24#include <boost/multi_index/hashed_index.hpp>
25#include <boost/multi_index/identity.hpp>
26#include <boost/multi_index/indexed_by.hpp>
27#include <boost/multi_index/sequenced_index.hpp>
28#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
29#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
30#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
38template <
typename... Args>
39inline void unused(Args
const& ...) {}
52typedef boost::multi_index_container<
56 boost::multi_index::indexed_by<
58 boost::multi_index::sequenced<
59 boost::multi_index::tag<IOAddressListListTag>
62 boost::multi_index::hashed_unique<
63 boost::multi_index::tag<IOAddressListSetTag>,
64 boost::multi_index::identity<asiolink::IOAddress>
258 if (iface_name.
empty()) {
585 ddns_override_client_update) {
631 ddns_replace_client_name_mode) {
766 hostname_char_replacement) {
906 return (
945 template<
typename ReturnType>
947 const int global_index,
948 const int min_index = -1,
949 const int max_index = -1)
const {
950 unused(min_index, max_index);
983 template<
typename NumType>
985 const int global_index,
986 const int min_index = -1,
987 const int max_index = -1)
const {
994 NumType def_value =
995 if ((min_index < 0) || (max_index < 0)) {
998 NumType min_value = def_value;
999 NumType max_value = def_value;
1002 min_value =
1006 max_value =
1038 const int global_index,
1039 const int min_index = -1,
1040 const int max_index = -1)
1072 template<
typename BaseType,
typename ReturnType>
1074 ReturnType property,
1076 const int global_index = -1,
1077 const int min_index = -1,
1078 const int max_index = -1)
const {
1086 ReturnType parent_property;
1089 auto parent = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<BaseType>(
1093 return (parent_property);
1102 if (property.unspecified()) {
1104 auto parent = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<BaseType>(
1110 auto parent_property = ((*parent).*MethodPointer)(inheritance);
1111 if (!parent_property.unspecified()) {
1112 return (parent_property);
1147 template<
typename BaseType>
1158 auto parent = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<BaseType>(
1164 return (parent_property);
1174 auto parent = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<BaseType>(
1178 OptionPtr parent_property = (((*parent).*MethodPointer)(inheritance));
1179 if (parent_property) {
1180 return (parent_property);
1330 :
Network(), match_client_id_(true, true), authoritative_(),
1331 siaddr_(), sname_(), filename_(), offer_lft_() {
1353 match_client_id_ = match;
1365 authoritative_, inheritance,
1375 authoritative_ = authoritative;
1430 offer_lft_ = offer_lft;
1491 :
Network(), preferred_(), interface_id_(), rapid_commit_(),
1492 default_pd_allocator_type_(){
1512 preferred_ = preferred;
1528 interface_id_ = ifaceid;
1550 rapid_commit_ = rapid_commit;
1572 pd_allocator_type_ = allocator_type;
1584 default_pd_allocator_type_,
1592 default_pd_allocator_type_ = allocator_type;
Defines elements for storing the names of client classes.
The IOAddress class represents an IP addresses (version agnostic)
Template class for converting a value encapsulated in the Element object into a simple type.
This class represents configuration element which is associated with database identifier,...
Represents option data configuration for the DHCP server.
Container for storing client class names.
static ReplaceClientNameMode stringToReplaceClientNameMode(const std::string &mode_str)
Converts labels to ReplaceClientNameMode enum values.
Specialization of the Network object for DHCPv4 case.
util::Optional< std::string > getFilename(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns boot file name for this subnet.
void setMatchClientId(const util::Optional< bool > &match)
Sets the flag indicating if the client identifier should be used to identify the client's lease.
util::Optional< std::string > getSname(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns server hostname for this network.
util::Optional< asiolink::IOAddress > getSiaddr(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns siaddr for this network.
void setAuthoritative(const util::Optional< bool > &authoritative)
Sets the flag indicating if requests for unknown IP addresses should be rejected with DHCPNAK instead...
void setSiaddr(const util::Optional< asiolink::IOAddress > &siaddr)
Sets siaddr for the network.
util::Optional< uint32_t > getOfferLft(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns offer lifetime for the network.
void setOfferLft(const util::Optional< uint32_t > &offer_lft)
Sets offer lifetime for the network.
util::Optional< bool > getMatchClientId(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns the flag indicating if the client identifiers should be used to identify the client's lease.
util::Optional< bool > getAuthoritative(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns the flag indicating if requests for unknown IP addresses should be rejected with DHCPNAK inst...
void setFilename(const util::Optional< std::string > &filename)
Sets boot file name for the network.
virtual asiolink::IOAddress getServerId() const
Returns binary representation of the dhcp-server-identifier option (54).
virtual data::ElementPtr toElement() const
Unparses network object.
void setSname(const util::Optional< std::string > &sname)
Sets server hostname for the network.
