Kea 2.5.8
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
3// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5// file, You can obtain one at
7#include <config.h>
10#include <perfdhcp/receiver.h>
12#include <perfdhcp/perf_pkt4.h>
13#include <perfdhcp/perf_pkt6.h>
16#include <dhcp/libdhcp++.h>
17#include <dhcp/iface_mgr.h>
18#include <dhcp/dhcp4.h>
19#include <dhcp/option6_ia.h>
20#include <dhcp/option6_iaaddr.h>
22#include <dhcp/option_int.h>
25#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
26#include <algorithm>
27#include <fstream>
28#include <stdio.h>
29#include <stdlib.h>
30#include <stdint.h>
31#include <unistd.h>
32#include <signal.h>
33#include <sstream>
34#include <sys/wait.h>
36using namespace std;
37using namespace boost::posix_time;
38using namespace isc;
39using namespace isc::dhcp;
40using namespace isc::asiolink;
42namespace isc {
43namespace perfdhcp {
45bool TestControl::interrupted_ = false;
49 uint32_t const wait_time = options_.getExitWaitTime();
51 // If we care and not all packets are in yet
52 if (wait_time && !haveAllPacketsBeenReceived()) {
53 const ptime now = microsec_clock::universal_time();
55 // Init the end time if it hasn't started yet
56 if (exit_time_.is_not_a_date_time()) {
57 exit_time_ = now + time_duration(microseconds(wait_time));
58 }
60 // If we're not at end time yet, return true
61 return (now < exit_time_);
62 }
64 // No need to wait, return false;
65 return (false);
70 const uint8_t& ipversion = options_.getIpVersion();
71 const std::vector<int>& num_request = options_.getNumRequests();
72 const size_t& num_request_size = num_request.size();
74 if (num_request_size == 0) {
75 return (false);
76 }
78 uint32_t responses = 0;
79 uint32_t requests = num_request[0];
80 if (num_request_size >= 2) {
81 requests += num_request[1];
82 }
84 if (ipversion == 4) {
87 } else {
90 }
92 return (responses == requests);
97 // When Renews are not sent, Reply packets are not cached so there
98 // is nothing to do.
99 if (options_.getRenewRate() == 0) {
100 return;
101 }
103 static boost::posix_time::ptime last_clean =
104 microsec_clock::universal_time();
106 // Check how much time has passed since last cleanup.
107 time_period time_since_clean(last_clean,
108 microsec_clock::universal_time());
109 // Cleanup every 1 second.
110 if (time_since_clean.length().total_seconds() >= 1) {
111 // Calculate how many cached packets to remove. Actually we could
112 // just leave enough packets to handle Renews for 1 second but
113 // since we want to randomize leases to be renewed so leave 5
114 // times more packets to randomize from.
116 if (reply_storage_.size() > 5 * options_.getRenewRate()) {
117 reply_storage_.clear(reply_storage_.size() -
118 5 * options_.getRenewRate());
119 }
120 // Remember when we performed a cleanup for the last time.
121 // We want to do the next cleanup not earlier than in one second.
122 last_clean = microsec_clock::universal_time();
123 }
127TestControl::copyIaOptions(const Pkt6Ptr& pkt_from, Pkt6Ptr& pkt_to) {
128 if (!pkt_from || !pkt_to) {
129 isc_throw(BadValue, "NULL pointers must not be specified as arguments"
130 " for the copyIaOptions function");
131 }
132 // IA_NA
135 OptionPtr option = pkt_from->getOption(D6O_IA_NA);
136 if (!option) {
137 isc_throw(NotFound, "IA_NA option not found in the"
138 " server's response");
139 }
140 pkt_to->addOption(option);
141 }
142 // IA_PD
145 OptionPtr option = pkt_from->getOption(D6O_IA_PD);
146 if (!option) {
147 isc_throw(NotFound, "IA_PD option not found in the"
148 " server's response");
149 }
150 pkt_to->addOption(option);
151 }
155TestControl::byte2Hex(const uint8_t b) {
156 const int b1 = b / 16;
157 const int b0 = b % 16;
158 ostringstream stream;
159 stream << std::hex << b1 << b0 << std::dec;
160 return (stream.str());
164TestControl::createMessageFromAck(const uint16_t msg_type,
165 const dhcp::Pkt4Ptr& ack) {
166 // Restrict messages to Release and Renew.
167 if (msg_type != DHCPREQUEST && msg_type != DHCPRELEASE) {
168 isc_throw(isc::BadValue, "invalid message type " << msg_type
169 << " to be created from Reply, expected DHCPREQUEST or"
171 }
173 // Get the string representation of the message - to be used for error
174 // logging purposes.
175 auto msg_type_str = [=]() -> const char* {
176 return (msg_type == DHCPREQUEST ? "Request" : "Release");
177 };
179 if (!ack) {
180 isc_throw(isc::BadValue, "Unable to create "
181 << msg_type_str()
182 << " from a null DHCPACK message");
183 } else if (ack->getYiaddr().isV4Zero()) {
185 "Unable to create "
186 << msg_type_str()
187 << " from a DHCPACK message containing yiaddr of 0");
188 }
189 Pkt4Ptr msg(new Pkt4(msg_type, generateTransid()));
190 msg->setCiaddr(ack->getYiaddr());
191 msg->setHWAddr(ack->getHWAddr());
192 msg->addOption(generateClientId(msg->getHWAddr()));
193 if (msg_type == DHCPRELEASE) {
194 // RFC 2132: DHCPRELEASE MUST include server ID.
195 if (options_.isUseFirst()) {
196 // Honor the '-1' flag if it exists.
197 if (first_packet_serverid_.empty()) {
199 "Unable to create "
200 << msg_type_str()
201 << "from the first packet which lacks the server "
202 "identifier option");
203 }
204 msg->addOption(Option::factory(Option::V4,
207 } else {
208 // Otherwise take it from the DHCPACK message.
209 OptionPtr server_identifier(
210 ack->getOption(DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER));
211 if (!server_identifier) {
213 "Unable to create "
214 << msg_type_str()
215 << "from a DHCPACK message without the server "
216 "identifier option");
217 }
218 msg->addOption(server_identifier);
219 }
220 }
221 return (msg);
226 const dhcp::Pkt6Ptr& reply) {
227 // Restrict messages to Release and Renew.
228 if (msg_type != DHCPV6_RENEW && msg_type != DHCPV6_RELEASE) {
229 isc_throw(isc::BadValue, "invalid message type " << msg_type
230 << " to be created from Reply, expected DHCPV6_RENEW or"
232 }
234 // Get the string representation of the message - to be used for error
235 // logging purposes.
236 auto msg_type_str = [=]() -> const char* {
237 return (msg_type == DHCPV6_RENEW ? "Renew" : "Release");
238 };
240 // Reply message must be specified.
241 if (!reply) {
242 isc_throw(isc::BadValue, "Unable to create " << msg_type_str()
243 << " message from the Reply message because the instance of"
244 " the Reply message is NULL");
245 }
247 Pkt6Ptr msg(new Pkt6(msg_type, generateTransid()));
248 // Client id.
249 OptionPtr opt_clientid = reply->getOption(D6O_CLIENTID);
250 if (!opt_clientid) {
251 isc_throw(isc::Unexpected, "failed to create " << msg_type_str()
252 << " message because client id option has not been found"
253 " in the Reply message");
254 }
255 msg->addOption(opt_clientid);
256 // Server id.
257 OptionPtr opt_serverid = reply->getOption(D6O_SERVERID);
258 if (!opt_serverid) {
259 isc_throw(isc::Unexpected, "failed to create " << msg_type_str()
260 << " because server id option has not been found in the"
261 " Reply message");
262 }
263 msg->addOption(opt_serverid);
264 copyIaOptions(reply, msg);
265 return (msg);
270 const OptionBuffer& buf) {
271 if (buf.size() == 2) {
272 return (OptionPtr(new Option(Option::V6, D6O_ELAPSED_TIME, buf)));
273 } else if (buf.size() == 0) {
275 OptionBuffer(2, 0))));
276 }
278 "elapsed time option buffer size has to be 0 or 2");
283 const OptionBuffer& buf) {
284 OptionPtr opt(new Option(u, type, buf));
285 return (opt);
290 const OptionBuffer& buf) {
292 const uint8_t buf_array[] = {
293 0, 0, 0, 1, // IAID = 1
294 0, 0, 3600 >> 8, 3600 & 0xff, // T1 = 3600
295 0, 0, 5400 >> 8, 5400 & 0xff, // T2 = 5400
296 };
297 OptionBuffer buf_ia_na(buf_array, buf_array + sizeof(buf_array));
298 for (size_t i = 0; i < buf.size(); ++i) {
299 buf_ia_na.push_back(buf[i]);
300 }
301 return (OptionPtr(new Option(Option::V6, D6O_IA_NA, buf_ia_na)));
306 const OptionBuffer& buf) {
308 static const uint8_t buf_array[] = {
309 0, 0, 0, 1, // IAID = 1
310 0, 0, 3600 >> 8, 3600 & 0xff, // T1 = 3600
311 0, 0, 5400 >> 8, 5400 & 0xff, // T2 = 5400
312 };
313 OptionBuffer buf_ia_pd(buf_array, buf_array + sizeof(buf_array));
314 // Append sub-options to IA_PD.
315 buf_ia_pd.insert(buf_ia_pd.end(), buf.begin(), buf.end());
316 return (OptionPtr(new Option(Option::V6, D6O_IA_PD, buf_ia_pd)));
322 const OptionBuffer&) {
328 uint16_t,
329 const OptionBuffer&) {
330 const uint8_t buf_array[] = {
333 };
334 OptionBuffer buf_with_options(buf_array, buf_array + sizeof(buf_array));
335 return (OptionPtr(new Option(Option::V6, D6O_ORO, buf_with_options)));
341 uint16_t type,
342 const OptionBuffer& buf) {
343 const uint8_t buf_array[] = {
351 };
353 OptionBuffer buf_with_options(buf_array, buf_array + sizeof(buf_array));
354 OptionPtr opt(new Option(u, type, buf));
355 opt->setData(buf_with_options.begin(), buf_with_options.end());
356 return (opt);
362 // if we are using the -M option return a random one from the list...
