.
if (received_ec) {
// Got an error.
isc_throw(ControlSocketError, "communication error: "
<< received_ec.message());
if (!received_feed) {
// Failed to get the answer.
isc_throw(ControlSocketError, "empty response");
try {
return (received_feed->toElement());
} catch (exception const& ex) {
isc_throw(ControlSocketError, "unparsable response: " << ex.what());
} // namespace netconf
} // namespace isc