Specialization of the Network object for DHCPv6 case.
void setRapidCommit(const util::Optional< bool > &rapid_commit)
Enables or disables Rapid Commit option support for the subnet.
void setDefaultPdAllocatorType(const std::string &allocator_type)
Sets a defalt allocator type for prefix delegation.
util::Optional< std::string > getDefaultPdAllocatorType(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns a default allocator type for prefix delegation.
isc::util::Triplet< uint32_t > getPreferred(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns preferred lifetime (in seconds)
void setPdAllocatorType(const util::Optional< std::string > &allocator_type)
Sets new allocator type for prefix delegation.
util::Optional< bool > getRapidCommit(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns boolean value indicating that the Rapid Commit option is supported or unsupported for the sub...
void setInterfaceId(const OptionPtr &ifaceid)
sets interface-id option (if defined)
void setPreferred(const isc::util::Triplet< uint32_t > &preferred)
Sets new preferred lifetime for a network.
virtual data::ElementPtr toElement() const
Unparses network object.
OptionPtr getInterfaceId(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns interface-id value (if specified)
util::Optional< std::string > getPdAllocatorType(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns allocator type for prefix delegation.
Holds optional information about relay.
const IOAddressList & getAddresses() const
Returns const reference to the list of addresses.
void addAddress(const asiolink::IOAddress &addr)
Adds an address to the list of addresses.
bool containsAddress(const asiolink::IOAddress &addr) const
Checks the address list for the given address.
bool hasAddresses() const
Indicates whether or not the address list has entries.
Common interface representing a network to which the DHCP clients are connected.
virtual bool clientSupported(const isc::dhcp::ClientClasses &client_classes) const
Checks whether this network supports a client that belongs to the specified classes.
util::Optional< bool > getCalculateTeeTimes(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns whether or not T1/T2 calculation is enabled.
util::Optional< std::string > getDdnsQualifyingSuffix(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns ddns-qualifying-suffix.
isc::util::Triplet< uint32_t > t2_
a isc::util::Triplet (min/default/max) holding allowed rebind timer values
util::Optional< D2ClientConfig::ReplaceClientNameMode > getDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns ddns-replace-client-name-mode.
void setT2(const isc::util::Triplet< uint32_t > &t2)
Sets new rebind timer for a network.
void addRelayAddress(const asiolink::IOAddress &addr)
Adds an address to the list addresses in the network's relay info.
util::Optional< std::string > hostname_char_replacement_
A string to replace invalid characters when scrubbing hostnames.
RelayInfo relay_
Relay information.
util::Optional< double > getCacheThreshold(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns percentage to use as cache threshold.
util::Optional< bool > reservations_out_of_pool_
Enables out-of-pool reservations optimization.
util::Optional< std::string > getHostnameCharReplacement(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Return the invalid char replacement used to sanitize client hostnames.
util::Optional< bool > ddns_update_on_renew_
Should Kea perform updates when leases are extended.
util::Optional< std::string > allocator_type_
Allocator used for IP address allocations.
CfgOptionPtr cfg_option_
Pointer to the option data configuration for this subnet.
void setAllocatorType(const util::Optional< std::string > &allocator_type)
Sets new allocator type.
void setDdnsReplaceClientNameMode(const util::Optional< D2ClientConfig::ReplaceClientNameMode > &ddns_replace_client_name_mode)
Sets new ddns-replace-client-name-mode.
boost::shared_ptr< Network::RelayInfo > RelayInfoPtr
Pointer to the RelayInfo structure.
void setDdnsTtlMin(const util::Optional< uint32_t > &ddns_ttl_min)
Sets new ddns-ttl-min.
const IOAddressList & getRelayAddresses() const
Returns the list of relay addresses from the network's relay info.