363 if (macs.size() > 0) {
364 uint16_t r = random_generator_->generate();
365 if (r >= macs.size()) {
366 r = 0;
367 }
368 return (macs[r]);
370 } else {
371 // ... otherwise use the standard behavior
372 uint32_t clients_num = options_.getClientsNum();
373 if (clients_num < 2) {
374 return (options_.getMacTemplate());
375 }
376 // Get the base MAC address. We are going to randomize part of it.
377 std::vector<uint8_t> mac_addr(options_.getMacTemplate());
378 if (mac_addr.size() != HW_ETHER_LEN) {
379 isc_throw(BadValue, "invalid MAC address template specified");
380 }
381 uint32_t r = macaddr_gen_->generate();
382 randomized = 0;
383 // Randomize MAC address octets.
384 for (std::vector<uint8_t>::iterator it = mac_addr.end() - 1;
385 it >= mac_addr.begin();
386 --it) {
387 // Add the random value to the current octet.
388 (*it) += r;
389 ++randomized;
390 if (r < 256) {
391 // If we are here it means that there is no sense
392 // to randomize the remaining octets of MAC address
393 // because the following bytes of random value
394 // are zero and it will have no effect.
395 break;
396 }
397 // Randomize the next octet with the following
398 // byte of random value.
399 r >>= 8;
400 }
401 return (mac_addr);
402 }
407 std::vector<uint8_t> client_id(1, static_cast<uint8_t>(hwaddr->htype_));
408 client_id.insert(client_id.end(), hwaddr->hwaddr_.begin(),
409 hwaddr->hwaddr_.end());
411 client_id)));
415TestControl::generateDuid(uint8_t& randomized) {
416 std::vector<uint8_t> mac_addr(generateMacAddress(randomized));
418 // pick a random mac address if we are using option -M..
419 if (macs.size() > 0) {
420 uint16_t r = random_generator_->generate();
421 if (r >= macs.size()) {
422 r = 0;
423 }
424 std::vector<uint8_t> mac = macs[r];
425 // DUID_LL is in this format
426 // 0 1 2 3
427 // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
428 // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
429 // | 3 | hardware type (16 bits) |
430 // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
431 // . .
432 // . link-layer address (variable length) .
433 // . .
434 // +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
436 // No C++11 so initializer list support, building a vector<uint8_t> is a
437 // pain...
438 uint8_t duid_ll[] = {0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
439 // copy duid_ll array into the vector
440 std::vector<uint8_t> duid(duid_ll,
441 duid_ll + sizeof(duid_ll) / sizeof(duid_ll[0]));
442 // put the mac address bytes at the end
443 std::copy(mac.begin(), mac.end(), duid.begin() + 4);
444 return (duid);
445 } else {
446 uint32_t clients_num = options_.getClientsNum();
447 if ((clients_num == 0) || (clients_num == 1)) {
448 return (options_.getDuidTemplate());
449 }
450 // Get the base DUID. We are going to randomize part of it.
451 std::vector<uint8_t> duid(options_.getDuidTemplate());
453 duid.resize(duid.size());
454 std::copy(mac_addr.begin(), mac_addr.end(),
455 duid.begin() + duid.size() - mac_addr.size());
456 return (duid);
457 }
462 int elp_offset = options_.getIpVersion() == 4 ?
464 if (options_.getElapsedTimeOffset() > 0) {
465 elp_offset = options_.getElapsedTimeOffset();
466 }
467 return (elp_offset);
470template<class T>
472TestControl::getElapsedTime(const T& pkt1, const T& pkt2) {
473 using namespace boost::posix_time;
474 ptime pkt1_time = pkt1->getTimestamp();
475 ptime pkt2_time = pkt2->getTimestamp();
476 if (pkt1_time.is_not_a_date_time() ||
477 pkt2_time.is_not_a_date_time()) {
478 isc_throw(InvalidOperation, "packet timestamp not set");;
479 }
480 time_period elapsed_period(pkt1_time, pkt2_time);
481 return (elapsed_period.is_null() ? 0 :
482 elapsed_period.length().total_milliseconds());
486TestControl::getRandomOffset(const int arg_idx) const {
487 int rand_offset = options_.getIpVersion() == 4 ?
489 if (options_.getRandomOffset().size() > arg_idx) {
490 rand_offset = options_.getRandomOffset()[arg_idx];
491 }
492 return (rand_offset);
497 int rip_offset = options_.getIpVersion() == 4 ?
499 if (options_.getRequestedIpOffset() > 0) {
500 rip_offset = options_.getRequestedIpOffset();
501 }
502 return (rip_offset);
507 int srvid_offset = options_.getIpVersion() == 4 ?
509 if (options_.getServerIdOffset() > 0) {
510 srvid_offset = options_.getServerIdOffset();
511 }
512 return (srvid_offset);
516TestControl::getTemplateBuffer(const size_t idx) const {
517 if (template_buffers_.size() > idx) {
518 return (template_buffers_[idx]);
519 }
520 isc_throw(OutOfRange, "invalid buffer index");
524TestControl::getTransactionIdOffset(const int arg_idx) const {
525 int xid_offset = options_.getIpVersion() == 4 ?
527 if (options_.getTransactionIdOffset().size() > arg_idx) {
528 xid_offset = options_.getTransactionIdOffset()[arg_idx];
529 }
530 return (xid_offset);
535 int status = 0;
536 while (wait3(&status, WNOHANG, NULL) > 0) {
537 // continue
538 }
543 interrupted_ = true;
548 template_packets_v4_.clear();
549 template_packets_v6_.clear();
550 template_buffers_.clear();
551 std::vector<std::string> template_files = options_.getTemplateFiles();
552 for (auto const& it : template_files) {
554 }
558TestControl::sendPackets(const uint64_t packets_num,
559 const bool preload /* = false */) {
560 for (uint64_t i = packets_num; i > 0; --i) {
561 if (options_.getIpVersion() == 4) {
562 // No template packets means that no -T option was specified.
563 // We have to build packets ourselves.
564 if (template_buffers_.empty()) {
565 sendDiscover4(preload);
566 } else {
569 sendDiscover4(template_buffers_[0], preload);
570 }
571 } else {
572 // No template packets means that no -T option was specified.
573 // We have to build packets ourselves.
574 if (template_buffers_.empty()) {
575 sendSolicit6(preload);
576 } else {
579 sendSolicit6(template_buffers_[0], preload);
580 }
581 }
582 }
587 const uint64_t msg_num) {
588 for (uint64_t i = 0; i < msg_num; ++i) {
589 if (!sendMessageFromAck(msg_type)) {
590 return (i);
591 }
592 }
593 return (msg_num);
598 const uint64_t msg_num) {
599 for (uint64_t i = 0; i < msg_num; ++i) {
600 if (!sendMessageFromReply(msg_type)) {
601 return (i);
602 }
603 }
604 return (msg_num);
609 if (options_.testDiags('a')) {
610 // Print all command line parameters.
612 // Print MAC and DUID.
613 std::cout << "Set MAC to " << vector2Hex(options_.getMacTemplate(), "::")
614 << std::endl;
615 if (options_.getDuidTemplate().size() > 0) {
616 std::cout << "Set DUID to " << vector2Hex(options_.getDuidTemplate()) << std::endl;
617 }
618 }
622TestControl::printTemplate(const uint8_t packet_type) const {
623 std::string hex_buf;
624 int arg_idx = 0;
625 if (options_.getIpVersion() == 4) {
626 if (packet_type == DHCPREQUEST) {
627 arg_idx = 1;
628 }
629 std::map<uint8_t, dhcp::Pkt4Ptr>::const_iterator pkt_it =
630 template_packets_v4_.find(packet_type);
631 if ((pkt_it != template_packets_v4_.end()) &&
632 pkt_it->second) {
633 hex_buf = vector2Hex(pkt_it->second->getBuffer().getVector());
634 }
635 } else if (options_.getIpVersion() == 6) {
636 if (packet_type == DHCPV6_REQUEST) {
637 arg_idx = 1;
638 }
639 std::map<uint8_t, dhcp::Pkt6Ptr>::const_iterator pkt_it =
640 template_packets_v6_.find(packet_type);
641 if (pkt_it != template_packets_v6_.end() &&
642 pkt_it->second) {
643 hex_buf = vector2Hex(pkt_it->second->getBuffer().getVector());
644 }
645 }
646 std::cout << "xid-offset=" << getTransactionIdOffset(arg_idx) << std::endl;
647 std::cout << "random-offset=" << getRandomOffset(arg_idx) << std::endl;
648 if (arg_idx > 0) {
649 std::cout << "srvid-offset=" << getServerIdOffset() << std::endl;
650 std::cout << "time-offset=" << getElapsedTimeOffset() << std::endl;
651 std::cout << "ip-offset=" << getRequestedIpOffset() << std::endl;
652 }
654 std::cout << "contents: " << std::endl;
655 int line_len = 32;
656 int i = 0;
657 while (line_len == 32) {
658 if (hex_buf.length() - i < 32) {
659 line_len = hex_buf.length() - i;
660 };
661 if (line_len > 0) {
662 std::cout << setfill('0') << setw(4) << std::hex << i << std::dec
663 << " " << hex_buf.substr(i, line_len) << std::endl;
664 }
665 i += 32;
666 }
667 std::cout << std::endl;
672 if (options_.getIpVersion() == 4) {
675 } else if (options_.getIpVersion() == 6) {
678 }
683 double rate = 0;
684 std::string exchange_name = "4-way exchanges";
685 ExchangeType xchg_type = ExchangeType::DO;
686 if (options_.getIpVersion() == 4) {
687 xchg_type =
690 if (xchg_type == ExchangeType::DO) {
691 exchange_name = "DISCOVER-OFFER";
692 }
693 } else if (options_.getIpVersion() == 6) {
694 xchg_type =
697 if (xchg_type == ExchangeType::SA) {
698 exchange_name = options_.isRapidCommit() ? "Solicit-Reply" :
699 "Solicit-Advertise";
700 }
701 }
702 double duration =
703 stats_mgr_.getTestPeriod().length().total_nanoseconds() / 1e9;
704 rate = stats_mgr_.getRcvdPacketsNum(xchg_type) / duration;
705 std::ostringstream s;
706 s << "***Rate statistics***" << std::endl;
707 s << "Rate: " << rate << " " << exchange_name << "/second";
708 if (options_.getRate() > 0) {
709 s << ", expected rate: " << options_.getRate() << std::endl;
710 }
712 std::cout << s.str() << std::endl;
714 std::cout <<"***Malformed Packets***" << std::endl
715 << "Malformed packets: " << ExchangeStats::malformed_pkts_
716 << std::endl;
721 int delay = options_.getReportDelay();
722 ptime now = microsec_clock::universal_time();
723 time_period time_since_report(last_report_, now);
724 if (time_since_report.length().total_seconds() >= delay) {
727 last_report_ = now;
728 }
733 printRate();
735 if (options_.testDiags('i')) {
737 }
741TestControl::vector2Hex(const std::vector<uint8_t>& vec,
742 const std::string& separator /* = "" */) {
743 std::ostringstream stream;
744 bool first = true;
745 for (auto const& it : vec) {
746 if (first) {
747 stream << byte2Hex(it);
748 first = false;
749 } else {
750 stream << separator << byte2Hex(it);
751 }
752 }
753 return (stream.str());
757TestControl::readPacketTemplate(const std::string& file_name) {
758 std::ifstream temp_file;
759, ios::in | ios::binary | ios::ate);
760 if (!temp_file.is_open()) {
761 isc_throw(BadValue, "unable to open template file " << file_name);
762 }
763 // Read template file contents.
