// Copyright (C) 2023 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Kea Hooks Basic
// Commercial End User License Agreement v2.0. See COPYING file in the premium/
// directory.
#include <config.h>
#include <ping_check_config.h><--- Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.
using namespace isc;
using namespace isc::data;
using namespace isc::dhcp;
namespace isc {
namespace ping_check {
const data::SimpleKeywords
PingCheckConfig::CONFIG_KEYWORDS =
{ "enable-ping-check", Element::boolean },
{ "min-ping-requests", Element::integer },
{ "reply-timeout", Element::integer },
{ "ping-cltt-secs", Element::integer},
{ "ping-channel-threads", Element::integer}
PingCheckConfig::PingCheckConfig() :
ping_channel_threads_(0) {
PingCheckConfig::parse(data::ConstElementPtr config) {
// Use a local instance to collect values. This way we
// avoid corrupting current values if there are any errors.
PingCheckConfig local;
// Note checkKeywords() will throw DhcpConfigError if there is a problem.
SimpleParser::checkKeywords(CONFIG_KEYWORDS, config);
ConstElementPtr value = config->get("enable-ping-check");
if (value) {
value = config->get("min-ping-requests");
if (value) {
int64_t val = value->intValue();
if (val <= 0) {
isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid min-ping-requests: '"
<< val << "', must be greater than 0");
value = config->get("reply-timeout");
if (value) {
int64_t val = value->intValue();
if (val <= 0) {
isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid reply-timeout: '"
<< val << "', must be greater than 0");
value = config->get("ping-cltt-secs");
if (value) {
int64_t val = value->intValue();
if (val < 0) {
isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid ping-cltt-secs: '"
<< val << "', cannot be less than 0");
value = config->get("ping-channel-threads");
if (value) {
int64_t val = value->intValue();
if (val < 0) {
isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid ping-channel-threads: '"
<< val << "', cannot be less than 0");
// All values good, copy from local instance.
*this = local;
} // end of namespace ping_check
} // end of namespace isc