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Kea 2.7.7
This is the complete list of members for isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr, including all inherited members.
addCustomCounter(const std::string &short_name, const std::string &long_name) | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
addExchangeStats(const ExchangeType xchg_type, const double drop_time=-1) | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
droppedPackets() const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getAvgDelay(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getAvgUnorderedLookupSetSize(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getCollectedNum(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getCounter(const std::string &counter_key) | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getDroppedPacketsNum(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getMaxDelay(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getMinDelay(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getNonUniqueAddrNum(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getOrderedLookups(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getOrphans(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getRcvdPacketsNum(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getRejLeasesNum(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getSentPackets(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getSentPacketsNum(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getStdDevDelay(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getTestPeriod() const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
getUnorderedLookups(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
hasExchangeStats(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
incrementCounter(const std::string &counter_key, const uint64_t value=1) | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
passRcvdPacket(const ExchangeType xchg_type, const dhcp::PktPtr &packet) | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
passSentPacket(const ExchangeType xchg_type, const dhcp::PktPtr &packet) | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
printCustomCounters() const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
printIntermediateStats(bool clean_report, std::string clean_sep) const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
printLeases() const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | |
printStats() const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
printTimestamps() const | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
StatsMgr(CommandOptions &options) | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | |
updateNonUniqueAddrNum(const ExchangeType xchg_type) | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |
updateRejLeases(const ExchangeType xchg_type) | isc::perfdhcp::StatsMgr | inline |