Kea 2.7.1
Quality Assurance in Kea

This is only a brief excerpt about some QA systems used at ISC. For more information, please refer to the DHCP QA department.

Running CI pipeline on Github

While our primary environment for running CI pipeline is Jenkins hosted on AWS, there are some tools that are only available on github. One of such tools is CodeQL. CodeQL is a static analysis tool that can be used to find security vulnerabilities in the code. It is a part of Github Advanced Security suite. Github Advanced Security suite is available for free for open source projects.

The job is defined in .github/workflows/codeql.yml file. It is configured to run once per week on master and ci branches. Sadly, it requires Kea compilation. With the runners provided on github having only 2 CPUs, it's a slow process. But we don't care that much - we get the results once per week. The results are available in the Security tab of the repository (see This tab is only visible to logged in members of the isc-projects organization.

Running CI pipeline on Gitlab

There are several jobs configure on gitlab CI:

  • shellcheck
  • danger
  • dhcpdb_create-upgrade-consistency
  • duplicate-includes
  • missing-api-commands
  • missing-config-h-include
  • missing-git-attribute
  • sast-analyzer
  • flawfinder-sast

The pipeline can be inspected and configure here:

Running CI pipeline on Jenkins

Jenkins is the primary CI environment. It is hosted on AWS. For details, see internal QA-DHCP wiki, ask on QA channel on mattermost or take a look at the internal qa-dhcp repository.