// Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include <config.h>
#include <asiolink/interval_timer.h>
#include <asiolink/io_service.h>
#include <netconf/netconf_cfg_mgr.h>
#include <netconf/netconf_process.h>
#include <process/testutils/d_test_stubs.h>
#include <testutils/gtest_utils.h>
#include <functional>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
using namespace isc;
using namespace isc::netconf;
using namespace isc::asiolink;
using namespace isc::process;
namespace {
/// @brief NetconfProcess test fixture class.
class NetconfProcessTest : public NetconfProcess, public ::testing::Test {
/// @brief Constructor
NetconfProcessTest() :
IOServicePtr(new isc::asiolink::IOService())) {
NetconfConfigPtr ctx = getNetconfCfgMgr()->getNetconfConfig();
/// @brief Callback that will invoke shutdown method.
void genShutdownCallback() {
}; // NetconfProcessTest
// Test construction of the NetconfProcess object.
TEST(NetconfProcess, construction) {
// Verify that the constructor will fail if given an empty
// io service.
IOServicePtr lcl_io_service;
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(NetconfProcess("TestProcess", lcl_io_service), DProcessBaseError,
"IO Service cannot be null");
// Verify that the constructor succeeds with a valid io_service
lcl_io_service.reset(new IOService());
ASSERT_NO_THROW_LOG(NetconfProcess("TestProcess", lcl_io_service));
// Verify tha the configuration is accessible after construction.
NetconfProcess netconf_process("TestProcess", lcl_io_service);
NetconfCfgMgrPtr cfg_mgr = netconf_process.getNetconfCfgMgr();
// Verifies that en external call to shutdown causes the run method to
// exit gracefully.
TEST_F(NetconfProcessTest, shutdown) {
// Use an asiolink IntervalTimer and callback to generate the
// shutdown invocation. (Note IntervalTimer setup is in milliseconds).
IntervalTimer timer(getIOService());
timer.setup(std::bind(&NetconfProcessTest::genShutdownCallback, this),
// Record start time, and invoke run().
ptime start = microsec_clock::universal_time();
// Record stop time.
ptime stop = microsec_clock::universal_time();
// Verify that duration of the run invocation is the same as the
// timer duration. This demonstrates that the shutdown was driven
// by an io_service event and callback.
time_duration elapsed = stop - start;
EXPECT_TRUE(elapsed.total_milliseconds() >= 100 &&
elapsed.total_milliseconds() <= 400);
} // namespace