764 std::streampos temp_size = temp_file.tellg();
765 if (temp_size == std::streampos(0)) {
766 temp_file.close();
767 isc_throw(OutOfRange, "the template file " << file_name << " is empty");
768 }
769 temp_file.seekg(0, ios::beg);
770 std::vector<char> file_contents(temp_size);
771[0], temp_size);
772 temp_file.close();
773 // Spaces are allowed so we have to strip the contents
774 // from them. In the same time we want to make sure that
775 // apart from spaces the file contains hexadecimal digits
776 // only.
777 std::vector<char> hex_digits;
778 for (size_t i = 0; i < file_contents.size(); ++i) {
779 if (isxdigit(file_contents[i])) {
780 hex_digits.push_back(file_contents[i]);
781 } else if (!isxdigit(file_contents[i]) &&
782 !isspace(file_contents[i])) {
783 isc_throw(BadValue, "'" << file_contents[i] << "' is not a"
784 " hexadecimal digit");
785 }
786 }
787 // Expect even number of digits.
788 if (hex_digits.size() % 2 != 0) {
789 isc_throw(OutOfRange, "odd number of digits in template file");
790 } else if (hex_digits.empty()) {
791 isc_throw(OutOfRange, "template file " << file_name << " is empty");
792 }
793 std::vector<uint8_t> binary_stream;
794 for (size_t i = 0; i < hex_digits.size(); i += 2) {
795 stringstream s;
796 s << "0x" << hex_digits[i] << hex_digits[i+1];
797 int b;
798 s >> std::hex >> b;
799 binary_stream.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(b));
800 }
801 template_buffers_.push_back(binary_stream);
806 if (pkt4->getType() == DHCPOFFER) {
809 Pkt4Ptr discover_pkt4(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Pkt4>(pkt));
811 if ((xchg_mode == CommandOptions::DORA_SARR) && discover_pkt4) {
812 if (template_buffers_.size() < 2) {
813 sendRequest4(discover_pkt4, pkt4);
814 } else {
817 sendRequest4(template_buffers_[1], discover_pkt4, pkt4);
818 }
819 }
820 } else if (pkt4->getType() == DHCPACK) {
821 // If received message is DHCPACK, we have to check if this is
822 // a response to 4-way exchange. We'll match this packet with
823 // a DHCPREQUEST sent as part of the 4-way exchanges.
826 // The DHCPACK belongs to DHCPREQUEST-DHCPACK exchange type.
827 // So, we may need to keep this DHCPACK in the storage if renews.
828 // Note that, DHCPACK messages hold the information about
829 // leases assigned. We use this information to renew.
832 // Renew or release messages are sent, because StatsMgr has the
833 // specific exchange type specified. Let's append the DHCPACK
834 // message to a storage.
835 ack_storage_.append(pkt4);
836 }
837 // The DHCPACK message is not a server's response to the DHCPREQUEST
838 // message sent within the 4-way exchange. It may be a response to a
839 // renewal. In this case we first check if StatsMgr has exchange type
840 // for renew specified, and if it has, if there is a corresponding
841 // renew message for the received DHCPACK.
844 }
845 }
850 // check if received address is unique
851 if (options_.getAddrUnique()) {
852 std::set<std::string> current;
853 // addresses were already checked in validateIA
854 // we can safely assume that those are correct
855 for (auto const& opt : pkt6->options_) {
856 switch (opt.second->getType()) {
857 case D6O_IA_PD: {
858 // add address and check if it has not been already assigned
859 // addresses should be unique cross options of the packet
860 auto ret = current.emplace(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<
861 Option6IAPrefix>(opt.second->getOption(D6O_IAPREFIX))->getAddress().toText());
862 if (!ret.second) {
864 }
865 break;
866 }
867 case D6O_IA_NA: {
868 // add address and check if it has not been already assigned
869 // addresses should be unique cross options of the packet
870 auto ret = current.emplace(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<
871 Option6IAAddr>(opt.second->getOption(D6O_IAADDR))->getAddress().toText());
872 if (!ret.second) {
874 }
875 break;
876 }
877 default:
878 break;
879 }
880 }
881 // addresses should be unique cross packets
882 addUniqeAddr(current, xchg_type);
883 }
888 // check if received address is unique
889 if (options_.getAddrUnique()) {
890 // addresses were already checked in validateIA
891 // we can safely assume that those are correct
892 std::set<std::string> current;
893 current.insert(pkt4->getYiaddr().toText());
894 // addresses should be unique cross packets
895 addUniqeAddr(current, xchg_type);
896 }
901 // check if iaaddr exists - if it does, we can continue sending request
902 // if not we will update statistics about rejected leases
903 // @todo it's checking just one iaaddress option for now it's ok
904 // but when perfdhcp will be extended to create message with multiple IA
905 // this will have to be iterate on:
906 // OptionCollection ias = pkt6->getOptions(D6O_IA_NA);
907 Option6IAPrefixPtr iapref;
908 Option6IAAddrPtr iaaddr;
909 if (pkt6->getOption(D6O_IA_PD)) {
910 iapref = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<
911 Option6IAPrefix>(pkt6->getOption(D6O_IA_PD)->getOption(D6O_IAPREFIX));
912 }
913 if (pkt6->getOption(D6O_IA_NA)) {
914 iaaddr = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<
915 Option6IAAddr>(pkt6->getOption(D6O_IA_NA)->getOption(D6O_IAADDR));
916 }
918 bool address_and_prefix = options_.getLeaseType().includes(
920 bool prefix_only = options_.getLeaseType().includes(
922 bool address_only = options_.getLeaseType().includes(
924 if ((address_and_prefix && iapref && iaaddr) ||
925 (prefix_only && iapref && !address_and_prefix) ||
926 (address_only && iaaddr && !address_and_prefix)) {
927 return (true);
928 } else {
929 return (false);
930 }
935 uint8_t packet_type = pkt6->getType();
936 if (packet_type == DHCPV6_ADVERTISE) {
938 Pkt6Ptr solicit_pkt6(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Pkt6>(pkt));
940 if ((xchg_mode == CommandOptions::DORA_SARR) && solicit_pkt6) {
941 if (validateIA(pkt6)) {
942 // if address is correct - check uniqueness
944 if (template_buffers_.size() < 2) {
945 sendRequest6(pkt6);
946 } else {
950 }
951 } else {
953 }
954 }
955 } else if (packet_type == DHCPV6_REPLY) {
956 // If the received message is Reply, we have to find out which exchange
957 // type the Reply message belongs to. It is doable by matching the Reply
958 // transaction id with the transaction id of the sent Request, Renew
959 // or Release. First we start with the Request.
961 // The Reply belongs to Request-Reply exchange type. So, we may need
962 // to keep this Reply in the storage if Renews or/and Releases are
963 // being sent. Note that, Reply messages hold the information about
964 // leases assigned. We use this information to construct Renew and
965 // Release messages.
966 if (validateIA(pkt6)) {
967 // if address is correct - check uniqueness
969 // check if there is correct IA to continue with Renew/Release
972 // Renew or Release messages are sent, because StatsMgr has the
973 // specific exchange type specified. Let's append the Reply
974 // message to a storage.
975 reply_storage_.append(pkt6);
976 }
977 } else {
979 }
980 // The Reply message is not a server's response to the Request message
981 // sent within the 4-way exchange. It may be a response to the Renew
982 // or Release message. In the if clause we first check if StatsMgr
983 // has exchange type for Renew specified, and if it has, if there is
984 // a corresponding Renew message for the received Reply. If not,
985 // we check that StatsMgr has exchange type for Release specified,
986 // as possibly the Reply has been sent in response to Release.
990 // At this point, it is only possible that the Reply has been sent
991 // in response to a Release. Try to match the Reply with Release.
993 }
994 }
997unsigned int
999 unsigned int pkt_count = 0;
1000 PktPtr pkt;
1001 while ((pkt = receiver_.getPkt())) {
1002 pkt_count += 1;
1003 if (options_.getIpVersion() == 4) {
1004 Pkt4Ptr pkt4 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Pkt4>(pkt);
1006 } else {
1007 Pkt6Ptr pkt6 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Pkt6>(pkt);
1009 }
1010 }
1011 return pkt_count;
1015 static bool factories_registered = false;
1016 if (!factories_registered) {
1017 // DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE option factory.
1021 // DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER option factory.
1025 // DHCP_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST option factory.
1029 }
1030 factories_registered = true;
1035 static bool factories_registered = false;
1036 if (!factories_registered) {
1045 // D6O_ORO (option request option) factory.
