Kea 2.7.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
3// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5// file, You can obtain one at
10#include <dhcp/libdhcp++.h>
11#include <dhcp/option.h>
13#include <util/io.h>
14#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
15#include <sstream>
16#include <stdint.h>
18namespace isc {
19namespace dhcp {
22template<typename T>
23class OptionIntArray;
30typedef OptionIntArray<uint8_t> OptionUint8Array;
31typedef boost::shared_ptr<OptionUint8Array> OptionUint8ArrayPtr;
32typedef OptionIntArray<uint16_t> OptionUint16Array;
33typedef boost::shared_ptr<OptionUint16Array> OptionUint16ArrayPtr;
34typedef OptionIntArray<uint32_t> OptionUint32Array;
35typedef boost::shared_ptr<OptionUint32Array> OptionUint32ArrayPtr;
55template<typename T>
56class OptionIntArray : public Option {
60 typedef boost::shared_ptr<OptionIntArray<T> > OptionIntArrayTypePtr;
73 OptionIntArray(const Option::Universe u, const uint16_t type)
74 : Option(u, type),
75 values_(0) {
77 isc_throw(dhcp::InvalidDataType, "non-integer type");
78 }
79 }
91 OptionIntArray(const Option::Universe u, const uint16_t type,
92 const OptionBuffer& buf)
93 : Option(u, type) {
95 isc_throw(dhcp::InvalidDataType, "non-integer type");
96 }
97 unpack(buf.begin(), buf.end());
98 }
115 OptionIntArray(const Option::Universe u, const uint16_t type,
117 : Option(u, type) {
119 isc_throw(dhcp::InvalidDataType, "non-integer type");
120 }
121 unpack(begin, end);
122 }
125 virtual OptionPtr clone() const {
126 return (cloneInternal<OptionIntArray<T> >());
127 }
132 void addValue(const T value) {
133 values_.push_back(value);
134 }
145 virtual void pack(isc::util::OutputBuffer& buf, bool check = true) const {
146 // Pack option header.
147 packHeader(buf, check);
148 // Pack option data.
149 for (size_t i = 0; i < values_.size(); ++i) {
150 // Depending on the data type length we use different utility functions
151 // writeUint16 or writeUint32 which write the data in the network byte
152 // order to the provided buffer. The same functions can be safely used
153 // for either unsigned or signed integers so there is not need to create
154 // special cases for intX_t types.
156 case 1:
157 buf.writeUint8(values_[i]);
158 break;
159 case 2:
160 buf.writeUint16(values_[i]);
161 break;
162 case 4:
163 buf.writeUint32(values_[i]);
164 break;
165 default:
166 isc_throw(dhcp::InvalidDataType, "non-integer type");
167 }
168 }
169 // We don't pack sub-options here because we have array-type option.
170 // We don't allow sub-options in array-type options as there is no
171 // way to distinguish them from the data fields on option reception.
172 }
186 if (distance(begin, end) == 0) {
187 isc_throw(OutOfRange, "option " << getType() << " empty");
188 }
189 if (distance(begin, end) % sizeof(T) != 0) {
190 isc_throw(OutOfRange, "OptionIntArray " << getType() << " truncated");
191 }
192 // @todo consider what to do if buffer is longer than data type.
194 values_.clear();
195 while (begin != end) {
196 // Depending on the data type length we use different utility functions
197 // readUint16 or readUint32 which read the data laid in the network byte
198 // order from the provided buffer. The same functions can be safely used
199 // for either unsigned or signed integers so there is not need to create
200 // special cases for intX_t types.
201 int data_size_len = OptionDataTypeTraits<T>::len;
202 switch (data_size_len) {
203 case 1:
204 values_.push_back(*begin);
205 break;
206 case 2:
207 values_.push_back(isc::util::readUint16(&(*begin),
208 std::distance(begin, end)));
209 break;
210 case 4:
211 values_.push_back(isc::util::readUint32(&(*begin),
212 std::distance(begin, end)));
213 break;
214 default:
215 isc_throw(dhcp::InvalidDataType, "non-integer type");
216 }
217 // Use local variable to set a new value for this iterator.
218 // When using OptionDataTypeTraits<T>::len directly some versions
219 // of clang complain about unresolved reference to
220 // OptionDataTypeTraits structure during linking.
221 begin += data_size_len;
222 }
223 // We do not unpack sub-options here because we have array-type option.
224 // Such option have variable number of data fields, thus there is no
225 // way to assess where sub-options start.
