19#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
249 const bool is_relay_address =
The IOAddress class represents an IP addresses (version agnostic)
Holds subnets configured for the DHCPv6 server.
SubnetIDSet getLinks(const asiolink::IOAddress &link_addr) const
Convert a link address into a link set.
void updateStatistics()
Updates statistics.
Subnet6Ptr replace(const Subnet6Ptr &subnet)
Replaces subnet in the configuration.
virtual isc::data::ElementPtr toElement() const
Unparse a configuration object.
void merge(CfgOptionDefPtr cfg_def, CfgSharedNetworks6Ptr networks, CfgSubnets6 &other)
Merges specified subnet configuration into this configuration.
Subnet6Ptr selectSubnet(const SubnetSelector &selector) const
Selects a subnet using parameters specified in the selector.
Subnet6Ptr getSubnet(const SubnetID id) const
Returns subnet with specified subnet-id value.
void removeStatistics()
Removes statistics.
const Subnet6Collection * getAll() const
Returns pointer to the collection of all IPv6 subnets.
void add(const Subnet6Ptr &subnet)
Adds new subnet to the configuration.
void clear()
Clears all subnets from the configuration.
static SubnetSelector initSelector(const Pkt6Ptr &query)
Build selector from a client's message.
void del(const ConstSubnet6Ptr &subnet)
Removes subnet from the configuration.
ConstSubnet6Ptr getByPrefix(const std::string &subnet_prefix) const
Returns const pointer to a subnet which matches the specified prefix in the canonical form.
void initAllocatorsAfterConfigure()
Calls initAllocatorsAfterConfigure for each subnet.
ConstSubnet6Ptr getBySubnetId(const SubnetID &subnet_id) const
Returns const pointer to a subnet identified by the specified subnet identifier.
Container for storing client class names.
boost::shared_ptr< Element > ElementPtr
std::set< dhcp::SubnetID > SubnetIDSet
Ordered list aka set of subnetIDs.
boost::shared_ptr< const Subnet6 > ConstSubnet6Ptr
A const pointer to a Subnet6 object.
boost::shared_ptr< CfgOptionDef > CfgOptionDefPtr
Non-const pointer.
boost::shared_ptr< Subnet6 > Subnet6Ptr
A pointer to a Subnet6 object.
boost::multi_index_container< Subnet6Ptr, boost::multi_index::indexed_by< boost::multi_index::ordered_unique< boost::multi_index::tag< SubnetSubnetIdIndexTag >, boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun< Subnet, SubnetID, &Subnet::getID > >, boost::multi_index::ordered_unique< boost::multi_index::tag< SubnetPrefixIndexTag >, boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun< Subnet, std::string, &Subnet::toText > >, boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique< boost::multi_index::tag< SubnetModificationTimeIndexTag >, boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun< data::BaseStampedElement, boost::posix_time::ptime, &data::BaseStampedElement::getModificationTime > > > > Subnet6Collection
A collection of Subnet6 objects.
boost::shared_ptr< CfgSubnets6 > CfgSubnets6Ptr
Non-const pointer.
boost::shared_ptr< CfgSharedNetworks6 > CfgSharedNetworks6Ptr
Pointer to the configuration of IPv6 shared networks.
uint32_t SubnetID
Defines unique IPv4 or IPv6 subnet identifier.
boost::shared_ptr< const CfgSubnets6 > ConstCfgSubnets6Ptr
Const pointer.
boost::shared_ptr< Pkt6 > Pkt6Ptr
A pointer to Pkt6 packet.
boost::shared_ptr< Option > OptionPtr
Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-lfc.
Abstract class for configuration Cfg_* classes.
Subnet selector used to specify parameters used to select a subnet.