1047 D6O_ORO,
1049 // D6O_CLIENTID option factory.
1053 // D6O_SERVERID option factory.
1057 // D6O_IA_NA option factory.
1059 D6O_IA_NA,
1062 // D6O_IA_PD option factory.
1064 D6O_IA_PD,
1068 }
1069 factories_registered = true;
1074 switch(options_.getIpVersion()) {
1075 case 4:
1077 break;
1078 case 6:
1080 break;
1081 default:
1082 isc_throw(InvalidOperation, "command line options have to be parsed "
1083 "before DHCP option factories can be registered");
1084 }
1089 transid_gen_.reset();
1090 last_report_ = microsec_clock::universal_time();
1091 // Actual generators will have to be set later on because we need to
1092 // get command line parameters first.
1095 first_packet_serverid_.clear();
1096 interrupted_ = false;
1100 exit_time_(not_a_date_time),
1101 socket_(socket),
1102 receiver_(socket, options.isSingleThreaded(), options.getIpVersion()),
1103 stats_mgr_(options),
1104 random_generator_(new RandomGenerator(0, options.getMacsFromFile().size())),
1105 options_(options) {
1106 // Reset singleton state before test starts.
1107 reset();
1109 // Ip version is not set ONLY in case the command options
1110 // were not parsed. This surely means that parse() function
1111 // was not called prior to starting the test. This is fatal
1112 // error.
1113 if (options_.getIpVersion() == 0) {
1115 "command options must be parsed before running a test");
1116 } else if (options_.getIpVersion() == 4) {
1117 // Turn off packet queueing.
1120 } else {
1121 // Turn off packet queueing.
1124 }
1126 uint32_t clients_num = options_.getClientsNum() == 0 ?
1127 1 : options_.getClientsNum();
1130 // Diagnostics are command line options mainly.
1132 // Option factories have to be registered.
1134 // Initialize packet templates.
1136 // Initialize randomization seed.
1137 if (options_.isSeeded()) {
1138 srandom(options_.getSeed());
1139 } else {
1140 // Seed with current time.
1141 time_period duration(from_iso_string("20111231T235959"),
1142 microsec_clock::universal_time());
1143 srandom(duration.length().total_seconds()
1144 + duration.length().fractional_seconds());
1145 }
1146 // If user interrupts the program we will exit gracefully.
1147 signal(SIGINT, TestControl::handleInterrupt);
1151TestControl::runWrapped(bool do_stop /*= false */) const {
1152 if (!options_.getWrapped().empty()) {
1153 pid_t pid = 0;
1154 signal(SIGCHLD, handleChild);
1155 pid = fork();
1156 if (pid < 0) {
1157 isc_throw(Unexpected, "unable to fork");
1158 } else if (pid == 0) {
1159 execlp(options_.getWrapped().c_str(), do_stop ? "stop" : "start", (void*)0);
1160 }
1161 }
1166 if (options_.testDiags('T')) {
1167 if (template_packets_v4_.find(pkt->getType()) == template_packets_v4_.end()) {
1168 template_packets_v4_[pkt->getType()] = pkt;
1169 }
1170 }
1175 if (options_.testDiags('T')) {
1176 if (template_packets_v6_.find(pkt->getType()) == template_packets_v6_.end()) {
1177 template_packets_v6_[pkt->getType()] = pkt;
1178 }
1179 }
1183TestControl::sendDiscover4(const bool preload /*= false*/) {
1184 // Generate the MAC address to be passed in the packet.
1185 uint8_t randomized = 0;
1186 std::vector<uint8_t> mac_address = generateMacAddress(randomized);
1187 // Generate transaction id to be set for the new exchange.
1188 const uint32_t transid = generateTransid();
1189 Pkt4Ptr pkt4(new Pkt4(DHCPDISCOVER, transid));
1190 if (!pkt4) {
1191 isc_throw(Unexpected, "failed to create DISCOVER packet");
1192 }
1194 // Delete the default Message Type option set by Pkt4
1195 pkt4->delOption(DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE);
1198 OptionBuffer buf_msg_type;
1199 buf_msg_type.push_back(DHCPDISCOVER);
1201 buf_msg_type));
1202 pkt4->addOption(Option::factory(Option::V4,
1206 // Set client's and server's ports as well as server's address,
1207 // and local (relay) address.
1208 setDefaults4(pkt4);
1210 // Set hardware address
1211 pkt4->setHWAddr(HTYPE_ETHER, mac_address.size(), mac_address);
1213 // Set client identifier
1214 pkt4->addOption(generateClientId(pkt4->getHWAddr()));
1216 // Check if we need to simulate HA failures by pretending no responses were received.
1217 // The DHCP protocol signals that by increasing secs field (seconds since the configuration attempt started).
1219 stats_mgr_.getTestPeriod().length().total_seconds() >= options_.getWaitForElapsedTime() &&
1220 stats_mgr_.getTestPeriod().length().total_seconds() < options_.getWaitForElapsedTime() +
1223 // Keep increasing elapsed time. The value should start increasing steadily.
1224 uint32_t val = stats_mgr_.getTestPeriod().length().total_seconds() - options_.getWaitForElapsedTime() + 1;
1225 if (val > 65535) {
1226 val = 65535;
1227 }
1228 pkt4->setSecs(static_cast<uint16_t>(val));
1229 }
1231 // Add any extra options that user may have specified.
1232 addExtraOpts(pkt4);
1234 pkt4->pack();
1235 socket_.send(pkt4);
1236 if (!preload) {
1238 }
1240 saveFirstPacket(pkt4);
1244TestControl::sendDiscover4(const std::vector<uint8_t>& template_buf,
1245 const bool preload /* = false */) {
1246 // Get the first argument if multiple the same arguments specified
1247 // in the command line. First one refers to DISCOVER packets.
1248 const uint8_t arg_idx = 0;
1249 // Generate the MAC address to be passed in the packet.
1250 uint8_t randomized = 0;
1251 std::vector<uint8_t> mac_address = generateMacAddress(randomized);
1252 // Generate transaction id to be set for the new exchange.
1253 const uint32_t transid = generateTransid();
1254 // Get transaction id offset.
1255 size_t transid_offset = getTransactionIdOffset(arg_idx);
1256 // Get randomization offset.
1257 // We need to go back by HW_ETHER_LEN (MAC address length)
1258 // because this offset points to last octet of MAC address.
1259 size_t rand_offset = getRandomOffset(arg_idx) - HW_ETHER_LEN + 1;
1260 // Create temporary buffer with template contents. We will
1261 // modify this temporary buffer but we don't want to modify
1262 // the original template.
1263 std::vector<uint8_t> in_buf(template_buf.begin(),
1264 template_buf.end());
1265 // Check if we are not going out of bounds.
1266 if (rand_offset + HW_ETHER_LEN > in_buf.size()) {
1267 isc_throw(OutOfRange, "randomization offset is out of bounds");
1268 }
1269 PerfPkt4Ptr pkt4(new PerfPkt4(&in_buf[0], in_buf.size(),
1270 transid_offset,
1271 transid));
1273 // Replace MAC address in the template with actual MAC address.
1274 pkt4->writeAt(rand_offset, mac_address.begin(), mac_address.end());
1275 // Create a packet from the temporary buffer.
1276 setDefaults4(boost::static_pointer_cast<Pkt4>(pkt4));
1277 // Pack the input packet buffer to output buffer so as it can
1278 // be sent to server.
1279 pkt4->rawPack();
1280 socket_.send(boost::static_pointer_cast<Pkt4>(pkt4));
1281 if (!preload) {
1282 // Update packet stats.
1284 boost::static_pointer_cast<Pkt4>(pkt4));
1285 }
1286 saveFirstPacket(pkt4);
1290TestControl::sendMessageFromAck(const uint16_t msg_type) {
1291 // We only permit Request or Release messages to be sent using this
1292 // function.
1293 if (msg_type != DHCPREQUEST && msg_type != DHCPRELEASE) {
1295 "invalid message type "
1296 << msg_type
1297 << " to be sent, expected DHCPREQUEST or DHCPRELEASE");
1298 }
1300 // Get one of the recorded DHCPACK messages.
1301 Pkt4Ptr ack = ack_storage_.getRandom();
1302 if (!ack) {
1303 return (false);
1304 }
1306 // Create message of the specified type.
1307 Pkt4Ptr msg = createMessageFromAck(msg_type, ack);
1308 setDefaults4(msg);
1310 // Override relay address
1311 msg->setGiaddr(ack->getGiaddr());
1313 // Add any extra options that user may have specified.
1314 addExtraOpts(msg);
1316 // Pack it.
1317 msg->pack();
1319 // And send it.
1320 socket_.send(msg);
1324 msg);
1325 return (true);
1330TestControl::sendMessageFromReply(const uint16_t msg_type) {
1331 // We only permit Release or Renew messages to be sent using this function.
1332 if (msg_type != DHCPV6_RENEW && msg_type != DHCPV6_RELEASE) {
1333 isc_throw(isc::BadValue, "invalid message type " << msg_type
1334 << " to be sent, expected DHCPV6_RENEW or DHCPV6_RELEASE");
1335 }
1337 // Get one of the recorded DHCPV6_OFFER messages.
1338 Pkt6Ptr reply = reply_storage_.getRandom();
1339 if (!reply) {
1340 return (false);
1341 }
1342 // Prepare the message of the specified type.
1343 Pkt6Ptr msg = createMessageFromReply(msg_type, reply);
1344 setDefaults6(msg);
1346 // Add any extra options that user may have specified.
1347 addExtraOpts(msg);
1349 // Pack it.
1350 msg->pack();
1352 // And send it.
1353 socket_.send(msg);
1356 : ExchangeType::RL), msg);
1357 return (true);
1362 const dhcp::Pkt4Ptr& offer_pkt4) {
1363 // Use the same transaction id as the one used in the discovery packet.
1364 const uint32_t transid = discover_pkt4->getTransid();
1365 Pkt4Ptr pkt4(new Pkt4(DHCPREQUEST, transid));
1367 // Use first flags indicates that we want to use the server
1368 // id captured in first packet.