ClientClasses & getMutableAdditionalClasses()
Returns the mutable additional classes list.
void setCacheMaxAge(const util::Optional< uint32_t > &cache_max_age)
Sets cache max for a network.
ClientClasses additional_classes_
Additional classes.
util::Optional< double > getDdnsTtlPercent(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns ddns-ttl-percent.
void allowClientClass(const isc::dhcp::ClientClass &class_name)
Adds class clas_name to the allowed client classes list.
Inheritance "mode" used when fetching an optional Network parameter.
void setCacheThreshold(const util::Optional< double > &cache_threshold)
Sets cache threshold for a network.
void setT1Percent(const util::Optional< double > &t1_percent)
Sets new percentage for calculating T1 (renew timer).
util::Optional< bool > reservations_global_
Enables global reservations.
util::Optional< bool > getDdnsOverrideClientUpdate(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns ddns-override-client-update.
bool hasFetchGlobalsFn() const
Checks if the network is associated with a function used to fetch globally configured parameters.
util::Optional< bool > ddns_override_client_update_
Should Kea perform updates, even if client requested delegation.
OptionPtr getOptionProperty(OptionPtr(BaseType::*MethodPointer)(const Inheritance &inheritance) const, OptionPtr property, const Inheritance &inheritance) const
Returns option pointer associated with a network using inheritance.
void setDdnsTtlMax(const util::Optional< uint32_t > &ddns_ttl_max)
Sets new ddns-ttl-max.
util::Optional< bool > reservations_in_subnet_
Enables subnet reservations.
util::Optional< std::string > getHostnameCharSet(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Return the char set regexp used to sanitize client hostnames.
FetchNetworkGlobalsFn getFetchGlobalsFn() const
Gets the optional callback function used to fetch globally configured parameters.
void setReservationsInSubnet(const util::Optional< bool > &reservations_in_subnet)
Sets whether subnet reservations should be fetched.
FetchNetworkGlobalsFn fetch_globals_fn_
Pointer to the optional callback used to fetch globally configured parameters inherited to the Networ...
void setStoreExtendedInfo(const util::Optional< bool > &store_extended_info)
Sets new store-extended-info.
util::Optional< double > t2_percent_
Percentage of the lease lifetime to use when calculating T2 timer.
void setIface(const util::Optional< std::string > &iface_name)
Sets local name of the interface for which this network is selected.
util::Optional< bool > getDdnsUpdateOnRenew(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns ddns-update-on-renew.
util::Optional< uint32_t > getDdnsTtlMax(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns ddns-ttl-max.
ClientClasses client_classes_
List of client classes allowed to use this network.
void setDdnsOverrideClientUpdate(const util::Optional< bool > &ddns_override_client_update)
Sets new ddns-override-client-update.
const ClientClasses & getClientClasses() const
Returns the list of allowed client classes.
const RelayInfo & getRelayInfo() const
Returns const reference to relay information.
WeakNetworkPtr parent_network_
Pointer to another network that this network belongs to.
ReturnType getProperty(ReturnType(BaseType::*MethodPointer)(const Inheritance &) const, ReturnType property, const Inheritance &inheritance, const int global_index=-1, const int min_index=-1, const int max_index=-1) const
Returns a value associated with a network using inheritance.
isc::util::Triplet< uint32_t > getT1(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns T1 (renew timer), expressed in seconds.
util::Optional< bool > getReservationsGlobal(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns whether global reservations should be fetched.
util::Optional< std::string > ddns_generated_prefix_
Prefix Kea should use when generating domain-names.
util::Optional< double > t1_percent_
Percentage of the lease lifetime to use when calculating T1 timer.
bool hasRelays() const
Indicates if network's relay info has relay addresses.
void setDdnsConflictResolutionMode(const util::Optional< std::string > &ddns_conflict_resolution_mode)
Sets new ddns-conflict-resolution-mode.
util::Optional< uint32_t > ddns_ttl_min_
Minimum value to use for DNS TTL.
util::Optional< bool > getDdnsOverrideNoUpdate(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns ddns-override-no-update.
util::Optional< std::string > getAllocatorType(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns allocator type.