226 }
231 const std::vector<T>& getValues() const { return (values_); }
236 void setValues(const std::vector<T>& values) { values_ = values; }
243 virtual uint16_t len() const {
244 uint16_t length = (getUniverse() == Option::V4) ? OPTION4_HDR_LEN : OPTION6_HDR_LEN;
245 length += values_.size() * sizeof(T);
246 // length of all suboptions
247 for (auto const& it : options_) {
248 length += it.second->len();
249 }
250 return (length);
251 }
259 virtual std::string toText(int indent = 0) const {
260 std::stringstream output;
261 output << headerToText(indent) << ":";
264 for (auto const& value : values_) {
265 output << " ";
267 // For 1 byte long data types we need to cast to the integer
268 // because they are usually implemented as "char" types, in
269 // which case the character rather than number would be printed.
271 output << static_cast<int>(value);
273 } else {
274 output << value;
275 }
277 // Append data type.
278 output << "(" << data_type << ")";
279 }
281 return (output.str());
282 }
286 std::vector<T> values_;
289} // isc::dhcp namespace
290} // isc namespace
292#endif // OPTION_INT_ARRAY_H
A generic exception that is thrown if a parameter given to a method would refer to or modify out-of-r...
Exception to be thrown when invalid type specified as template parameter.
static const std::string & getDataTypeName(const OptionDataType data_type)
Return option data type name from the data type enumerator.
Forward declaration to OptionIntArray.
OptionIntArray(const Option::Universe u, const uint16_t type)
virtual void unpack(OptionBufferConstIter begin, OptionBufferConstIter end)
Parses received buffer.
virtual void pack(isc::util::OutputBuffer &buf, bool check=true) const
Writes option in wire-format to buf, returns pointer to first unused byte after stored option.
virtual uint16_t len() const
returns complete length of option
const std::vector< T > & getValues() const
Return collection of option values.
virtual OptionPtr clone() const
Copies this option and returns a pointer to the copy.
OptionIntArray(const Option::Universe u, const uint16_t type, const OptionBuffer &buf)
OptionIntArray(const Option::Universe u, const uint16_t type, OptionBufferConstIter begin, OptionBufferConstIter end)
void setValues(const std::vector< T > &values)
Set option values.
virtual std::string toText(int indent=0) const
Returns textual representation of the option.
void addValue(const T value)
Adds a new value to the array.
std::string headerToText(const int indent=0, const std::string &type_name="") const
Returns option header in the textual format.
defines option universe DHCPv4 or DHCPv6
Definition option.h:83
uint16_t getType() const
Returns option type (0-255 for DHCPv4, 0-65535 for DHCPv6)
Definition option.h:293
static const size_t OPTION6_HDR_LEN
length of any DHCPv6 option header
Definition option.h:80
OptionCollection options_
collection for storing suboptions
Definition option.h:596
OptionPtr cloneInternal() const
Copies this option and returns a pointer to the copy.
Definition option.h:497
Universe getUniverse() const
returns option universe (V4 or V6)
Definition option.h:233
void packHeader(isc::util::OutputBuffer &buf, bool check=true) const
Store option's header in a buffer.
void check() const
A protected method used for option correctness.
static const size_t OPTION4_HDR_LEN
length of the usual DHCPv4 option header (there are exceptions)
Definition option.h:77
The OutputBuffer class is a buffer abstraction for manipulating mutable data.
Definition buffer.h:343
#define isc_throw(type, stream)
A shortcut macro to insert known values into exception arguments.
boost::shared_ptr< OptionUint8Array > OptionUint8ArrayPtr
OptionIntArray< uint32_t > OptionUint32Array
OptionIntArray< uint8_t > OptionUint8Array
boost::shared_ptr< OptionUint32Array > OptionUint32ArrayPtr
boost::shared_ptr< OptionUint16Array > OptionUint16ArrayPtr
OptionIntArray< uint16_t > OptionUint16Array
OptionBuffer::const_iterator OptionBufferConstIter
const_iterator for walking over OptionBuffer
Definition option.h:30
std::vector< uint8_t > OptionBuffer
buffer types used in DHCP code.
Definition option.h:24
boost::shared_ptr< Option > OptionPtr
Definition option.h:37
uint16_t readUint16(void const *const buffer, size_t const length)
uint16_t wrapper over readUint.
Definition io.h:76
uint32_t readUint32(void const *const buffer, size_t const length)
uint32_t wrapper over readUint.
Definition io.h:82
Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-lfc.
Trait class for data types supported in DHCP option definitions.