1369 if (options_.isUseFirst() &&
1370 (first_packet_serverid_.size() > 0)) {
1373 } else {
1374 OptionPtr opt_serverid =
1375 offer_pkt4->getOption(DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER);
1376 if (!opt_serverid) {
1377 isc_throw(BadValue, "there is no SERVER_IDENTIFIER option "
1378 << "in OFFER message");
1379 }
1381 first_packet_serverid_ = opt_serverid->getData();
1382 }
1383 pkt4->addOption(opt_serverid);
1384 }
1387 asiolink::IOAddress yiaddr = offer_pkt4->getYiaddr();
1388 if (!yiaddr.isV4()) {
1389 isc_throw(BadValue, "the YIADDR returned in OFFER packet is not "
1390 " IPv4 address");
1391 }
1392 OptionPtr opt_requested_address =
1394 OptionBuffer()));
1395 opt_requested_address->setUint32(yiaddr.toUint32());
1396 pkt4->addOption(opt_requested_address);
1397 OptionPtr opt_parameter_list =
1399 pkt4->addOption(opt_parameter_list);
1400 // Set client's and server's ports as well as server's address
1401 setDefaults4(pkt4);
1402 // Override relay address
1403 pkt4->setGiaddr(offer_pkt4->getGiaddr());
1404 // Add any extra options that user may have specified.
1405 addExtraOpts(pkt4);
1407 // Set hardware address
1408 pkt4->setHWAddr(offer_pkt4->getHWAddr());
1409 // Set client id.
1410 pkt4->addOption(generateClientId(pkt4->getHWAddr()));
1411 // Set elapsed time.
1412 uint32_t elapsed_time = getElapsedTime<Pkt4Ptr>(discover_pkt4, offer_pkt4);
1413 pkt4->setSecs(static_cast<uint16_t>(elapsed_time / 1000));
1414 // Prepare on wire data to send.
1415 pkt4->pack();
1416 socket_.send(pkt4);
1418 saveFirstPacket(pkt4);
1422TestControl::sendRequest4(const std::vector<uint8_t>& template_buf,
1423 const dhcp::Pkt4Ptr& discover_pkt4,
1424 const dhcp::Pkt4Ptr& offer_pkt4) {
1425 // Get the second argument if multiple the same arguments specified
1426 // in the command line. Second one refers to REQUEST packets.
1427 const uint8_t arg_idx = 1;
1428 // Use the same transaction id as the one used in the discovery packet.
1429 const uint32_t transid = discover_pkt4->getTransid();
1430 // Get transaction id offset.
1431 size_t transid_offset = getTransactionIdOffset(arg_idx);
1432 // Get the offset of MAC's last octet.
1433 // We need to go back by HW_ETHER_LEN (MAC address length)
1434 // because this offset points to last octet of MAC address.
1435 size_t rand_offset = getRandomOffset(arg_idx) - HW_ETHER_LEN + 1;
1436 // Create temporary buffer from the template.
1437 std::vector<uint8_t> in_buf(template_buf.begin(),
1438 template_buf.end());
1439 // Check if given randomization offset is not out of bounds.
1440 if (rand_offset + HW_ETHER_LEN > in_buf.size()) {
1441 isc_throw(OutOfRange, "randomization offset is out of bounds");
1442 }
1444 // Create packet from the temporary buffer.
1445 PerfPkt4Ptr pkt4(new PerfPkt4(&in_buf[0], in_buf.size(),
1446 transid_offset,
1447 transid));
1449 // Set hardware address from OFFER packet received.
1450 HWAddrPtr hwaddr = offer_pkt4->getHWAddr();
1451 std::vector<uint8_t> mac_address(HW_ETHER_LEN, 0);
1452 uint8_t hw_len = hwaddr->hwaddr_.size();
1453 if (hw_len != 0) {
1454 memcpy(&mac_address[0], &hwaddr->hwaddr_[0],
1455 hw_len > HW_ETHER_LEN ? HW_ETHER_LEN : hw_len);
1456 }
1457 pkt4->writeAt(rand_offset, mac_address.begin(), mac_address.end());
1459 // Set elapsed time.
1460 size_t elp_offset = getElapsedTimeOffset();
1461 uint32_t elapsed_time = getElapsedTime<Pkt4Ptr>(discover_pkt4, offer_pkt4);
1462 pkt4->writeValueAt<uint16_t>(elp_offset,
1463 static_cast<uint16_t>(elapsed_time / 1000));
1465 // Get the actual server id offset.
1466 size_t sid_offset = getServerIdOffset();
1467 // Use first flags indicates that we want to use the server
1468 // id captured in first packet.
1469 if (options_.isUseFirst() &&
1470 (first_packet_serverid_.size() > 0)) {
1471 boost::shared_ptr<LocalizedOption>
1472 opt_serverid(new LocalizedOption(Option::V4,
1475 sid_offset));
1476 pkt4->addOption(opt_serverid);
1477 } else {
1478 // Copy the contents of server identifier received in
1479 // OFFER packet to put this into REQUEST.
1480 OptionPtr opt_serverid_offer =
1481 offer_pkt4->getOption(DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER);
1482 if (!opt_serverid_offer) {
1483 isc_throw(BadValue, "there is no SERVER_IDENTIFIER option "
1484 << "in OFFER message");
1485 }
1486 boost::shared_ptr<LocalizedOption>
1487 opt_serverid(new LocalizedOption(Option::V4,
1489 opt_serverid_offer->getData(),
1490 sid_offset));
1491 pkt4->addOption(opt_serverid);
1493 first_packet_serverid_ = opt_serverid_offer->getData();
1494 }
1495 }
1498 asiolink::IOAddress yiaddr = offer_pkt4->getYiaddr();
1499 if (!yiaddr.isV4()) {
1500 isc_throw(BadValue, "the YIADDR returned in OFFER packet is not "
1501 " IPv4 address");
1502 }
1504 // Get the actual offset of requested ip.
1505 size_t rip_offset = getRequestedIpOffset();
1506 // Place requested IP option at specified position (rip_offset).
1507 boost::shared_ptr<LocalizedOption>
1508 opt_requested_ip(new LocalizedOption(Option::V4,
1510 OptionBuffer(),
1511 rip_offset));
1512 // The IOAddress is convertible to uint32_t and returns exactly what we need.
1513 opt_requested_ip->setUint32(yiaddr.toUint32());
1514 pkt4->addOption(opt_requested_ip);
1516 setDefaults4(boost::static_pointer_cast<Pkt4>(pkt4));
1518 // Add any extra options that user may have specified.
1519 addExtraOpts(pkt4);
1521 // Prepare on-wire data.
1522 pkt4->rawPack();
1523 socket_.send(boost::static_pointer_cast<Pkt4>(pkt4));
1524 // Update packet stats.
1526 boost::static_pointer_cast<Pkt4>(pkt4));
1527 saveFirstPacket(pkt4);
1531TestControl::sendRequest6(const Pkt6Ptr& advertise_pkt6) {
1532 const uint32_t transid = generateTransid();
1533 Pkt6Ptr pkt6(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_REQUEST, transid));
1534 // Set elapsed time.
1535 OptionPtr opt_elapsed_time =
1537 pkt6->addOption(opt_elapsed_time);
1538 // Set client id.
1539 OptionPtr opt_clientid = advertise_pkt6->getOption(D6O_CLIENTID);
1540 if (!opt_clientid) {
1541 isc_throw(Unexpected, "client id not found in received packet");
1542 }
1543 pkt6->addOption(opt_clientid);
1545 // Use first flags indicates that we want to use the server
1546 // id captured in first packet.
1547 if (options_.isUseFirst() &&
1548 (first_packet_serverid_.size() > 0)) {
1549 pkt6->addOption(Option::factory(Option::V6, D6O_SERVERID,
1551 } else {
1552 OptionPtr opt_serverid = advertise_pkt6->getOption(D6O_SERVERID);
1553 if (!opt_serverid) {
1554 isc_throw(Unexpected, "server id not found in received packet");
1555 }
1557 first_packet_serverid_ = opt_serverid->getData();
1558 }
1559 pkt6->addOption(opt_serverid);
1560 }
1562 // Copy IA_NA or IA_PD option from the Advertise message to the Request
1563 // message being sent to the server. This will throw exception if the
1564 // option to be copied is not found. Note that this function will copy
1565 // one of IA_NA or IA_PD options, depending on the lease-type value
1566 // specified in the command line.
1567 copyIaOptions(advertise_pkt6, pkt6);
1569 // Set default packet data.
1570 setDefaults6(pkt6);
1572 // Add any extra options that user may have specified.
1573 addExtraOpts(pkt6);
1575 // Prepare on-wire data.
1576 pkt6->pack();
1577 socket_.send(pkt6);
1579 saveFirstPacket(pkt6);
1583TestControl::sendRequest6(const std::vector<uint8_t>& template_buf,
1584 const Pkt6Ptr& advertise_pkt6) {
1585 // Get the second argument if multiple the same arguments specified
1586 // in the command line. Second one refers to REQUEST packets.
1587 const uint8_t arg_idx = 1;
1588 // Generate transaction id.
1589 const uint32_t transid = generateTransid();
1590 // Get transaction id offset.
1591 size_t transid_offset = getTransactionIdOffset(arg_idx);
1592 PerfPkt6Ptr pkt6(new PerfPkt6(&template_buf[0], template_buf.size(),
1593 transid_offset, transid));
1594 // Set elapsed time.
1595 size_t elp_offset = getElapsedTimeOffset();
1596 boost::shared_ptr<LocalizedOption>
1597 opt_elapsed_time(new LocalizedOption(Option::V6, D6O_ELAPSED_TIME,
1598 OptionBuffer(), elp_offset));
1599 pkt6->addOption(opt_elapsed_time);
1601 // Get the actual server id offset.
1602 size_t sid_offset = getServerIdOffset();
1603 // Use first flags indicates that we want to use the server
1604 // id captured in first packet.