void setHostnameCharSet(const util::Optional< std::string > &hostname_char_set)
Sets new hostname-char-set.
util::Optional< std::string > getDdnsGeneratedPrefix(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns ddns-generated-prefix.
void setDdnsTtl(const util::Optional< uint32_t > &ddns_ttl)
Sets new ddns-ttl.
util::Optional< bool > getDdnsSendUpdates(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns ddns-send-updates.
virtual data::ElementPtr toElement() const
Unparses network object.
void setReservationsOutOfPool(const util::Optional< bool > &reservations_out_of_pool)
Sets whether only out-of-pool reservations are allowed.
util::Optional< std::string > hostname_char_set_
Regular expression describing invalid characters for client hostnames.
util::Optional< std::string > getDefaultAllocatorType(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns a default allocator type.
util::Optional< std::string > getDdnsConflictResolutionMode(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns ddns-conflict-resolution-mode.
void setDdnsGeneratedPrefix(const util::Optional< std::string > &ddns_generated_prefix)
Sets new ddns-generated-prefix.
void setT1(const isc::util::Triplet< uint32_t > &t1)
Sets new renew timer for a network.
bool hasRelayAddress(const asiolink::IOAddress &address) const
Tests if the network's relay info contains the given address.
util::Optional< double > getT2Percent(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns percentage to use when calculating the T2 (rebind timer).
util::Optional< uint32_t > getDdnsTtl(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns ddns-ttl.
void addAdditionalClass(const isc::dhcp::ClientClass &class_name)
Adds class class_name to the additional classes list.
util::Optional< std::string > iface_name_
Holds interface name for which this network is selected.
void setFetchGlobalsFn(FetchNetworkGlobalsFn fetch_globals_fn)
Sets the optional callback function used to fetch globally configured parameters.
isc::util::Triplet< uint32_t > getT2(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns T2 (rebind timer), expressed in seconds.
void setValid(const isc::util::Triplet< uint32_t > &valid)
Sets new valid lifetime for a network.
virtual std::string getLabel() const
Generates an identifying label for logging.
void setT2Percent(const util::Optional< double > &t2_percent)
Sets new percentage for calculating T2 (rebind timer).
isc::util::Triplet< NumType > getGlobalProperty(isc::util::Triplet< NumType > property, const int global_index, const int min_index=-1, const int max_index=-1) const
The getGlobalProperty specialization for isc::util::Triplet<T>.
util::Optional< bool > ddns_send_updates_
Should Kea perform DNS updates.
virtual ~Network()
Virtual destructor.
util::Optional< std::string > ddns_conflict_resolution_mode_
DDNS conflict resolution mode.
util::Optional< bool > store_extended_info_
Should Kea store additional client query data (e.g.
isc::util::Triplet< uint32_t > valid_
a isc::util::Triplet (min/default/max) holding allowed valid lifetime values
ConstCfgOptionPtr getCfgOption() const
Returns const pointer to the option data configuration for this network.
const ClientClasses & getAdditionalClasses() const
Returns the additional classes list.
util::Optional< bool > getReservationsOutOfPool(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns whether only out-of-pool reservations are allowed.
util::Optional< bool > calculate_tee_times_
Enables calculation of T1 and T2 timers.
util::Optional< uint32_t > cache_max_age_
Value in seconds to use as cache maximal age.
ReturnType getGlobalProperty(ReturnType property, const int global_index, const int min_index=-1, const int max_index=-1) const
Returns a value of global configuration parameter with a given index.
util::Optional< bool > ddns_override_no_update_
Should Kea perform updates, even if client requested no updates.
void setCalculateTeeTimes(const util::Optional< bool > &calculate_tee_times)
Sets whether or not T1/T2 calculation is enabled.
util::Optional< std::string > ddns_qualifying_suffix_
Suffix Kea should use when to qualify partial domain-names.
util::Optional< bool > getStoreExtendedInfo(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns store-extended-info.
void setDdnsOverrideNoUpdate(const util::Optional< bool > &ddns_override_no_update)
Sets new ddns-override-no-update.
void setDefaultAllocatorType(const std::string &allocator_type)
Sets a defalt allocator type.