1605 if (options_.isUseFirst() &&
1606 (first_packet_serverid_.size() > 0)) {
1607 boost::shared_ptr<LocalizedOption>
1608 opt_serverid(new LocalizedOption(Option::V6,
1611 sid_offset));
1612 pkt6->addOption(opt_serverid);
1614 } else {
1615 // Copy the contents of server identifier received in
1616 // ADVERTISE packet to put this into REQUEST.
1617 OptionPtr opt_serverid_advertise =
1618 advertise_pkt6->getOption(D6O_SERVERID);
1619 if (!opt_serverid_advertise) {
1620 isc_throw(BadValue, "there is no SERVERID option "
1621 << "in ADVERTISE message");
1622 }
1623 boost::shared_ptr<LocalizedOption>
1624 opt_serverid(new LocalizedOption(Option::V6,
1626 opt_serverid_advertise->getData(),
1627 sid_offset));
1628 pkt6->addOption(opt_serverid);
1630 first_packet_serverid_ = opt_serverid_advertise->getData();
1631 }
1632 }
1633 // Set IA_NA
1634 OptionPtr opt_ia_na_advertise = advertise_pkt6->getOption(D6O_IA_NA);
1635 if (!opt_ia_na_advertise) {
1636 isc_throw(Unexpected, "DHCPv6 IA_NA option not found in received "
1637 "packet");
1638 }
1639 size_t addr_offset = getRequestedIpOffset();
1640 boost::shared_ptr<LocalizedOption>
1641 opt_ia_na(new LocalizedOption(Option::V6, D6O_IA_NA, opt_ia_na_advertise->getData(), addr_offset));
1642 if (!opt_ia_na->valid()) {
1643 isc_throw(BadValue, "Option IA_NA in advertise packet is invalid");
1644 }
1645 pkt6->addOption(opt_ia_na);
1646 // Set server id.
1647 OptionPtr opt_serverid_advertise = advertise_pkt6->getOption(D6O_SERVERID);
1648 if (!opt_serverid_advertise) {
1649 isc_throw(Unexpected, "DHCPV6 SERVERID option not found in received "
1650 "packet");
1651 }
1652 size_t srvid_offset = getServerIdOffset();
1653 boost::shared_ptr<LocalizedOption>
1654 opt_serverid(new LocalizedOption(Option::V6, D6O_SERVERID,
1655 opt_serverid_advertise->getData(),
1656 srvid_offset));
1657 pkt6->addOption(opt_serverid);
1658 // Get randomization offset.
1659 size_t rand_offset = getRandomOffset(arg_idx);
1660 OptionPtr opt_clientid_advertise = advertise_pkt6->getOption(D6O_CLIENTID);
1661 if (!opt_clientid_advertise) {
1662 isc_throw(Unexpected, "DHCPV6 CLIENTID option not found in received packet");
1663 }
1664 rand_offset -= (opt_clientid_advertise->len() - 1);
1665 // Set client id.
1666 boost::shared_ptr<LocalizedOption>
1667 opt_clientid(new LocalizedOption(Option::V6, D6O_CLIENTID,
1668 opt_clientid_advertise->getData(),
1669 rand_offset));
1670 pkt6->addOption(opt_clientid);
1671 // Set default packet data.
1672 setDefaults6(pkt6);
1674 // Add any extra options that user may have specified.
1675 addExtraOpts(pkt6);
1677 // Prepare on wire data.
1678 pkt6->rawPack();
1679 // Send packet.
1680 socket_.send(pkt6);
1681 // Update packet stats.
1684 // When 'T' diagnostics flag is specified it means that user requested
1685 // printing packet contents. It will be just one (first) packet which
1686 // contents will be printed. Here we check if this packet has been already
1687 // collected. If it hasn't we save this packet so as we can print its
1688 // contents when test is finished.
1689 if (options_.testDiags('T') &&
1692 }
1696TestControl::sendSolicit6(const bool preload /*= false*/) {
1697 // Generate DUID to be passed to the packet
1698 uint8_t randomized = 0;
1699 std::vector<uint8_t> duid = generateDuid(randomized);
1700 // Generate transaction id to be set for the new exchange.
1701 const uint32_t transid = generateTransid();
1702 Pkt6Ptr pkt6(new Pkt6(DHCPV6_SOLICIT, transid));
1703 if (!pkt6) {
1704 isc_throw(Unexpected, "failed to create SOLICIT packet");
1705 }
1707 // Check if we need to simulate HA failures by pretending no responses were received.
1708 // The DHCPv6 protocol signals that by increasing the elapsed option field. Note it is in 1/100 of a second.
1710 stats_mgr_.getTestPeriod().length().total_seconds() >= options_.getWaitForElapsedTime() &&
1711 stats_mgr_.getTestPeriod().length().total_seconds() < options_.getWaitForElapsedTime() +
1715 // Keep increasing elapsed time. The value should start increasing steadily.
1716 uint32_t val = (stats_mgr_.getTestPeriod().length().total_seconds() - options_.getWaitForElapsedTime() + 1)*100;
1717 if (val > 65535) {
1718 val = 65535;
1719 }
1721 pkt6->addOption(elapsed);
1722 } else {
1723 pkt6->addOption(Option::factory(Option::V6, D6O_ELAPSED_TIME));
1724 }
1726 if (options_.isRapidCommit()) {
1727 pkt6->addOption(Option::factory(Option::V6, D6O_RAPID_COMMIT));
1728 }
1729 pkt6->addOption(Option::factory(Option::V6, D6O_CLIENTID, duid));
1730 pkt6->addOption(Option::factory(Option::V6, D6O_ORO));
1733 // Depending on the lease-type option specified, we should request
1734 // IPv6 address (with IA_NA) or IPv6 prefix (IA_PD) or both.
1736 // IA_NA
1738 pkt6->addOption(Option::factory(Option::V6, D6O_IA_NA));
1739 }
1740 // IA_PD
1742 pkt6->addOption(Option::factory(Option::V6, D6O_IA_PD));
1743 }
1745 setDefaults6(pkt6);
1747 // Add any extra options that user may have specified.
1748 addExtraOpts(pkt6);
1750 pkt6->pack();
1751 socket_.send(pkt6);
1752 if (!preload) {
1754 }
1756 saveFirstPacket(pkt6);
1760TestControl::sendSolicit6(const std::vector<uint8_t>& template_buf,
1761 const bool preload /*= false*/) {
1762 const int arg_idx = 0;
1763 // Get transaction id offset.
1764 size_t transid_offset = getTransactionIdOffset(arg_idx);
1765 // Generate transaction id to be set for the new exchange.
1766 const uint32_t transid = generateTransid();
1767 // Create packet.
1768 PerfPkt6Ptr pkt6(new PerfPkt6(&template_buf[0], template_buf.size(),
1769 transid_offset, transid));
1770 if (!pkt6) {
1771 isc_throw(Unexpected, "failed to create SOLICIT packet");
1772 }
1773 size_t rand_offset = getRandomOffset(arg_idx);
1774 // randomized will pick number of bytes randomized so we can
1775 // just use part of the generated duid and substitute a few bytes
1777 uint8_t randomized = 0;
1778 std::vector<uint8_t> duid = generateDuid(randomized);
1779 if (rand_offset > template_buf.size()) {
1780 isc_throw(OutOfRange, "randomization offset is out of bounds");
1781 }
1782 // Store random part of the DUID into the packet.
1783 pkt6->writeAt(rand_offset - randomized + 1,
1784 duid.end() - randomized, duid.end());
1786 // Prepare on-wire data.
1787 pkt6->rawPack();
1788 setDefaults6(pkt6);
1790 // Add any extra options that user may have specified.
1791 addExtraOpts(pkt6);
1793 // Send solicit packet.
1794 socket_.send(pkt6);
1795 if (!preload) {
1796 // Update packet stats.
1798 }
1799 saveFirstPacket(pkt6);
1805 // Interface name.
1806 IfacePtr iface = socket_.getIface();
1807 if (iface == NULL) {
1808 isc_throw(BadValue, "unable to find interface with given index");
1809 }
1810 pkt->setIface(iface->getName());
1811 // Interface index.
1812 pkt->setIndex(socket_.ifindex_);
1813 // Local client's port (68)
1814 pkt->setLocalPort(DHCP4_CLIENT_PORT);
1815 // Server's port (67)
1816 if (options_.getRemotePort()) {
1817 pkt->setRemotePort(options_.getRemotePort());
1818 } else {
1819 pkt->setRemotePort(DHCP4_SERVER_PORT);
1820 }
1821 // The remote server's name or IP.
1822 pkt->setRemoteAddr(IOAddress(options_.getServerName()));
1823 // Set local address.
1824 pkt->setLocalAddr(IOAddress(socket_.addr_));
1825 // Set relay (GIADDR) address to local address if multiple
1826 // subnet mode is not enabled
1827 if (!options_.checkMultiSubnet()) {
1828 pkt->setGiaddr(IOAddress(socket_.addr_));
1829 } else {
1830 pkt->setGiaddr(IOAddress(options_.getRandRelayAddr()));
1831 }
1832 // Pretend that we have one relay (which is us).
1833 pkt->setHops(1);
1838 // Interface name.
1839 IfacePtr iface = socket_.getIface();
1840 if (iface == NULL) {
1841 isc_throw(BadValue, "unable to find interface with given index");
1842 }
1843 pkt->setIface(iface->getName());
1844 // Interface index.
1845 pkt->setIndex(socket_.ifindex_);
1846 // Local client's port (547)
1847 pkt->setLocalPort(DHCP6_CLIENT_PORT);
1848 // Server's port (548)
1849 if (options_.getRemotePort()) {
1850 pkt->setRemotePort(options_.getRemotePort());
1851 } else {
1852 pkt->setRemotePort(DHCP6_SERVER_PORT);
1853 }
1854 // Set local address.
1855 pkt->setLocalAddr(socket_.addr_);
1856 // The remote server's name or IP.
1857 pkt->setRemoteAddr(IOAddress(options_.getServerName()));
1859 // only act as a relay agent when told so.