util::Optional< bool > getReservationsInSubnet(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns whether subnet reservations should be fetched.
void setHostnameCharReplacement(const util::Optional< std::string > &hostname_char_replacement)
Sets new hostname-char-replacement.
util::Optional< uint32_t > getCacheMaxAge(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns value in seconds to use as cache maximum age.
void setReservationsGlobal(const util::Optional< bool > &reservations_global)
Sets whether global reservations should be fetched.
util::Optional< double > getT1Percent(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns percentage to use when calculating the T1 (renew timer).
util::Optional< uint32_t > ddns_ttl_max_
Maximum value to use for DNS TTL.
void setDdnsSendUpdates(const util::Optional< bool > &ddns_send_updates)
Sets new ddns-send-updates.
void setDdnsUpdateOnRenew(const util::Optional< bool > &ddns_update_on_renew)
Sets new ddns-update-on-renew.
void setDdnsQualifyingSuffix(const util::Optional< std::string > &ddns_qualifying_suffix)
Sets new ddns-qualifying-suffix.
util::Optional< double > ddns_ttl_percent_
Percentage of the lease lifetime to use for DNS TTL.
util::Optional< uint32_t > ddns_ttl_
Explicit value to use for DNS TTL.
util::Optional< std::string > getIface(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns name of the local interface for which this network is selected.
void setDdnsTtlPercent(const util::Optional< double > &ddns_ttl_percent)
Sets new ddns-ttl-percent.
ClientClasses & getMutableClientClasses()
Returns the mutable list of allowed client classes.
util::Optional< D2ClientConfig::ReplaceClientNameMode > ddns_replace_client_name_mode_
How Kea should handle the domain-name supplied by the client.
void setRelayInfo(const RelayInfo &relay)
Sets information about relay.
isc::util::Triplet< uint32_t > getValid(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Return valid-lifetime for addresses in that prefix.
util::Optional< std::string > default_allocator_type_
Default allocator type.
isc::util::Triplet< uint32_t > t1_
a isc::util::Triplet (min/default/max) holding allowed renew timer values
CfgOptionPtr getCfgOption()
Returns pointer to the option data configuration for this network.
util::Optional< double > cache_threshold_
Percentage of the lease lifetime to use as cache threshold.
util::Optional< uint32_t > getDdnsTtlMin(const Inheritance &inheritance=Inheritance::ALL) const
Returns ddns-ttl-min.
A template representing an optional value.
T get() const
Retrieves the encapsulated value.
bool empty() const
Checks if the encapsulated value is empty.
void unspecified(bool unspecified)
Modifies the flag that indicates whether the value is specified or unspecified.
This template specifies a parameter value.
Defines the D2ClientConfig class.
boost::shared_ptr< const Element > ConstElementPtr
boost::shared_ptr< Element > ElementPtr
std::string ClientClass
Defines a single class name.
boost::shared_ptr< const CfgGlobals > ConstCfgGlobalsPtr
Const shared pointer to a CfgGlobals instance.
boost::shared_ptr< Network4 > Network4Ptr
Pointer to the Network4 object.
boost::shared_ptr< CfgOption > CfgOptionPtr
Non-const pointer.
boost::shared_ptr< Network6 > Network6Ptr
Pointer to the Network6 object.
std::function< ConstCfgGlobalsPtr()> FetchNetworkGlobalsFn
Callback function for D2ClientConfig that retrieves globally configured parameters.
boost::weak_ptr< Network > WeakNetworkPtr
Weak pointer to the Network object.
boost::multi_index_container< asiolink::IOAddress, boost::multi_index::indexed_by< boost::multi_index::sequenced< boost::multi_index::tag< IOAddressListListTag > >, boost::multi_index::hashed_unique< boost::multi_index::tag< IOAddressListSetTag >, boost::multi_index::identity< asiolink::IOAddress > > > > IOAddressList
List of IO addresses.
boost::shared_ptr< Network > NetworkPtr
Pointer to the Network object.
boost::shared_ptr< Option > OptionPtr
boost::shared_ptr< const CfgOption > ConstCfgOptionPtr
Const pointer.
Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-lfc.
Abstract class for configuration Cfg_* classes.
Base class for user context.
Tag for the list of IO addresses as a list.
Tag for the list of IO addresses as a set.