1862 if (options_.isUseRelayedV6()) {
1863 Pkt6::RelayInfo relay_info;
1864 relay_info.msg_type_ = DHCPV6_RELAY_FORW;
1865 relay_info.hop_count_ = 0;
1866 if (options_.checkMultiSubnet()) {
1868 } else {
1869 relay_info.linkaddr_ = IOAddress(socket_.addr_);
1870 }
1871 relay_info.peeraddr_ = IOAddress(socket_.addr_);
1872 relay_info.options_.insert(options_.getRelayOpts().begin(), options_.getRelayOpts().end());
1873 pkt->addRelayInfo(relay_info);
1874 }
1877namespace {
1879static OptionBuffer const concatenateBuffers(OptionBuffer const& a,
1880 OptionBuffer const& b) {
1881 OptionBuffer result;
1882 result.insert(result.end(), a.begin(), a.end());
1883 result.insert(result.end(), b.begin(), b.end());
1884 return (result);
1887static void mergeOptionIntoPacket(Pkt4Ptr const& packet,
1888 OptionPtr const& extra_option) {
1889 uint16_t const code(extra_option->getType());
1890 // If option already exists...
1891 OptionPtr const& option(packet->getOption(code));
1892 if (option) {
1893 switch (code) {
1894 // List here all the options for which we want to concatenate buffers.
1896 packet->delOption(code);
1897 packet->addOption(boost::make_shared<Option>(
1898 Option::V4, code,
1899 concatenateBuffers(option->getData(),
1900 extra_option->getData())));
1901 return;
1902 default:
1903 // For all others, add option as usual, it will result in "Option
1904 // already present in this message" error.
1905 break;
1906 }
1907 }
1908 packet->addOption(extra_option);
1911} // namespace
1915 // Add all extra options that the user may have specified.
1916 const dhcp::OptionCollection& extra_opts = options_.getExtraOpts();
1917 for (auto const& entry : extra_opts) {
1918 mergeOptionIntoPacket(pkt, entry.second);
1919 }
1924 // Add all extra options that the user may have specified.
1925 const dhcp::OptionCollection& extra_opts = options_.getExtraOpts();
1926 for (auto const& entry : extra_opts) {
1927 pkt->addOption(entry.second);
1928 }
1931} // namespace perfdhcp
1932} // namespace isc
A generic exception that is thrown if a parameter given to a method is considered invalid in that con...
A generic exception that is thrown if a function is called in a prohibited way.
A generic exception that is thrown when an object can not be found.
A generic exception that is thrown if a parameter given to a method would refer to or modify out-of-r...
A generic exception that is thrown when an unexpected error condition occurs.
static IfaceMgr & instance()
IfaceMgr is a singleton class.
bool configureDHCPPacketQueue(const uint16_t family, data::ConstElementPtr queue_control)
Configures DHCP packet queue.
static void OptionFactoryRegister(Option::Universe u, uint16_t type, Option::Factory *factory)
Registers factory method that produces options of specific option types.
isc::asiolink::IOAddress getAddress() const
Returns address contained within this option.
Class that represents IAPREFIX option in DHCPv6.
Forward declaration to OptionInt.
Definition: option_int.h:49
static OptionPtr factory(Option::Universe u, uint16_t type, const OptionBuffer &buf)
Factory function to create instance of option.
defines option universe DHCPv4 or DHCPv6
Definition: option.h:83
Represents DHCPv4 packet.
Definition: pkt4.h:37
Represents a DHCPv6 packet.
Definition: pkt6.h:44
Socket wrapper structure.
Definition: perf_socket.h:26
virtual dhcp::IfacePtr getIface()=0
See description of this method in PerfSocket class below.
unsigned int ifindex_
Interface index.
Definition: perf_socket.h:29
virtual bool send(const dhcp::Pkt4Ptr &pkt)=0
See description of this method in PerfSocket class below.
bool includes(const Type lease_type) const
Checks if lease type implies request for the address, prefix (or both) as specified by the function a...
bool testDiags(const char diag)
Find if diagnostic flag has been set.
std::string getRandRelayAddr()
Returns random relay address.
int getIncreaseElapsedTime() const
Returns increased elapsed time.
int getServerIdOffset() const
Returns template offset for server-ID.
std::string getWrapped() const
Returns wrapped command.
int getRenewRate() const
Returns a rate at which DHCPv6 Renew messages are sent.
uint8_t getIpVersion() const
Returns IP version.
std::vector< uint8_t > getDuidTemplate() const
Returns DUID template.
bool getAddrUnique() const
Returns address uniqueness value.
int getRate() const
Returns exchange rate.
std::string getCleanReportSeparator() const
Returns clean report separator.
bool isRapidCommit() const
Check if rapid commit option used.
bool checkMultiSubnet()
Check if multi subnet mode is enabled.
const isc::dhcp::OptionCollection & getExtraOpts() const
Returns extra options to be inserted.
bool isUseFirst() const
Check if server-ID to be taken from first package.
int getReportDelay() const
Returns delay between two performance reports.
std::vector< int > getRandomOffset() const
Returns template offsets for rnd.
int getRemotePort() const
Returns remote port number.
int getWaitForElapsedTime() const
Returns time to wait for elapsed time increase.
2-way (cmd line param -i) or 4-way exchanges
const MacAddrsVector & getMacsFromFile() const
Returns reference to a vector of MAC addresses read from a file.
std::vector< std::string > getTemplateFiles() const
Returns template file names.
std::vector< int > getTransactionIdOffset() const
brief Returns template offsets for xid.
std::vector< std::vector< uint8_t > > MacAddrsVector
A vector holding MAC addresses.
int getElapsedTimeOffset() const
Returns template offset for elapsed time.
std::string getServerName() const
Returns server name.
const isc::dhcp::OptionCollection & getRelayOpts(uint8_t encapsulation_level=1) const
Returns relay options to be inserted at given level of encapsulation.
std::vector< int > getNumRequests() const
Returns maximum number of exchanges.
LeaseType getLeaseType() const
\ brief Returns the type of lease being requested.
bool isUseRelayedV6() const
Check if generated DHCPv6 messages should appear as relayed.
int getExitWaitTime() const
Returns the time in microseconds to delay the program by.
uint32_t getClientsNum() const
Returns number of simulated clients.
bool isSeeded() const
Checks if seed provided.
uint32_t getSeed() const
Returns random seed.
ExchangeMode getExchangeMode() const
Returns packet exchange mode.
void printCommandLine() const
Print command line arguments.
int getCleanReport() const
Returns clean report mode.
std::vector< uint8_t > getMacTemplate() const
Returns MAC address template.
int getRequestedIpOffset() const
Returns template offset for requested IP.
DHCP option at specific offset.
PerfPkt4 (DHCPv4 packet)
Definition: perf_pkt4.h:42
PerfPkt6 (DHCPv6 packet)
Definition: perf_pkt6.h:41
dhcp::PktPtr getPkt()
Get DHCP packet.
void updateRejLeases(const ExchangeType xchg_type)
Increase total number of rejected leases.
void printStats() const
Print statistics counters for all exchange types.
void printCustomCounters() const
Print names and values of custom counters.
void updateNonUniqueAddrNum(const ExchangeType xchg_type)
Increase total number of non unique addresses.
uint64_t getRcvdPacketsNum(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const
Return total number of received packets.
bool hasExchangeStats(const ExchangeType xchg_type) const
Check if the exchange type has been specified.
void printIntermediateStats(bool clean_report, std::string clean_sep) const
Print intermediate statistics.
boost::posix_time::time_period getTestPeriod() const
Get time period since the start of test.
void passSentPacket(const ExchangeType xchg_type, const dhcp::PktPtr &packet)
Adds new packet to the sent packets list.
dhcp::PktPtr passRcvdPacket(const ExchangeType xchg_type, const dhcp::PktPtr &packet)
Add new received packet and match with sent packet.
Random numbers generator class.
Definition: test_control.h:187
Sequential numbers generator class.
Definition: test_control.h:157
void saveFirstPacket(const dhcp::Pkt4Ptr &pkt)
Save the first DHCPv4 sent packet of the specified type.
void address6Uniqueness(const dhcp::Pkt6Ptr &pkt6, ExchangeType xchg_type)
Process received v6 addresses uniqueness.
static const uint8_t HW_ETHER_LEN
Length of the Ethernet HW address (MAC) in bytes.
Definition: test_control.h:222
bool waitToExit()
Delay the exit by a fixed given time to catch up to all exchanges that were already started.
std::map< uint8_t, dhcp::Pkt4Ptr > template_packets_v4_
First packets send.
bool sendMessageFromReply(const uint16_t msg_type)
Send DHCPv6 Renew or Release message.
void addExtraOpts(const dhcp::Pkt4Ptr &pkt4)
Inserts extra options specified by user.
void printDiagnostics() const
Print main diagnostics data.
static void handleChild(int sig)
Handle child signal.
void registerOptionFactories4() const
Register option factory functions for DHCPv4.
NumberGeneratorPtr transid_gen_
Transaction id generator.
NumberGeneratorPtr macaddr_gen_
Numbers generator for MAC address.
int getRequestedIpOffset() const
Return requested ip offset in a packet.
NumberGeneratorPtr random_generator_
Generate uniformly distributed integers in range of [min, max].
boost::shared_ptr< NumberGenerator > NumberGeneratorPtr
The default generator pointer.
Definition: test_control.h:154
uint64_t sendMultipleMessages4(const uint32_t msg_type, const uint64_t msg_num)
Send number of DHCPREQUEST (renew) messages to a server.
bool validateIA(const dhcp::Pkt6Ptr &pkt6)
Process IA in received DHCPv6 packet.
dhcp::Pkt4Ptr createMessageFromAck(const uint16_t msg_type, const dhcp::Pkt4Ptr &ack)
Creates DHCPREQUEST from a DHCPACK message.
static bool interrupted_
Program interrupted flag.
void readPacketTemplate(const std::string &file_name)
Read DHCP message template from file.
TemplateBuffer getTemplateBuffer(const size_t idx) const
Return template buffer.
std::vector< uint8_t > generateMacAddress(uint8_t &randomized)
Generate MAC address.
void setDefaults4(const dhcp::Pkt4Ptr &pkt)
Set default DHCPv4 packet parameters.
boost::posix_time::ptime exit_time_
Initialized at first exit condition with the time perfdhcp should exit.
Definition: test_control.h:375
CommandOptions & options_
Command options.
Receiver receiver_
Receiver used to receive DHCP traffic.
static std::string vector2Hex(const std::vector< uint8_t > &vec, const std::string &separator="")
Convert vector in hexadecimal string.
uint64_t sendMultipleMessages6(const uint32_t msg_type, const uint64_t msg_num)
Send number of DHCPv6 Renew or Release messages to the server.
void setMacAddrGenerator(const NumberGeneratorPtr &generator)
Set new MAC address generator.
Definition: test_control.h:238
void setDefaults6(const dhcp::Pkt6Ptr &pkt)
Set default DHCPv6 packet parameters.
boost::posix_time::ptime last_report_
Last intermediate report time.
bool haveAllPacketsBeenReceived() const
Checks if all expected packets were already received.
void cleanCachedPackets()
Removes cached DHCPv6 Reply packets every second.
void processReceivedPacket4(const dhcp::Pkt4Ptr &pkt4)
Process received DHCPv4 packet.
void sendRequest6(const dhcp::Pkt6Ptr &advertise_pkt6)
Send DHCPv6 REQUEST message.
TestControl(CommandOptions &options, BasePerfSocket &socket)
Default constructor.
static dhcp::OptionPtr factoryOptionRequestOption6(dhcp::Option::Universe u, uint16_t type, const dhcp::OptionBuffer &buf)
Factory function to create DHCPv6 ORO option.
void sendSolicit6(const bool preload=false)
Send DHCPv6 SOLICIT message.
static dhcp::OptionPtr factoryIapd6(dhcp::Option::Universe u, uint16_t type, const dhcp::OptionBuffer &buf)
Factory function to create IA_PD option.
std::map< uint8_t, dhcp::Pkt6Ptr > template_packets_v6_
Template for v6.
static dhcp::OptionPtr factoryRapidCommit6(dhcp::Option::Universe u, uint16_t type, const dhcp::OptionBuffer &buf)
Factory function to create DHCPv6 RAPID_COMMIT option instance.
PacketStorage< dhcp::Pkt6 > reply_storage_
Storage for reply messages.
void registerOptionFactories6() const
Register option factory functions for DHCPv6.
void sendPackets(const uint64_t packets_num, const bool preload=false)
Send number of packets to initiate new exchanges.
void registerOptionFactories() const
Register option factory functions for DHCPv4 or DHCPv6.
std::vector< uint8_t > TemplateBuffer
Packet template buffer.
Definition: test_control.h:123
bool sendMessageFromAck(const uint16_t msg_type)
Send DHCPv4 renew (DHCPREQUEST).
void runWrapped(bool do_stop=false) const
Run wrapped command.
void processReceivedPacket6(const dhcp::Pkt6Ptr &pkt6)
Process received DHCPv6 packet.
uint32_t getElapsedTime(const T &pkt1, const T &pkt2)
Calculate elapsed time between two packets.
BasePerfSocket & socket_
Socket used for DHCP traffic.
void reset()
Resets internal state of the object.
void addUniqeAddr(const std::set< std::string > &current, ExchangeType xchg_type)
add unique address to already assigned list.
Definition: test_control.h:644
void address4Uniqueness(const dhcp::Pkt4Ptr &pkt4, ExchangeType xchg_type)
Process received v4 addresses uniqueness.
int getRandomOffset(const int arg_idx) const
Return randomization offset in a packet.
dhcp::Pkt6Ptr createMessageFromReply(const uint16_t msg_type, const dhcp::Pkt6Ptr &reply)
Creates DHCPv6 message from the Reply packet.
int getElapsedTimeOffset() const
Return elapsed time offset in a packet.
static std::string byte2Hex(const uint8_t b)
Convert binary value to hex string.
void printTemplates() const
Print templates information.
void sendRequest4(const dhcp::Pkt4Ptr &discover_pkt4, const dhcp::Pkt4Ptr &offer_pkt4)
Send DHCPv4 REQUEST message.
unsigned int consumeReceivedPackets()
Pull packets from receiver and process them.
TemplateBufferCollection template_buffers_
Packet template buffers.
StatsMgr stats_mgr_
Statistics Manager.
void printStats() const
Print performance statistics.
PacketStorage< dhcp::Pkt4 > ack_storage_
Storage for DHCPACK messages.
void copyIaOptions(const dhcp::Pkt6Ptr &pkt_from, dhcp::Pkt6Ptr &pkt_to)
Copies IA_NA or IA_PD option from one packet to another.
void setTransidGenerator(const NumberGeneratorPtr &generator)
Set new transaction id generator.
Definition: test_control.h:227
static dhcp::OptionPtr factoryGeneric(dhcp::Option::Universe u, uint16_t type, const dhcp::OptionBuffer &buf)
Factory function to create generic option.
static dhcp::OptionPtr factoryRequestList4(dhcp::Option::Universe u, uint16_t type, const dhcp::OptionBuffer &buf)
Factory function to create DHCPv4 Request List option.
static dhcp::OptionPtr factoryElapsedTime6(dhcp::Option::Universe u, uint16_t type, const dhcp::OptionBuffer &buf)
Factory function to create DHCPv6 ELAPSED_TIME option.
static void handleInterrupt(int sig)
Handle interrupt signal.
int getTransactionIdOffset(const int arg_idx) const
Return transaction id offset in a packet.
void initPacketTemplates()
Reads packet templates from files.
void printRate() const
Print rate statistics.
void printIntermediateStats()
Print intermediate statistics.
void printTemplate(const uint8_t packet_type) const
Print template information.
int getServerIdOffset() const
Return server id offset in a packet.
std::vector< uint8_t > generateDuid(uint8_t &randomized)
Generate DUID.
void sendDiscover4(const bool preload=false)
Send DHCPv4 DISCOVER message.
dhcp::OptionPtr generateClientId(const dhcp::HWAddrPtr &hwaddr) const
Generate DHCPv4 client identifier from HW address.
dhcp::OptionBuffer first_packet_serverid_
Buffer holding server id received in first packet.
uint32_t generateTransid()
generate transaction id.
Definition: test_control.h:567
static dhcp::OptionPtr factoryIana6(dhcp::Option::Universe u, uint16_t type, const dhcp::OptionBuffer &buf)
Factory function to create IA_NA option.
Definition: dhcp6.h:22
Definition: dhcp6.h:21
Definition: dhcp6.h:43
Definition: dhcp6.h:34
Definition: dhcp6.h:23
Definition: dhcp6.h:26
Definition: dhcp6.h:45
Definition: dhcp6.h:44
Definition: dhcp6.h:25
Definition: dhcp6.h:28
Definition: dhcp6.h:46
Definition: dhcp6.h:199
Definition: dhcp6.h:200
Definition: dhcp6.h:202
Definition: dhcp6.h:204
Definition: dhcp6.h:198
Definition: dhcp6.h:205
Definition: dhcp6.h:209
#define isc_throw(type, stream)
A shortcut macro to insert known values into exception arguments.
boost::shared_ptr< Element > ElementPtr
Definition: data.h:28
boost::shared_ptr< isc::dhcp::Pkt > PktPtr
A pointer to either Pkt4 or Pkt6 packet.
Definition: pkt.h:982
Definition: dhcp4.h:70
Definition: dhcp4.h:72
Definition: dhcp4.h:84
Definition: dhcp4.h:75
Definition: dhcp4.h:122
Definition: dhcp4.h:123
Definition: dhcp4.h:81
Definition: dhcp4.h:130
Definition: dhcp4.h:119
Definition: dhcp4.h:71
Definition: dhcp4.h:124
Definition: dhcp4.h:97
boost::shared_ptr< Pkt4 > Pkt4Ptr
A pointer to Pkt4 object.
Definition: pkt4.h:555
boost::shared_ptr< Iface > IfacePtr
Type definition for the pointer to an Iface object.
Definition: iface_mgr.h:487
std::multimap< unsigned int, OptionPtr > OptionCollection
A collection of DHCP (v4 or v6) options.
Definition: option.h:40
boost::shared_ptr< Option6IAPrefix > Option6IAPrefixPtr
Pointer to the Option6IAPrefix object.
boost::shared_ptr< HWAddr > HWAddrPtr
Shared pointer to a hardware address structure.
Definition: hwaddr.h:154
boost::shared_ptr< Option6IAAddr > Option6IAAddrPtr
A pointer to the isc::dhcp::Option6IAAddr object.
Definition: dhcp4.h:238
Definition: dhcp4.h:237
Definition: dhcp4.h:242
Definition: dhcp4.h:236
Definition: dhcp4.h:240
boost::shared_ptr< Pkt6 > Pkt6Ptr
A pointer to Pkt6 packet.
Definition: pkt6.h:31
std::vector< uint8_t > OptionBuffer
buffer types used in DHCP code.
Definition: option.h:24
Ethernet 10Mbps.
Definition: dhcp4.h:56
boost::shared_ptr< Option > OptionPtr
Definition: option.h:37
boost::shared_ptr< PerfPkt4 > PerfPkt4Ptr
Definition: perf_pkt4.h:128
DHCP packet exchange types.
@ RA
@ SA
DHCPv4 REQUEST-ACK (renewal)
@ RL
@ RN
@ DO
@ RR
boost::shared_ptr< PerfPkt6 > PerfPkt6Ptr
Definition: perf_pkt6.h:127
Defines the logger used by the top-level component of kea-lfc.
structure that describes a single relay information
Definition: pkt6.h:85
isc::dhcp::OptionCollection options_
options received from a specified relay, except relay-msg option
Definition: pkt6.h:104
uint8_t msg_type_
message type (RELAY-FORW oro RELAY-REPL)
Definition: pkt6.h:94
isc::asiolink::IOAddress linkaddr_
fixed field in relay-forw/relay-reply
Definition: pkt6.h:96
uint8_t hop_count_
number of traversed relays (up to 32)
Definition: pkt6.h:95
isc::asiolink::IOAddress peeraddr_
fixed field in relay-forw/relay-reply
Definition: pkt6.h:97
isc::asiolink::IOAddress addr_
Definition: socket_info.h:21